Episode 32

March 10, 2023


Episode 32 - Gunslinger 5 and Scorched 13

Episode 32 - Gunslinger 5 and Scorched 13
Episode 32 - Gunslinger 5 and Scorched 13

Mar 10 2023 | 02:11:55


Show Notes

The hosts of RE:SPAWN, the world's best SPAWN podcast, bring you a big new episode fulla Demons and Hell Guys and OUR FIRST GUEST?!? That's right! The boy's first SPAWN-vert joins them to talk about one of the best things of all, GUNSLINGER SPAWN!

In all this excitement, the boys prepped the wrong episode for today, but, like every classic IMAGE title, mix-em-ups happen, so strap in and get ready to fall in love with our buds, Logan and Gunslinger!

Mallory is out there buying Johnny Spawn figs, so the least you could do is show 'em some love! (www.instagram.com/malssy)

Bryain is making some BITCHIN' tunes, and is also deserving of your love! (www.instagram.com/t.bryain.voyler)

And we want to show you our stuff, too: now including FACES! Hell yeah! (www.instagram.com/regardingspawnpod)

May the Scorched be with you!


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Hey, gang. [00:00:00] Speaker B: It's me, your co host, Jon Fisher. [00:00:03] Speaker A: I know David and I said last week that this week we'd be covering Kingspawn five and gunslingers 15. [00:00:09] Speaker B: And we totally did. We recorded that episode, but we record. [00:00:13] Speaker A: A little bit ahead of time, and. [00:00:14] Speaker B: I edited the wrong episode. [00:00:17] Speaker A: So I edited next week's episode, or what was supposed to be next week's. [00:00:21] Speaker B: So this week you will be getting. [00:00:23] Speaker A: A very special episode of regarding Spawn. [00:00:26] Speaker B: Where we are covering gunslinger number five. [00:00:29] Speaker A: And scorched number 13. And also at the end of the episode, we'll be saying, obviously won't be. [00:00:36] Speaker B: Covering that next week. [00:00:38] Speaker A: Next week will be the episode for. [00:00:41] Speaker B: Kingspawn five and Gunslinger 15. [00:00:46] Speaker A: If that is not confusing to you, you get the respawn fan of the year award. [00:00:51] Speaker B: And now on with the Spawn. [00:00:56] Speaker A: War Journal. New intel reports an island off the coast of China has shown new activity. Monsters fight, showing off their abilities, hoping they'll be chosen to stay. But word is they have hidden files, too. With the identities of people like me, like those now trapped on earth, risk assessment is high. Solution? Bring in outside help. Good evening, and welcome to the Malbolge. This is regarding Spawn, the world's best spawn podcast. I'm your co host, Jon Fisher. [00:01:59] Speaker C: And I'm your co host, David Williams. [00:02:02] Speaker B: And I'm your guest, Logan Branham. [00:02:05] Speaker A: What? [00:02:05] Speaker B: Oh, what? [00:02:06] Speaker A: Three people? [00:02:07] Speaker B: What? [00:02:08] Speaker C: Johnny, that demon door in your closet, you need to close it. You got guests coming in now. [00:02:14] Speaker A: Guests? Oh, man. [00:02:16] Speaker B: Well, welcome. Yeah. [00:02:17] Speaker A: So this is friend of the pod, new friend to Spawn. New friend of gunslinger. Spawn. [00:02:25] Speaker B: Specifically, Logan Branham, actor, Chicago actor, chef, all around good guy. Welcome, Logan. Thank you. Thanks for having me. [00:02:36] Speaker A: Welcome to regarding Spawn, where if your first episode, much like it's probably Logan's first episode here, if it's your first. [00:02:43] Speaker B: Episode listening, we do two issues of. [00:02:45] Speaker A: Spawn every week from Spawn's universe. [00:02:49] Speaker B: His. How do you say that? Oeuvre. [00:02:52] Speaker C: Yeah, oeuvre. The spawn of the spawn. [00:02:56] Speaker A: Of the spawn snake eating its own tail. Yeah, but not the don't tread on me snake. [00:03:02] Speaker C: The spawn oeuvre implies that spawn himself is writing it. And I don't know if. If the Todd father would appreciate that very much. [00:03:12] Speaker A: That's the big reveal at the end. It's just like spawn at the desk with a quill, and he's like, my work here is done. [00:03:17] Speaker B: And he just sets it down. [00:03:20] Speaker C: I'm pretty sure that's how Neil Gaiman did it. [00:03:23] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:03:24] Speaker A: Is that. Is that how Sandman ends? Spoiler alert. [00:03:26] Speaker C: That's how a lot of Neil Gaiman things. [00:03:28] Speaker B: End. [00:03:29] Speaker C: Spoiler. [00:03:29] Speaker A: Well, Logan's a huge Neil Gaiman fan. [00:03:32] Speaker D: No, I've read, like, a little bit. [00:03:33] Speaker A: Kind of like that. [00:03:34] Speaker B: More of a. Which one? [00:03:36] Speaker A: The one. Stardust. He wrote that, right? [00:03:38] Speaker C: Yeah, he did. [00:03:40] Speaker D: That was pretty good. [00:03:41] Speaker C: He bought himself a $300 fountain pen to write it with because he wanted to write it with pen and paper, I do believe. Yeah, it was like a. I remember the name, but it holds, like, half a bottle of ink each time you fill it up, which is why he used it. So it's like one of those space. [00:03:59] Speaker A: Pens you can write with upside down. [00:04:00] Speaker D: No, I really like his fountain tail. What do you call it? The one that we read for the book club, the Norsemeth. [00:04:08] Speaker B: That was pretty great. [00:04:10] Speaker A: Yeah, he basically, like, retold all the norse myths. Actually, they were making that in a comic book. [00:04:16] Speaker B: They adapted it. [00:04:17] Speaker C: It's dark horse, right? [00:04:18] Speaker B: Doing it? [00:04:19] Speaker A: I think so. I saw it at the store. [00:04:20] Speaker C: Yeah, they started it maybe a year ago. [00:04:23] Speaker A: Those are some wild stories, like crows drinking beer and shit out. Beer. [00:04:27] Speaker D: Yeah, it was like Odin transforms into a raven. Like, steals some guy's mead. The guy chases him, and he, like, has to puke and shit at the same time. And, like, if it fell to the earth. And, like, if you're a good poet, you got the stuff that came out of his mouth. And if you're a bad poet, you got the stuff that he shit out. [00:04:47] Speaker A: Well, hopefully we got the stuff out of the raven's mouth. [00:04:51] Speaker C: I know precisely which end the toddfather got. [00:04:54] Speaker A: Oh, yes, definitely straight from the raven's mouth. [00:04:56] Speaker C: He got all front end. [00:04:58] Speaker A: All front end. Much like the raven in last week that brought the hat to gunslinger. So in a roundabout way of saying, our first issue is gunslinger spawn number five. Kind of the transition from the clown fight to the Clown island clown dinner, which is issue six and our second, more contemporary issue. All the way back from. [00:05:22] Speaker B: What was that? This. Let's see. [00:05:25] Speaker C: December 2020. Gunslinger is from. [00:05:28] Speaker A: I didn't say when. [00:05:29] Speaker B: Gunslinger's from Gunslinger. [00:05:31] Speaker A: Hold on. [00:05:31] Speaker C: I wrote it down. I wrote it down. Gunslinger is from February 2022. [00:05:35] Speaker B: Oh, man, what was I doing then? I just had COVID. February 