Episode 41

May 19, 2023


RE:Spawn Episode 41 - Gunslinger Spawn 7 and Scorched 15

RE:Spawn Episode 41 - Gunslinger Spawn 7 and Scorched 15
RE:Spawn Episode 41 - Gunslinger Spawn 7 and Scorched 15

May 19 2023 | 01:23:14


Show Notes

Welcome, once again to the Malbolge, where your humble co-hosts--Johnny and David--talk about Star Wars and Garbge and, like, DC comics! SPAWN? Never heard of 'em!


A great episode of Spawn talk is trapped within this little download, y'all! Gunlsinger Spawn? HELL YEAH! Scorched? OH YES PLEASE! These issues are stacked with talent, and the boys just wanna talk about it!

And one of the things we wanna talk about it our buddy Eeik who gets a shout-out in Spawn Grounds 15! HE's got some bitchin' figure photography for your eyeballs, dudes! (www.instagram.com/e7.plays)

We also like talkin' about our buddy Bryain! He makes some bitchin' sounds for your ears! And, he also makes a mean motivational post! Give him all the love you can spare! (www.instagram.com/t.bryain.voyler)

And we're a treat, too! We promise! WE like to share our stuff with you! Won't you please come and enjoy it? (www.instagram.com/regardingspawnpod)

May the Scorched be with you!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: It. No man likes to lose his rifle, his ride, or his friends. [00:00:06] Speaker B: Hey, boys. Good to see you again. Good evening, and welcome to the Malbol. This is regarding Spawn, the world's best spawn podcast. I'm your co host, John Fisher. [00:00:52] Speaker A: And I am your co host, David Williams. And Johnny, I was just outside, right? Oh, my God. Who goes outside? What the fuck is that? [00:01:01] Speaker B: Not in 2023, but underrated. [00:01:05] Speaker A: Bit of civic pride here is that all of the city owned utility trucks are, like, the best shade of blue. It's great. They're a light blue. I think the technical name for it is actually Lake Michigan blue, but it's a great color. And it just makes me happy to see these big fucking trucks rolling down the street in this happy ass blue color. It's great. The streets and sands trucks are that way. The city transport trucks are that way. It's a good color. [00:01:41] Speaker B: It's a lovely color. That does not expect what I expect. [00:01:46] Speaker A: You to talk about. We got to keep you on your toes, Johnny. We got to keep you on the toes, the listeners on the toes. I'm always on my toes because I don't know what's going on at all. [00:01:58] Speaker B: I don't know what to say to that. [00:02:00] Speaker A: Johnny is speechless, y'all. Note it. Write it down, stamp it. This is a momentous occasion. [00:02:09] Speaker B: Those are some nice colors on the garbage trucks in Chicago. They sure are. [00:02:15] Speaker A: There are some awesome garbage trucks. There's an independent garbage company. It's Roy Strom. And they have the coolest garbage trucks. Red. It's like candy apple red. And they've got, like, art Deco filigree on it. And their truck emblem things are just like a lightning lady. They're great. They're great trash trucks. They're fantastic. [00:02:44] Speaker B: Speaking of Candy apple red, we saw each other in person recently. [00:02:51] Speaker A: Hell, yeah, we did. [00:02:52] Speaker B: With a lot of red in it. [00:02:53] Speaker A: Oh, so much red. [00:02:55] Speaker B: Evil Dead rise. [00:02:57] Speaker A: They done rose, Johnny. They done rose. [00:03:01] Speaker B: That was an intense movie. It was great. I liked it a lot. [00:03:04] Speaker A: That sequence through the peephole was amazing. It was so good. [00:03:10] Speaker B: It was all great. And it had that malevolence of the first evil Dead, where it's very scary and intense. And I was on the edge of my seat. It almost felt long, but it was only, like an hour and 40 minutes, but it was just not long in a bad way. It was just, like, unrelenting. Once it got going, it did that. [00:03:32] Speaker A: Thing that I like that is kind of hard to pull off without being meh. But it starts out as a completely different movie, and then evil dead happens to it. And I love that you're invested in this one story and it's got all these places it's going and then just like, shit happens and it explodes on them and it's like, wait, what about the. Oh, man. It makes me think of life because sometimes you have all of these plans and all of these storylines that you're set on and then something happens and it's like, well, fuck all that. This is what's happening now. [00:04:12] Speaker B: Stephen King does it. Well, usually because it's always about a family doing something, and then, boom, there's a pet cemetery, or boom, there's something. There's an evil hotel, and you could like it just on its own almost. [00:04:26] Speaker A: Yeah. I would say that Bruce Campbell is incredibly justified in telling that guy to get the fuck out of there at the southwest screening. [00:04:37] Speaker B: This movie sucks. Yeah, that guy sucks. [00:04:39] Speaker A: Oh, man. [00:04:40] Speaker B: Fuck out of here. [00:04:41] Speaker A: So good. And they strategically used laughs. It was not a funny movie, but there were just some parts that were just so intense that I'm glad that they stuck some little bitty jokes in there just because. Oh, man. [00:05:02] Speaker B: Yeah, you kind of had to let that go a little bit. Just the tension. [00:05:09] Speaker A: It was us two in the theater and two people sitting behind us, and that was it. And there were times where we both just started laughing at those little things. And I was like, man, I hope people don't hate us for giving into this tension release. [00:05:24] Speaker B: It's evil dead. You got to make some vocal noises. There's a famous story that I think was told in the evil Dead two commentary track. But Sam Raimi, they were doing, like, the initial screening and during the eyeball pops in evil Dead two, and it goes into her mouth and she swits it out. These two guys got up and laughs, and they thought they were leaving because they hated it, but they were leaving because they were laughing so hard. They felt bad and they came back in, but they were, like, laughing. [00:05:56] Speaker A: Oh, man, it's a great. It's iconic. That scene is iconic. [00:05:59] Speaker B: There's nothing like getting the laughs in theater. If you get a case of the laughs, it's funny. [00:06:04] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, you know what else? There's nothing like Johnny Spawn. Spawn. [00:06:10] Speaker B: Spawn specifically. [00:06:12] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:06:12] Speaker B: I was going to use the transition of another movie that has, like, two movies that I like is Robert Rodriguez's dust till dawn. [00:06:24] Speaker A: All right. Yeah. [00:06:25] Speaker B: It starts as, like, a weird Quentin Tarantino movie and then turns into, like, a crazy vampire movie. [00:06:29] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:06:30] Speaker B: And vampires are very spawned. It all starts out another transition for you all. [00:06:36] Speaker A: That movie all starts out with George Clooney robbing a bank, so that way he can found Casamigos. And he's going to the bar to meet up with his partner so he can buy the agave plantation. Right. [00:06:47] Speaker B: That's why it's so successful. He has the blood of vampires sealed on every bottle. [00:06:55] Speaker A: Oh, man. Tequila is delicious. John, are you a tequila? [00:06:59] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:07:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:07:01] Speaker B: My drink of choice is a margarita. [00:07:03] Speaker A: What do you go for? You a blanco, reposado or an onejo guy? [00:07:09] Speaker B: Blanco. I like it. [00:07:13] Speaker A: I like a reposito. [00:07:15] Speaker B: Okay. I could do that too. [00:07:17] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:07:18] Speaker B: Oh, man. When I was back in Oklahoma for a wedding, I had some frozen margaritas at, like, a Tex place. They were so good. [00:07:24] Speaker A: Oh, and they brought you out like a gallon and a half. [00:07:27] Speaker B: Yeah, it was like $7 for, like, 20oz of frozen margarita. [00:07:32] Speaker A: Man. I remember, like, bottomless margarita pitchers was a thing when I was little. And I'm kind of sad. I just was never able to partake. [00:07:41] Speaker B: Yeah, that seems very dangerous. [00:07:43] Speaker A: Oh, man. [00:07:44] Speaker B: But it's good to get some Tex Mex. Yeah, I bet Javi would like Tex Mex. [00:07:49] Speaker A: Yeah, probably. [00:07:51] Speaker B: It's very specific if you haven't had it. Listener. It's mexican food with a lot of about it. [00:07:59] Speaker A: I think we talked about it recently. Did we? [00:08:01] Speaker B: Oh, no. I'm just obsessed with Texmex. [00:08:03] Speaker A: It's so. Doesn't. If you want mexican food, you don't get Tex Mex. But if you want Tex Mex, you can't get mexican food, right? It's its own thing. It's like, if you want Taco Bell, you want Taco Bell, you don't want mexican. [00:08:19] Speaker B: Yeah. And that's okay. [00:08:20] Speaker A: They all have their own purposes. Everything that exists is useful. It might only be for one thing, so it might seem kind of useless, but everything is useful. Just like, condiments. [00:08:31] Speaker B: Condiments are useful. I like. Hey, man, I know it gets a lot of shit, but I enjoy some ketchup on some french fries. I don't care. [00:08:38] Speaker A: Who knows if somebody's giving you shit for wanting ketchup on your french fries. They need to get the fuck out of here. [00:08:44] Speaker B: Get over yourself. [00:08:46] Speaker A: Get over yourself. [00:08:47] Speaker B: You got to have aioli. [00:08:49] Speaker A: I mean, an aioli is good. Just straight up Mayo is good. [00:08:54] Speaker B: Just get both. Why not both? [00:08:57] Speaker A: Wanda and I tend to do. For a thicker fry, we do a mixture of mayo and a one. And that is just like, knocks it out. Oh, it's very good. [00:09:10] Speaker B: You know what else knocks it out of the park? This week. [00:09:12] Speaker A: Not the White Sox. Woo. Damn. [00:09:15] Speaker B: No, not. [00:09:18] Speaker A: With his stick ball. He's knocking those cow turds way across the