Episode 97

July 26, 2024


Episode 97 - Spawn 24 and Spawn 353

Episode 97 - Spawn 24 and Spawn 353
Episode 97 - Spawn 24 and Spawn 353

Jul 26 2024 | 01:32:55


Show Notes

It's time to once again crawl into the Malebolge and read some SPAWN!

This week, it's a double Main Title extavaganza! First up is Spawn 24, from the Toddfather (with help from Greg Capullo)! Then, it's Spawn 353, from Rory McConville and Brett Booth! It's a great mix of old and new comics!

You wanna see some Spawn toys? Well, we have a buddy who'll get you your fix! (https://www.instagram.com/spawntoyvault/)

Lonny Bones does our music! (https://music.apple.com/us/artist/lonny-bones/1754768446)

We're posting stuff on Insta, too! (https://www.instagram.com/regardingspawnpod/)

Send missives to [email protected]

May the Scorched be with you!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Fear. It can be brought on in many ways. Irrational thought, paranoia, superstition. It can also be instituted by example. He's been given a name by the violator. It's time they learned it. Good evening and welcome to the malwolves. This is regarding Spawn, the world's best spawn podcast. I am your co host, John Fisher. [00:01:00] Speaker B: And I am your co host, David Williams. And Johnny, it's a good time for some spawn. Not gonna lie. [00:01:08] Speaker A: You'd think that it's Spawn 30, baby. [00:01:11] Speaker B: Spawn 30, spawn 30. It's two minutes to spawn night. On the spawn day clock. Too many spawns in that metal. [00:01:21] Speaker A: Two minutes to spawn night. [00:01:23] Speaker B: Two minutes to spawn night. So I personally find myself adapting what I listen to to the weather. I'm sure that's not just something I do, but it seems, you know, because, like, when it's hot outside, you don't want to listen to something oppressive. When it's cold outside, you want to listen to something that feels like it's got a lot of energy. So that we feel like you're warming up a little bit. Uh huh. You would think that reading something about the fires of hell is not something you'd want to do on fucking high hot ass summer day with swampy ass humidity. But, man, it's great to just curl up in an over air conditioned house and be like, oh, a spa. Oh, elsu. [00:02:04] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, I did that. [00:02:06] Speaker B: Not looking forward to this week. Just glad I don't live with my uncle in Las Vegas. [00:02:11] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [00:02:12] Speaker B: Oops. [00:02:13] Speaker A: I'm glad I don't live with my brother in Houston. [00:02:15] Speaker B: Oh, man. Extra whoops. I saw some videos of some overpasses in downtown Houston that were just, like, chock full to the brim of water. And it's like, oh, shit, that's a lot of water. [00:02:28] Speaker A: That's a lot of water. He lives outside of Houston. But, yeah, hopefully everyone was. If you're listening, safe with the hurricanes. [00:02:34] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:02:35] Speaker A: And yeah, it's no joke. That Las Vegas heat's no joke. Oh, no, that's Mount Bolger level. [00:02:43] Speaker B: Yeah, it is. Um, you know, what can you. What can you do about it? What can you do about it? I mean, I'm excited to hear about the news from Arizona again this year. Cause last year it was like, it's been ten days when it hasn't gone below 110 degrees overnight. Oh, boy, I'm excited to hear about that again. [00:03:02] Speaker A: Oh, man, that's rough, man. [00:03:05] Speaker B: It's also gotta be rough on the Todd father's Arizona Diamondbacks could you imagine playing baseball in that kind of weather? [00:03:12] Speaker A: Yeah, those uniforms. [00:03:13] Speaker B: No, I mean, they do have. They do have a fully enclosed field, but still. I bet it's still hot as balls in that enclosed field. [00:03:23] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Probably hard to air condition that thing. [00:03:28] Speaker B: Yeah, I don't know. I feel like it would be an airplane. Like, kind of like an airplane hangar where, you know, you're at the mercy of the outside weather because you can't really efficiently circulate the air through something that big. But since there's so much shadow and so much space that it kind of works out. I don't, I don't know. I've never been there. I'm not an engineer. That's not my. [00:03:51] Speaker A: We need to go to the Arizona diamondbacks. This is. I guess we have to make a trip to Arizona. [00:03:55] Speaker B: I guess. I guess just. Just to see how the. [00:03:58] Speaker A: Just to see how the air conditioner works. Like, oh, okay. [00:04:00] Speaker B: Just to go. [00:04:01] Speaker A: I've been in a stadium like that. I went to the Dallas Cowboys Stadium for OSU bowl game. [00:04:07] Speaker B: I've only been to the old Cowboys stadium that. That was open, so. [00:04:12] Speaker A: Okay, now I went to the new one. It's like a fucking mall. [00:04:15] Speaker B: Don't they have enough malls in Dallas, man? [00:04:17] Speaker A: No, those, they need one more and then they play football while you shop. [00:04:22] Speaker B: That was always the, that was always the thing. When I went to go visit my family in Dallas, it would be like, let's go to the new mall. And it's like, this mall is bigger than the last mall. The last mall was gigantic. [00:04:31] Speaker A: I never thought there'd be a mall bigger than Woodland Hills mall, man. [00:04:35] Speaker B: In Tulsa, Oklahoma, Woodland Hills was gigantic as a kid. And then you go to the fucking Galleria in Dallas, and then you go up to Minnesota to, oh, man, I've been to the Mall of America, like, four times. And it's so large that I don't remember how it looks because it seems to have been positioned differently each time. I've been insane. That's too much. That's too much. [00:04:57] Speaker A: Johnny, what killed the mall? Online shopping or cell phones? Cause I feel like the mall was the place to go talk to people and get what's going on. [00:05:07] Speaker B: And back in the beeper era, all the ruffians would hang out by the payphones. So that way, if they needed to call somebody, I mean, I think it would be less the cell phone and more the rise of social media, right. Instead of on social media, interact with people IRL. You can just sit in your underwear in a dark basement. And tell people that they're living their lives wrong. [00:05:31] Speaker A: Exactly. And that's what we're doing here. Because I'm in my underwear. [00:05:34] Speaker B: Oh. Oh, man. That's. That's more than I'm wearing. We got a all natural owl recording today. [00:05:41] Speaker A: Yes. It's no video, but we're both basically naked recording. It's so hot. [00:05:46] Speaker B: It's hot. It's hotter than hell, Johnny. [00:05:48] Speaker A: Hotter than hell. But what do we know about hell? We know a lot about hell. We're here to talk about hell. Because we are here on Respawn. And each week we bring you two issues from Spawn's universe. Except when we don't. This week, we are bringing you two from Spawn. Not just spawns, universe, from actual spawn. We've got a classic issue 24. All the way back from the far off land of September 1994. And then we have almost basically 30 years ago. And then we have spawn 353, which is from May 2024. So just a little bit ago. [00:06:24] Speaker B: I wish it were almost 30 days. It's almost 30 days ago. A little bit more than that, but. [00:06:30] Speaker A: Right. It's so funny. Like, reading it back to back is the first one. It's, like, takes, like, 20 to 30 minutes. And the second one takes, like, five. [00:06:39] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. The first one took my entire, like, my train ride into work. And half of my train ride back to work. And then I finished all of 353. And the remaining of my trip back. [00:06:53] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:06:54] Speaker B: So, like, three times as long to read the first one. [00:06:57] Speaker A: Yeah. I wonder why. I wonder who wrote the first one. That might be a little wordy. Hmm. Well, I guess we'll find out. [00:07:03] Speaker B: I also like how the first one is. Literally, it's two years worth of story. That basically equates to man walks down the street. Whereas 353 is, like, so much has happened in the last three months. [00:07:19] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:07:20] Speaker B: It's wild. [00:07:21] Speaker A: It's just funny how the. I don't know. I guess you're setting it up in the earlier issues. There's a lot more, like, plotty verbiage. And now it's just very clean. [00:07:31] Speaker B: Stark differences between the. The storytelling in each of these books, Jonny. [00:07:35] Speaker A: Yes. Not to say one's, you know, better than the other. It's just different. [00:07:40] Speaker B: Just different. Yeah. [00:07:41] Speaker A: But the first issue we have up is 24. [00:07:45] Speaker B: Yes, indeed. [00:07:47] Speaker A: And we always start with the covers. And we've got a lovely. I love the spawn colors in this one. The purple and the orange. [00:07:53] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:07:53] Speaker A: It's like a title treatment. [00:07:56] Speaker B: An hombre. They would call it. [00:07:58] Speaker A: I think it looks like a really delicious sherbet. [00:08:01] Speaker B: It does. It does. This is an amazing cover, Johnny. [00:08:05] Speaker A: No, it's really cool. [00:08:06] Speaker B: Why don't I see this fucking everywhere? It's like that classic. That classic. Just make a circle with everything in it, but it's really got a circle. [00:08:14] Speaker A: Of chains with spawn in the middle. [00:08:17] Speaker B: And he's kind of, like, busting out of the frame. So it's like a family circus where not me jumps out of this. Jumps out of the borders, right. Only it spawned. It's a different kind of ghost. [00:08:31] Speaker A: I don't remember. Not me. I remember the kid with the little line that shows where he went, Jeffrey. Old Jeffrey. [00:08:38] Speaker B: No, not me. Was a little ghost that lived in their house. So that way, when the parents asked, who did this? And everybody goes, not me. It was not me, the ghost. And he was like. [00:08:49] Speaker A: He would pop out of the frame. [00:08:51] Speaker B: Yeah. He would just be hanging out, being like, I did it. [00:08:54] Speaker A: See, that's funny. I don't remember that. And I've read some. I used to read family circus. I mean, not like I didn't have the fucking collections, but, like, I mean, when I was a kid, I read all the comics. [00:09:03] Speaker B: Listeners, Johnny is sitting right in front of his family circus collection. It takes up a whole wall. [00:09:09] Speaker A: I have the family circus funko pops. You don't have our next podcast. [00:09:16] Speaker B: You don't have to exaggerate anything for a family circus funko pops. Cause their heads are already so big. [00:09:21] Speaker A: What if you did a podcast where you covered one instance of family circus per episode, Johnny? [00:09:28] Speaker B: They call that job security. [00:09:31] Speaker A: Yeah, you'd have so many. It's just like an old soap opera. [00:09:35] Speaker B: And then you could actually have concurrently running podcasts where you cover the original by Bill Keene and then the ones where he does it with his son, and then when just his son takes over, and then you could fight within each other. Okay, that's more than we need to know about the family circus, Johnny. Let's start talking. [00:09:53] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't know how we got. That's so funny. I've thought of the family circus fucking years, but, yeah. Great spawn cover by Todd McFarlane and our buddy Steve Olaf. [00:10:03] Speaker B: Yes, indeed. And Spawn's got some. He's, like, standing in front of us like a spotlight. It's got some sparklies. It's. It's accentuating the sparklies coming out of his hands there. [00:10:13] Speaker A: Looks like they're bubbles. He's been blowing bubbles. [00:10:16] Speaker B: Yeah. Hell bubbles. [00:10:18] Speaker A: Hell bubbles. [00:10:19] Speaker B: Blowing bubbles is fun, Jenny. [00:10:21] Speaker A: I haven't blown a bubble in a minute, basically. [00:10:23] Speaker B: And every year for Easter, like, all the way through to when I graduated from college, my mom would buy me a. Just a set of bubbles for Easter. Because I fucking love bubbles. [00:10:37] Speaker A: I mean, they were fun, man. The mall bubbles family circus. It's my childhood all rolled into one spawn. [00:10:44] Speaker B: Spawn. Johnny. Johnny has just reverted to a twelve year old boy, y'all. [00:10:49] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, I already was one. [00:10:52] Speaker B: He still. He still has. He still has all the Star wars ahead of him. [00:10:56] Speaker A: Oh, my God, no. Twelve. Yeah, you're right. I still have all that Star wars ahead of me. I can get all those phantom menace figures and hoard them and sell them for much more money later. [00:11:06] Speaker B: Not you can get that clinker transport Pepsi. [00:11:12] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, the Pepsi aat. I believe so. [00:11:17] Speaker B: This is a good segue, Johnny. If people. So