2022. So. [00:05:43] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:05:43] Speaker B: And then the modern issue is scorched number 13. [00:05:48] Speaker A: Lucky 13 on scorched lucky from the. [00:05:51] Speaker C: Far away time of December 2022. [00:05:55] Speaker A: I know. So long ago. [00:05:56] Speaker C: What were you doing in December 2022, Logan? [00:06:00] Speaker B: December 2022. [00:06:02] Speaker D: Man, was that the one that just happened? [00:06:03] Speaker A: Yeah, just like. [00:06:06] Speaker D: Yes, it was working, man. Yeah, just same. Same business we had your parents came and visited, right? Yeah, my parents did come up for, like, the second time in Chicago and got stuck here. They literally came up that week of Christmas that was like a blizzard. And they were like, coming up, they're like, yeah, we're gonna go do this and this and this. And, like, the two days before, I was like, I don't think we're gonna do any of that, guys. I think we're gonna basically stay in school, stay warm as possible. [00:06:32] Speaker A: Yeah, we actually. Because you guys went to the Chris Kendall market, right? [00:06:35] Speaker D: Yeah, we did do that. That was one thing we got out and did because they wanted to for sure see that. [00:06:40] Speaker A: David and I did that on Batman Spawn day. [00:06:43] Speaker C: And the polar ice people who were giving out the bubbly water, Johnny asked for a plane, and they're like, nobody asks for plane. [00:06:51] Speaker A: I prefer a plane. Sparkling water. [00:06:53] Speaker B: Look, Wanda, my wife. [00:06:56] Speaker A: Oh, here's some bits. A little bit talk. Spawn's wife is named Wanda. So naturally, David and I's wives are both named Wanda. [00:07:04] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. [00:07:05] Speaker A: So Wanda buys the flavored sparkling water to dissuade me from chugging, like, ten a day. So I just. I don't like it. It always tastes like the lemon ones taste like someone put dishwashing soap in them. To me, pomple mousse is okay. I can do, like, a lime green. [00:07:21] Speaker B: Tangerine's pretty good. [00:07:23] Speaker A: I like the tangerine. Yeah, I forgot about that one. Anything that has a little bit more citrusy is better. But I don't like lemon. [00:07:28] Speaker B: I don't know. [00:07:28] Speaker A: Why does anything lemon flavored reminds me of dish soap, maybe I got my mouth washed out with lemon dish soap as a child. Repressed the memory. I was reading Spawn, and I was like, oh, mommy, he murdered Billy Kincaid. Who fucks kids? You should not be reading Spawn. [00:07:45] Speaker C: That's the devil. [00:07:46] Speaker A: That's the devil. [00:07:47] Speaker B: Um, so speaking of kids and spawn. [00:07:50] Speaker A: Do you have any memory of spawn? Like, what is your. Before I started this stupid podcast and was like, spawn, spawn, spawn all the time. [00:07:58] Speaker B: Um, what? Not stupid. [00:08:00] Speaker A: This awesome podcast. Uh, I. I said I. [00:08:03] Speaker B: We. [00:08:04] Speaker C: Yeah, me and David. Johnny started a dumb spawn podcast before. Before we got this one underway. [00:08:10] Speaker A: So, uh, and this is the good one. [00:08:11] Speaker B: This is. [00:08:11] Speaker C: This is the good one. This is the good one. [00:08:12] Speaker D: The bad one's best. The first time, and it wasn't the world's best, but now it's the world's best. [00:08:18] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. I mean, almost unequivocally, uh, David, I did find. I did find another spawn podcast from years ago. [00:08:26] Speaker B: They got to episode 70 when they stopped. [00:08:29] Speaker A: Yeah, you gotta get to at least 70. This is episode like, 33. [00:08:33] Speaker C: That's the one where they tried to do an issue a day, isn't it? [00:08:36] Speaker B: Yep. [00:08:36] Speaker A: Spawn a day. [00:08:37] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:08:37] Speaker A: Oh, man. [00:08:39] Speaker C: I could not imagine recording a podcast every day. [00:08:44] Speaker A: Star wars minute does it. I think because they release a daily episode, it's like they're, like, 30 minutes episodes. They probably record them all, hopefully on one day, because it's, like, 530 minutes episodes a week, and they cover minute by minute. [00:08:56] Speaker C: I assume it would they. That they. I mean, especially if you have, like, a studio. I'd assume that, like, just booking a bank of time and just banging them all out at once is the way to go. [00:09:07] Speaker D: That doesn't make sense. Then. [00:09:08] Speaker A: Yeah, we've doubled up a few times. There was one where we did two at once. It's. It's weird because you're in your closet for, like, 3 hours, and you come. [00:09:16] Speaker B: Out, and you're like, what's going on? [00:09:18] Speaker C: What year is it? You're like, Robin Williams. [00:09:23] Speaker A: Yeah, basically. Or ash. Well, no, that's the all director's cut. [00:09:28] Speaker C: In the director's cut. [00:09:28] Speaker A: The director's cut of army dark. [00:09:32] Speaker B: The funnier. [00:09:33] Speaker A: I don't know. They're both good, but you don't get the smart if you do that. [00:09:36] Speaker C: Yeah, that's true. [00:09:36] Speaker A: And you got to have the s mart. [00:09:38] Speaker D: The smarts, like, classic. [00:09:39] Speaker B: You gotta have it. [00:09:40] Speaker C: You gotta have it. [00:09:41] Speaker A: Anyway, I asked you a question. What was my first spawn memory? [00:09:47] Speaker D: I mean, I remember we had, like, some random action figure, like, back in the day, and when, like, the movie came out. The original. Yeah, like, I remember seeing it, but I never, like. I mean, like, you know, we grew up in Oklahoma, and so, like, my parents were, like, we grew up, like, pretty churchy, and so, like, anything that was, like, had to do with the devil or hell was, like, you know, not gonna be a thing that was, like, really on at our house a lot or anything. So, like, I don't know. I didn't really, like, watch it or. [00:10:15] Speaker B: Anything or get into it. [00:10:17] Speaker D: And then you were telling me about it, and then, like, really. It was, like, when I kept seeing your stuff about the gun. So you're spawn. Like, I always grew up watching, like, westerns and, like, shit like that. And so I was like, well, that looks pretty cool. Like that. [00:10:29] Speaker C: The guy. [00:10:30] Speaker D: What's the deal with that? And then you're like, I'll bring you some. [00:10:35] Speaker A: It's officially called a trade paperback. [00:10:37] Speaker D: Trade paperback. So you brought the first six issues that I read and then scorched, I also read. But, yeah, so that was, like, kind of. But I remember we had, like, a random action figure that me and my brother played with and stuff. But, like, not super. Like, I basically have no in depth knowledge of spawn at all other than this thing that I've read right now, basically. [00:10:59] Speaker A: That's awesome, though. [00:11:00] Speaker B: That's, like, what we want. [00:11:02] Speaker A: And actually, it's funny, because a lot of people on Reddit, like, almost daily, there's a Reddit post being like, can I start with Gunslinger Spawn? Can I just read Gunslinger spawn? And I just want to be like, yes. [00:11:12] Speaker C: You know, then there's the group people. That's all like, no, you have to start from one and go all the way through. God. [00:11:18] Speaker A: 338 issues of main spawn, 20 spinoffs I've only read. See, I'm only halfway through. I'm on, like, issue 150. [00:11:26] Speaker C: Oh, man, you're way farther than me, man. [00:11:28] Speaker B: I have a. Yeah, I've been slacking. [00:11:32] Speaker C: I've been slacking on the homework. Yeah, I think I'm still only in. [00:11:36] Speaker B: The eighties, David, I'm so dis. [00:11:38] Speaker A: You're just stuck in the eighties. Cause there's so much same in twitch. You can't get out. [00:11:40] Speaker C: Yeah, well, I'm also just stuck in the eighties because I idealize that as the world I was born into. And it's like the world was so much better. I was warned. 