field. [00:09:22] Speaker B: Yeah, because he's kind of featured in both these issues, in a way. [00:09:26] Speaker A: Yeah, he is. [00:09:27] Speaker B: He's central to the scorched here. And he is in Gunslinger, which is who we're reading, but in the opposite order of what I said. [00:09:34] Speaker A: He's the mvs of these two issues, the most valuable spawn. [00:09:40] Speaker B: Yes, he is. He is the star of gunslinger spawn, of course. And this is an early one, so it still says gunslinger Spawn on the COVID I have here. That's gunslinger spawn number seven. And then we'll be doing scorch number 15. [00:10:00] Speaker A: I knocked you off balance at the beginning there, Johnny, but we haven't described what we're doing here exactly. Welcome. [00:10:07] Speaker B: Welcome to regarding Spawn. Welcome to regarding evil dead rise and. [00:10:12] Speaker A: Condiments and public utility garbage trucks. [00:10:16] Speaker B: Public utility trucks, where each week we cover two issues from Spawn's universe created by the Todd father, Tod McFarlane. [00:10:26] Speaker A: Tod father. [00:10:27] Speaker B: We do a little more classic one, an older one, and we do a more modern or contemporary one just from a few months ago. So if you have your copies, you got them nice and minty fresh, you can bust them out and read along. Yeah. This week we're doing gunslinger number seven and scorched 15. So two thrilling, hobby heavy issues of spawn. [00:10:51] Speaker A: Yeah. And they're good ones. They're good ones. We got the covers, right? We got the covers that we're looking at, Johnny. And unfortunately, what cover do you have? I got the blank one because that's the one they gave me. I didn't think to pick up another one. [00:11:09] Speaker B: I got to pull up the. [00:11:11] Speaker A: Okay. [00:11:11] Speaker B: I was hoping you had the a cover. Oh, no, because funny story with mine, I don't have my a cover because I lent all my gunslingers to forgot, so I had to bust out my minty fresh copy. The collectors wept. [00:11:33] Speaker A: Kevin Keane is the one you got there? [00:11:34] Speaker B: Yes, I got the Kevin Keane cover, b. It smells really good. I'll tell you what. [00:11:39] Speaker A: Oh, man. Yeah. Held inside that plastic. So that way the. [00:11:43] Speaker B: Yeah, the plastic is never read. It was just put in there, back in. It was put in there back in April of 2022. It's been a full year. Sealed. [00:11:54] Speaker A: You got that good 2022 air going on. [00:11:57] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:11:59] Speaker A: Jerry Springer was able to breathe that air, Johnny. I know. [00:12:02] Speaker B: Not anymore. Recording on the day after Jerry Springer has passed away. Not making light. Yeah, he was very influential. Whenever I was homesick, I watched fucking. [00:12:15] Speaker A: Jerry Springer oh, yeah, that's my sister and I on days that we were. Was the understanding was we weren't supposed to watch it. At least that's our mom's understanding for us. But our understanding was we lie to mom and don't tell her. We watch, of course, but every day we'd watch that, because I actually think the way it aired in Oklahoma is the prices. Right. Would roll into the newlywed games and the dating game, and then it would go right into Jerry Springer. And so we would just sit on the couch all day. [00:12:46] Speaker B: I remember watching prices right. The price is right on Gunslinger for 299. [00:12:50] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:12:51] Speaker B: You can get this. Gunslinger number seven. So, yes, in a roundabout way of saying I have cover b because I've lent out my cover a, but I also have the blank cover. So you just had the straight up blank cover? [00:13:01] Speaker A: Yeah, I just had the blank cover. [00:13:05] Speaker B: You got to get someone to draw on that. Next year. We got to go to c two. E two. [00:13:09] Speaker A: Yeah. That entire month, like, all of my issues from that month were the blank variants. [00:13:19] Speaker B: That's hilarious. [00:13:20] Speaker A: So I got a hole that needs filled. I need more gunslingers. [00:13:26] Speaker B: We'll start with COVID b because that's the one I got. It's Kevin Keane. It's just a badass hobby. Standing there smoking a cigarette, and he is shooting a gun. Or just shot a gun. [00:13:39] Speaker A: Yeah, just shot a gun. Yeah. And he's holding the chain in his other hand. Man, that is a beefy hand. [00:13:47] Speaker B: Look at that beefy hand. He's got rancher gloves. They're a little more ranch interpreted. Pretty cool. [00:13:57] Speaker A: He's just about to pound those teaposts. [00:13:59] Speaker B: In for a barbed wire fence with those insane abs. I mean, it is midnight, and it's spawn because it's nighttime. So he's probably building a railroad. [00:14:08] Speaker A: Yeah, probably. He's doing some sort of heavy labor he shouldn't be doing at night. [00:14:13] Speaker B: That's what happens in the universe. [00:14:15] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:14:16] Speaker B: So. And then I also have the blank cover, which is just pretty, pretty blank. [00:14:24] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:14:26] Speaker B: Have you looked up the a cover, David? [00:14:29] Speaker A: I have looked up the a cover, and it is. [00:14:31] Speaker B: I'm looking it up. Right. [00:14:32] Speaker A: It's just. It's a close up on a gun in Javi's hand that he's just shot. And it's, like, as close as you can get to a still life and spawn, and it's great. It's very well composed, and it is quite beautiful. It's in black and white. Like, got that heavily textured inking that I very much enjoy it looks like they probably did some duotone shading on Enrique. And it's got kind of the feel of those original teenage mutant ninja Turtle comics. The thick, blocky lines with really heavy shadowing. [00:15:25] Speaker B: I know exactly the COVID you're talking about. I can see it in my mind's eye. Yeah, I'm pulling it up right now, though. Finally, my phone decided to work. [00:15:33] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:15:34] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. It's pretty cool. [00:15:38] Speaker A: You're about to get a call from your neighbor saying you're turning off my devices. [00:15:43] Speaker B: Turn off my devices. With my devices. I'm logging on their Internet. [00:15:47] Speaker A: Interrupting. Is it just because they're somehow stealing your Internet and that's why she gets booted all the time? [00:15:54] Speaker B: I don't know. I just downloaded the, like, 109 gigabyte fucking Star Wars Jedi Survivor video game that just came out. [00:16:03] Speaker A: Oh, nice. [00:16:05] Speaker B: I'm going to play it after this. There's a speed through episode. David. [00:16:08] Speaker A: Okay. [00:16:09] Speaker B: No, not really. [00:16:10] Speaker A: Gunslinger seven. Some stuff happens. Good. Scorch 15. No more stuff. Good. [00:16:15] Speaker B: Logan is lucky. [00:16:16] Speaker A: Regarding. Regarding spawn. Pod over on instagram. Regarding [email protected]. [00:16:23] Speaker B: All right, thank you. I play Jedi. Goodbye. No, it looks like a fun game. It's like an open world Star wars game. [00:16:30] Speaker A: Nice. [00:16:30] Speaker B: Kind of a Metroidvania, but, like, it's its own story. The first one was really good. And actually, funnily enough, it might be a boost for us because the name of the developer is Respawn Entertainment. [00:16:42] Speaker A: Oh, nice. Hopefully that doesn't wind up in a cease and desist. [00:16:49] Speaker B: No, they're not already cold. They're just respawn. As in, like the. [00:16:52] Speaker A: Yeah, as in where you regenerate. Yeah. [00:16:56] Speaker B: They're people that broke off from Call of Duty and made the Titanfall series, which I loved. Titanfall two played, I think, over almost a month of my life of that game. I think, when I looked it up. [00:17:07] Speaker A: Yeah. I had a friend who was posting some of the times he had spent on some of his games, and he spent, like, 947 hours on smite. And it's just like, holy shit. [00:17:19] Speaker B: Damn. [00:17:19] Speaker A: That is a lot of time. [00:17:22] Speaker B: That's a lot of time. Yeah, I think I was in the timefall too. [00:17:28] Speaker A: Dang, man. [00:17:29] Speaker B: I mean, that was over, like, five or six years, man. [00:17:33] Speaker A: You know what I'd be very happy to spend 947 hours doing, Johnny. [00:17:37] Speaker B: Well, spawn, you probably will in your lifetime if this keeps going. [00:17:40] Speaker A: Reading some spawn. Oh, hell, yeah. Time well spent, if you ask me. [00:17:45] Speaker B: So I bust open this minty fresh. I'm smelling it still. [00:17:49] Speaker A: It smells like mint? [00:17:51] Speaker B: No, it smells like ink, this fresh comic. And so much ink because it's so colorful. Yeah, you open it, and you're immediately drawn to what's going on. But you got to read the credits. You got to give credit where credit is due. [00:18:05] Speaker A: You got a script and plot by Todd McFarlane. It would be awesome if you put additional edits. [00:18:11] Speaker B: Tod McFarlane, additional story, other. [00:18:16] Speaker A: He needs. He needs more slashes in there, like script, plot, additional edits, themes. Cool stuff. He just needs to give himself all the titles. I'm here for it. Just give the Tod father all the titles. All of them. [00:18:32] Speaker B: The Tod father. [00:18:33] Speaker A: Yeah, good old Tod father. We got art by Bret Booth. Adelso Corona and Corey King are doing the inking. Evan Nunez is back. Is it Nunez or is it nuns? Because there's no tilde over the n. But I'm assuming it's Nunez just because that's the last name I know of. [00:18:52] Speaker B: Yeah, that's probably right. [00:18:55] Speaker A: Doing the colors. Tomo doing the lettering. We got Daniel Enriquez and Kevin Keane doing the COVID arts. And whoever you get to do this, it could be you. If you draw on your own cover, you then have to go in here and write your name next to the COVID artist. So that way it's official and you're published artist. [00:19:18] Speaker B: We get really desperate for content. I'll start busting out the blank covers and drawing