I know there's an argument between whether it's at at or if you. I'm an at at man myself. [00:11:29] Speaker A: Me too. [00:11:30] Speaker B: If you are an person, how do you then pronounce at Stanley? [00:11:35] Speaker A: Exactly. That's the question. It also. It's by. It's like by the kids that grew up in the eighties. I'll call it at. [00:11:45] Speaker B: I think that's because there was a. They said at at in a commercial for a toy once. [00:11:50] Speaker A: They said it. They said it in a nineties commercial, too. They got ad at burned. I. [00:11:55] Speaker B: How did I. How did I miss that? I don't know. I just called it at at whatever. [00:12:00] Speaker A: I mean, it's a fine nickname. You think I'm ATS? I don't care. But I call them at all terrain. Armored transport. [00:12:08] Speaker B: Hell, yeah. [00:12:08] Speaker A: I mean, not all terrain. You can't, like, walk up a fucking mountain. That thing is big. [00:12:12] Speaker B: It definitely did poorly in indoor. [00:12:16] Speaker A: Yeah, that's true. You only see one at. At on Endor. [00:12:19] Speaker B: Yeah, that's what the at sts are better at. But those are also kind of wobbly guys. But, Johnny, we're not talking about Star wars. Oops. Sorry about that. [00:12:25] Speaker A: Never. You're the one that started it. So we crack open spawn 24, and it is the Huntley part four, the. [00:12:32] Speaker B: Hunt for Red Spawntober. [00:12:33] Speaker A: Did you look up this guy? [00:12:35] Speaker B: Yes. Joe Sinat. It's dedicated to Joe Sinat. And he was apparently a, like, an in demand inker, so he, he started doing the inking for Jack Kirby's Fantastic Four. And apparently, at one point at Marvel Comics, all of the pencilers would go to Dan Lee's office and be like, if Joe Sinat's not inking my pages. I'm leaving. So big, big shit. Big shit. He apparently worked on every major title. [00:13:08] Speaker A: Wow. There you go. Dedicated to him. [00:13:10] Speaker B: He lived until 2020 too. 2020 as well. Not 2022. [00:13:16] Speaker A: Hey, he missed a great part of the world. 2020 and beyond has just been peachy. [00:13:22] Speaker B: The best. [00:13:23] Speaker A: Maybe because we don't have Joe Sinat is why the world's gone to shit. [00:13:26] Speaker B: I would assume so. He was one of that bevy of celebrities that died starting in 2016. That has made the world significantly worse. [00:13:36] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:13:37] Speaker B: Do you remember 2016 being like every three days you turn around and some other celebrity has died. Wild. [00:13:43] Speaker A: Yeah, there was a lot. They all knew me, too, was coming, so they were dodging that bulletin. [00:13:50] Speaker B: Oh, unfortunately, that's probably true for a couple of them. [00:13:54] Speaker A: Yeah, it is. [00:13:55] Speaker B: While we're on the topic, I just. [00:13:57] Speaker A: Want to say David Bowie's very lucky he died in January 2016 and not October 2016. [00:14:02] Speaker B: Yeah. Yes. [00:14:06] Speaker A: Just Google David Bowie. [00:14:07] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. [00:14:08] Speaker A: But he's one of the ones that gets away with it. I don't want. [00:14:12] Speaker B: He got away with it somehow. Probably because he didn't adopt her first and then marry a. Oh, yeah. Shots fire. Woody Allen. [00:14:18] Speaker A: Oh, bam bam. Man, fuck Woody Allen. [00:14:24] Speaker B: Yeah. For real. [00:14:25] Speaker A: I never liked his movies anyway. [00:14:27] Speaker B: Yeah, they were all right. They were all right. If you needed to feel a little better about yourself, about how much you worry about things. [00:14:35] Speaker A: Yeah, he worries a lot. [00:14:36] Speaker B: But it's a one. A one trick pony. But anyway. Credits. [00:14:40] Speaker A: Who's not a one trick pony is Todd McFarland, who did the story and art on this issue. [00:14:44] Speaker B: The technical two trick pony. [00:14:46] Speaker A: He's a two trick pony. See, that's why he's not a one trick pony. Special thanks to Greg Capullo, who I'm assuming is helping out on. He was helping out. Just draw it. [00:14:56] Speaker B: Yeah, I think he just. I think he did some pencils. I think he might have done some inking. I think it just. Whatever Todd needed to help him finish by deadline. [00:15:06] Speaker A: Sure. And copy editor and letters, Tom Wozcalski. [00:15:10] Speaker B: Also not a one trip pony. [00:15:12] Speaker A: No. Two tricks and Steve Olaf. Color. He's a many trick pony. Because there's so many colors. [00:15:17] Speaker B: Yeah, there's a lot of colors. He's got a whole rainbow of colors. [00:15:20] Speaker A: Steve Olaf and all the optics did the colors. [00:15:23] Speaker B: Yes, indeed. [00:15:25] Speaker A: That's. They're your main credits. Where we let we start where we left off in the hunt part three. Where we left off last week on the show. Terry is down. Run off to go fight bad rock or some shit. Because twitch shot him in the ear. [00:15:41] Speaker B: I wonder if we should read youngblood number seven, Johnny. [00:15:45] Speaker A: I thought about looking for it, but then I got lazy. [00:15:49] Speaker B: I don't know if I could do it. I think I might be. That might be even worse than the X Men hole that I find myself in from time to time. [00:15:56] Speaker A: Yeah. I don't know. It's just I didn't. I didn't even know where to start looking. I know there's, like, illegal places you can get comics. Not that I would use them. [00:16:03] Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, you could just go to the eBay and type in youngblood number seven and probably pay $20 for it, actually. [00:16:10] Speaker A: Probably like $0.20, right? [00:16:12] Speaker B: You never know. [00:16:13] Speaker A: Depends. They talk about it in the letters of this issue. Yeah, the letters page. Yeah. Talk about prices. [00:16:19] Speaker B: Yeah. But, yeah, we pick up in the alley. [00:16:22] Speaker A: Price guide was a big thing. Price guide was a big thing, I remember. [00:16:26] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:16:27] Speaker A: Cause it was in the back of wizard. They always had the price guide, and they had a price guide at Toy fair, too. [00:16:31] Speaker B: And then there's the overstreet of that is the giant phone book that they publish every year that has the list price, like the going price for every issue of every comic. [00:16:42] Speaker A: They still print that. [00:16:44] Speaker B: I don't think they. I haven't seen it in a while, but, I mean, that used to come out annually, so. [00:16:49] Speaker A: Wow. [00:16:49] Speaker B: I think it might be a digital thing now. [00:16:51] Speaker A: Yeah, that would make sense. But, yeah, that's where we opened Terry's down. Sam and Twitch are there, and as they do in these older issues, they kind of spend a few paragraphs kind of catching you up to where you are. [00:17:02] Speaker B: Yes. [00:17:02] Speaker A: Which is nice. It definitely feels like in the nineties, every issue was like. I guess because it was harder to get them. It was like every issue treated as a first issue, just like a good podcast. [00:17:13] Speaker B: And what's one of those, Johnny? What's a good podcast? But this is also. [00:17:21] Speaker A: Let me know when you find one. [00:17:22] Speaker B: Will do. So we now have the previously ons in the current spawns, but for the longest time, basically, the only comics that had a previously on Little Snippet section were the Marvel comics. And I don't know if that's something that they were litigious about, if somebody tried to get in on that, or if it's just everybody else was like, nah, we don't need that. [00:17:46] Speaker A: But we don't need it. We'll just put it in the text. [00:17:49] Speaker B: This is basically a previous Leon. It's about the right. It's about the right length for a Todd father previously. [00:17:54] Speaker A: Yeah, pretty much. [00:17:56] Speaker B: Or of it, like any of those nineties tv shows that were largely standalone episodes. But if they happen to have a two or three parter, they'd have the little. Previously on at the beginning. Previously on Animaniacs. [00:18:12] Speaker A: Now these are previously on, on everything. [00:18:14] Speaker B: Yeah, now. Because now everything is. Each season is just one long story, so. [00:18:19] Speaker A: Well, also, you, like, you're watching so much tv, you're gonna fucking forget. [00:18:22] Speaker B: Yeah, that's true. Or if you're watching something like the bear, you have an anxiety attack and your brain doesn't absorb what actually happened for a couple episodes. [00:18:32] Speaker A: Oh, wow. [00:18:33] Speaker B: It's such a good show. But Jesus Christ, if you have anxiety. [00:18:37] Speaker A: Trigger warning, I'm not watching that shit. Then yet another reason. [00:18:43] Speaker B: But it's good, though. [00:18:44] Speaker A: I know it's good. I just. David. [00:18:46] Speaker B: Yeah, I know. [00:18:47] Speaker A: I'm really bad at watching tv shows. [00:18:48] Speaker B: I know. I know. If you don't want to get anxious, don't watch it. I'll watch it for you. [00:18:55] Speaker A: I've lived it, David. I don't need to watch it. [00:18:57] Speaker B: There's also an episode that's just about a Christmas dinner that is probably the hardest thing to watch because it's just like, ah, it's a drunk mother making an alcoholic mother. An alcoholic mother making a dinner that goes poorly. [00:19:15] Speaker A: Oh, Boyden. Yeah, well, Sam would probably enjoy that dinner either way. [00:19:19] Speaker B: Sam, he sure would. We'll see what kind of sandwiches he eats later on with this issue. [00:19:24] Speaker A: Yeah, but he just starts off by saying, cripes, the paperwork on this is gonna kill me. [00:19:29] Speaker B: Which says, so it would seem, sir, they're just investigating. [00:19:32] Speaker A: They got Spawn's dead body. He's not dead, but they're both not. Basically, Terry and Spawn are both knocked out. [00:19:38] Speaker B: Technically, Johnny Spawn is dead. [00:19:39] Speaker A: Sure. It is Spawn's dead body. [00:19:42] Speaker B: Yes. And the part of the paragraph of previous Leon we got going on here is that Sam and twitch don't understand the magnitude of what they are currently in the middle of. And then this is the beginning of essentially, through the issue. Like, every couple of pages are like, hey, guess this person is also involved, and this group is also involved. And then these people are all involved. So there's like, 17 groups of people. [00:20:10] Speaker A: Yeah, there's a lot of people involved in this. [00:20:11] Speaker B: All interested in what's going on right now that Sam and Twitch are a little clueless about. [00:20:16] Speaker A: And then they, man, that they pull open Spawn's mask and like, that mouth, I feel like I can smell the breath. [00:20:22] Speaker B: Oh, God. It's terrible. Well. Cause. Cause Twitch is, like. There's no pulse. He's dead. I'm gonna try CPR. And so, Johnny, could you imagine doing rescue breathing on that? [00:20:31] Speaker A: No. Plus, Spawn's breath's probably hot. Cause it's got hellfire. [00:20:37] Speaker B: Got that little sizzle to it. And then. Jesus, just. [00:20:44] Speaker A: Sam. [00:20:45] Speaker B: Sam. Sam's so taken aback, his cigarette falls out of his mouth. [00:20:48] Speaker A: That's so funny. He's just like, a copy. Can you imagine? [00:20:51] Speaker B: Jesus. It's got to be some terrible shit. This is a. This is a crazy angle on Twitch's face, but it's great. [00:20:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:21:00] Speaker B: I have a feeling that that's largely Greg capullo work right there. [00:21:03] Speaker A: Yeah. Just like, it's a good, like, shot of, like, their horror in seeing Spawn. Cause Spawn's got an ugly mug. [00:21:08] Speaker B: Yeah, he does. Oh, boy. And then Sam's like, well, that's what his face is like. Maybe what he said. He's been through a lot of stuff. He wasn't lying. And then Sam says, you know, the only thing we've got is that that unhomed lady called him Al. And the terror is like. [00:21:28] Speaker A: You can call me Al. Call Meow. Someone should make a supercut of that song to spawn stuff. [00:21:38] Speaker B: Hey, Johnny. I know, I know. Just the couple of spawn nerds to do something like that. [00:21:43] Speaker A: Yeah. Do it for this. Do it for. [00:21:46] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm gonna have to learn to do a little bit of video editing. Hey, guess what? [00:21:51] Speaker A: Call me Al. [00:21:53] Speaker B: We learned how to do some audio editing. Everything. [00:21:56] Speaker A: I bet you could. Everything's possible. I've edited a reel before. [00:22:00] Speaker B: Oh, very nice. I've never edited. [00:22:02] Speaker A: It's really hard on your phone and very annoying to, like, try to get all the things. All right. [00:22:06] Speaker B: I. I just do it three or four times until I'm so pissed off at it that I'm like, yeah, that's fine. Whatever. [00:22:13] Speaker A: I'll do it live. [00:22:15] Speaker B: Let it ride. [00:22:15] Speaker A: Let it ride. [00:22:16] Speaker B: And so Terry. Terry wakes up, and then Sam's immediately like, you. You. You're