15 years too late. [00:11:50] Speaker B: I know, I know. [00:11:52] Speaker A: It's funny that you end up loving. [00:11:53] Speaker B: Stuff from the, like, I think of. [00:11:55] Speaker A: The eighties, but I always really spent four years in the eighties. Same 86 to 90. [00:12:00] Speaker C: I only spent. I only spent two, so I don't even think I have a memory of life from before the nineties, so. [00:12:07] Speaker B: Wow. Yeah. [00:12:08] Speaker A: Your first memory was the 1992 election. [00:12:13] Speaker D: Dude, I do weirdly have a memory from kindergarten or not in kindergarten. In first grade, they staged a mock election for first graders, and it was like. They were like, it's Bush and it's Clinton, and who you gonna pick? And then, like, I remember kids being like, my daddy says it's gonna be Clinton. And I was like, oh, what? That's first graders? That's so bizarre to me. [00:12:37] Speaker A: Shockingly, in Oklahoma in 1992, Bush won. [00:12:40] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:12:41] Speaker D: What a surprise. [00:12:43] Speaker A: Bush wins, just like it happened in real life. Cool. Well, I guess we might as well get into it. That's good to know your history, spawn. [00:12:55] Speaker B: I mean, don't you know you were. [00:12:57] Speaker A: Talking to me before about not knowing a lot, but we don't know a lot. This is a journey that we're on. Like I said, we mess things up all the time. [00:13:08] Speaker C: Yeah. We miss things that are spelled out right in front of us. [00:13:11] Speaker A: Okay, here's a test. Who is Amy to Gunslinger? [00:13:15] Speaker B: Remember Amy? [00:13:16] Speaker A: Yeah. The person he's looking for. [00:13:20] Speaker B: Amy. Yeah. [00:13:22] Speaker C: I don't know. [00:13:22] Speaker A: Good. Okay. Because we messed that up. [00:13:28] Speaker D: It's on his knife. And he has the flashback of the girl on the wagon looks like. Or something like that. And so I'm like, is it his wife? Is it his spawn wife from, like, the 18 hundreds? You know, it's like, spawns got wives. So it's like. [00:13:45] Speaker B: I don't know. Is it. [00:13:47] Speaker D: Is it that? And she died. It's his sister. [00:13:49] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:13:49] Speaker C: Okay. [00:13:50] Speaker A: So we thought it was a reveal in, like, issue 13, that it was his sister. And I guess they say it way earlier. We completely miss it. And we talked about, like, multiple episodes being, like, well, his wife or wonder who Amy is. We don't know. [00:14:03] Speaker B: And then we were reading an earlier. [00:14:04] Speaker A: Issue, and it was, like, his sister Amy. We were like, oh, shit. [00:14:08] Speaker C: It's his very first appearance in the back of Spawn's universe. [00:14:13] Speaker A: That's what it was. Yeah. [00:14:14] Speaker B: It's his introduction, and it says he's. [00:14:17] Speaker C: Looking for his sister Amy. [00:14:19] Speaker A: Well, don't worry about your spawn credentials, because we don't have any. [00:14:23] Speaker C: Yeah. And if you have questions about anything, just ask. It's a learning process. It's fun. [00:14:31] Speaker B: It's great. [00:14:31] Speaker A: Yeah. So Spawn Logan is big on covers. There's always two. Now, there used to be, like, when there was just spawn, there was, like. [00:14:38] Speaker B: Four, but we got two covers. [00:14:40] Speaker A: I got the a and the b cover. A cover here you got. [00:14:45] Speaker B: It's by Brett Booth, who does the main interior art. [00:14:48] Speaker A: Of course. [00:14:49] Speaker C: I gotta. I gotta bring that up. I don't have that one. [00:14:52] Speaker B: Oh, you have the B cover. [00:14:53] Speaker C: I have the BK cover. [00:14:54] Speaker A: So a cover, you got, like, javi's, like, in pain. Like, he got, like, shot. Well, I guess they just cut him down. Yeah, these cut him down from the tree. [00:15:03] Speaker B: You got clown violator spawns in there. Regular spawn. Amy on the knife. Amy knife. But, yeah, it's just a good, like. [00:15:12] Speaker A: It's, like, exploding. Like, the logo to split or glass. [00:15:17] Speaker D: Like he's thrusting through glass or something. [00:15:19] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:15:20] Speaker D: Shards or all the other people. [00:15:21] Speaker B: And it's Brett booth. [00:15:22] Speaker A: So it's, like, electric and really exciting. [00:15:25] Speaker C: That torso is so long. [00:15:26] Speaker A: I love such a long torso. [00:15:29] Speaker B: And then you got sin in the. [00:15:30] Speaker A: Corner, which is funny. You got a little sin, who's one. [00:15:33] Speaker B: Of the big bads that you didn't encounter? Okay, you have the bee cover, David. [00:15:39] Speaker C: The. The ghee. Oh color cover. No clap on. Glampion. [00:15:44] Speaker B: Glapion. [00:15:45] Speaker A: So there's three other three covers. [00:15:47] Speaker C: No, no, I was. I was getting. Because I wrote down who wrote all the covers for both issues, and I was referencing the issue, the COVID I have first scorched. But no. [00:15:57] Speaker A: Yeah, this week. That's what you get for trying to be prepared. You guys. You got to just not know, go with the flow. [00:16:04] Speaker C: You just got a orinoco flow it. Yeah, I got the glass beyond. And it's. It's basically like James Bond from hell. Cause there's a. There's a round. [00:16:14] Speaker D: I like it. [00:16:15] Speaker C: Yeah, it's basically like looking out of clown's mouth. But you've got gunslinger with the smoking gun. [00:16:22] Speaker A: Yeah, like. Yeah, like a violator's mouth or. Yeah, but it's very kind of demon. [00:16:27] Speaker C: Yeah, it's very James Bond. [00:16:29] Speaker A: Yeah, it's like the da da da da. Love that. That's a classic. [00:16:33] Speaker B: The gun girl. That's. [00:16:35] Speaker A: That's, like Spahn's power meter. The gun barrel for James Bond. [00:16:38] Speaker C: I like how the smoke coming out of the end of the revolver is green too. That's nice. [00:16:44] Speaker B: Is it green? [00:16:44] Speaker A: Yeah, it's green. [00:16:45] Speaker C: It's, like, green and black. So I guess that's what happens in micro bullets. [00:16:49] Speaker D: What's the deal with the difference in his gun when it's, like, sometimes it looks like it's all covered