live on air and then posting the instagram my drawings that I put on the COVID. [00:19:30] Speaker A: How quickly are you just going to start drawing Star wars stuff? You're just going to be like, this is going to be a lightsaber battle, you guys. [00:19:36] Speaker B: No, I'm not that talented. [00:19:39] Speaker A: Well, you could just draw stick figures with a big, colorful stick, and that's a lightsaber battle. That's how I would do it. [00:19:48] Speaker B: I want to draw, Spawn. [00:19:50] Speaker A: Spawn with a lightsaber. [00:19:53] Speaker B: Oh, that'd be cool. [00:19:54] Speaker A: Yeah, that would be awesome. [00:19:57] Speaker B: That's a flaming sword. At some point, I feel like. [00:19:59] Speaker A: So what color would Spawn's lightsaber be? What color Kyber crystal is that boy getting in red? Okay. Because the default would be for green, since of all the necroplasm. But they can't all green. [00:20:13] Speaker B: It would be green. [00:20:14] Speaker A: It would be green, but they can't have all the same. Yeah, red's the Sith color. Would Al Simmons be a Sith? No, I wouldn't. [00:20:23] Speaker B: No. But he would be from hell, so he'd have that, but he'd use it for good. They're Red because you bleed the Kyber Crystal. [00:20:30] Speaker A: Yeah, it's bad. Yeah. Oh, Kyber crystals. Oh, man. Are you caught up on bad batch, Johnny? [00:20:38] Speaker B: No. [00:20:39] Speaker A: Oh, dang it. Dang it. [00:20:43] Speaker B: I'm almost done with clone wars. [00:20:45] Speaker A: Okay. Clone wars is excellent. If y'all out there haven't seen it, bad batch gets excellent bad batches. This season was amazing. A lot of good Star wars coming out. [00:20:58] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:20:59] Speaker A: And I have let us get on the Star wars tip. Oh, no, Johnny. I failed my one job. Oh, man. [00:21:08] Speaker B: All right, so I'll get us back on track. [00:21:10] Speaker A: Yes. [00:21:11] Speaker B: Just like this hitchhiker here. But previously in Gunslinger Spawn. Gunslinger doesn't really play well with others. After an evening of hospitality at Clown's secret base turns violent. Gunslinger's back on the road, searching for those from his past. [00:21:29] Speaker A: An evening of hospitality is awfully stretching it awfully tame. It's doing a lot of work there. [00:21:37] Speaker B: Yeah, he did give him a lot of whiskey, but it was in order to get him drunk to fuck with him. [00:21:44] Speaker A: It was hospitality in the sheer definition of the word. But, I mean, yeah, kick that servants. [00:21:52] Speaker B: Out so they could eat the cake, but they didn't want to eat in front of the servants. [00:21:56] Speaker A: I mean, an evening of debauchery probably would have been better, but we're not here to judge the workings of the spawn creative teams. We're just here to enjoy. We got. We start with Javi doing one of our favorite things, learning modern stuff. [00:22:15] Speaker B: Modern is like, stuff in the 70s. It's not popular anymore because a lot of people died. [00:22:20] Speaker A: Yeah, but this self proclaimed hippie chick, because it's on her shirt there, teaching him how to hitchhike and then trying to convince him to go skinny dip with her. [00:22:36] Speaker B: I was like, hobby, come on, man. [00:22:39] Speaker A: I mean, he's there long enough. He doesn't get picked up until it's nighttime. He had time to go skinny dip with this hippie chick, Johnny. [00:22:47] Speaker B: But maybe he would look all. Take too much power, and he would look all. [00:22:53] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah, maybe you're right. [00:22:58] Speaker B: Yeah. This hippie chick's hilarious. I love it because it's, like, very Brett Booth. She's very busy in a good way. Just has so much going on. [00:23:06] Speaker A: She's got so much hair and all these flowers and all these necklaces and all these bracelets. It's just a whirlwind. Like, she shows up. She's only here for three panels, and then she's gone, and it's a flurry of activity. Johnny gets where I come from. [00:23:25] Speaker B: A hitch don't look like this, says hobby funny way to intro the issue. [00:23:36] Speaker A: Yeah. And then he does get picked up by, I like the guy who picks him up. [00:23:42] Speaker B: He's a really nice guy. [00:23:43] Speaker A: He's just an old dude with a beard. He looks kind of like Santa Claus. He's great. [00:23:49] Speaker B: He's a tire fixit man. [00:23:51] Speaker A: Pops the fixit, man. [00:23:53] Speaker B: Pops the fixit, man. [00:23:56] Speaker A: Oh, man. [00:23:57] Speaker B: Yeah, he laughs like an anime character. [00:23:59] Speaker A: Yeah, he does. He drives a fud. F-U-D. [00:24:07] Speaker B: Yeah, he gives Javier a rise. He's just like, hey, you be out in the cold and I could use the company. I guess the todfather is pro hitchhiking. [00:24:15] Speaker A: Yeah, you heard about, like, not too long ago, literally, John Waters was just hitchhiking across the country. And, man, I mean, nothing against John Waters. We stand John Waters here at regarding spawn, the podcast. But you got to be a crazy to pull over to the side of the road for somebody who looks like John Waters and wants to voluntarily have them come into your car. [00:24:48] Speaker B: Yeah. Unless you're sure it's John Waters. But if you saw him doing that, you'd be like, that guy looks like John Waters. And that's creepy. [00:24:54] Speaker A: I'm pretty sure the people who picked him up, like, I think part of the story is the people who picked him up didn't know who he was at all, but they still go pick them up. And a, that's pretty awesome of them to do that, but b, also, did your mother not tell you about strangers? That man looks very strange. [00:25:10] Speaker B: We grew up at height of the stranger danger, though. Well, this is not a dangerous stranger. It's a nice stranger. It's a nice little twist on his head. He doesn't serial killer him. [00:25:20] Speaker A: Yeah, and then he drops Javi off where? He asks, in the middle of nowhere. And he's like, you're in the middle of nowhere? And he's like, no, I got my. Oh, Javi's got his reasons. [00:25:32] Speaker B: Let's him do. [00:25:35] Speaker A: Uh. [00:25:35] Speaker B: It's like when the uber Driver's a little too curious about where your house is, I'm like, don't worry about it. Uber driver. [00:25:40] Speaker A: Yeah, just drop me on the corner. It's fine. [00:25:42] Speaker B: Just drop me in the corner. I don't care. None of your beeswax where I'm getting dropped off. [00:25:47] Speaker A: Yeah, they're always asking me about the place I'm getting dropped off. Like they're going to start going there, and it's like, why are you asking me these questions? I just have to go there. I don't need your input. [00:26:01] Speaker B: And Javi's going to the place where he fought Dakota and the clown with a big crater is. Or clown like, punched the ground and all that shit went down. [00:26:10] Speaker A: Yeah. And it's still smoking because it's obviously not fog, because there's no fog anywhere else. So it's literally just still smoking from the fight. And we learned that it's a place that he used to go to when he was a young boy and trying to get a moment of peace to himself. Then we get the opening reading, and he sees his buddies again. The wolf. [00:26:38] Speaker B: The opening reading like it's a Bible. The opening reading of the service. He's a man. He's got to get his gun, his ride, and his friends. [00:26:49] Speaker A: Yeah, man, I like those wolves. They're cool. And then he's just saying hi to the wolves, and he's like, sorry, dudes, I got to go. I got to go. And then this stranger with glowing eyes comes out, and he's like, I don't think they want you to go, dude. Which is literally what happens every morning I leave for work. I'm petting the dogs and saying goodbye. I got to go to work. And Wanda rolls over and wakes up, and she's like, they don't want you to go. And I'm like, don't make this harder than it needs to be. This guy is stitched together, man. Look at his face. [00:27:29] Speaker B: He's a Frankenstein. Yeah, he looks like Frankenstein in west of sundown. [00:27:36] Speaker A: Yeah, he does. Just not with no preacher collar. [00:27:42] Speaker B: No preacher collar. And he's not, like, a former badass monster hunter. [00:27:46] Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, man. West of sundown is so much fun. [00:27:50] Speaker B: I love it. It's probably one of my favorites going right now. [00:27:52] Speaker A: I was actually just thinking last night when I was reading this that they should try. It sucks that that is at vault, because trying to do a crossover between gunslinger Spawn and west of sundown would be so much harder. [00:28:06] Speaker B: Probably doable, but, well, Spawn's in Philadelphia now, so who knows? [00:28:13] Speaker A: It's another year of Spawn, Johnny. It's the year of the Spawn crossover. Let's get it going. We're going to get Spawn in Star wars. We're going to get Spawn in west of sundown. We're going to get Spawn meets the money shot crew. Wait, hold on a second. Hold on a second. No, Spawn shouldn't go on a money shot. [00:28:31] Speaker B: No, Spawn should go on local man. [00:28:33] Speaker A: Yeah, he should go to local man. [00:28:35] Speaker B: That's doable. [00:28:36] Speaker A: That's doable. Because if we can get Tim Seeley on board, he writes both west of sundown and local man. And he can just like, there, done. [00:28:46] Speaker B: And then Javi would have fun in there, dude. [00:28:49] Speaker A: And then you could get a. Oh, there's probably already been a spawn hack slash crossover, hasn't there? [00:28:54] Speaker B: I don't know. [00:28:55] Speaker A: I don't know. Hack slash is fun. Have you ever read it's, um. So it follows this lady named Cassidy Hack, who is a final girl from what's called the lunch lady murders, and she decides to hunt down and kill slashers. And she hangs out with this big Jason Voorhees looking dude named Vlad who's basically just a gigantic child. And then they get joined in their adventures by a hell dog who looks like a fucking naked mole rat, but he could sniff out evil, so they use him to hunt down certain slashers. It's great. It's