not dead. I need answers from you. [00:22:23] Speaker A: What's going on? [00:22:24] Speaker B: Yeah, I got about 200 questions. I need answers. Sam goes and calls in this collar that he's got and the. The precinct that he calls it into. The captain's like, hey, guess what? This Sam is an idiot. And we're gonna steal this collar from him. It's gonna be ours. Really? [00:22:41] Speaker A: We're gonna get this guy, and then we cut to win. [00:22:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:22:45] Speaker A: And then when also hearing about all this. [00:22:47] Speaker B: Yeah. Jason Wynn is pissed. Off. He's like, you get me Terry. You get me Terry Fitzgerald's head on a plate now, basically. And the nashiest of teeth, Johnny, look. [00:22:58] Speaker A: He'S some good mouthwork in this issue. Gnashing teeth. And he's spitting or drooling. He's so angry. [00:23:05] Speaker B: He's so angry. Yeah. We get another shot of big window. Get a nice shot of possifist. Jason Fist win. Winning on the desk. [00:23:16] Speaker A: Jason Fist. [00:23:17] Speaker B: Jason Fist. Jason Wynn's fist, just pounding the table, being like, give me Terry. [00:23:24] Speaker A: Then we zoom in on this vast space of universe, of black and white space. And it zooms out, and it's an eye on a teddy bear. [00:23:33] Speaker B: Teddy bear eye. [00:23:34] Speaker A: Cyan's teddy bear. [00:23:36] Speaker B: Cyan is fast asleep, using this teddy bear kind of as a pillow. [00:23:41] Speaker A: And Wanda's just crying because she thinks Terry is. Probably thinks she's dead. [00:23:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:23:48] Speaker A: All this stuff's been going down. [00:23:50] Speaker B: The time post park for Wanda here has to have been absolutely insane. [00:23:58] Speaker A: She went home, there was a bunch of reporters. The neighbors shunned her. [00:24:02] Speaker B: The police wanted to talk to her, all of that. Now she's got federal agents posted outside her house. [00:24:10] Speaker A: And she doesn't know if they're, like, trapping her or if they're protecting her. [00:24:13] Speaker B: Yeah, she doesn't know friend from foe, Johnny. From there, we cut back to the alley with Sam, asking some more questions of Terry. [00:24:21] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:24:21] Speaker B: And Terry's just like, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta. The mob has my wife. I gotta go. The mob has my child. I gotta go. And Sam's like, no, no, no. You're gonna stay here. [00:24:31] Speaker A: You're gonna stay here. And he wants to know why Spawn's trying to save him, basically. [00:24:35] Speaker B: Yeah. And a couple of the rat allens are like, al's down. We gotta go. We gotta go help Al. Come on. [00:24:46] Speaker A: Another group is stronger. The web of activities surrounding spawn. [00:24:49] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:24:50] Speaker A: The things he's done. These are the things he's done in the comics so far. [00:24:53] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:24:53] Speaker A: A dead child molester, few stolen guns, couple of missing files. [00:24:57] Speaker B: That happens. [00:24:58] Speaker A: That's what we've been up to. [00:24:59] Speaker B: That happened by, like, issue twelve. So this is like a whole year of just, like, spinning your wheels post stuff happening. [00:25:07] Speaker A: Kind of is. [00:25:09] Speaker B: It's. Oh, man. It's very hard to. When you sit down to read these all in a row, it's all a seamless story with a little bit of fat in it. But then if you think about that, was spread over, like, two or three years. It's like, holy crap. [00:25:26] Speaker A: Right? [00:25:28] Speaker B: Old timey by old timey, I mean, nineties comics readers had a hell of a lot of patience. [00:25:34] Speaker A: Yeah, well, they bitch about it all the time. The letters page. [00:25:36] Speaker B: Yeah. But that kind of patience just doesn't exist anymore. Like, no, if. If a brand new series doesn't have everybody falling over themselves by the third page of the first issue, then that. That series is just done. Like, nope, everybody's over it. [00:25:53] Speaker A: Yeah, you gotta get them. And then, you know. [00:25:56] Speaker B: Yeah. Sam's still trying to get answers out of Terry, and Terry's still trying to. To get. And then Terry actually pulls away from Sam and twitch. Sam's like, oh, no, not again. [00:26:07] Speaker A: They just zoom, zoom, zooms out of there. They got my wife and little girl. It was actually just a ruse. See issue 22. [00:26:14] Speaker B: Mm hmm. Then Al starts to wake up, but he's like, Wanda. [00:26:19] Speaker A: They have Wanda. Then we cut to yet another agency trying to get Terry Fitzgerald. [00:26:24] Speaker B: Uh huh. [00:26:24] Speaker A: And it is the mob. [00:26:27] Speaker B: It is Tony twisted. [00:26:28] Speaker A: Tony Twist. [00:26:29] Speaker B: Who? We learn who. Gravino. [00:26:33] Speaker A: Yeah. Vito Gravino. [00:26:35] Speaker B: We learned who Tony twist is named after in this issue. Johnny. [00:26:38] Speaker A: Yeah. It's so funny that they mentioned the letters. Yeah. He's named after that. And then it's like, you're gonna get. [00:26:43] Speaker B: Sued so bad for it. [00:26:45] Speaker A: You have no idea. [00:26:47] Speaker B: Tony Twist brings up a little. A little trouble that he's already had, so he doesn't want any more trouble. And that trouble was violated. Miniseries. [00:26:56] Speaker A: Yes. Which we covered. Go listen to our episodes if you want to know about it. [00:27:00] Speaker B: Yes, indeed. It's a great read. You should fucking read it. [00:27:03] Speaker A: The first issue is our Thomas Healy episode. If you haven't listened to that, Thomas Healy is probably one of our best episodes. [00:27:08] Speaker B: It's great. He was a fun guy to talk to. [00:27:10] Speaker A: Yeah, he really was. [00:27:11] Speaker B: Also, as mentioned in the last letters page, it's full of gratuitous violence. So if you like gratuitous violence, go read that violator video. [00:27:21] Speaker A: That one was so mad about it. Guns and pools of blood on every page. How could you? In a series called the Violator. It's like. It's on the. It's on the tin, dude. [00:27:30] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. It's like, right there. [00:27:31] Speaker A: It's right there. The title's, like, dripping goo or blood. It's like, come on, man. [00:27:36] Speaker B: Yeah, you can't. You can't. You can't complain that something gives you exactly what it advertises. It's not that fucking group of fangirls. Fanboys. Fan. Fanatics. Who sued. Who did they sue about a trailer having somebody in it. And then that person. [00:27:53] Speaker A: Oh, they sued. It was the studio behind yesterday. [00:27:56] Speaker B: Okay. [00:27:57] Speaker A: Cause it had ended to Armus in it, and then she wasn't in it. They lost, though. It was just two guys, I think. I don't think it was a bunch of people, but smart idea. [00:28:06] Speaker B: Absolutely ridiculous. But, I mean, that's. Trailers are. Trailers are an art because there's. [00:28:11] Speaker A: And a lot of trailers use stuff that's not in the movie sometimes. [00:28:13] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:28:14] Speaker A: Also, I was. I did see yesterday, and it was bad, but I would have been a little. It would have been a little better if I got to look at angel de Armis. I'm just saying. [00:28:22] Speaker B: I believe it. I have no desire to watch yesterday. [00:28:25] Speaker A: Oh, I thought he was like, I have no desire for Andy de Armis. And I'm like, are you dead? [00:28:28] Speaker B: Probably. [00:28:30] Speaker A: Oh, just like spawn. [00:28:31] Speaker B: I am a spawn podcaster. I might be half dead, Johnny. You never know. Maybe you got into. Maybe you got into this metaphorical bed with a yemenite with the denizen of the malbols. For all you know, I'm eating. Eating bugs and earthworms and other things that don't get the light of God on them to keep my power up. [00:28:51] Speaker A: Is this all just a scheme to get me into Hell's army? [00:28:54] Speaker B: Yes. Yes. [00:28:55] Speaker A: You're a demon. [00:28:56] Speaker B: I'm trying to recruit you as the. The general of Hell's army, Johnny. [00:29:00] Speaker A: Oh, man. You wouldn't want me. [00:29:02] Speaker B: Either that or I'm training you because you've already been. I'm doing a bad job of it either way, so that's. [00:29:09] Speaker A: Yeah, I know. [00:29:12] Speaker B: So Tony Twist gets a phone call from a rival mob member who has seen that he's fallen on some hard times and is trying to press his advantage. This guy named Gino. [00:29:24] Speaker A: Yeah, he's all mad that he's gonna send somewhere to Geno's restaurant and take his top chef and slice his hands off. Speaking of the bear. [00:29:30] Speaker B: Speaking of the bear. Jesus. [00:29:32] Speaker A: Oh, my God. I. Yeah, I just imagined the guy, like, getting his hands chopped off, but he's still cooking. He's so intense. He's like, fuck it. He just, like, sticks a spatula into his empty arm socket. [00:29:40] Speaker B: Every time I think of hand dismemberment, I think of that kingdom hospital show that a weird american reworking of the Lars von Trier kingdom show. But at the end of this one, the american version, the cocky surgeon, his hands come off and he's freaking out. And instead of blood and gore, it's just like, smooth skin that just says, hands go here. And he's just like, ah, that was. [00:30:09] Speaker A: A Stephen King produced miniseries. [00:30:10] Speaker B: Yes, it was. And I literally say absolutely delicious on a weekly basis, but nobody gets it. Yum. Absolutely delicious. Cause nobody watched that show. That's one of. [00:30:22] Speaker A: I watched the first. I watched the first episode. [00:30:24] Speaker B: That's one of the few shows that I have on dvd. I got the whole series. I fucking loved it. [00:30:30] Speaker A: Kingdom Hospital. I remember I was into Stephen King at the time when it came out, and I watched, like, the first episode, but then I didn't keep up with it. [00:30:36] Speaker B: Yeah, that was. That was. That was deep in my dark tower phase. [00:30:41] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Didn't it have. It's open with basically his, like, getting hit by the car, but with another character. Right? [00:30:46] Speaker B: Yeah. Cause that's. That's the guy. He. They think he's. He's in a coma, but he's, like, aware, but, you know, that kind of thing where he's trapped in his body and he's able to think and to feel and to realize things, but to the outside world, he's comatose. [00:31:07] Speaker A: Yikes. Scary stuff. [00:31:08] Speaker B: And then they take him to the hospital, and that's how we get introduced to the titular hospital, the Kingdom hospital. [00:31:14] Speaker A: Got it. Got it. Well, we got a different emergency service coming. We got the cops. [00:31:19] Speaker B: We got the wee woos. [00:31:20] Speaker A: The wee woos, everybody. The cops. [00:31:22] Speaker B: Yeah, the cops. [00:31:23] Speaker A: The mob. [00:31:23] Speaker B: The SBI. The mob. The news. [00:31:26] Speaker A: The news. Oh, my God. [00:31:29] Speaker B: All of them. [00:31:30] Speaker A: And Terry's just running and running. [00:31:34] Speaker B: He's running and running and running like a constipated wiener dog is. [00:31:38] Speaker A: And this is your favorite. Your favorite dialogue? [00:31:40] Speaker B: My favorite dialogue? Yes. [00:31:41] Speaker A: The Sandberg cannot be. Sandberg has had a very successful career at one point. Cannot be denied. He's an overweight slob. Wow. [00:31:49] Speaker B: For him, pursuing a suspect on foot is a contradiction in terms. That's why it was teamed with scrawny twitch Williams, to whom it falls yet again to catch up with a fleeing perpetrator. Alleged. [00:32:03] Speaker A: Terry turns around. He's got this, like, nasty, gnarly knot on his head. [00:32:07] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. From. [00:32:08] Speaker A: I mean, he did get thrown into a dumpster, like, five times last issue. [00:32:10] Speaker B: Yeah, it's. It's comically large. It's like Sylvester the king with a. With us frying pan. And here, Johnny, we get the origin of Twitch's. Twitch's nickname. [00:32:21] Speaker A: Yeah. It says precinct by precinct. The question has been asked, why do they call him Twitch? The answer, because he doesn't. I like when someone has a nickname about something they don't do. [00:32:32] Speaker B: That's great. [00:32:32] Speaker A: Like calling a really big guy Slim or something. [00:32:35] Speaker B: That's funny. That's classic. That's classic. So Terry. Terry turns the corner, running away from. From Sam, and he's greeted with Twitch's pistol. [00:32:46] Speaker A: And at this range, I'm a real Frederick Zoller. That's an inglourious basterds reference. Lost on David. [00:32:54] Speaker B: Yeah, lost on me. Sorry. [00:32:55] Speaker A: You've never seen inglorious basterds ever? [00:32:57] Speaker B: I've seen inglourious basterds, and I liked inglorious blasters. [00:33:01] Speaker A: Inglorious blasters. [00:33:03] Speaker B: Because