over with. [00:16:55] Speaker B: Some crazy, like, I don't know, vinage. [00:16:59] Speaker D: Like, I don't know. [00:17:00] Speaker A: That's what he likes. That's, like, when he uses necro stuff. [00:17:05] Speaker D: So, like, other times, it looks like he just has regular guns in the art, but then sometimes I've seen a pictures of it. Not, I don't think, in the issue, but, like, on, like, artwork and covers, where it looks like it's all, like, powered up or something. [00:17:18] Speaker A: So the covers in spawn are almost. [00:17:21] Speaker B: Like, removed from the issues. [00:17:23] Speaker A: Like, I mean, this. [00:17:24] Speaker B: Javi's not even in this. [00:17:25] Speaker D: Yeah, he wasn't. [00:17:26] Speaker A: The issue is scorched, and they're almost just, like, works of art in themselves. And then, like, inside, it's like, you get a little bonus, like, little mini poster and an issue. Sometimes. Sometimes they do. Like, this matches up, like, you know, but a lot of times, the covers, like. Or just leave it up to the artist interpretation, because there's, like, probably the one you're referring to. He's like, looks all steampunk and has green necro bullets. Yeah, yeah, there's been, there's some cool covers. They're always just like, I just didn't. [00:17:53] Speaker D: Know if that was, like, some kind of an ability he can go into or something when he's, like, extra powered. [00:17:58] Speaker A: Up or he probably, I mean, see, that's the thing with spawns, is they. [00:18:00] Speaker B: Can kind of do whatever Todd McFarlane. [00:18:03] Speaker A: Decides that they could do, you know, necro powers. So it's just kind of, you know. [00:18:10] Speaker C: General powers, but, yeah, like, things covering the guns kind of. [00:18:15] Speaker B: So since all the spawns are ex. [00:18:18] Speaker C: Humans that have a symbiote in them, the symbiote, when it comes out, it. [00:18:23] Speaker B: Kind of looks like, you know, like. [00:18:26] Speaker C: Clayface goop or venom goop, I guess. [00:18:29] Speaker B: Would be a better. [00:18:30] Speaker C: So he could conceivably use his symbiote to cover his guns and make them look real gross and alien like. [00:18:40] Speaker A: Yeah, he could, like, form a clothing out of the symbiote. Like, he could, he can change form. [00:18:44] Speaker C: The hat is symbiote. [00:18:46] Speaker A: The hat is part of it. The hat is part of his symbiote. It has, I love the, see the thing, Logan. Yeah. Before that reveal, everyone was always making fun of his tall ass hat, like, in the art, because the comic hadn't come out. And the first issue was like, I. [00:19:00] Speaker C: Got knives in there. [00:19:03] Speaker B: Just like Necro. [00:19:04] Speaker A: Bonded to his hat. [00:19:07] Speaker C: Logan, Logan, important question. [00:19:10] Speaker B: How do you feel about the size of the hat? [00:19:12] Speaker C: Good tall, bad tall? [00:19:14] Speaker D: I mean, I didn't, I didn't like, really? I noted that it was excessively tall, I thought. But I didn't like, I didn't have, like, a negative or positive opinion about it either way. I was just more like, damn, that's a big hat. [00:19:28] Speaker B: A big hat. [00:19:29] Speaker A: No cattle. [00:19:30] Speaker D: As Randy when he had the knives, it made me think of one of my favorite authors. Joe Abercrombie has a character in his book called, his name is Logan nine Fingers, actually. But he's always, he has this thing where he's like, you can never have too many knives. And I was like, I thought about that immediately when he's like, I got a knife in my hat. Could never have too many knives. [00:19:52] Speaker A: David's a knife man, so I think David agrees. [00:19:54] Speaker C: Yes. [00:19:55] Speaker B: Yes. [00:19:55] Speaker C: You could never have two in the knives. I'm like one of those, one of those old Oklahoma men that have a knife for every pocket and then one strapped around their ankle. [00:20:05] Speaker D: Kind of same. Like, I always definitely have my pocket knife and stuff. [00:20:09] Speaker B: You go into, like, I don't know, a negotiation situation. [00:20:13] Speaker A: You put out, like, five knives into the tray coming out of place. [00:20:19] Speaker B: It's like, what? [00:20:20] Speaker A: Yeah, Javi. Luckily, they have, like, a scorched jet, because I don't think he'd be able to get on a domestic flight with the amount of knives in his hat. I think he'd walk through the sensor. [00:20:30] Speaker B: And they'd kick him out. [00:20:31] Speaker A: So opening this cover script plot by Todd McFarlane. [00:20:36] Speaker B: That's no additional dialogue here. [00:20:38] Speaker A: No additional dialogue. It's all him. So we say the Todd father a lot. That's his kind of loving nickname because. [00:20:46] Speaker B: Well, image comics, one of the biggest. [00:20:50] Speaker A: Independent, not big two, not Marvel, DC Comics company. It's like the third one now. And it started in the nineties, and Todd McFarlane started that. He created Venom in Spider man, and. [00:21:01] Speaker B: Then, which was huge. [00:21:02] Speaker A: And then he left and started his own company. [00:21:04] Speaker B: And spawn as his creation art by Brett Booth inks. [00:21:11] Speaker A: We got two inkers. [00:21:12] Speaker C: Oh, nice. [00:21:13] Speaker A: Daniel Rodriquez and Sal Regla. [00:21:16] Speaker B: Color by even nunes, Ivan Nunes, and. [00:21:19] Speaker A: Then Tom o doing our lettering, as always. [00:21:22] Speaker B: Nice. Dude's just keeping at it. It's just plugging away. [00:21:28] Speaker C: You could only hope for that kind of a career, honestly. [00:21:31] Speaker B: I mean, yeah. [00:21:31] Speaker A: So, yeah, he's been doing the letters since the almost, I think the beginning. [00:21:34] Speaker C: Yes, since the beginning. [00:21:35] Speaker B: I think he's the only dude who's. [00:21:37] Speaker C: For at least up to 300. I think he was the only one who did letters for main title spawn. [00:21:43] Speaker B: So maybe he followed Todd McFarlane over to Gunslinger. [00:21:46] Speaker C: Yeah, probably. I think he's also the one we have to thank for the. The wonderful, like, doubled bubbles and, you know, just ludicrous, ludicrously drawn letters, which is just wonderful. It's wonderful. [00:22:03] Speaker A: Well, I like with the tall, like, western letters that start off, like, the. Nearly an hour later. [00:22:07] Speaker D: Yeah, those are always cool. [00:22:08] Speaker B: Yeah, they pop in there. [00:22:09] Speaker A: Um, so before I get ahead of myself. More page one. I haven't read the. Previously on previously in Gunslinger. Spawn clown has a plan. That plan involves the gunslinger. Clown is going to get Gunslinger to work with him, even if he has to kill him first. There you go. So if you remember, last issue, it was basically the big fight. Javi got hung, and it just ends. [00:22:34] Speaker B: With them kind of still in media fight. [00:22:37] Speaker C: Yeah, and media fight in media fight. [00:22:41] Speaker A: Is that a term? I just coined it. [00:22:42] Speaker B: Yeah. It's a good time for me. [00:22:45] Speaker A: You get two, you know, handsome Oklahoma boys in a closet. It starts to