a fun time. [00:29:43] Speaker B: Cool. Yeah, I've heard it's good. [00:29:48] Speaker A: I've got some omnibuses. I can lend them to you. [00:29:51] Speaker B: You have to trade me, though, for that punisher. [00:29:53] Speaker A: Yeah. Although they're much smaller than that one, so you can slip it into your bag. And also, it's not potentially people judging you for reading it because of. [00:30:04] Speaker B: No, I'm kidding. This guy got hack slashed and he's all stitched back together. [00:30:10] Speaker A: Yeah, he did. And he gets very upset when Javi tries to leave again. [00:30:15] Speaker B: He says, yeah, he's just like, I'm going to go. [00:30:17] Speaker A: They want you to stay. He throws him against the motorcycle crack. Then he transforms into a wolf himself, a stitch wolf. And I like how he becomes like a. He becomes like a union leader all at once. Brothers. He's not to escape. We rise, brothers. Tonight we feast. [00:30:40] Speaker B: The stranger has transformed. [00:30:42] Speaker A: That's crazy. And then he throws a rock at gunslinger. And I remember when this issue came out, I sent you a text message because I love the sound of a giant ass boulder landing on Javi. And a motorcycle is. [00:30:59] Speaker B: Boxing. [00:31:05] Speaker A: It's incongruous with the action, the sound that it makes. And it cracks me up more than it should. [00:31:16] Speaker B: And they just fight. And Javi's pissed. They're fighting. Hobby's pissed. All these enemies keep fighting him and setting up that question of, like, how they've mentioned it a few times before. It's still a thing, but how are these people tracking. [00:31:33] Speaker A: It? Bringing it back to the beginning. He pulls a Bruce Campbell and he's like, you want some? You want some? Bring it. [00:31:43] Speaker B: Come get some. [00:31:44] Speaker A: Yeah, come get some. Fuck. Well, it's different from what he actually says in the issue, so whatever that's okay. [00:31:51] Speaker B: She says, come get some in the new evil dead, too. [00:31:54] Speaker A: Yeah, that was one of the laugh points. And I was like, yeah, so good. [00:32:00] Speaker B: The storm was ignorant at that point that you needed something like that. [00:32:03] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:32:06] Speaker B: The final creature was crazy, but I like to go back to having a weird creature at the end, because that's what they did in evil dead, too. [00:32:13] Speaker A: Yeah, that's all. Made that wacky tree monster so crazy. [00:32:17] Speaker B: Applehead and Henrietta is all crazy, too. Yeah, it turns like a monkey, howling monkey snakehead thing. [00:32:25] Speaker A: Oh, man, it was so crazy. So, yeah, Javi rushes at this man wolf and whops him right in the stomach. He gives him a whop, and then he slashes him with his bowie knives. [00:32:39] Speaker B: He turns all animalistic. [00:32:41] Speaker A: Yeah, he does. And then the wolf man just has his eyes glow, and it makes Javi's symbiote just like, start the. What is going on here? Javi's all burning up. He's getting burnt. He's getting burnt up. And then the wolf man changes back to a man and explodes in some flames and leaves a weird big x mark that Javi remembers seeing back when he was hunting people in the 19th century. [00:33:16] Speaker B: That was the guy in the bar at that mark. [00:33:19] Speaker A: Yeah. So Javi's like, what the fuck is this? And he's like, got to find my guns. And so he digs and he digs, and he finds a big crate of his guns, just that he buried one of his cachets. And then we get a cool. [00:33:32] Speaker B: His John Wick. [00:33:33] Speaker A: Yeah, a cool little getting ready 80s style montage where he's just like, anywhere that you could conceivably hide a weapon. He's just like, soup. Swap, swap, swap. Pretty much, yeah. [00:33:48] Speaker B: He sticks one in his gauntlet, six one up his wrist. [00:33:52] Speaker A: As much firepower as he can carry, and he's just got a duffel bag full of rifles. And then he needs to heal himself, so he goes and he gives himself a little dip in the river. [00:34:06] Speaker B: Yeah, well, it looks like almost. Maybe it's a hot springs. [00:34:10] Speaker A: I assumed it's because he was still so hot from what the wolf man did to him that he was steaming. [00:34:19] Speaker B: He was, like, steaming? [00:34:20] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:34:22] Speaker B: But I don't know. There's a movie, dead man with Johnny Depp. It's a Jim Jarmish western where he does. He, like, floats down a river kind of looking like that. And it's also recall they show that him lying like that in gunslinger number. [00:34:37] Speaker A: One, I believe, because I remember you pointed out the reference. [00:34:42] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a little double callback. [00:34:46] Speaker A: So after Javi gets wet, we flash over to Roadhouse with not Kevin Bacon, the other dude. [00:34:54] Speaker B: Patrick Swayze. [00:34:55] Speaker A: Patrick Swayze. I still haven't seen it, but I do know that Logan Branham dressed it up as Swayze from Roadhouse for Halloween one year. And Wanda helped him put his costume together. And she was like, I have no idea what the fuck this is. She's like, what is he even talking about? [00:35:15] Speaker B: This place is called patio lushes. [00:35:18] Speaker A: Patio lush, man. For a dive bar that is a extremely well stocked liquor shelf. Look at all that. Look at all those. [00:35:28] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a nice sign too. [00:35:30] Speaker A: Yeah, it's great. And then we get Johnny's. Perfect. [00:35:36] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, yeah. [00:35:37] Speaker A: Perfect. [00:35:38] Speaker B: Dark. I don't know what you're talking about. [00:35:44] Speaker A: Have your eyes caused you to sin so you've had to gouge them out? Johnny? Is that what's going on? So you can't see? [00:35:49] Speaker B: Yeah, I cursed myself. [00:35:54] Speaker A: Yeah, Jessica. [00:35:55] Speaker B: Jessica's looking hot. [00:35:57] Speaker A: She's not even so much sitting at the bar as standing with a cursory lean against the bar stool. [00:36:07] Speaker B: She looks very uncomfortable on one of her giant asses. On one of her giant ass cheeks. It's just rested on a bar. [00:36:16] Speaker A: I like the slovenly man who comes over to try to hit on her. He's just a big, drunk. Look lunk who's, like, drooling all over himself. [00:36:27] Speaker B: It's hilarious. It's like, oh, look at this assassin. Obviously an assassin at his dive bar. Yeah, it's great. [00:36:38] Speaker A: Howie thinks he's funny. [00:36:41] Speaker B: Spawn 313. Something to look forward to getting to that soon. [00:36:46] Speaker A: Indeed, indeed. [00:36:49] Speaker B: So she gives him the motorcycle, and. [00:36:51] Speaker A: She'S just, you need to fucking stop talking to me because I'm doing something. And he's like, yeah, but I need you to do something for me first. And she's like, dude, didn't you hear me say that? I don't have time to do it, but Javi's looking for Al. And during this conversation, this large, mustachioed man comes over and trying to coming to Jessica's rescue, doing the classic. [00:37:17] Speaker B: This fellow bothering you here? Yeah, this guy from, like, final fight? Yeah, he's like. Like, javi's a tall guy. He's really buff, and this guy's, like, taller. [00:37:28] Speaker A: And because Javi starts to try to pick a fight with him, and Jessica's just like, oh, fucking men. Boys with their toys and their bad attitudes. But yeah, this dude is hulking over Javi, and Jessica priest tries to separate them. [00:37:50] Speaker B: He just blows smoke at his face. [00:37:52] Speaker A: Yeah. And then she tries to apologize for, you know, probably feels like an absolute moron for it. [00:37:58] Speaker B: And this guy's just proves he's a big fucking jerk. [00:38:01] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:38:02] Speaker B: Calls Jessica a whore. Your whore. [00:38:05] Speaker A: Yeah. Little moment of pedantry here, Johnny. This man should have said, neither you nor your whore girlfriend, because you use nor with neither not or. [00:38:16] Speaker B: Yeah, he's a double piece of. [00:38:22] Speaker A: Know. Insulting Jessica priest is a step too far for Javi. And he gets green necroplasm lightning eyes to end of issue. Like, not even a to be continue. It just stops. [00:38:40] Speaker B: Would you call her? Yeah, you know, Javi's not down with that. [00:38:45] Speaker A: Yeah, definitely not. And then we got Javi's at 118 on the power meter. [00:38:54] Speaker B: He's indeed slowly but surely going up. Are you laughing at Toby the hell dog? [00:39:01] Speaker A: I'm laughing at Toby the hell dog. Oh, I love him so much. Look at him. He's just like the spawning grounds. There's some pictures that are submitted. It doesn't say who Toby belongs to, though. [00:39:20] Speaker B: He's just his own entity. There's just a picture of a little dog with, like, a spawn mask drawn on him in a cape. He's just Toby the man. [00:39:31] Speaker A: Oh, man. He's got his teeth there and everything. He's hilarious. Hilarious. But, like, big Jim from Ohio is talking about how much he loves an old fashioned mailbag. And Tom Healy is just like, hell, yeah. We're going to keep doing it as. [00:39:53] Speaker B: Long as you keep sending those letters. [00:39:54] Speaker A: Yeah. So everybody out there, keep sending your letters in. [00:39:58] Speaker B: Yeah. Keep sending us emails. Or start sending us emails so we can play that fucking song again. [00:40:03] Speaker A: It's a great song. We can't listen to it unless we have them. Please don't deprive us of hearing Brian's. [00:40:10] Speaker B: Great shit regarding [email protected]. [00:40:14] Speaker A: Indeed. And then we got Jonathan being another one of those old school spawn fans that lapsed but has recently come back into the folds of the cape. [00:40:27] Speaker B: Very close journey to me. [00:40:30] Speaker A: Yeah, the compendium shot him back into it along with King Spawn and Gunslinger and scorched. It's real good. And Thomas here, another of Thomas's promises. Thomas's promises that they're going to keep