they blow up. They blow up Hitler, which is any movie where they explode. Hitler. I'm four. [00:33:11] Speaker A: Yeah. Just haven't watched it, like, 33 times like I have. [00:33:15] Speaker B: Yeah, I've seen it once. I saw it once, like a decade ago. [00:33:19] Speaker A: There you go. [00:33:20] Speaker B: Yeah. But I enjoyed it. So Twitch has Terry. Terry slumps to the. To the ground. Sam comes up all huffing and puffing. He says he thought he was gonna have a heart attack. And Twitch says, good for you. [00:33:32] Speaker A: Good for you. [00:33:33] Speaker B: And then while they're there, the unhomed men come up, and they're like, hey, hey, get out of our alley. And they're throwing beer cans and other kind of garbage at Sam and twitch. [00:33:43] Speaker A: You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. [00:33:45] Speaker B: Yeah. They're ready to defend their fallen king. And then as they're throwing this garbage at Sam and twitch, just barreling up the. Barreling up the alley. [00:33:57] Speaker A: What exactly are these guys plans? They were just going to ram Terry into a wall and then die. [00:34:01] Speaker B: I I guess. I guess. [00:34:02] Speaker A: It seems like they're going at, like, 60 miles an hour here. [00:34:05] Speaker B: They're putting the proverbial pedal to the metal, Johnny. Yeah, so Sam and twitch are. Apparently they gave a very bad performance because Sam is being hit by a rotten tomato. [00:34:15] Speaker A: Bloop. [00:34:16] Speaker B: Who brings a tomato to a speech? Johnny. [00:34:19] Speaker A: Someone intends to throw it. [00:34:20] Speaker B: We get a really good. A really good close up on Terry's eyes and nose. This is definitely some great capullo. [00:34:27] Speaker A: Where. [00:34:27] Speaker B: That's amazing. Yeah, I definitely think so. So Terry's standing there like a deer in the headlights of the oncoming mob car. And then right before he's about to get hit, spawn just hoots himself right in front of Terry, turns into a. [00:34:44] Speaker A: Brick wall, not literally, but basically just like a pole that the car smashes around. [00:34:51] Speaker B: Yeah, he uses some of his precious, precious power to increase his density. And literally, Johnny, he stops this car with his friggin crotch he just, like, he's thrusting his hips out there. And that's what's stopping the car. That's a. That's an amazing feat of crotchmanship. We get a nice little breakdown of how fast the car was going. 67 miles an hour. That the mobsters weren't wearing their seatbelts. But they didn't fly through the window. Cause the car got their legs got pinned. So seatbelts wouldn't have helped them anyway. [00:35:28] Speaker A: They'll never walk again. [00:35:30] Speaker B: Never walk again. [00:35:31] Speaker A: This reminds me of that one gunslinger where the guy, like, gets beat up, and it's like he went to the hospital for the rest of his life and never recovered. And it's like, damn. Okay. [00:35:41] Speaker B: Yeah, that makes me never want to piss off the Todd father. Because he's gonna do something to make sure you. You never. [00:35:48] Speaker A: Yeah, you don't. We never walk again. [00:35:51] Speaker B: But, yeah, Spawns, this is a great two page spread. And Spawn's just getting hit by a car. [00:35:56] Speaker A: And there's just thrusting into the car debris going everywhere. [00:36:00] Speaker B: And Terry's in the background, like, ah, this is the first. This is the first time Spawn's ever expended any of his necro energy to save a friend. So. [00:36:13] Speaker A: Hmm. Won't be the last. [00:36:15] Speaker B: Won't be the last. Definitely not. [00:36:16] Speaker A: I wish we got a meter in this issue so we know how much he spent. [00:36:19] Speaker B: Yeah, true. [00:36:21] Speaker A: Someone in the letters complains about that too. [00:36:23] Speaker B: Then, you know, after Spawn has stopped this car with his crotch. Some more cops pull up and are like, freeze. You know? Then they're followed by the mob, then the CIA. And last. And so there's just. There's just a pandemonium going on here, Johnny. [00:36:39] Speaker A: Yeah. Spawn sees this as an opportunity to be like, okay, I can kind of announce myself to the world here. [00:36:46] Speaker B: Yeah, it's like, it's his debutante ball. And he's being presented. Yes. [00:36:52] Speaker A: And that's where we get our opening quote from, where he says that fear can be used as an example. [00:36:57] Speaker B: And then on top of all these crimes they're trying to pin on spawn, he adds to it a little bit of petty vandalism. [00:37:05] Speaker A: These alleys belong to spawn. I'd stay out of an alley if I saw that. [00:37:10] Speaker B: Yeah, me too. Like, fucking giant flaming letters. [00:37:14] Speaker A: I'd be like, who the fuck's that? I'm not going in there. [00:37:16] Speaker B: That spawn is. Those letters are at least 6ft high. Sam's just like, cripes, what a night. Oh, what a night. [00:37:25] Speaker A: So then spawn starts his world tour. Of getting all these people off of Terry's back. [00:37:31] Speaker B: Yeah. It's a series of meetings with all of these players and handing over envelopes with their names on them and being like, you read that. You tell me if you want me to let other people know about it. [00:37:45] Speaker A: I've got your permanent record, buddy. [00:37:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:37:47] Speaker A: So you got a c in algebra two. [00:37:49] Speaker B: First he goes to. First he goes to Jason Nguyen. And Jason wins. You know, after. After spawn leaves, Jason Winch is looking at it, and he's like, nobody alive knows this. What the shit? Then the next person he goes to is he goes to Sam. Sam's just gotten home, and he's raiding his fridge for a sandwich. He's gonna have a sauerkraut, swiss cheese, a pickled herring sandwich. [00:38:14] Speaker A: Damn, that's a stinky motherfucker. [00:38:16] Speaker B: That also has ketchup, mustard, and kraft singles on it. So it's a double cheese sandwich. [00:38:21] Speaker A: Damn, he's got. That's quite a sandwich. That's good. We haven't seen Sammy to good Hoagie in a while. [00:38:27] Speaker B: Yeah, it's. He's. He's got his little pinkies up. He's like, halal. And then right before. Right as he's trying to take his first bite, Spawn shows up, and he's. [00:38:36] Speaker A: Like, bark, what kind of ghost freak are you? [00:38:41] Speaker B: And so. So the. The envelope that that Spawn gives to Sam is for concerns his boss. [00:38:51] Speaker A: Yes. [00:38:52] Speaker B: So chief Banks. And Spawn says he'd hate to see what the media would make of his range of extracurricular activities. And then Sam's just sitting there reading it to go on. Cripes. Then the next person spawn visits is a sweatin Tony twist. Just the man's taking a sauna. It's where he thinks. It's where he does his best thinking. I don't know about you, Johnny. I can't even breathe in a sauna, much less, I love a sauna. I can't do it. [00:39:23] Speaker A: I got a chance. I'll do it. [00:39:24] Speaker B: I just spend the whole time being like. [00:39:29] Speaker A: No. I think it's very relaxing. [00:39:31] Speaker B: My body does not do that level of heat. [00:39:35] Speaker A: I live that Tony twist life. [00:39:37] Speaker B: I could do a hot tub as long as there's circulating air above my head. But breathing in the hot air. I can't breathe in the hot air. [00:39:46] Speaker A: I love it. And spawn slaps a file on Tony twist that says it's all of his business appointments and all of his stuff. And it lays out their objectives for the next six months. [00:39:57] Speaker B: Yeah. And so he's like, unless you want me to blow up your spot. You leave Terry Fitzgerald alone and stay the hell out of my alleys. [00:40:05] Speaker A: Then we cut back to a nice domestic scene. [00:40:08] Speaker B: Terry's home looking. Looking like so much raw hamburger. Jesus. [00:40:14] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, he was buff. [00:40:15] Speaker B: He's. Oh, I'm talking about his face. He is. [00:40:18] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. It's like raw hamburger for buff. I never heard that before, but I'm gonna go with it. Yeah, no, his face is just beat to hell. He's got that big old goose egg on his head. [00:40:27] Speaker B: If this were, if this were a television show, he'd have a lot like the raw steak on top of it to cool that inflammation. [00:40:35] Speaker A: Why did he use the steakhouse? I I don't understand. Just because it's cold and it can, I guess. [00:40:40] Speaker B: Yeah, because I guess usually it's. It's cold. It'll hold cool for a while. If you don't have anything else, it. [00:40:46] Speaker A: Conforms to your shape. [00:40:47] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm sure that there might be something inflammation wise that, like, the blood in a steak could help with. But, I mean, it's all congealed. It's all just gonna be plasma anyway, and cow plasma at that. But worthless, worthless, worthless. I love cows. I also like eating cows. I probably shouldn't like cows as much as I do with somebody who eats them. But we're all contradictions, Johnny. Whatever we can do about it, but. So Terry and Wanda. Terry's just like, well, all this shit, and just suddenly it stops. What the hell? So Terry. Terry is frightened for his life by somebody who has the, the wherewithal to just make everything stop that was happening. So. And you could definitely tell that this is a Todd father Terry. And this is definitely a great Capullo Terry. [00:41:41] Speaker A: You can kind of tell. Yeah, I can see what you're saying. [00:41:43] Speaker B: No, if sayings about it, I don't know how to articulate exactly the difference. But you look at them and you. [00:41:50] Speaker A: You know, Gregapoulos always got a lot of light and life behind his eyes. [00:41:54] Speaker B: Yeah, that's. That's a big. That's a big one too, because. Yeah, the Todd father's. Terry's eyes are very, it's very squinty. [00:42:00] Speaker A: And then outside the house, as he does, Spawn is just watching. [00:42:03] Speaker B: Spawn is back in the tree where he gave Wanda his last memories of them together at the end of issue 18. [00:42:11] Speaker A: Yes. In that lovely, touching moment that made me tear up. [00:42:16] Speaker B: Thanks, Spawn, you jerkin. And then, you know, Spawns basically cleared his board so he can do new stuff. Here is kind of what's happened. And then he says that his bluffs have worked. And then we cut back to, I guess the bluffs are the releasing of the information, not the information itself, because everybody was like, oh, shit, this is actual information. But then we just cut back to the alley, and there's a just one of the, one of the unhomed guys making a blanket out of all the unused files. [00:42:54] Speaker A: His bluffs have worked. The end of the hunt story arc. Which means we get a new story arc next time. [00:43:02] Speaker B: Very excited for that. Actually. Actually, as we see on the next page, imagex month starts for the next issue. Johnny. So the next issue we have is written by Jim Lee. Or maybe Rob Liefeld would be doing spawn 25, only we know. I guess we could look it up. [00:43:18] Speaker A: But all image fathers exchanging books. I don't know. We'll find out. [00:43:23] Speaker B: That'd be telling. [00:43:24] Speaker A: We'll find out next issue. Yeah, I don't want to. I don't want to be spoiled. Then we get the blah, blah, blah by Terry Fitzgerald, where he talks about San Diego Comic Con, the toys. Rob Liefeld comes over and plays with. [00:43:37] Speaker B: The toys, the shadowhawk SNES video game that they had for people to try. They talk about how, how much of a family endeavor spawn is, because one of Todd McFarlane's actual uncles owns, like, a factory that they do a lot of their stuff out of. Yeah, up in Quebec. Oh, no. Up in. Oh, jeez. [00:44:06] Speaker A: Ottawa. [00:44:06] Speaker B: Ottawa. He goes to Quebec after Ottawa. That's what. No. Yes. Oh, the toy factory is in Ottawa. The printing factory for the issues is in Quebec. There we go. [00:44:20] Speaker A: There we go. We gotta get our geography right. [00:44:22] Speaker B: Goodness. Yeah. I mean, I should probably reread the blah, blah, blah before I start talking about it. Yep. Pretty cool. Then we get that, uh, spawn toys. Little snippet advertisement that we had. [00:44:37] Speaker A: Yeah, we had last issues just basically announcing the toys. They said we couldn't make our own comics. We proved them wrong. They said we couldn't make our own toys. Coming to September, we'll prove them wrong again. [00:44:48] Speaker B: Bad toys. [00:44:49] Speaker A: You got classic spawn with the board nail violator and medieval. [00:44:54] Speaker B: That's a great medieval. [00:44:55] Speaker A: Yeah. Pretty classic figure. And then we get the spawning grounds. Yes, the classic spawning grounds. It's like a whole novel. [00:45:02] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a lot. Nobody. Nobody too terribly upset with him this time. [00:45:08] Speaker A: No, it was actually a pretty calm one. No one's just screaming at him, but one guy just says that he thinks he lays out that