get a little hot. It starts to heat up in here. Summer's gonna be brutal, David. [00:22:53] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [00:22:54] Speaker A: We have to record all of our episodes in the winter and then release them over the year. So get ready next Sunday. [00:23:00] Speaker D: Bucket of ice right below you. Just, like, sitting in there over a bucket of ice? [00:23:03] Speaker A: Yeah, spraying. I just have air conditioner. Spraying. Well, you have to balance the noise of the fan. [00:23:11] Speaker B: Yeah, it's like. [00:23:12] Speaker A: Which is it? [00:23:13] Speaker B: Well, you're gonna. [00:23:14] Speaker C: You're gonna have to, like, take a pair of sweatpants and soak them and freeze them, and then just wear your frozen sweatpants in there as they slowly. As they slowly melt. [00:23:24] Speaker A: It could be good, though, because it does. [00:23:26] Speaker B: It gives. [00:23:27] Speaker A: Maybe it'll give me, like, the feeling of being in hell, and I'll understand spawn more. Oh, no, I'll become spawn. [00:23:35] Speaker C: Oh, no. Do we really want that? [00:23:37] Speaker B: Do we really want that? [00:23:41] Speaker A: He's an angry fellow. [00:23:42] Speaker B: I don't. [00:23:42] Speaker C: I don't know if. I don't know if the world's ready for an actual Al Simmons to. The world doesn't deserve an actual Al Simmons, honestly. [00:23:51] Speaker B: So we wake up, gunslinger here on page one. [00:23:55] Speaker A: Pass out from the fight. Viola. I love that. [00:23:58] Speaker B: Like, violator and clown are just chit chatting. Yeah. Sets down the hat. [00:24:04] Speaker C: Now we wait. This reminds me of one of my favorite New Yorker cartoons of all time. It's an image of two anteaters setting up a picnic. And so they set all their food out, and then they're just sitting there with their arms crossed, and they go, now we wait. [00:24:21] Speaker A: That's pretty good. [00:24:24] Speaker C: So. So I immediately cracked up on the second panel of this issue. [00:24:28] Speaker A: Clown's just, like, huge toothpaste spread here. So this is brick shithouse clown Logan, right before issue 300, clown used to. [00:24:39] Speaker B: Be a little squat man, a little nasty man. [00:24:42] Speaker D: Like, closer to the, like, dwarf forms. [00:24:45] Speaker A: Closer to the minions, the omens. They're called omens. [00:24:50] Speaker B: And he much like the figure Johnny. [00:24:53] Speaker C: Has displayed in his room. [00:24:55] Speaker B: Yeah, exactly. [00:24:56] Speaker A: When we leave the closet, after I lose ten pounds from sweating, I'll show. [00:25:00] Speaker B: You the figure, what he looks like. [00:25:02] Speaker A: But this is big clown. [00:25:03] Speaker B: And he. We'll find out. [00:25:06] Speaker A: I guess I shouldn't go too much of his history, because that's kind of what this issue is about. [00:25:10] Speaker C: I really like that the omens speak to clown in gibberish, but he knows exactly what they say. It's like Han talking to Chewie, where it's like, you know, they understand each other, but they're not speaking in each other's languages for some reason. [00:25:25] Speaker B: Yeah, I like he's like, he's gonna. [00:25:28] Speaker A: Flop like a hooked fish till his body resets. This reminds me of the classic line. [00:25:35] Speaker B: From Lord of the Rings. [00:25:36] Speaker A: The two towers, as limp as a boned fish. I don't know why. I always loved that line. [00:25:44] Speaker C: It gives it to us. [00:25:45] Speaker B: Rah and wrinkling. [00:25:48] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:25:49] Speaker A: A lot of good fish lines in. [00:25:50] Speaker B: Lord of the Rings. [00:25:50] Speaker A: Did you hear they're making another Lord of the Rings movie, but they didn't announce what it is? [00:25:53] Speaker C: Well, so, yeah, apparently because Amazon doesn't have the rights to the Silmarillion, so rings of power is just middle earth histories that aren't originated from the Silmarillion. So I do believe that the new movies will be actually Silmarillion based. So they're doing outside of the original trilogy, because when I saw it, I thought they were going to redo the trilogy, and I was like, what the fuck, guys? [00:26:24] Speaker B: That's what I thought too. [00:26:26] Speaker D: Yeah, come on. [00:26:27] Speaker C: But there will be other histories, and I think, like, some future. [00:26:32] Speaker D: I would have loved for them to just, like, actually do a good hobbit is the thing. Like, I love that cartoon. Yeah, from, like, the seventies, dude. [00:26:40] Speaker C: The bacon and race. [00:26:42] Speaker D: Yes. It covers basically everything conclusively that happens in that book, and it does it in, like, a concise 90 minutes. And I'm like, you couldn't make a three hour good live action movie of the Hobbit? Like, get out of here, dude. [00:26:56] Speaker C: Yeah, I do. [00:26:57] Speaker A: There's a sad world. [00:26:58] Speaker B: The alternate universe where we got Guillaume. [00:27:00] Speaker A: With El Toro wanted to make two two and a half hour movies, and that would have been. [00:27:04] Speaker B: Yeah, would have been great. [00:27:05] Speaker A: More than enough. [00:27:06] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:27:07] Speaker C: I never even watched the second two Hobbit movies because I fell asleep during the first one. [00:27:12] Speaker A: I kind of liked the first one. [00:27:14] Speaker D: But the first one was, like, the best one of them, I would say. [00:27:17] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, definitely. Because it was the closest to the book. [00:27:20] Speaker B: Yeah, that's the thing. [00:27:22] Speaker A: It has all the good moments everyone remembers is basically in the first one, gollum. Gollum the Stone troll. [00:27:27] Speaker D: The only thing it doesn't really have is, like, the smog like, conversation. [00:27:31] Speaker A: But, like, you know, that third movie is a night, dude. [00:27:35] Speaker D: All of a sudden, like, the dune worms show up. Like, the worms come out of the. [00:27:39] Speaker A: Ground, and now there are worms here. [00:27:41] Speaker D: And legolas, like, flies on some rocks. He's like, yeah, me too. [00:27:45] Speaker B: And there's that. [00:27:46] Speaker A: Like, the mayor's assistant is, like, dressed as a woman running around fighting. [00:27:50] Speaker D: Yeah, whatever. [00:27:50] Speaker A: It is so weird. [00:27:52] Speaker D: It's suit. It's just like a bunch of stuff that they were like, yeah, gotta fill it in, I guess. [00:27:56] Speaker A: Well, evidently. And I feel bad cause there's like a behind the scenes video that was kind of interesting. You don't really get it that raw anymore. Especially, like, since most of the big budget movies are Disney. And it's basically like, everything went perfectly. [00:28:07] Speaker B: Thank you. [00:28:08] Speaker A: Is like, all they tell you about the making of. And it's been great. It's been great. Everything went perfect. But there's a great documentary on that extended edition of the third Hobbit. And I watched, like, the clip online. It's like that moment in episode one documentary where George