doing compendiums until they get caught up to current day. So, man, however many compendiums that'll take. [00:40:58] Speaker B: I'm on volume three right now. Volume four is out. Volume five will be coming out, I'm assuming. [00:41:03] Speaker A: Yeah. Nice. The last bit is there's some really cool hobby figure art or figure photography, not art. Yeah, there we go. Although photography is art, but the art of photography. You know what I fucking mean? God, I don't even know what I mean. Do I know what I mean? [00:41:21] Speaker B: I think you know what you mean. [00:41:23] Speaker A: I mean, I sure hope I know what I mean. That would be bad if I didn't know what meant. Yeah. [00:41:30] Speaker B: Eric. Eric did this really cool picture of fog. [00:41:37] Speaker A: Yeah, it's got a tree. It's great, man. Toy photography. The spawn community does it. Excellent, Johnny. And then I like how the advertisement for the toys in the back is basically just like a action figure photography variant of issue number one. And it's literally the one that I have the gun on a horse. This is the only time I ever remember seeing this advertisement. So it's a cool little one off. It's great. [00:42:08] Speaker B: Yeah. It was a specific day, April 30, 2022. McFarland Day. They just had this year's McFarland Day because they had all those buy one, get one. [00:42:17] Speaker A: Yeah. McFarland figures at GameStop was pretty great. [00:42:20] Speaker B: Pretty great. [00:42:21] Speaker A: Pretty great. [00:42:25] Speaker B: That's gunslinger spawn number seven. [00:42:27] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:42:27] Speaker B: All right. You said it first. [00:42:28] Speaker A: I said it first. You said it better. [00:42:32] Speaker B: But we both said it, and that's all that matters. Next up, we got. It's me, the Joker. I don't know why I did a Joker voice. Next up, we got scorched 15. [00:43:04] Speaker A: Yes, indeed. Do we do? [00:43:07] Speaker B: Yes, indeed we do. Getting into this crazy action, just like Smorgasborg of characters that the scorch is becoming. [00:43:17] Speaker A: Yeah, we're hitting what everybody who reads an epic fantasy novel knows to expect. We're getting to the splitting of the group so that way there can be continued storyline on opposite ides of the fantasy world. Opposite ides. Opposite ends. [00:43:39] Speaker B: Opposite ides. [00:43:42] Speaker A: Oh, man. Beware the opposite ides of March. What would be the opposite ides of March? March 30, I guess something like whatever. [00:43:50] Speaker B: For six months from that September 15. [00:43:55] Speaker A: Watch your back. [00:43:58] Speaker B: 911. [00:43:59] Speaker A: Either that or that's the March 15 that Caesar stabs everybody else. [00:44:06] Speaker B: It's much bloodier. [00:44:07] Speaker A: Yeah, he basically just turns into, he turns into a John Wick type figure and is just like taking everybody out. Yeah, scorched 15. It's a good one. We got a couple of covers here, Johnny. My research tells me that there are two covers. One of the Simone Bianchi. Is it Simone or Simon? Simone? [00:44:30] Speaker B: Simone. [00:44:31] Speaker A: Simone Bianchi and Kevin Keane. So this is one of those, the Bianchi Variant covers across all four of the issues for that month. It's a good month. [00:44:41] Speaker B: Well, it's a funny connection because I have the COVID I read for Gunslinger was Kevin Keane. I opened the Kevin Keane cover. [00:44:49] Speaker A: Oh, nice. [00:44:50] Speaker B: Well, this is the one that I decided to keep out of the. [00:44:55] Speaker A: I have the Kevin Keane cover as well. And it's haunt doing some Spider man stuff. [00:45:02] Speaker B: Yeah, on, like, the bottom of something on the gooeiest. [00:45:07] Speaker A: Whatever. It's, like, dripping this brown stuff, and it can't be comfortable to be there, but it looks badass. [00:45:14] Speaker B: And the a cover, though, is great. It's hilarious. I love it so much. It's spawn just, like, really angry. It's like he's thinking about the scorch. That's how angry he is. He's like. [00:45:31] Speaker A: Yeah, it's pretty awesome. It's pretty awesome. He's like, curses. That's a really good looking spawn, man. [00:45:40] Speaker B: No, it actually. [00:45:42] Speaker A: That might be the classic. [00:45:45] Speaker B: You know, it's like Wanda. Yeah, it is almost. [00:45:50] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:45:51] Speaker B: But it's just funny because it's the COVID for the just remind. It just like, makes me think he's just like, ah, the scorch annoyed me so much. [00:45:59] Speaker A: They're all a bunch of turds. I barely stand Jessica priest. [00:46:04] Speaker B: Leave me alone. [00:46:08] Speaker A: Oh, man. Speaking of being a bunch of turds, Javi continues his little stinkerism in here, but we should start by saying the littlest stinker is Sean Lewis himself, and a nominally smaller stinker would be the todfather for doing some additional script. So those stinkers are doing the script. Plot an additional script. Steven Segovia, man. He's just stinking it up with this artwork. Oh, and his artwork is. Oh, it's so good. Ulysses. Ulysses areola for the colors and world design on the lettering. I've said it once before. I'll say it again. And world design needs to learn to use a fucking comma rant over cover artists. We've covered. We've covered the COVID artists, Johnny. [00:47:01] Speaker B: We've covered them. [00:47:02] Speaker A: Have we made that joke before? It's a good one. [00:47:05] Speaker B: Probably not. [00:47:06] Speaker A: And then we got Tod. Todd is the creative director. Thomas Healy is the editor in chief. [00:47:10] Speaker B: Previously in Scorched. Necro and Margaret love have escaped the confines of hell and are seeking allies to bring their war to earth. They're trying to get Javi. They're trying to get Sergey. Sergey. Sergey. [00:47:36] Speaker A: Yeah, you said it right. [00:47:38] Speaker B: They're trying to get Sergey. [00:47:39] Speaker A: Congratulations. [00:47:43] Speaker B: She got some of her poison ivy kiss juice in. [00:47:48] Speaker A: They were. They're trying to get Sergey. And then they were able to recruit Mandarin Spawn and then they were all. [00:47:57] Speaker B: The way from his american idol island. [00:47:59] Speaker A: Yeah, they had to tell Ryan Seacrest how to pronounce their names correctly so that way he could introduce them. [00:48:09] Speaker B: So Margaret, love, and Necro are in the background. They're just like, what up? [00:48:14] Speaker A: Yeah, they're just chilling. They're just chilling in. These. These beasts that Mandarin is killing are just like, what the fuck are these guys? They got, like, one eye and weird, like, cthulhu beaks. [00:48:27] Speaker B: Yeah, they're just demon people that show up on the island. [00:48:30] Speaker A: Yeah, love and Necro. And then Mandarin's just like, I'm going to fight you. And Necro starts powering up, and then Mandarin stabs him in the chest. And then Necro, like, energy beams him out of his chest. Like, he shoots the energy beam, and it pushes the sword out of his chest and knocks Mandarin to the ground. It's crazy. [00:48:58] Speaker B: He's like, I have no man. I'm a robot, motherfucker. [00:49:02] Speaker A: Oh, man. They want revenge, and they want Mandarin to help him. And then we get a nice little another Julius Caesar reference. The die is cast, and Mandarin agrees to help them. [00:49:15] Speaker B: And then with all of his people. [00:49:18] Speaker A: Wicked, wicked beasts look at him. [00:49:21] Speaker B: And then we cut to Javi being a turd. [00:49:25] Speaker A: Yeah, being a turd. And then medieval being like, why are you being such a jerk? And Javi being like, I'm not a jerk. Medieval tries to. He puts his hand on Javi's shoulder to keep him from walking away, and Javi just turns around and slices him in the neck. [00:49:44] Speaker B: Good. [00:49:45] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:49:46] Speaker B: Causes Sergey to pull out a. [00:49:50] Speaker A: You know, you mess with medieval is his budy. Yeah. You mess with medieval, you're going to mess with the Sergey. And Javi's being a jerk to Sergey, too. And Sergey is basically just like, man, I want nothing more but to see you guys destroy each other, but you can't be a shit about it. [00:50:10] Speaker B: He puts out his gun and reaches for a beer. [00:50:12] Speaker A: Yay. [00:50:13] Speaker B: There you then. [00:50:15] Speaker A: And then them talking about medieval's honor, and medieval can't do the first hit, but luckily, Javi was a turd first. [00:50:24] Speaker B: Javi already hit him, so medieval just. [00:50:27] Speaker A: Smashes him in the head, and he goes flying. And Sergey's just sitting back like, ah, hell, yeah. It's like he's watching a wwe smackdown or some shit. [00:50:38] Speaker B: Cracks a beer open. [00:50:40] Speaker A: Yeah. And then Jessica Priest comes in, and she's like, dudes, I had a hard ass day at work. The last thing I want to come home to is you being little shits. [00:50:52] Speaker B: You guys are infighting here. Hello. Yeah, we were just on this island. [00:50:57] Speaker A: Yeah. And Javi's like, you can't keep a promise. And Jessica priest is like, it's been, like, 6 hours, dude. In order to do what you need, it's going to take fucking weeks. And Redeemer says, you need to fucking. Everybody stays. [00:51:15] Speaker B: He's like, oh, yeah, by the way, I was going around, and I stabbed. [00:51:19] Speaker A: Reaper while he was praying. [00:51:22] Speaker B: While he was praying. But don't worry, it's because I know little blood never hurt nobody. [00:51:30] Speaker A: There is no future without Reaper. Ain't no future without our pasts. And then this is some badass smack talk. Redeemer is just threatens to beat him up so badly that he gets punched back to the past. It's a great threat. [00:51:49] Speaker B: And Sergey is like, yes, he's got this, like, margaret love juice. [00:51:57] Speaker A: Yeah. He's basically like that perverts. Meme. Yes. [00:52:04] Speaker B: Sickos. [00:52:05] Speaker A: Sickos. That's right. I always think it's perverts, but it'sickos. Because I always look for sickos. I always look