nabulge and heaven and hell and spawn or DC and. Marvelous. That how spawns Jack Kirby. [00:45:23] Speaker B: Yeah. He lays out spawn as allegory for comic industry. Right? And Todd's like, I'm not that smart. [00:45:34] Speaker A: I didn't figure that out. And then one guy calls him out, basically, for, he doxes him and says, like, you put your, put all your friends and family in the book, you know, Wanda's his wife, Terry Fitzgerald, his friend, and he just calls him out. The guy who's got, like, wizard, the. [00:45:52] Speaker B: Board of pictures held together, connected by red. [00:45:56] Speaker A: Yes. He's like, I see it. I see it. And, yeah, and Todd's like, yeah, I put my own people's names in there. [00:46:01] Speaker B: Yeah. He says, if I don't do it, who's going to? We learned that Antonio Twistelli, aka Tony Twist, is the name of a hockey player for the Quebec Nordics. [00:46:13] Speaker A: That won't be any trouble for him at all. [00:46:15] Speaker B: No, definitely not. Wanda Blake's dog is also named Shane, who's named Shana. Is his dog named Shana, who he says looks exactly like the dog at. [00:46:26] Speaker A: The issues, like the chicken dog. [00:46:29] Speaker B: So the Todd, it looks like a. [00:46:30] Speaker A: Chicken corpse covered in that rolled around on the floor. [00:46:32] Speaker B: So the Todd father and I both apparently have an affinity for little dogs, dogs so ugly that they can't be anything other than cute. [00:46:42] Speaker A: Yeah. And then the next one is just asking him to draw Spider man. And he goes into the collector thing where he's talking about the prices of comics. [00:46:51] Speaker B: Is that this one, or is it the next one? No, the next one's talking about the prices. The next one he's talking about, are you gonna make action figures for all the image books and why Spawn doesn't use his powers to fix his face? And then the next guy talks about the prices, whereas, like, he found Spawn, Batman for $6, and was like, hell, yeah. And then he saw other people selling Turok number one and adventures of Superman, 500 for $0.25 each or for a dollar each. And was like, ha. Because I guess those were big collectors items at the time. [00:47:27] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. And it's interesting how much people were obsessed with the price of comics. And this is around the time where it starts to collapse. He can see that and mentions that, that comics are just entertainment. [00:47:39] Speaker B: Yes, indeed. And entertainment is right. This next question has a couple. A couple two tree questions that the Todd father only app answers a handful of. [00:47:49] Speaker A: Yeah, he answers two. [00:47:51] Speaker B: Uh huh. Like, where does Spawn get his gash? Is anti spawn coming back? [00:47:55] Speaker A: Where's the timer? Where'd the power meter go? [00:47:59] Speaker B: Any other guest pencilers? And will you please tell us who this person you're dedicating the issues to is and why. [00:48:07] Speaker A: Hey, I love that idea. I would have to look it up. [00:48:09] Speaker B: That would be great. And the toddfather just says that the counter is to let you know. To let you know what his power meter is. And I intentionally did a little funny thing with Spawn, Batman. And the reason he actually gets his face cut in two in issue 21, it doesn't touch anything else. [00:48:30] Speaker A: He basically just gets the wound twice, kind of. So you can go either way. And then the final letter is just kind of an image fan. He just kind of gushes a little bit. He's a little concerned about the 1920 issues being delayed. But he is okay with it now. [00:48:45] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:48:46] Speaker A: And he's asked for a spawn show. [00:48:48] Speaker B: Spawn show? Yeah. Intent. [00:48:50] Speaker A: He said, I've seen things on MTV's liquid television. That would make the violator turn. Greenhouse. Was that an old animated show? I guess. [00:48:57] Speaker B: I don't know. I didn't look it up. I'm going to. [00:49:01] Speaker A: I'm curious. [00:49:02] Speaker B: But then in the answer, the Todd father does mention that he's trying to bring spawn to animated life. Which we know he does eventually. [00:49:11] Speaker A: Yeah. Liquid television was an animated showcase. And that's where Beavis and butt got their start. And a bunch of other stuff. [00:49:17] Speaker B: Okay, awesome. And then also a little tease of Neil Gaiman coming back to do an Angela miniseries. And Alan Moore coming back to do another. Another little bit with spawn. And a certain dark creature of the night. [00:49:34] Speaker A: Isn't that freak? [00:49:36] Speaker B: The freak? The freak, I think, is what it is. Or a prostitute. One of the two. [00:49:40] Speaker A: Or it could be the vampire. Is he talking about. He might be talking about blood feud. [00:49:42] Speaker B: I'm assuming he's talking about blood feud. Cause blood feud was 1995, right? And this is 94. [00:49:47] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:49:48] Speaker B: I'm assuming it's blood feud. Although I wouldn't put it past Alan Moore to write a miniseries of spawn goes to the red light district. [00:49:56] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [00:49:57] Speaker B: He takes a woman to the. To the seedy theater with the. He also loves old seedy theaters. [00:50:05] Speaker A: So Alan Moore loves old seedy things. [00:50:08] Speaker B: He did. He did a whole comic series based around it called Cinema Purgatorio. It was great. It was a little anthology series. [00:50:14] Speaker A: Well, speaking of Neil Gaiman, the next page, we get a write for his angels and visit. Or an ad for his angels and visitations. [00:50:21] Speaker B: What are you talking about? [00:50:22] Speaker A: You didn't get that? [00:50:23] Speaker B: Oh, you skipped over the fan art. [00:50:26] Speaker A: Yeah, I did. [00:50:28] Speaker B: Oh, I thought. I thought I was missing something, but no, you skipped over the fan art. This is fan art. [00:50:32] Speaker A: I did it on purpose. [00:50:33] Speaker B: You did? [00:50:34] Speaker A: No, not really. It's all pretty good. Classic, like image, just different characters. [00:50:38] Speaker B: Yeah, pretty neat. [00:50:40] Speaker A: I like the one with the three of them, like, very cartoony. Or spawn Savage Dragon. And I don't know who the other guy is. Looks like crossjack from local man. [00:50:47] Speaker B: Yeah, he does, but I don't think he is. That's real fun. It looks like they're, it looks like they're in a mosh pit having a good time. [00:50:54] Speaker A: All the classic image characters. [00:50:56] Speaker B: Then we get your advertisement. [00:50:58] Speaker A: Then we get an ad for Neil Gaiman. So sorry that I skipped over the fan art. We get an ad for Neil Gaiman doing angels and visitations, which is a collection of stories, poems, and various other pieces. So get that from your local comic shop. [00:51:12] Speaker B: Dust jacket art by Dave McKean and illustrations by many of today's top artists. [00:51:17] Speaker A: Nice. [00:51:19] Speaker B: Then we get an advertisement for Wild Cat adventures, which is the comic book. The comic book. [00:51:25] Speaker A: So funny when they would make a comic book show, make a television show that make a comic book off the television show, because there was like a Batman and Robin adventures comic. Those is basically the television show. [00:51:34] Speaker B: I mean, there was a teenage mutant ninja Turtle comics and then the cartoon and then the cartoons based, or the comics based off the cartoon. [00:51:42] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:51:42] Speaker B: Because the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle comics were not intended for the audience. Yeah. [00:51:50] Speaker A: They were always, they were like satire. [00:51:52] Speaker B: Yeah. And quite dark. [00:51:55] Speaker A: Quite dark. [00:51:55] Speaker B: Quite dark. [00:51:57] Speaker A: They didn't have all those fun colors on their bandanas. Everyone just had red. [00:52:00] Speaker B: Yeah, they didn't, they didn't all always make a joke about pizza. [00:52:05] Speaker A: They'll like pizza. I just remember I was just thinking, like, who's the ad? Exact. Who's like, they have to have something. I know they'll love pizza. [00:52:12] Speaker B: Hey, it worked. It worked. [00:52:14] Speaker A: It worked. I think the ninja Turtles being obsessed with pizza probably helped pizza a lot. [00:52:20] Speaker B: Probably. I mean, it's probably the reason why. [00:52:22] Speaker A: Because in the nineties, it was like, pizza, pizza party. [00:52:25] Speaker B: I think it's largely responsible for why pizza has been my favorite food for forever. Aside, the fact from pizza's just delicious. [00:52:33] Speaker A: It is bad. It did do a bad rap for anchovies, though, those ninja turtles. Because they'd always be like, and no anchovies. [00:52:38] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:52:39] Speaker A: Do you like an anchovy pizza? [00:52:40] Speaker B: I've never had an anchovy pizza. [00:52:43] Speaker A: It's a little intense. [00:52:44] Speaker B: I would, I would not be object. I would not object to it. But, um, so growing up, my sister had a horse. His name was Jet Twosox. She was the only person he ever listened to that they met because he bit her. And then she punched him in the nose. And then from then on, he respected her. So I guess that's the way you get a horses. Respected. [00:53:05] Speaker A: But anyway, punch her right in the nose. Sock the horse. [00:53:07] Speaker B: Yeah, sock the socks. But anyway, when you have a horse, you have to have a farrier. The guy who comes by and does the horseshoes and stuff, you know, trims their nails, cleans their feet, all that stuff. My sister's horse's farrier told me when I was, like, ten years old. He's like, if you're ever at work and they say they're ordering pizza, what do you want on it? Say anchovies. Cause then you get a whole pizza to yourself. So he's like, yep, learn to like anchovies. You can get the whole pizza. [00:53:40] Speaker A: Yeah, but I mean, the ninja Turtles gave anchovies a bad rap for sure. [00:53:44] Speaker B: Who likes penicillin on their pizza? Every time. Every time. I have to throw away pizza now, Johnny, I do a little bom bom bom. [00:53:53] Speaker A: Oh. Where you kill the pizza. [00:53:55] Speaker B: Right. Ceremonially bury it in the trash. [00:54:01] Speaker A: Sad. [00:54:02] Speaker B: Sad. It is the sad. Then we get a. I don't have that problem. [00:54:05] Speaker A: I usually eat all the pizza before it goes bad. [00:54:07] Speaker B: So, yeah, yeah. It hasn't happened in a while, but it does happen. Usually. It just gets too hard to eat before it actually molds. [00:54:17] Speaker A: Right. [00:54:17] Speaker B: Then we get another advertisement for event comics. Feel the burn, Ash. Ash is what it's called. And it's. [00:54:27] Speaker A: I didn't even, that's so stylized and weird. I didn't even see that logo, Ash. I was like, what is this an ad for? [00:54:32] Speaker B: It's so fucking nineties and difficult to look at. And then there's also the background of. It is a fire truck. Yeah, there's too much going on here. This is post modernism, gone awry. [00:54:42] Speaker A: It's po mo. [00:54:45] Speaker B: Postmodern. Yeah. All right. [00:54:49] Speaker A: Weird. [00:54:49] Speaker B: For the sake of weird, I don't. [00:54:52] Speaker A: Even know what this ad's for. [00:54:53] Speaker B: It's a Joe cassetta Jimmy Palmiotti joint, which Joe Quesada. Very stylized. But I love his work. Jimmy Palmiotti, as we know, is going to be coming on into Spawn's universe before too terribly long. Here. Only a couple of months away, I think. Isn't it October? [00:55:16] Speaker A: Yes. What did he do? [00:55:18] Speaker B: Deadly tales. Oh, yeah. [00:55:20] Speaker A: That's right. He's coming up. That's right. [00:55:22] Speaker B: But in the past, he's done things like Jonah Hicks. He collaborates with his wife, Amanda Connor, a lot. He's done a lot of work with Garth Ennis. Just doing his own stuff, and I. Stuff for the big two. Usually DC. He usually works for DC instead of Marvel, but I think he's done a couple marvel things. [00:55:43] Speaker A: Okay, then we get an ad for the lost issues of spawn coming in October 19 and 20. [00:55:50] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:55:50] Speaker A: Bi weekly ship within two weeks of each other. [00:55:53] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:55:54] Speaker A: We'll finally get that Houdini story. [00:55:56] Speaker B: Houdini, Hodini, Houdini. [00:55:59] Speaker A: Gotta get that Houdini story. Houdini. [00:56:04] Speaker B: When did you. When did you. When did you become a philadelphian, Johnny? [00:56:09] Speaker A: Just, like, overnight, eating too much cheesesteak. [00:56:12] Speaker B: There's no such thing, Johnny. [00:56:14] Speaker A: No such thing. [00:56:15] Speaker B: No such thing. [00:56:16] Speaker A: They always have the cheesesteak at. What's the place called? Jersey Mike's. I'm always tempted to try it, but then I like the sub so much, I just get a