Lucas is like, I've gone too far. Like, Peter Jackson just sitting there and. [00:28:26] Speaker B: He'S like, I've gone too far. [00:28:28] Speaker A: Like, I can't do it. He just looks miserable. He's like, we didn't have a script. I basically improv the movie. [00:28:35] Speaker B: Damn. [00:28:35] Speaker A: And it was like, oh, boy. I mean, you can kind of tell. Yeah, you can kind of tell. Well, he. [00:28:41] Speaker C: Peter Jackson definitely earned, like, the. No one can. No one is good enough to tell him no in the editing booth. [00:28:51] Speaker A: And he did. He went too far with it. [00:28:55] Speaker C: So I think he went too far with that, with King Kong. Cause King Kong could have been cut down by, like, 45 minutes easy. [00:29:02] Speaker A: It could have. But I like King Kong. [00:29:04] Speaker C: But nobody. [00:29:05] Speaker D: Nobody. [00:29:06] Speaker C: Nobody would touch him, is the thing. So it was like, you can't mess with the master. [00:29:11] Speaker A: The one that's most egregious to me is lovely bones. Like, that doesn't need to be a three hour and 15 minutes, big budget movie. [00:29:16] Speaker D: Yeah, I forgot it was that long. [00:29:19] Speaker A: It's long as fuck. And it's just like, that's not what. [00:29:21] Speaker B: I don't know. [00:29:22] Speaker A: I don't want to get into lovely bones, but having read the book and seeing the movie, it's just. [00:29:27] Speaker B: It was an odd choice for him. [00:29:30] Speaker A: And was that his last movie? No, he did the hobbit stuff and then they broke him. And now he just does Beatles and World War one documentaries. [00:29:38] Speaker B: Yeah, well, Peter Jackson would be a. [00:29:41] Speaker A: Good director for gunslinger, though, because he's. [00:29:43] Speaker B: Got that manic kind of like gory action. [00:29:48] Speaker C: Oh, if you want to go manic, we got to get. We got to get Bazaar onto the gunslinger. Can you imagine a Baz Luhrmann fucking musical gunslinger spawn? [00:29:59] Speaker A: He would just like. It would never stop. [00:30:02] Speaker B: It wouldn't. [00:30:03] Speaker A: The camera wouldn't stop for more than a second. It just cut. [00:30:08] Speaker B: Yeah. Although. [00:30:09] Speaker C: Although he's. He's a bit restrained. Wanda and I watched Elvis not too. [00:30:13] Speaker B: Long ago, and it. [00:30:15] Speaker C: It's only super bad's Lermany for, like, the first 45. Like, once, of course, once you get the scene of Tom. Tom Hanks going, he's white, it kind of slows down. [00:30:27] Speaker B: Yeah, but that. [00:30:28] Speaker C: That one scene is insane. [00:30:32] Speaker A: I love. I love it starts. Have you seen it? [00:30:34] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:30:34] Speaker C: Elvis. [00:30:35] Speaker A: I love that it starts with him dying and hallucinating about, like, the starship enterprise flying off. It's his way to, like, tell a Faust story. [00:30:44] Speaker B: And, like, I had a friend, he. [00:30:46] Speaker A: Was like, I don't really care about Elvis. And I'm like, I mean, it doesn't if you don't care about Elvis. It's just a good, like, faustian tale. [00:30:52] Speaker B: And Baz Luhrmann has said he always likes to do myths, like, classic stories. [00:30:58] Speaker A: Like strictly Ballroom's, the ugly duckling, Romeo and Juliet. Moulin Rouge is Orpheus in the underworld. [00:31:05] Speaker C: Which one is. Which one is Romeo and Juliet? What's he basing that one on, Johnny? [00:31:09] Speaker A: Romeo and Juliet? [00:31:10] Speaker C: No, no, that's the name of the new movie. What's he basing it on? [00:31:14] Speaker A: The movie is called William Shakespeare, Romeo plus Juliet, if you want to get technical. [00:31:20] Speaker B: Oh, man. [00:31:21] Speaker C: Pete postalweight as the. As the passenger. Fucking amazing that that man left us way too soon. [00:31:28] Speaker B: One of our finest actors. [00:31:30] Speaker A: He's so good in the lost world. [00:31:34] Speaker D: Dragon heart. He's good everywhere. [00:31:37] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. He's the monk in Dragon. [00:31:39] Speaker D: Dragon heart. [00:31:40] Speaker A: I love that movie. That was an HBO classic. That was on HBO, like, every other day. [00:31:43] Speaker B: Yeah, dude, I bet you love dragon heart. [00:31:46] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, of course. [00:31:46] Speaker A: Dragon. Dennis Quaid was insane in that movie. [00:31:50] Speaker D: He was so good. He's like, wow, I love this face in his line when she's, like, such a weapon could cleave a man's skull, and he's like. Like a pudding. It's so ridiculous. [00:32:04] Speaker B: That's awesome. Javi's getting up. [00:32:07] Speaker A: Clown's taunting him. [00:32:09] Speaker D: He seems, like, definitely just, like, totally overmatched, for sure. Like, oh, yeah. [00:32:14] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [00:32:16] Speaker A: So clown and violator used to be one in the same. [00:32:21] Speaker B: Okay. [00:32:21] Speaker A: Like, he would be clown and turn into violator. [00:32:24] Speaker B: But as we find out in this. [00:32:26] Speaker A: We'Ll get to that. Yeah, we get to that. So I shouldn't talk about it. [00:32:28] Speaker C: We get ahead of ourselves. [00:32:29] Speaker A: I'm so excited to get to the clown backstory. I just can't wait. [00:32:34] Speaker C: Especially so at the beginning of this little taunting fight on the two page spread, clown brings up again that gunslinger is the weakest, is so weak. Everybody always talks about how weak gunslinger is because of the way he became a spawn. And so how did he become a. [00:32:51] Speaker D: Spawn, by the way? I don't know. [00:32:53] Speaker A: We're finding out. It's, like, in, like, issue 13. [00:32:56] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:32:56] Speaker C: It seems like by force, by sheer force of will, almost. [00:33:01] Speaker A: Yeah. It's not the same way spawn became like that in. [00:33:05] Speaker D: In here. I even think that it was, like, something about he, like, made a deal with the devil is what they kind of teased. [00:33:11] Speaker A: So usually that's how spawn works. Is that, like, Al Simmons made a deal with the devil when he died to see his wife again, he went. Wanda came back to life as swan five years later. [00:33:23] Speaker B: And five years later. [00:33:25] Speaker C: But he died the year after Johnny was born in 1987. [00:33:29] Speaker B: He did. [00:33:29] Speaker A: He died in Johnny. [00:33:31] Speaker C: Johnny was still in Pampers when Al Simmons was killed in Bogota. [00:33:35] Speaker B: Not Bogota, Botswana. [00:33:37] Speaker A: Botswana. I was like, I know it. [00:33:40] Speaker B: See? [00:33:40] Speaker A: See, we're spawn experts. It takes us a good 10 seconds to think of where Spawn died. This thing isn't, like, the first issue. [00:33:48] Speaker B: So it seems that from what we. [00:33:50] Speaker A: Know now, it seems that is an untraditional way. Clown mentions you stole your powers. We come to find out that maybe he's not even Javier. Like, it's. We're right in the middle of that right now, so we don't know. Okay. But we're gonna