for perverts, memes. Memes. And it never gets me what I want. I'm like, what the fuck is this? [00:52:16] Speaker B: I don't know what it's from. [00:52:18] Speaker A: I think it's from a chick tract. [00:52:20] Speaker B: It looks like a chick tract for sure. Love a chick tract. [00:52:25] Speaker A: And then while Sergey's lost in his little reverie, Javi's trying to hit back. He bum rushes Redeemer and tackles him out through the. I can't tell if that they go through the wall of the cave or they go through the cave mouth. I like to think that they go through the wall of the cave and just, like, kool aid, man it out of there. [00:52:54] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. The rest around the. [00:52:57] Speaker A: They literally. It literally says that the one thing that Javi and Al have in common is rage from being unable to save their know. That's how those boys get along, through rage. [00:53:12] Speaker B: But I thought they were the same side of the same coin. [00:53:14] Speaker A: Yeah. Make up your mind. Well, I mean, that is the same side of the same coin. If they. [00:53:20] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [00:53:21] Speaker A: You're right. [00:53:21] Speaker B: They both lost their family. [00:53:23] Speaker A: Both lost their family, and they're angry because they could do nothing to save it. [00:53:26] Speaker B: So Javi knows that the blood gets those guys talking. So that's why he stabbed reaper. Yeah, because he could see some visions in the blood. Because we learned. [00:53:34] Speaker A: Yeah, he's doing some scrying because redeemer. [00:53:37] Speaker B: Did it in the scorched jet. A few issues, and then. [00:53:43] Speaker A: Then Reaper is like, hey, guys, you got to stop fighting. And we got to split up the group. [00:53:50] Speaker B: Good luck, bastards. [00:53:51] Speaker A: Yeah. He's like, you guys have to do it. You can't have soul crusher. You can't have me. You can't have gunslinger. [00:54:01] Speaker B: You got to go back to where it all started, Jessica. [00:54:04] Speaker A: Yeah. Started someplace. [00:54:06] Speaker B: We'll find out. [00:54:08] Speaker A: And then we go back over to villains. Yeah. To Mandarin and Necro and love. And they got their minions with a battering ram, just trying to smash down a big old stone door. [00:54:26] Speaker B: Yep. Cracking the tube open. [00:54:28] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:54:29] Speaker B: Opening up those peeps. [00:54:32] Speaker A: These aren't peeps that were aged properly. They were forgotten about. Like, even the bible forgot about these peeps. [00:54:38] Speaker B: No one remembers these peeps. [00:54:39] Speaker A: Nobody does. Except for, apparently I do. Necro in love and me and Sean. [00:54:47] Speaker B: Lewis, because Urzin is a big bad guy, around 100. [00:54:51] Speaker A: Okay. [00:54:53] Speaker B: He shows up and Spawn has to fight him. I think he's the one that kills Angela. [00:54:58] Speaker A: They release Urzin, and then Urzin's just literally, he comes out reciting bible verses. Like he's a, like, he's like Johnny cash. [00:55:09] Speaker B: And I went forth and I saw come and see. That's from that one song. It always reminds me of that. [00:55:15] Speaker A: Oh, man. [00:55:17] Speaker B: When the man comes around. Used so expertly in Zack Snyder's dawn of the dead opening credits. [00:55:22] Speaker A: Yeah, we end on this spooky man's face. [00:55:27] Speaker B: There he is saying some. [00:55:32] Speaker A: Uh, the spawning grounds this month is just a whole bunch of fan art and some good fan art. They got a chibby spawn. You always got to put a chibby spawn in there. [00:55:41] Speaker B: Yeah, a little chibby spawn. [00:55:42] Speaker A: Yeah. Unfortunately, you can't see how round his belly is because the necroplasmic fist is there. But I'm going to assume this is a very round belly. [00:55:52] Speaker B: Yes. [00:55:52] Speaker A: Get a badass. [00:55:55] Speaker B: I was about to say badass, Jessica. Wow. [00:55:57] Speaker A: Yeah, it's a real good coke. That fucking medieval on the bottom there looks dope. Like, it looks like his necroplasmic helmet is made out of wood. It's awesome. [00:56:07] Speaker B: Jessica. With, like, a pirate sword. That's pretty cool. [00:56:09] Speaker A: Yeah, good. Great fan art. Great fan art in the spawning grounds. I like seeing it. [00:56:15] Speaker B: Yep. And we got the highlighted covers of sue and Bianchi with hamlet spawn. All these fun spawns. [00:56:27] Speaker A: Yeah, they're great covers. They're great. You know, we get the advertisement for salmon Twitch toys. Woohoo. Hell yeah. [00:56:38] Speaker B: Always get that. And twitch. [00:56:40] Speaker A: So good. So good. They've recently changed it. And I don't know how I feel about it. But, I mean, I understand, but I still don't know how I feel about it. [00:56:49] Speaker B: The backing of the looming mark Spears cover freak, which is a great. I love that color scheme. The purple. [00:56:55] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:56:57] Speaker B: And the green. [00:56:58] Speaker A: The title that teal and purple is dope. It's real good. Those mark Spears covers, just fantastic. [00:57:07] Speaker B: Iconic. [00:57:08] Speaker A: So good. And that's scorched 15, Johnny. [00:57:12] Speaker B: That's scorched 15. [00:57:14] Speaker A: That's what I said, johnny. I said that was scorched 15. [00:57:18] Speaker B: That's scorched 15. [00:57:20] Speaker A: That was scorched number 15. Indeed it was. That wasn't even a good basis for a joke, Johnny. But you know what was good? These comics. And you know what we got to do with that? We got to quantify them. So I think we got to rate these puppies. [00:57:38] Speaker B: Johnny, it's time to quantify these puppies. [00:57:41] Speaker A: Quantify this. Johnny, I'm flipping you off. If you can't tell, I can't tell. Giving you the double deuce, Johnny. [00:57:51] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [00:57:52] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [00:57:53] Speaker B: The Starlord. Doesn't he flip off with both fingers at one point? [00:57:58] Speaker A: I think he did. I was specifically referencing strong, bad, but I'm not wearing boxing gloves, so it's not correct, but yeah. So gunslinger seven. Johnny, we got to read Gunslinger seven. What are you going to give this book? [00:58:13] Speaker B: Gunslinger seven? [00:58:15] Speaker A: It was fun. [00:58:16] Speaker B: There's like a fun little fight. [00:58:20] Speaker A: Kind. [00:58:20] Speaker B: Of in between her issue at the beginning of a new arc. So I'm going to give it three and a half hippie chicks. [00:58:27] Speaker A: Three and a half hippie chicks. It's a good rating. It's a good rating. It's a little all over the place, but it's a good rating. Right? Because the hippie chick is a little all over the place. Bad joke. [00:58:40] Speaker B: She's all over the place. [00:58:42] Speaker A: She is all over the place. She's so much. Bret Booth did not have to put as much into this one page character as he did, but it's great. If I could love all of the detail Bret booth does. It's great. [00:58:59] Speaker B: This isn't a knock against it, but this issue is a little all over the place. It's just like, he's here, he's here. Here's a new guy that's gone. [00:59:07] Speaker A: It's an in betweener. We know these will happen every once in a while, right? You got to kind of reset the stage. I'm going to give it three and a half box. Box. Yeah. My favorite automotive. [00:59:24] Speaker B: I thought you said box boxes. [00:59:28] Speaker A: Three and a half boxes. Three and a half boxes. Gun. Bach. [00:59:31] Speaker B: You throw a boulder at a motorcycle, and a big man, you got a box. [00:59:40] Speaker A: It's a good issue. It's fun. But, I mean, since it is resetting the scene, it's an in betweener issue. They happen. We still enjoy them. Indeed we do. [00:59:53] Speaker B: And next up is scorch. Number 15. [00:59:58] Speaker A: Yes. 15. Number scorched. [00:59:59] Speaker B: It's a fast and furious fight. Inner fight. [01:00:05] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:00:07] Speaker B: It's another one of the setting of the stage a little bit. [01:00:09] Speaker A: Yeah. It's a classic. Scorched. Nothing but fight issue. [01:00:14] Speaker B: I would give it four. Sergey, crack at a beer. Four beers. [01:00:19] Speaker A: Damn it, Johnny. That's what I was going to give it. [01:00:23] Speaker B: It's great. I love that picture where he's just sitting there like, I'm going to enjoy this. He's just, like, drinking a beer. [01:00:31] Speaker A: I think it's appropriate that we both give it the same for Sergey's cracking a beer, watching the spawns beat the shit out of each other, because that's us. It's fun. [01:00:41] Speaker B: That's literally reading it. [01:00:42] Speaker A: Yeah. That's literally what we do. It's great. I like that Sergey is best friends with medieval, but he still doesn't give a shit about hell, people at all. And he's just trying to have fun as he art. [01:00:58] Speaker B: He's also got that love infection. [01:01:00] Speaker A: Yeah. Art is killing it. Segovia is killing it on. Art Lewis is killing it on making the overall story go forward. [01:01:08] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [01:01:09] Speaker A: Really? [01:01:09] Speaker B: Segovia has really become one of my favorites. [01:01:12] Speaker A: It's so just. It's just fun. And we come to this book for literally an issue full of fight. Unfortunately, it's hard to rate an issue full of fight because it's just fun to watch. But, yeah, it's doing exactly what I want it to do. Johnny. It's good. [01:01:35] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Scorched a lot of fun. Speaking of, I have. And speaking of, there was both. Speaking of, I have that I got at a McFarland sale, a little Steven Segovia adjacent little action figure. So it's time for a little Todd's toy talk. The grifter figure. [01:02:23] Speaker A: Grifter. [01:02:24] Speaker B: There was a day on either Instagram or somewhere that you saw. They were like, oh, there's, like, really cheap McFarland figures at