sub. [00:56:23] Speaker B: I still haven't been to Jersey Mike's because every. Every time I have the opportunity to go to Jersey Mites Mike's, it's because I want an italian sub. And there's a place, every time that I get the opportunity, there's a place, like, right next door that makes an amazing italian sub. But I'm like, why even bother? [00:56:40] Speaker A: I don't even know if they do an italian there. They might. I don't know. I like the Jersey shores favorite. It's like, ham, cheese. It's basically, like, for fancy ham and cheese. Cause it's got ham and cappuccio or something else on there. [00:56:52] Speaker B: Capicola. Yeah, capicule or Gabba ghoul, as people call it. [00:56:56] Speaker A: Yeah, it has the Gabba ghoul. And then on the back, you get an ad for bad rock and company coming in September. [00:57:02] Speaker B: This guy looks like Homelander. [00:57:04] Speaker A: He does look like Homelander. And you got grifter back there. Yeah, just a bad rock party. Everyone loves bad rock in the night. [00:57:11] Speaker B: This guy looks kind of like Lobo. [00:57:13] Speaker A: He does a little bit. Yeah, a lot. [00:57:16] Speaker B: There's a big guy in the back just flipping through some cds, holding a whole bunch of comic books. [00:57:21] Speaker A: It's a party. [00:57:23] Speaker B: I'd read that. [00:57:24] Speaker A: Yeah, check it out. [00:57:25] Speaker B: That's Spawn 24, Johnny. [00:57:27] Speaker A: That's Spawn 24. The whole shebang right there. [00:57:30] Speaker B: The end of the hunt. [00:57:31] Speaker A: The end. The hunt has concluded. All right, so now let's flash forward from 30 years ago to, like, three months ago. [00:57:56] Speaker B: Flash. Ah, he's the savior of the universe. Yes, Spawn is saving the universe, but, yeah, spawn 353. [00:58:07] Speaker A: So, spawn 363. We got multiple covers because it's a modern issue. But I have the a cover here. [00:58:14] Speaker B: Oh, Johnny, I just realized I got the wrong cover again. [00:58:19] Speaker A: Oh, no. [00:58:19] Speaker B: I also have the a cover, which is Thaddeus Roebuck. It's awesome. It's spawn doing a magical mister mistoffeles jump in the middle of a New York City street, and his cave slowly dissolves into bats. It's fucking awesome. But the second cover is a matina cover, and it's got psychor on it. [00:58:43] Speaker A: Well, you may not want that one, because Matina has been accused of using AI. [00:58:48] Speaker B: Oh, no. [00:58:50] Speaker A: Yeah, I saw something about it on instagram. [00:58:51] Speaker B: Ah, dang it. [00:58:53] Speaker A: But maybe not on that one. [00:58:55] Speaker B: I don't know. Well, then I guess it's a good thing that I got the magical mistoffelees. Spawn. The magical spawn stopheles. [00:59:04] Speaker A: Yes, he does look like he's in cats. [00:59:07] Speaker B: He looks like he's like. When it's not his turn to sing, he's just gonna go lay on his side and act like he's licking his own asshole. Cats is fucking wild, Johnny. [00:59:18] Speaker A: It's a great musical. [00:59:19] Speaker B: Some people like to dress up as cats characters and act like they're in cats and inappropriate times. [00:59:26] Speaker A: Some people. This person right here. [00:59:30] Speaker B: You'Re one of those theater kids that takes over a Denny's to do a reprise of the show you just put. [00:59:37] Speaker A: But yes, after the show, we go to Village Inn, and we just start doing lines. [00:59:42] Speaker B: It's so terrible. But it's absolutely what. It's absolutely what they do, Johnny. [00:59:49] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:59:49] Speaker B: And they take so much pride in it. [00:59:51] Speaker A: We used to go out after plays and go to Chimmy's and feel, like, real cool. [00:59:56] Speaker B: I'm, like, theater kid adjacent. I know too many theater kids. [01:00:00] Speaker A: Satellite. [01:00:01] Speaker B: I know too many theater kids. And I'm great with them to rag on them too much, but I've just never partaken. [01:00:08] Speaker A: I am one, so I can rag on them as much as I want. [01:00:11] Speaker B: May at Village Inn has great pie. [01:00:14] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't know if I've had the pie there. I always remember seeing it in the case. [01:00:19] Speaker B: I don't remember if it's one day a week like Thursdays, or if it's every day where they've got a happy hour for pie. It's half price pie between two and four. Oh, wow. I have a cousin who's very, very. If there was a deal, he knew about it. And when I went to go visit him, like, he was like, we're gonna go get pie now. Get in the car. [01:00:38] Speaker A: It's pie time. [01:00:41] Speaker B: It was great. [01:00:42] Speaker A: So we popped this cover open, and we got the credits. [01:00:45] Speaker B: Credits. World record breaking comic. It's not on the front. So Todd father wasn't feeling sassy, but it's still there. [01:00:51] Speaker A: No, he's just semi sassy. [01:00:52] Speaker B: Yeah. We got script plot by Rory McConville with additional script by Todd McFarlane himself. Brett Booth doing the art, Adelso Corona and Daniel Henriquez Enriquez doing the inks. J. David Ramos on colors. Excellent colors. I fucking love J. David Ramos colors. Tomo doing the lettering. We covered the covers. Creative director Todd McFarlane and editor in chief Thomas Healy. Previously in Spahn, spawn confronts a mysterious stranger who may become an important ally. [01:01:27] Speaker A: Indeed he does. And we. We meet more of this stranger in this issue. [01:01:30] Speaker B: We get. We get more questions. We almost get a question answered about this mysterious stranger in this book, but that close. [01:01:40] Speaker A: Just a little tease. [01:01:41] Speaker B: A little. A little bit. So again, like we have been. We're starting at the reset. The change, the change. The flash. The flash change. [01:01:51] Speaker A: The flash change. [01:01:52] Speaker B: Two months ago, the night hell's war ended, and we got a whole bunch. [01:01:55] Speaker A: The angels are all just like, what the heck? I can't use my wings. They're all disoriented. [01:01:59] Speaker B: Yeah. They've all been transported to Earth from hell. And they're like, hey, what's this? What's this? What's this? There's another guy with them. Reaper. [01:02:09] Speaker A: Reaper. He's holding his head. He looks like he's in anguish. [01:02:11] Speaker B: Yeah, he's got, like, he's got a headache or something. And they're like, is he one of ours? I think. I think he's one of ours. And they're like, look, just because he has wings doesn't mean he's an angel. While the. While the skeptical angel's over there being like, identify yourself. Reaper just has these big, nasty bat wings burst out of his back. [01:02:31] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:02:32] Speaker B: And then, hurrah. He's got, ah, vampire face. Ah, vampire reaper. [01:02:37] Speaker A: He's hissing. And I guess during one of his missions, he was ambushed by a group of vampires all the way back in issue 197. [01:02:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:02:45] Speaker A: Which I haven't gotten to yet. [01:02:46] Speaker B: I haven't gotten to there either. And, you know, he was starting to transform, but then heaven was like, ah, jeez. Put all, ah, geez, stop it. Ah, geez, stop it. So he's been hopped up on a cocktail of anti vampire turnage since he got attacked. And now that. Now that the whole world is a dead zone. He ain't got that. He ain't got that cocktail going no more, Johnny. [01:03:10] Speaker A: So his vampire is released. [01:03:12] Speaker B: Yeah. And he. He tears through these angels and just, like, rips off one of their arms and just, like, holds it up and goes, ah. [01:03:19] Speaker A: And drinks it. [01:03:20] Speaker B: Oh, boy, oh, boy. [01:03:23] Speaker A: So goopy. That reminds me, did you watch Godzilla x Kong yet? [01:03:27] Speaker B: No, I haven't. [01:03:28] Speaker A: There's a lot of good goop and eating. Goop and, like, ripping of limbs in that movie. So nice. You have to check it out. [01:03:35] Speaker B: I do, I do, I do. [01:03:37] Speaker A: Kong and his little monkey friends share a meal, and it's similar to, this is it. [01:03:44] Speaker B: I have a friend who's. It's become more popular now to have food in Star wars, but back when Star wars food was a little more rare, every time a new Star wars came out that had food in it, he's like, there's food in this one. [01:04:00] Speaker A: They're eating. They still never show in the bathroom. Do people in Star wars poop? [01:04:04] Speaker B: We don't know in andor. [01:04:07] Speaker A: Oh, that's right. They did. That was the first time we saw a Star wars bathroom. [01:04:10] Speaker B: Star wars bathroom. I knew a Star wars. The Johnny didn't. [01:04:14] Speaker A: No, I remember. It was deep in my mind. [01:04:16] Speaker B: Hey, hey. Yeah, but I got to it. I got to it. [01:04:18] Speaker A: I thought that one episode of Acolyte, we're gonna get our first naked ass in Star wars. Maybe you haven't watched that episode. [01:04:24] Speaker B: The one where. [01:04:25] Speaker A: Sexy episode. [01:04:26] Speaker B: The one where. So the guy who plays the main bad also plays Jason Mendoza in the good place, and he's just a himbo dummy. And, boy, he has put in some work since the good place. He's like, terry Fitzgerald level there. Look at that. [01:04:47] Speaker A: Yeah, the character's name is the stranger, or Quimir. [01:04:52] Speaker B: You talked about the one where they're on the unidentified planet just taking a bath. Yeah, yeah. [01:04:57] Speaker A: I thought we were gonna see his ass, and I was like, the first Star wars ass. [01:05:00] Speaker B: But no, no, you know, there's no jiggling in the forest, Johnny. [01:05:04] Speaker A: No, you can't have that happen. [01:05:07] Speaker B: Oh, boy. That's a mandate from the George father himself. [01:05:10] Speaker A: So then we cut to now where Spawn is talking to Terry. Terry's doing some research for him about this mysterious woman that showed up at the end of last issue. [01:05:20] Speaker B: And I like how, you know, they're looking at the computer screens, and Terry's just like, I don't know. It's just like, pointing at him. [01:05:28] Speaker A: Like, look what I'm seeing. I don't know. [01:05:30] Speaker B: Look at this. So he's got, like, all of these pictures just, like, randomly of this lady, and they're trying to figure out what's going on. And he's like, it looks like she's, you know, her funding. Her funding sources are a few, so she's definitely working alone. [01:05:48] Speaker A: Terry's drinking a Pepsi. Nice little Bret booth detail. [01:05:51] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:05:52] Speaker A: And then Terry's like, wait, he came from Barbados? I thought vampires hated sunlight. And Spawn's like, look, all these rules are made up by blood to trick people. [01:06:00] Speaker B: Yeah, to trick people. So. [01:06:01] Speaker A: So none of those vampire rules apply. [01:06:03] Speaker B: So the classic rule of you kill the head vampire, and it saves all the people he's turned. And Spawn's like, we can't trust that it might make Eddie worse. We have to cure him. That's the only way we could do it. And Terry's like, yeah, okay, good. I'm just gonna stay here and rest because, you know, I'm still getting over shot. I'm still getting over my business. [01:06:24] Speaker A: Yeah. It says, see Kingspawn 32. It's like, yeah, he was shot and went to the hospital. [01:06:28] Speaker B: Yeah. On the greatest night of his life. What a terrible night. Oh, what? [01:06:36] Speaker A: An eye swan just stalks away. [01:06:40] Speaker B: He does really good at stalking away. Yes, I do like that. Now that his. He doesn't have his powers, instead of the skull being his belt buckle, it's just the skull sitting on his belt. Like. Like it needs. It needs necroplasm to hold the belts together. Otherwise, it's just a skull with chains. So he's like, well, I still need these chains, but it's not holding the pants up. [01:07:10] Speaker A: That's funny. [01:07:11] Speaker B: Excellent. [01:07:11] Speaker A: And then we got to a really fancy little house up in upstate New York with a nice little swimming pool. [01:07:16] Speaker B: Yeah, it's like the mountains, and it's by a waterfall. It's real nice. And then there's a dead body in the backyard. Johnny. [01:07:26] Speaker A: Dinner had just been served. [01:07:27] Speaker B: Actually, I guess it's outside the backyard, because if you see, there's the fence and then the little bitty spiral staircase, and then there's a dead body, and then it blows it up. So they just, like, threw their trash over the fence. They were like, get out of here. [01:07:42] Speaker A: Yeah. They were like, yeah, get out of here. [01:07:44] Speaker B: And then as soon as this vampire, like, grandly presents himself to a room filled with nobody, he gets attacked from behind by this mysterious lady. [01:07:54] Speaker A: Gets stabbed. [01:07:56] Speaker B: Yeah. And she says that that blade in your shoulder, it's called a midnight scar. Coated in the blood of the six desolation princes and infused with a curse from the glass