find out. That's kind of what they're teasing right now. [00:34:05] Speaker C: It's almost like he's a man with no name. [00:34:09] Speaker B: Hmm. [00:34:10] Speaker A: Oh, interesting. That's the great part about doing gunslingers. We always get to talk about dark tower a little bit. You get to talk about, you know, little Sergio Leone. Have you read the dark tower? [00:34:22] Speaker B: I read the first book. [00:34:23] Speaker A: That's the one. Yeah. That's the most gunslinger. [00:34:26] Speaker B: That's the. Hey. [00:34:27] Speaker A: It's called the gunslinger. It's the most gunslinger of the gunslingers. [00:34:30] Speaker B: Because the other ones are a little. [00:34:31] Speaker A: More fantasy Stephen King, but that one's just pretty much a straight up, like, weird western. [00:34:36] Speaker D: I loved it. That's the thing. That's why I actually stopped reading, because I read the first one, and I was like, well, this is gonna be cool, like, a while. Like a west kind of fantasy situation world. And then in the second one, when he just was, like, shot to, like, the present, and he's got his fingers eaten off. I was like, man, what the fuck? I was so by the lobster. [00:34:56] Speaker C: He's on the beach. [00:35:00] Speaker D: I was like, man, I wanted this western, crazy world to continue, and so. [00:35:03] Speaker A: I was kind of just annoyed now there's some prequel books and comics that's more in that western world. And I think that's what the. I don't know what the show's gonna be. [00:35:14] Speaker C: So book four is all. Wizard in glass is like Roland telling his story to his quartet. So it's all like. It's like a coming of age gunslinger tale back in. [00:35:31] Speaker B: Back in. [00:35:31] Speaker C: I guess it's technically in future gunslinger times because it's. Cause a wheel. [00:35:40] Speaker B: All that. Yeah. [00:35:40] Speaker A: It's Stephen King. So he has a magical, mentally challenged person. [00:35:44] Speaker C: Yeah. Oh, man. Moon. That spells problematic. [00:35:50] Speaker B: Yeah, they made those that into, like. [00:35:54] Speaker D: A graphic novel, right? Yeah, that basically, that fourth book, because. [00:35:57] Speaker B: I feel like Bran lent me a. [00:36:00] Speaker D: Graphic novel or someone did of the first section of that that I also read. [00:36:05] Speaker A: Yeah, that's, um. They made those in the graphic novels, basically. All the. The graphic novels cover all that background stuff. [00:36:11] Speaker B: Yeah. And you get a little bit of it. They. [00:36:14] Speaker C: They got the. The spooky guy doing the art on those too. Jay Lee. Oh, man. It's so unsettling to look at, like, in a good way. [00:36:22] Speaker A: I haven't read any of them. [00:36:23] Speaker B: I should get into it. I still got, uh, went through the. [00:36:27] Speaker A: Keyhole staring at me too. [00:36:29] Speaker C: Oh, that's a good one. That's a good one. You can. You can probably knock that one out in a day if you just want to be a goblin who sits on. [00:36:36] Speaker B: His couch all day. David, I'm too busy reading spawn. [00:36:40] Speaker A: I can't read anything else. Are you kidding me? Well, that's like, I'm laying down train tracks in front of me, trying to keep up with this fucking 300 issues of spawn. [00:36:47] Speaker C: That's why I'm still only in the eighties, because I'm like, but I want to read something else. Just so you know. [00:36:53] Speaker A: I've been halfway through a Star wars. [00:36:54] Speaker B: Novel for a month, and I'm like, should I give it up? [00:36:58] Speaker A: It's not a great one. It's about. It's the new canon version of Leia and Han's wedding, which is fine, but their honeymoon, it ties into. They go to the galactic star cruiser from Disney World. So it's just an ad for something I'll never be able to afford. So it's like, oh, Han's going to play Sabacc. And I'm like, whoa, cost him $5,000. [00:37:23] Speaker D: It's a cool five. [00:37:24] Speaker B: How are you thinking about giving it up? [00:37:26] Speaker C: Did they somehow get dabous? Does he play against Dabousuque on the cruise ship? [00:37:32] Speaker A: No, but there is on it is canon. That's the halcyon is the name of the ship. Excuse me. There's another bit on the podcast, as I constantly try to derail it to only talk about Star wars. [00:37:45] Speaker C: We've actually had some Star wars free episodes, so. So you can. You can take up a little extra time. [00:37:52] Speaker A: Well, get ready. There's a May the force coming. We got a video game. We got mandalorian season three. [00:37:57] Speaker B: I'm here for it. [00:37:59] Speaker A: I'm here for it. No, but there is a. [00:38:01] Speaker B: You will love this, David. [00:38:02] Speaker A: One of the members of Babu Frick's species is. At one point in the round of prequel time, was the captain of the ship nice? [00:38:10] Speaker B: And he's just a little captain. [00:38:12] Speaker D: What is his species called? [00:38:14] Speaker A: I can't remember. Oh, no. Babu fre. I'm bad. The sequel trilogy species. [00:38:19] Speaker B: Look, I'm not a sequel trilogy hater. [00:38:21] Speaker A: I like 66% of it. [00:38:25] Speaker C: That's about a good. [00:38:30] Speaker A: And, yeah, I, like, order 66% of it. [00:38:35] Speaker B: But the aliens and the alien names, the new ones never stuck. [00:38:40] Speaker A: Something about the designs just dabousuque stuck. The ones in the last Jedi are pretty good. [00:38:46] Speaker C: Cause he's a little space leprechaun. That's why. [00:38:49] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:38:49] Speaker A: And Bob and Frick stuck. I mean, I guess they stuck. I don't know. But just the background ones, I prefer, like, a quarine or a twilek, as opposed to whatever. [00:38:57] Speaker B: Bonk. [00:38:58] Speaker A: JJ Abrams. [00:38:59] Speaker B: Bonk, bonk, bonk. Oh. [00:39:01] Speaker A: Cause it twilek. [00:39:02] Speaker B: Bonk, bonk. [00:39:03] Speaker A: I told you I'm a Zatanna man. Now she's a magician in the DC. [00:39:10] Speaker B: Universe who wears fishnet stockings and sends. [00:39:15] Speaker A: Me into a tizzy. [00:39:18] Speaker B: Comics are really horny. [00:39:20] Speaker D: It's getting a little hotter in this closet. [00:39:23] Speaker A: Bonk, bonk, bonk. [00:39:26] Speaker B: Speaking of. [00:39:27] Speaker C: Speaking of bonks, these guys are just hitting each other. We got a bap and a whomp. [00:39:32] Speaker B: Bonk. [00:39:32] Speaker A: Oh, I completely missed that. [00:39:35] Speaker B: We had a. [00:39:36] Speaker A: Nearly an hour later. We had a Todd father time. [00:39:38] Speaker C: Yeah, we got a more specific time later on in the issue. [00:39:43] Speaker B: We do. Yeah. And so clown, as he says, he's. [00:39:46] Speaker A: Not the same old clown. And he does a thum, which is like. He punches. [00:39:51] Speaker B: He makes, like, a shockwave. Yeah. He just, like. [00:39:57] Speaker D: Like, smashes the ground. [00:39:58] Speaker A: Smash. Yeah, yeah. [00:39:59] Speaker C: Oh, that's. [00:40:00] Speaker A: This is what it is. You can see Javi's nice little butt. He's got a nice butt. [00:40:03] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:40:04] Speaker