Walmart. [01:02:35] Speaker A: Yeah, I remember that. Yeah, they were like, $5 or something like that. It was crazy. [01:02:40] Speaker B: There was like $5, and I got this grifter. It was one of them that I got because I've been reading. I always liked wildcats, even when I was a kid. Like, I thought they look cool. I had a few issues, but I liked any of the image stuff. But I always liked wildcats. I like grifter, and they had a grifter figure for like $5.22, I think. So I got that. [01:03:04] Speaker A: Like, it's criminal to have not gotten that shit. I probably should have done some of that as well. [01:03:09] Speaker B: No, don't worry about it. So I got a grifter figure here. And Steven Segovia has been killing it on wildcats too. I've been loving that. [01:03:19] Speaker A: It's a great time. It's very scorched. Not to typecast or demean either of the titles, but they are very much, like, in the same vein with just like a rather dysfunctional team. And Grifter is the little stinker of the Wildcats world. It is so fun. It's so fun. It's good. [01:03:48] Speaker B: Yeah, I got this grifter figure and I haven't had it for a while, so I was super excited to pop it open. [01:03:55] Speaker A: Hell yeah. [01:03:56] Speaker B: So bust out my pocket knife here. Classic swiss army knife. [01:04:00] Speaker A: Yeah. Got the little snip snips, snip, snip, snip, snip. [01:04:04] Speaker B: Yeah, that's why I'm using it. First I'm cutting open top. [01:04:07] Speaker A: That was a great call. [01:04:09] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. It really helps with those. Here we go. Okay. Oh, man. Okay, he looks cool. Let me just get this switch over to scissors here. [01:04:30] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:04:30] Speaker B: I don't know why. I think maybe I had a Wildcats figure when I was a kid. I was just like, I like how they looked and I had a few issues, so I've always kind of had an attachment to them. [01:04:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:04:41] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. He only had one little snip snip. [01:04:43] Speaker A: Oh, nice. [01:04:44] Speaker B: Okay, cool. [01:04:45] Speaker A: I also like how low key grifter's costume is. Like, he doesn't give a fuck, but he knows he has to wear a mask, so he just ties a bandana. [01:04:55] Speaker B: Around his face, has been around his. [01:04:59] Speaker A: Oh, he looks cool. [01:05:00] Speaker B: He's, like, textured on his tactical vest that's under his jacket. Jacket. [01:05:06] Speaker A: Oh, nice. [01:05:06] Speaker B: He came with a knife and a sword. Get the knife and the sword out here because DC, he has a gun hand and luckily I have guns, so I can give him a. Yeah, that's. [01:05:22] Speaker A: That'S literally the reason for the McFarlane gun pack. [01:05:28] Speaker B: But he does look cool with the swords and the knife. I'm going to put the sword and the knife. We hold the knife backwards. [01:05:35] Speaker A: Oh, nice. [01:05:35] Speaker B: Cool. Action hero. [01:05:37] Speaker A: Yeah, so he can spink. Swap spinks. Awesome. [01:05:42] Speaker B: Imagine, like, having a bunch of these and not knowing about the action figure pack. And then finally you figure it out. You're like, wow, my life is complete. [01:05:50] Speaker A: Oh, man. [01:05:54] Speaker B: I don't know why I'm singing them. I guess because you mentioned it. I'm singing the medical. Solid theme. Yeah, it's a great figure. Oh, yeah. Looks badass. [01:06:05] Speaker A: Nice. He can annoy Batman. [01:06:10] Speaker B: Annoy Batman. Be confused by the court of owls. Just confused as to why they exist. Like, what the heck are these owls? [01:06:17] Speaker A: There's a kind of quarter vowels thread in wildcats right now. It's not exactly the court of Owls. [01:06:24] Speaker B: But no, well, the court of Owls is in Wildcats. [01:06:27] Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, fuck. Yeah, you're right. [01:06:30] Speaker B: The second issue, they're in Gotham. [01:06:32] Speaker A: That's exactly why I think that there's a court of owls type storyline is because the court of owls is literally fucking there. Yeah, because he fights Talon. Oh, man. [01:06:39] Speaker B: Yeah, he fights a talon. [01:06:40] Speaker A: Man. My brain just doesn't hold on to shit anymore, Johnny. It's like everything that goes through it is just like a river. [01:06:47] Speaker B: Yeah. I try to read the previous two issues of comics I'm following just because I get more enjoyment out of it and I can remember what's. [01:06:56] Speaker A: It's always, and it's always more fun to kind of reread what happened in light of what happened. You know, where it's going and so you can find all the little cool bits that stick it all together. [01:07:12] Speaker B: I'm going to have to have a separate area for non spawns. [01:07:17] Speaker A: Johnny, are you segregating your toys? That's racist. Yeah, Spawn and non spawn, that's racist, Johnny. [01:07:27] Speaker B: I guess Wildcats at DC and Batman is technically in the universe of Wildcats. Or they brought Wildcats into Batman, but. [01:07:36] Speaker A: Wildcats started at image, didn't. Yeah. [01:07:40] Speaker B: Yeah, they did. [01:07:41] Speaker A: Oh, man. It's wacky. It's wacky. [01:07:45] Speaker B: It's wacky how that works. Yeah, they brought him into Batman after certain they got the rights to him. I'm not sure exactly that story. [01:07:51] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't know either. It probably has something to do with Jim Lee being a creative, like chief creative officer at DC and was like, yeah, sure, I can bring these over. They were his. He literally created them and he owned them. And he gets to do whatever the fuck he wants to with his own creator own stuff. And if he wants to sell them to DC, he can fucking do that. [01:08:16] Speaker B: Sure can. [01:08:17] Speaker A: The whole point. [01:08:18] Speaker B: I think also they changed it. That Wildcat series was originally supposed to be a miniseries, but I think it's just going to be an ongoing now. [01:08:24] Speaker A: Oh, nice. It's fun. It's fun. I really like. What's his name? Matthew Rosenberg. Matthew Rosenberg. [01:08:32] Speaker B: Wildcat Matthew. [01:08:33] Speaker A: Oh, man. It brought up what's his name? Matthew Rosenberg. [01:08:36] Speaker B: Nice. [01:08:37] Speaker A: He did a fun miniseries for black mask a while ago. Called four kids walk into a bank. And it was very, like, stranger things. Paper girls. It was a good time. [01:08:52] Speaker B: Cool. Not been liking the wildcats. [01:08:54] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:08:54] Speaker B: And I can like it even more, this bat. And he's got a cool sword. [01:08:57] Speaker A: This is should. Every time you read a wildcats, you need to make sure that he's, like, sitting in your shirt pocket. So he can read along with you. What am I doing this month, Johnny? Show me, show me, show me. Well, excellent. Excellent, excellent. Speaking of toys, Johnny, speaking of toys. We got some friends. We got friends. I'm not being defensive. We have friends. Lots of friends. All the friends we got lots of them. We got a friend over on Instagram that we would like to shout out. Know we like to share our friends. They aren't our friends. They're our friends. Right? [01:09:40] Speaker B: Friends of Spawn. [01:09:41] Speaker A: Yeah, friends of Spawn. [01:09:43] Speaker B: And this one, Eric, was featured in the spawning ground. We just read in Spawn Gunslinger. Spawn number seven. [01:09:50] Speaker A: Yes, indeed. Yeah. Their handle is at e seven plays. That's etheletter. Seventhenumber plays with an s. And it's an action figure photography feed. And it is wild. These images are so good. And if you scroll down a little bit, Johnny, you can see that he's actually taken some pictures. With that very figure you have in your hands right now. [01:10:25] Speaker B: The grifter figure. It's on there. It's all part of the plan. That's a terrible joker impression. [01:10:37] Speaker A: Yeah. At e seven plays on Instagram. They got some good shit. Go give them some love. Look at their awesome photography. [01:10:45] Speaker B: Spread that spawn love. [01:10:47] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:10:47] Speaker B: Oh, I said spread it. You also got to spread it to Brian as well. [01:10:51] Speaker A: Yeah, to Brian. [01:10:52] Speaker B: Brian Voiler. [01:10:53] Speaker A: For some reason, Brian is not. He's immune to the spawn love. So we just got to inundate him with it until he realizes that, oh, hey, all these cool people that love me love spawn. So maybe I should love spawn too. It's our ongoing project getting Brian into Spawn. But he does our music, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't like Spawn. Because his music kicks ass. [01:11:19] Speaker B: Exactly. [01:11:20] Speaker A: Yeah. And by all accounts, he has a fun time doing it. So, hey, if we're out here proclaiming that Spawn is fun. And Brian is having fun doing something for a spawn podcast, then, hell, I'd say he's honorary. Spawn fan. Even if he doesn't like spawn proper, right? Yeah. [01:11:41] Speaker B: John Williams might hate fucking Star wars. [01:11:43] Speaker A: We don't know. Oh, man. I don't know what. [01:11:53] Speaker B: He likes John Williams now. [01:11:55] Speaker A: I think he likes a paycheck, actually. I don't even know if it's for the paycheck. That dude does so much work. It's just got to be because he just loves fucking writing music. [01:12:05] Speaker B: Yeah, he's probably just has music in his head constantly. He's got to get it out. [01:12:08] Speaker A: Yeah. He's not above you. Just taking costs to do stuff for a friend. He's the friend. [01:12:22] Speaker B: Johnny. Johnny Williams. [01:12:24] Speaker A: Oh, man. Yeah. Give Brian some love. I bet he's got music in his head all the time too, and we just needed to give him a reason to get it out there. You know who else needs some love? Johnny. You know who's so lost and unloved, gets. Never gets enough of those hearts. It's link. That's why he keeps trying to pull him out of those fucking bottles and potions and stuff. [01:12:54] Speaker B: Oh, my. It's