protectorate. [01:08:06] Speaker A: I love that. [01:08:07] Speaker B: Oh, geez. That's a lot. [01:08:09] Speaker A: Yeah, I love those. Like, just that, like, random, thrown off details like that. [01:08:12] Speaker B: It's great. It's, uh, from. From what I remember of Diablo two, that's a very Diablo thing. [01:08:20] Speaker A: Oh, yes. [01:08:21] Speaker B: All that. The. [01:08:22] Speaker A: The runic helm of the great shield. Like, things like that. Yeah. [01:08:27] Speaker B: She says, so look at me, asshole. Look at me and know that you've lost. [01:08:31] Speaker A: He says, bitch, you have no idea how fucked you. And then he cuts off. [01:08:34] Speaker B: He dies and dies. She says, you tossed. [01:08:38] Speaker A: He's got that special sword. [01:08:39] Speaker B: Yeah. And then his fans and critics have often remarked on Matthew Ramis's uncanny ability to be in so many places at once. But even for blood, there are only so many hours in the day. So he uses changelings. He uses changelings. [01:08:52] Speaker A: Johnny must be nice. [01:08:54] Speaker B: Yeah, it would be great. I'd be able to get so much done. [01:08:58] Speaker A: So this changeling to do whatever I wanted. [01:09:00] Speaker B: So this dead, dead Jason blood turns into a changeling, and lady's like, shit. Technically says, christ, but, you know, semantics. Semantics. And then decides to leave out the window. Yeah. And then that Lenny Kravitz's vampire is like, well, well, what have we here? [01:09:21] Speaker A: He's working with Reaper. [01:09:22] Speaker B: Mm hmm. And Reaper doesn't know her, but she's no angel. [01:09:26] Speaker A: She's no angel. It's like, she's definitely not Angela, even though she kind of looks like Angela. [01:09:31] Speaker B: Yeah. And he's like, why are you wearing that armor? And he's. And then Lenny Kravitz vampire is like, yeah, why are you wearing them? Why are you wearing that armor? [01:09:40] Speaker A: So she tackles the shit out of him. [01:09:42] Speaker B: Yeah. And then as she's trying to beat him up, Reaper comes up behind her and just cuts across her back with his big scythe. [01:09:51] Speaker A: Gives her the slash, the scrack. Painful. [01:09:55] Speaker B: You're certain she's not from heaven? Absolutely. She's some other breed. [01:10:00] Speaker A: And the vampire sniffs her, and he goes, wait, I know what she is. [01:10:03] Speaker B: And then goddamn Al Simmons just comes blasting in before we get an answer. [01:10:10] Speaker A: I know. It's like, come on, Al. Come on. We're about to first ask questions later. [01:10:16] Speaker B: Ah, but, yeah, so, man, Al is really blasting. He's blam, blam, blam, blam. And then Eddie. Eddie. Reaper's like, I've been waiting for you. [01:10:28] Speaker A: A battle ensues. [01:10:29] Speaker B: Yeah. So, so Spawn is fighting Eddie and Lenny Kravitz vampires. I don't remember his name, if that's not obviously. Pulls lady away and is like, the fun is just beginning. And then Eddie's like, hey, spawn, you fucked up my life, like, four different times. Thanks for that, you dick. That's, you know, the essence of the banter. During this fight, we get a call back, way back to issue 29. So we're gonna. We're gonna meet Eddie for the first time, Joni, before too long. And then while they're fighting and Eddie's being super angry at Al, you know, over there, Lenny Kravitz is slapping that lady across the face, and then a fucking missile is coming at them and blows them up. [01:11:21] Speaker A: Kaboom. [01:11:22] Speaker B: Al Simmons saved by missile. Because during the aftermath of the explosion, Al has. Al and unknown lady have slipped a away. And then Eddie's like, put out the call. They're not getting out of here alive. Al catches up with mysterious lady and is like, hey, easy, I'm on your side. And his. His outfit is. Has a whole bunch of holes in it, so there's just, like, bits of hamburger meat body peeping through. It's wild. That's a terrifying visage that spawned with half of his mask just dangling off. Lady says she doesn't have a side. And Al's like, yeah. Oh, yeah. Huh? Oh, yeah. You don't have a side. Everybody's got a side. [01:12:07] Speaker A: Yep. And they kind of talk. She's like, don't lecture me. [01:12:10] Speaker B: Yeah, it's your. [01:12:11] Speaker A: Your one that causes mess in the first place. [01:12:14] Speaker B: Yeah. And he's like, yeah, okay, fine. Yeah, you're gonna need my help, though. But I also need yours, so that's. That's good. So. So Al's. Al's at least been humbled enough to know that he can't do it on his own. He's like, hey, I'm gonna need your help. And then the skies are darkened. Well, I mean, the already dark skies are darkened even further by just a flock of vampires searching for them, just flapping around. [01:12:39] Speaker A: Then we see fixers watching them from afar. [01:12:42] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:12:43] Speaker A: Who's that splinter cell guy we saw last time? [01:12:46] Speaker B: I like how. I like the long strides that Brett Booth has Al taken right here. [01:12:51] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. He's, like, running. That's awesome. [01:12:52] Speaker B: He's got a. He's gotta be a great. A great track team sprinter. Look at that. Some long legs. Yeah. Fixer watching. He's talking to his boss, being like, hey, this is going on. He's like, I didn't like the way things were going, sir. Blood's guys close to finishing them off, and his boss like, so your solution was to blow him up? [01:13:17] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, just blow it up. [01:13:20] Speaker B: Yeah. So his boss is like, yeah. Continue monitoring for now. If you can make a clean extraction, take it. Otherwise, stay out of sight. The last thing we want to do is start a war. [01:13:31] Speaker A: And it's Jason Nguyen. [01:13:32] Speaker B: Yeah, his boss is Jason Nguyen. [01:13:35] Speaker A: And then he's got eyes on everybody. [01:13:37] Speaker B: Jason Wynn's got a little. He's in a room filled with. He's me at home. So he's got a whole bunch of screens. One of them's got medieval. One of them's got Jessica. One of them's got Javi. [01:13:51] Speaker A: We got focus. [01:13:52] Speaker B: We got focus. That looks like Taylor. I think that one in the background is mysterious lady. [01:13:59] Speaker A: Yes, it is. He's watching them all. [01:14:02] Speaker B: I just realized he's standing on a glass floor, Johnny. He's, like, on a, like, a little plasma flask. [01:14:10] Speaker A: Yeah, I didn't realize. That's cool. [01:14:12] Speaker B: Hell, yeah. That is pretty cool. [01:14:15] Speaker A: That is awesome. [01:14:16] Speaker B: So. So we know that Jason Wayne is probably going to be the big bad across the. The core titles for a minute here. [01:14:23] Speaker A: It seems like. Yeah, the agency is picking up because it's already big and scorched. We got it in here. [01:14:27] Speaker B: Big and scorched. [01:14:29] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:14:30] Speaker B: Maybe have a little bit of it. Bruin and Kingspawn. Yeah. [01:14:34] Speaker A: It's more focused on the vampires, though. Yeah, but we'll see. I think Gunslinger's got his own secret cult that he hates. [01:14:43] Speaker B: Yeah, but, you know, Gunslinger's. Gunslinger's sloppy, so it. Obviously, he's gonna catch the eye of anybody who's looking for anything. He's a weak link, as they say. Love him. But Boyden, he's a mess. [01:15:01] Speaker A: Yes. [01:15:02] Speaker B: And we get a necrometer. Al's down at zero zero one as he's been very exciting. Then we get the spawning grounds presents, a mailbag. [01:15:12] Speaker A: Pretty awesome. This guy. We used to go to his dad's on the weekend and watch the Spawn movie, is his favorite movie as a kid. [01:15:17] Speaker B: It says this was submitted by John. [01:15:19] Speaker A: F. Yes, John F. Might as well be. [01:15:23] Speaker B: Might as well be. But no, Devin. His name is Devin, and he paints. [01:15:28] Speaker A: A nice picture of Spahn's face, something he hasn't done since high school. So Spawn's inspiring artists. [01:15:34] Speaker B: Yeah. Excellent. It's excellent. It's real cool. [01:15:39] Speaker A: Yeah, I like Thomas's. Thomas is jazzed about it. [01:15:42] Speaker B: Yeah. He likes that. Like, there's, like, a generational effect in Spawn now where it's like this 30 years of Spawn story. There's more than 30 years coming. He's like, let's share it. There's a guy, Daniel M from Dallas, probably writing from the newest mall down there. [01:16:01] Speaker A: Yes. This is straight from the Dallas mall. [01:16:06] Speaker B: That's what the M stands for. It's Daniel Mall. [01:16:08] Speaker A: Daniel Mall from Dallas. He's excited. Cause 351 brought him back into the world in Spawn. [01:16:14] Speaker B: Yeah. He's like, this shit is awesome. And Thomas is like, yeah, this shit is awesome. Pretty fun. Then we got a submission from Victor B. He's got one of those blank covers, and he says, hey, look at this. I did a cover. And it's, Spawn, in pain, reaches out to Wanda, but he can't touch her. [01:16:36] Speaker A: And you get Spawn's pained visage. [01:16:38] Speaker B: Yeah. And he says, wanda, he's got that big ass sword. And Wanda is just, like, not engulf. Like, not engulfed in flames, but, like. [01:16:48] Speaker A: Is flames is the flame. [01:16:51] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:16:51] Speaker A: It's very elemental. [01:16:53] Speaker B: She's a fire dancer. [01:16:55] Speaker A: Yes. [01:16:56] Speaker B: Whose production company is that? Fire dance? [01:16:59] Speaker A: I don't know. [01:17:00] Speaker B: Somebody's. Somebody's. Or he's like. She's like, drew Barrymore, fire starter, Firestarter. [01:17:07] Speaker A: Then we get our ads from Warspawn's universe. Don't miss these ongoing titles. [01:17:11] Speaker B: Pretty good covers. That is an intense king spawn cover. [01:17:15] Speaker A: Yes. [01:17:16] Speaker B: That's a very. That's a very Conan. Very Conan esque pose there. Then we get the image classics and. [01:17:25] Speaker A: A new toy ad. [01:17:26] Speaker B: New toy ad? Yeah. [01:17:27] Speaker A: Pacific Ram, four inch movie. [01:17:30] Speaker B: Four inch figures that come with city. You can broken pieces of city and a comic. [01:17:37] Speaker A: Yeah. I love Pacific Rim. [01:17:39] Speaker B: Pacific Rim is fucking great. [01:17:41] Speaker A: A lot of fun. I watched it not too long ago. Bonapom bonapom bom bom. That's a theme song. [01:17:47] Speaker B: I mean, it's a good movie. [01:17:48] Speaker A: I wonder why they're making Pacific Rim figures now, though. It seems interesting. I don't know. [01:17:52] Speaker B: I don't know. Maybe it's just a property that came available. [01:17:56] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:17:56] Speaker B: I mean, Kaiju never goes out of style, Johnny, so. [01:17:59] Speaker A: People love kaijus. [01:18:01] Speaker B: Damn. I should probably rewatch Pacific Rim. I remember enjoying it a lot of. And that's, uh. That's spawned 353, Johnny. [01:18:09] Speaker A: That's Spawn. 353. We did it. [01:18:12] Speaker B: We did it. We did. Oh, it. It basically took us a third of the time to cover 353. [01:18:19] Speaker A: Like I said, 24 is a tome. Yeah. [01:18:22] Speaker B: Oh, boy. [01:18:23] Speaker A: The modern and the classics are different. Different animals. [01:18:26] Speaker B: Completely. Different beasts. Completely. I used to. I used to be upset with Wanda when she said she didn't like to read old comics. She only likes to read new comics. But now I think, I think I understand it. [01:18:40] Speaker A: Yeah, you might get it. [01:18:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:18:42] Speaker A: It's just like the art form has been so more honed and you can say so much with more images and less words. [01:18:49] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. But I mean, the same things happened with every art form. Like movies, watching old movies. [01:18:58] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:18:58] Speaker B: They were still trying to figure out a lot of the tricks. I mean, we like to rail on tropes and be like, boo. It's cliche. It cuts a lot of time out of the narrative by being like, I recently watched an old Orson Welles movie that was literally just an excuse for him to look like this. [01:19:19] Speaker A: David's making a very weird face. He literally listening, which is everybody. [01:19:23] Speaker B: Yeah, but, yeah, Orson. Orson Welles. Big Mandeh just in this movie I watched called confidential report, he literally just like stands tall above people and stares down at them with wide open eyes. [01:19:36] Speaker A: And that's like, that was an impressive special effect that day. [01:19:38] Speaker B: In those days, that's like all the movie was. [01:19:43] Speaker A: And sometimes that's all you need. [01:19:44] Speaker B: It was lots of beautiful locations, but the audio quality is garbage. So it's on Max, though, if you want to watch it, it's pretty decent. Orson Welles. Orson Welles. Orson Welles. He's out there stomping in the Lorraine. Puddles in his rubber boots. That's a funny joke. Orson Welles. I guess so. Johnny, I am currently accompanied by a sleeping dog. Here, let me show you. He's. [01:20:09] Speaker A: Oh, he's cute. He's sleepy. [01:20:11] Speaker B: Aw, he's sleeping. He was doing that little twitch thing earlier. So we need to rate this guy while he's sleeping. So I think it's time to rate the puppies. [01:20:21] Speaker A: It's time to rate the puppies. So first up this week we had spawn 24, a classic, kind of just continuing that hunt story and jam packed there. I mean, the art's great. [01:20:37] Speaker B: The art is fantastic. [01:20:39] Speaker A: I love Sam and twitch. I love Sam eating a sandwich. [01:20:42] Speaker B: I wouldn't eat that sandwich, but I love watching him eat it. [01:20:45] Speaker A: I wouldn't eat it with a pickle herring. Yeah, that'd be a stinky ass sandwich. But I mean, it's a good conclusion to the hunt. Like, it is chaos and like all the different parties coming together, so you get that big climax, you know, like you said, it is a little bit interesting thinking about it in the context of it. This took like four or five months to get to this point on this four part story. Yeah, you know, it may be a little spread out, but like, reading it like we do, it doesn't seem that way. Yeah. Pretty good class. Pretty much a classic, classic issue of spawn. [01:21:13] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:21:14] Speaker A: What do you expect? You get a little bit of wanda, you get a little bit of Sam twitch. You get a little bit of spawn. [01:21:18] Speaker B: Get a little bit of favorites. Get a little bit of the mob. [01:21:21] Speaker A: A little bit of the mob. [01:21:22] Speaker B: The only thing, it's a little violator. [01:21:24] Speaker A: Yeah. He'll be back. I'm gonna give it four goose egg bumps on Terry Fitzgerald's head out of five. [01:21:31] Speaker B: Nice. It's not a bad score. It's not a bad score. I like this one much better than 23, because it's about as hefty as 23 Washington. But this one actually has a whole bunch of resolutions instead of just a lot of wheel spinning. It was, uh. It's good. It's good. I like it. It's, uh, overstuffed like you want your nineties comics to be. That's kind of, we're not gonna, we're not gonna ding them too much for being what they are. Eminently, imminently readable, especially for being so, so jam packed. And it's just fun to see all of the groups kind of. It's like when you're playing with your toys, and you just get, like, all the groups together, and then it's time to fight, so you literally just throw them at each other. That's what this issue is. It's just throwing your toys at each other. It's great. It's excellent. I am gonna give this three and three fourths phone calls, because there's a lot of phone calls going in here. And I really, I really, really love classic landline being held by the bottom line with the cord to reference, again, the teenage mutant ninja Turtles movie. I used to impersonate the cop who was talking on the phone and eating a donut and then dropped some donut on the phone all the time. There's just something about it I love so much. The sound of the plastic creaking as you move it around and hit it against your face. It's wonderful. Three and three. Three and three quarter old timey phone calls. [01:23:03] Speaker A: Sounds like a plan. And then our next issue was spawn 353. You know, just a kind of a action packed kind of an in between issue, because we didn't really, we get a little more tease of this new lady, but we don't really find out who she is. Yeah, but you do have this energetic and wild Brett booth art just to sell everything. And, man, the fighting and the action in this book are great, but story wise, yeah, it's just an in between issue. I don't have any. Nothing against it, but they all can't be my favorite. Yeah, I'm gonna give it 3.5. Drinking blood out of a. Out of a dismembered hand. [01:23:43] Speaker B: It's like fucking Samwise Gamgee taking the last couple of drops of water for Frodo. I guess it's Frodo taking the last of Sam's. Oh, boy. I butchered that. Excellent. Excellent. I agree. I love. So this first little bit, this little flashback is just a great way to be like, hey, this is what happened. So these are some stakes. There's just a little bit of exposition up front, and then all the rest of it is just. We get to watch a whole bunch of fights with this energetic breath booth art, which fucking rocks. Oh, yeah. I can't not mention it. This book is great. It's my favorite spawn title currently going, this self titled Spawn with the Brett Booth and the Rory McConville. It's so good in between issue, but it's got what you need to keep you interested. Obviously, they know sometimes an in between issue can get a little. A little bit of a burdensome sometimes, but the fight. The fight keeps it going. I'm gonna give this four Jellicle cats. [01:24:50] Speaker A: Johnny for Jellicle cat spawns. We love it. Yeah. [01:24:56] Speaker B: Nice. [01:24:57] Speaker A: Pretty good modern spawn. [01:24:58] Speaker B: Yeah, I like it. Very excited. [01:25:02] Speaker A: We're also always excited to share our friends on the Instagram community. [01:25:08] Speaker B: Pretty awesome modern spawn fans, if you ask me. [01:25:12] Speaker A: Yeah, we got one today that I can't believe we haven't highlighted before. [01:25:16] Speaker B: Me either. [01:25:17] Speaker A: And that is. You know it. You have it pulled up, don't you? [01:25:20] Speaker B: Yeah, it is. Spawn toy vault. Quick, quick. Take your bets. Guess what. Guess what he has on his instagram. Everybody feel free to. Feel free to pause and spawn toys. Awesome. [01:25:36] Speaker A: X Men. [01:25:38] Speaker B: Yeah. But. But the main. The main event, Johnny is Spawn. Spawn. Yeah. Look at that. Oh, boy. He's got. How many of these do I have? Woo. That's a good one. That's a good one. Those are all good ones. [01:25:52] Speaker A: He's got a lot of classic spawn figures. He's a collector from the UK. [01:25:55] Speaker B: He's got classics. He's got new. He's got one of those black labels. Ooh, the classic spawn Kickstarter. Hell, yeah. I wish I had gotten in on that one. I would have loved that. But that was, like, right before it got into spawn again. Johnny. Yeah. And we've got here those three that were advertised at the end of 24. We've got classic spawn, medieval spawn and violator. Those are his 2nd, third, and fourth posts, so. [01:26:25] Speaker A: Hey, hey. The figures that were highlighted in this issue in 24. [01:26:31] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [01:26:33] Speaker A: So give them a follow, and follow the spawn goodness. [01:26:37] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:26:38] Speaker A: Spawn toy vault. [01:26:39] Speaker B: Yeah. Awesome. While you're over there, follow the spawn goodness that we're putting out there regarding spawnpod. We are having a damn good time at it. [01:26:48] Speaker A: Yeah. We post an episode, descriptions, fun stuff we're doing, so make sure to give us a follow. [01:26:53] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:26:55] Speaker A: And if you want to reach out in longer form than Instagram, you can hit us up. Regarding spawnpodmail.com. [01:27:01] Speaker B: Hell, yes. [01:27:03] Speaker A: Questions, reading emails, comments, concerns. We love the emails. We love them. I don't know why it turned into Trump there. We love the emails. [01:27:18] Speaker B: Yeah, it happens. It happens. We'll read your emails on air if you would like us to, if you don't want us to. They'd be like, hey, this is for your eyes only. You know? [01:27:31] Speaker A: If you send us your address, we'll send you some stickers. [01:27:34] Speaker B: Hell, yeah. We love giving out stickers, especially because there are stickers. [01:27:38] Speaker A: I always like to ask a question to kind of spur the gears flowing, and this week I'd like to ask, which do you prefer, the kind of longer form, hefty, classic issues, or do you like these easy, breezy, modern issues? Are you like Wanda? Are you like David's Wanda, who likes the more modern comics? Or are you like us, who are crazy? We'll read any of them. [01:27:57] Speaker B: I was just about to say. I don't know how to answer that, Johnny, because I like them both. I kind of hate them both, but. [01:28:04] Speaker A: Like them both, one makes you miss the other. [01:28:06] Speaker B: Yeah. I can't take one without the other. It's like, it's like the. The spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down. Which one's the sugar and which one's the medicine? That one, I haven't decided yet. But there are two great tastes that go great together, as we've said. Yes, our music is done by Lonnie Bones. You can find him anywhere. You find music, Apple music, Spotify. You can google him. Just. It's Lonnie. L O n n y, not I E. He's got his first single out. Go listen to it. [01:28:38] Speaker A: Give it a listen. [01:28:39] Speaker B: Yeah. Like, don't forget to like us. Subscribe to us. Give us reviews. Anywhere that you do that. Tell your friends and family members about us. Tell. [01:28:50] Speaker A: Tell all your spawn fans about us. [01:28:53] Speaker B: Yeah. Anytime you see somebody else at the comic book store buying spawn or talking about Spawn. Be like, hey, I know a couple of guys who talk about Spawn. You should listen to them. [01:29:03] Speaker A: You should check them out. [01:29:04] Speaker B: Yeah, I've personally done that three or four times at my local shop. I'm glad that they don't refuse me entrance there anymore. [01:29:13] Speaker A: They kick you right out. No soliciting. No soliciting podcasts. [01:29:18] Speaker B: They've actually solicited for me a couple of times, which is actually pretty nice. [01:29:22] Speaker A: That's nice. [01:29:23] Speaker B: Because they'll be like, you know, you're talking about Spawn. You should go talk to this guy who's about to leave the store. [01:29:30] Speaker A: Who me? [01:29:31] Speaker B: What me? Speaking of who me, Johnny. Who? Who? Me gonna be seeing you read after in a week. [01:29:44] Speaker A: Well, we got a couple more issues to spawn. We'll be doing spawn 25, start of a new arc since the hunt has ended. So we're excited for that. [01:29:51] Speaker B: A image x crossover. So we're not. Because I'm lazy. I haven't looked up to see who's written and or drawn that one. [01:30:01] Speaker A: So I'm more excited to find out. So we'll just find out when we find out. [01:30:04] Speaker B: Yeah, so the. The non Todd father written. So one of the other. One of the other image creator guys written episode of Spawn. Issue of spawn. It's gonna be very cool. [01:30:19] Speaker A: Should be interesting. We'll be reading that for our classic and for our modern. We'll be reading Kingspawn 33. [01:30:26] Speaker B: Is that the one goes backwards? I think that's the best. [01:30:28] Speaker A: Yeah, I think it's so it's the one that goes all weird in time. Trying to be like Quentin Tarantino or some shit. [01:30:33] Speaker B: Yeah, kind of. [01:30:35] Speaker A: Talk about it. [01:30:36] Speaker B: We'll talk about it. I'm kind of excited about it. Kind of not excited about it. [01:30:39] Speaker A: Yeah, it's gonna be interesting to talk about it. [01:30:41] Speaker B: Feels. I can't believe that I'm now bummed that we have to read King Spawn. That used to be the one that I was like, why can't it be Kingspawn week? And now it's like, oh, it's King Spawn week. [01:30:52] Speaker A: Yeah, sorry, Todd father, it's not your best work, but we still enjoy it. [01:30:56] Speaker B: But, hey, it's got motherfucking granny Blake. [01:30:58] Speaker A: In it, so, hey, it can't be all bad. [01:31:02] Speaker B: She's the light, and she's the light in our world. Stevie Wonder would say, she's the sunshine of our life. So that's what. Come back. Come back and listen to us. Talk to us about those next week. That's Spawn 25 and Kingspawn 33, easily found at your local comic book store and or eBay. [01:31:18] Speaker A: Yep. [01:31:19] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, I think we've covered everything, Johnny. So that just. This leaves me to say to you, may the scorch be with you. [01:31:27] Speaker A: And also with you, David. [01:31:29] Speaker B: Hell yeah. [01:31:31] Speaker A: Hell yeah. Well, now that I'm done recording, I finally put some clothes back on, so. [01:31:36] Speaker B: Yeah, and I'm hungry. [01:31:37] Speaker A: You should too. [01:31:39] Speaker B: Fuck that. I'm gonna go make a sandwich first. Cause if I make myself a swiss cheese and pickled herring and mustard sandwich, it's just gonna get all over my clothes. So it's easier to put on clothes after. [01:31:52] Speaker A: Well, the thought of you eating that stinky ass sandwich has made me want to throw up especially. No, the thought of you naked eating that sandwich. [01:32:01] Speaker B: Oh, come on, Johnny. I could be like the old Carl's juniors commercial. [01:32:05] Speaker A: Oh my God, you got like sauce all over you. [01:32:09] Speaker B: Oh boy, you know you want it. If it doesn't get all over the place, it doesn't belong in your face.

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