very timely. There's a new zelda I know. You didn't even know? [01:13:02] Speaker A: No, my friends are talking about it, so that's why I've got Zelda on the mind. One of my friends is picking up his Zelda themed switch on Tuesday, I do believe. Oh, wow. [01:13:13] Speaker B: I didn't know there was a Zelda themed switch. [01:13:15] Speaker A: Yeah, they're putting out a new edition specifically for this. And he's like, I have a first gen switch, so I need you to upgrade that shit. And might as well get the. I mean, for everybody out there, as long as it's not double the price of the thing you're buying. If it's maybe just a little bit more to get something that is more in line with your aesthetics, fucking get the thing that's in line with your aesthetics. [01:13:43] Speaker B: Don't treat yourself. [01:13:45] Speaker A: Don't be like, I like this. But the other thing was $2 more, and it was the color I wanted. But I wanted to say $2 isn't going to fucking hurt anybody. [01:13:57] Speaker B: It's not just the guy who won't buy variant covers. Is there a dollar more? [01:14:03] Speaker A: Hey, now that's only because I'm already buying all the things that I like. [01:14:07] Speaker B: Yeah, because if you add, like, three variant covers, that's a whole nother mean. [01:14:13] Speaker A: It's. It's not. It's not that I don't enjoy the covers that I buy. It's just. Are you calling me a hypocrite? Johnny, how dare you? No, I'm just teasing you. Do as I say, not as. No, don't do as I say, not as I do. If you're ever at work, do as you do. If you're ever at work, somebody says, do as I say, not as I do. You can tell them to fuck right the hell off. That. If you aren't going to stick to your own convictions. Why the hell do I have to? So whenever I train people, I'm like, I'm not going to tell you to do as I say and not as I do. If I tell you to do something one way, and you literally see me doing it another way, call me out on my shit, be like, what the fuck are you doing? If I don't have a good reason, I'm not going to try to do it. Not the way I taught you. [01:15:01] Speaker B: Sorry, I'm just messing with this action figure. [01:15:03] Speaker A: It's so cool. [01:15:05] Speaker B: If you want to see pictures of it, yeah, you can go to our instagram. [01:15:09] Speaker A: I totally got lost in what was happening, Johnny. [01:15:12] Speaker B: No, if you want to see pictures of this grifter and other toys, you can go to our Instagram at. Regarding spawnpawn. Regarding pompon. Regarding spawn pond. [01:15:25] Speaker A: It's regarding Bob Pon. At spawn. [01:15:29] Speaker B: Regarding spawn pob. I can't say it. I said pawn Bob. [01:15:35] Speaker A: Bob's glom. [01:15:38] Speaker B: Regarding. Regarding spawn pod. [01:15:41] Speaker A: Yes. Yes. There we go. That's perfect. Beautiful. That's a wrap. Printed. [01:15:46] Speaker B: Sorry. I just know I'm getting close to seeing to playing Star Wars Jedi survivor. I just have a mind. [01:15:53] Speaker A: Johnny's mind is on Star Wars. I am all over the place. And he's like, what the fuck is David talking about? I'm not even going to pay attention anymore. He's got this action figure going on. [01:16:03] Speaker B: No, this action figure is cool. I am messing with it pretty hard. [01:16:05] Speaker A: It's pretty cool. Action figures are fun. They're fun to play with, dude. They're great. [01:16:11] Speaker B: He's jumping around. [01:16:13] Speaker A: You should watch us play with our action figures over on our instagram. We post pictures relevant to each episode. We post our weekly pickups. We got some random reels that we post. I've been starting to put my dogs in them because there's always a dog on me in some manner, so might as well make them part of the team. We have a good time. We have a good time. We get to meet more of you. [01:16:41] Speaker B: We need a hell dog on the scorch, like in Hackslash. [01:16:44] Speaker A: Yeah, we. [01:16:45] Speaker B: Yeah, we do need, like, a dogsuki. Type character. Like a cute. [01:16:52] Speaker A: We'll see. We'll see what Sean Lewis gives us. He'll give us some good. Maybe they should just make Spaz part of the team. [01:16:58] Speaker B: Yeah, bring spaz. Bring the little dog on. [01:17:01] Speaker A: But like the original issue three, spaz back when he's not named the meatball dog. [01:17:07] Speaker B: Yeah, he's like a meatball chicken. A raw chicken that got rolled around on the floor. [01:17:12] Speaker A: Oh, man. Yeah. So good. And you should also try to reach out. If you aren't on Instagram, reach out to us at regarding [email protected]. You can send us pictures. You can send us messages. Let us know how you got into spawn. Just have a good time. Just say, hey, guys, like what you're doing. Or you could even just send us an email. That's subject spawn body, spawn from spawn at Spawn Spawn. That's fine. We'd love to see it. [01:17:44] Speaker B: If you like a little more guidance than just spawn over and over again, you can always answer a question of the week, which you can answer at any time. And this week, because we opened this grifter figure, we were talking about wildcats, I was just wondering, what is your favorite, besides any of the Spawn universe, what's your favorite image? Comics? It could be the classic Wildcats. It could be walking dead. There's a lot of choices. [01:18:11] Speaker A: It could be some cyber force or maybe even Philadelphia. Like you said. [01:18:17] Speaker B: I don't even know. I don't even feel like I'm even smart enough to figure it out. I don't even know the answer to that question. I got to think about. [01:18:21] Speaker A: You sure it's not local man? [01:18:24] Speaker B: It might be. [01:18:25] Speaker A: It might be local man. Local man is hard to beat. I love how they solicit two covers every month, but every issue has both of the covers because it's one on either side. It's great. Local man is fun. Oh, man. [01:18:42] Speaker B: It is really good. [01:18:43] Speaker A: It is very. [01:18:44] Speaker B: Yeah. If you're reading local man, drop us a line about that, but just send us an email regarding [email protected]. [01:18:50] Speaker A: And Johnny made a promise. If you send it, he'll read, did I did get on it. [01:18:57] Speaker B: It will be read on the. [01:19:00] Speaker A: Should, uh. You should like us. You should share us. You should subscribe to us on all the places you like. Share and subscribe podcasts. [01:19:08] Speaker B: Please do. [01:19:08] Speaker A: Literally try to make it as easy to find us as possible. Every once in a while, I go in and try to make sure that we're easy to find on all the things. And unfortunately, we chose a title that is very heavily used in video game podcasting. Yes, I try to tweak our SEO a little bit to make it a little easier to find us. But, yeah, we're everywhere. We're everywhere. If you can get podcasts from it, you can get us there. [01:19:39] Speaker B: Yes. Make sure to rate, review, and subscribe. It helps us get the word out about Spawn, and we appreciate him. And all he does for. [01:19:49] Speaker A: Mean. He does so much for, like, all he literally has to do is give us a little bit of entertainment. That's literally the bare minimum. And he goes above and beyond. It's just, Spawn is great. The spawn community is almost. It's hard for me to decide, Johnny, which is the greater benefit from having done the. If it's the getting to read more spawn or getting to meet the spawn community, because they're just fantastic people. [01:20:20] Speaker B: I think it's talking with you, David. [01:20:24] Speaker A: That is a real good one, man. Getting to hang out with a buddy. Guaranteed hangout time once a week. Shit. Y'all get on it. [01:20:33] Speaker B: Get on it. [01:20:34] Speaker A: Come be guests on our podcast to promote your own podcast. And we'll fight to see which one's the better Spawn podcast. [01:20:39] Speaker B: It can only be good. [01:20:40] Speaker A: That is the way. What are you going to be doing in about a week? [01:20:44] Speaker B: Well, next week, I think I'll be reading some more spawn. [01:20:47] Speaker A: A couple of issues of Spawn. You say you want to do, like, a classic and a contemporary and read them together. [01:20:54] Speaker B: Classic and a contemporary read together. [01:20:57] Speaker A: Nice. How about you want to do spawn 302 for our classic and king Spawn 20 for our modern one? [01:21:04] Speaker B: Sounds good to me. [01:21:05] Speaker A: Sounds like an excellent pairing to me. [01:21:07] Speaker B: Kingspawn 20. Getting good. [01:21:09] Speaker A: Oh, man. You know, I'm excited for it. Can barely contain it over here. I'm having to clamp myself down to my chair so I don't start yelling. So next week, we'll be reading Spawn 302 and King Spawn 20. So find them, read them, read along. Listen to us. Instead of reading however you enjoy them. [01:21:29] Speaker B: Just get some spawn however you want to consume. [01:21:32] Speaker A: Yeah. So, dang, Johnny. I think that just leaves me with nothing to say. But may the scorched be with you. [01:21:42] Speaker B: And also with you, David. [01:21:44] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. [01:21:45] Speaker B: Hell, yeah. [01:21:46] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. [01:21:47] Speaker B: So do I have to get a separate shelf for grifter and Batman? But they can exist in the same universe. But Spawn could exist in Batman's universe. But I don't think the Batman universe of Spawn, that grifter exists in that universe. But he might because he was from the image universe, but Angela was also from the image universe, and now she's part of the Spawn universe. So can I put the Angela on the shelf is what I'm asking? [01:22:13] Speaker A: Well, but, no, she's part of the Marvel universe now, so I think you'll accidentally collapse that toy Porter all on itself if you do. [01:22:19] Speaker B: So I have to get three shelves. [01:22:20] Speaker A: You have to get three of them, yeah, and they have to be. They have to be connected by all those red strings. [01:22:29] Speaker B: All right, we got to start the Patreon, then. I'm spending all my money on shelves.

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