A: Nice and fit. I mean, he's in ridiculous shape. Yeah, he has, like, 15 abs. [00:40:11] Speaker C: It's like. [00:40:12] Speaker D: And he also looks like he's about like six six tall motherfucker. He's all towards seven foot with the hat. [00:40:19] Speaker A: If that spawn. If you saw gunslinger spawn, it'd be terrifying. He's like covered in spikes and just like, I love the. [00:40:27] Speaker D: The flashback bit where he's just like, it's just like a regular bar. And it looks like all normal type people. Just like in the wild west. And then he's like, hey, corner. Yeah, I'm just like, everyone just wasn't. [00:40:39] Speaker C: Looking at that guy. [00:40:41] Speaker D: Like, he's just like, everyone. He was just a normal guy. And then, like, there's this crazy tall guy in a. In a superhero costume in like, 1864. [00:40:51] Speaker A: And he's just like, sitting over here. [00:40:52] Speaker D: And they're like, it's just gunslinger spot. [00:40:55] Speaker B: I just immediately leave. I'd be like, this is terrifying. [00:40:59] Speaker C: And then, and then there's that drunk dude who thinks it's a good idea to shoot at him. Like, yeah. [00:41:03] Speaker D: He's like, yeah, I can probably take that guy. Kind of weirdo. Wears an all black mask and stuff. [00:41:11] Speaker A: What's that glowing green eye? [00:41:12] Speaker D: Yeah, with glowing green eye. Probably normal guy. [00:41:15] Speaker A: Probably a normal cool guy. [00:41:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:41:19] Speaker A: So clown decides to go pick up the tree which he hung gunslinger from. [00:41:25] Speaker B: It's a large oak. [00:41:26] Speaker A: That's such a toddfather thing. Like, of course, you would say it was larger trees. You gotta love the oak and the sycamore. It's a great tree. [00:41:37] Speaker B: I like that video you sent me. [00:41:38] Speaker A: David, where he was talking about the. He's just so infectious when he gets excited about toys. He was like, we got the toy day. We got some exclusive reveals. You can get a McFarlane dragon. [00:41:49] Speaker C: So this upcoming for the listeners, it's in the past now, but this upcoming week is the showcase. He has every year for the year slates of toys. And he's just so excited to talk about. It's a trailer for basically a trailer for toys. And he doesn't lose any energy at all. I hope to someday be as excited about my work as the Todd father is. [00:42:16] Speaker B: Hey. [00:42:17] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, he's just. Yeah, infectious. [00:42:20] Speaker B: I don't know, it's really good. [00:42:22] Speaker C: It's a good little show. Don't tell though, of clown just ripping the tree out of the ground and throwing it. There's really no points to it. Yeah, yeah. [00:42:30] Speaker A: He's just like, yeah, he doesn't even. [00:42:31] Speaker D: Throw it, like at him. He's just like, look what I can do. [00:42:35] Speaker A: I'm really strong motherfucker. [00:42:37] Speaker C: And he's also 2000 pounds now. [00:42:40] Speaker A: That's that's heavy. [00:42:42] Speaker B: Yeah. I don't remember. [00:42:43] Speaker C: I don't remember where they say that, but, yeah, like, goodness. 2000 pounds of clown. 2000 pounds. [00:42:52] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. [00:42:52] Speaker A: 2000 pounds of clown. [00:42:54] Speaker B: This is a trope. I like, is, like, especially. [00:42:56] Speaker A: It's. I feel like it's an anime where, like, someone's, like, seems like they're gonna be mean, and they go, ha ha, you old bastard. Yeah, I love that. [00:43:05] Speaker B: Like, it's in monster Hunter. [00:43:07] Speaker A: Remember that? In monster rise, there's elder Fugen. [00:43:11] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:43:11] Speaker A: He's always like, you dumbass. [00:43:14] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:43:14] Speaker A: Don't worry about slapping him on the back. [00:43:17] Speaker B: Yeah. Gives him a big old hug. [00:43:20] Speaker C: How he's so confused. [00:43:22] Speaker B: Oh, we did it. [00:43:23] Speaker C: He's got the. He's got the. Oh, I thought you were saying you did it. [00:43:27] Speaker B: You. [00:43:28] Speaker C: You pulled the page out again. [00:43:29] Speaker A: No, I'm saying we did it. We made it to the clowns backstage. [00:43:32] Speaker C: Okay. [00:43:33] Speaker B: What were you gonna say? Me? What was I gonna say? Oh, I was gonna say we got a. [00:43:37] Speaker C: We got a round eye of surprise on Javi there. [00:43:42] Speaker B: Yep. [00:43:43] Speaker A: Spawn round eyes. [00:43:46] Speaker C: That's how they make them look confused. Logan, is they draw the spawns with very, very, very round eyes. And it cracks me up every time. [00:43:53] Speaker A: Yeah, whatever. He's like. He's like, boo. Okay. That's a pretty classic spawn way to do it. So we get the background here, which delves all the way back to issue four. [00:44:02] Speaker D: Yeah. So he's saying, like, he created the, like, symbiote or something. [00:44:07] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:44:07] Speaker B: So, yeah, basically. [00:44:09] Speaker A: So violator is his, like, original form. [00:44:12] Speaker B: And he was a demon, and he was like, hell kind of operates like, what do you call it, David? [00:44:19] Speaker A: It's just like a middle manager. [00:44:20] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:44:20] Speaker C: So Melboja is, like, a middle manager because hell is a corporation. And so violator and his brothers were all, like, underlings of this middle manager of hell. And Melbolgia had. He wanted upward mobility, so he was being a little turd as far as corporate structure goes. [00:44:41] Speaker B: Okay. [00:44:41] Speaker D: Yeah, well, clowns not got his sights. He's just not shooting too high, because he's like, I just want that throne. He just wants that guy's throne. [00:44:49] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:44:50] Speaker D: He wants to be just right. Middle management, you know? [00:44:55] Speaker C: And Bolshevik wants a higher throne. So everybody's got to have goals, I guess, you know. [00:45:01] Speaker A: You know, over 60k dental. [00:45:03] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:45:04] Speaker A: Little health insurance. [00:45:05] Speaker D: Minions. [00:45:06] Speaker A: Yeah. So some. Some minions. That's all you need. [00:45:09] Speaker B: Yeah. No, you'll find out in spawn. [00:45:11] Speaker A: Everyone really, really wants to be on the throne of hell, except for spawn. But everyone wants to be, he's like, I do not want. [00:45:18] Speaker B: Do not want. [00:45:19] Speaker A: Yeah, but everyone else wants it. [00:45:22] Speaker D: They want him to be on that throne or, like, the devil. [00:45:26] Speaker B: So what's the hierarchy there? [00:45:28] Speaker D: Like, what's the deal with the devil? [00:45:29] Speaker B: There are seven levels of hell, and. [00:45:31] Speaker A: They'Re all, some of them are just wild. They're like techno angels. In hell. There's ice shrimp with demons. Ice shrimp, psychic ice shrimp are mentioned. But hell's just like a big tower of multiverses. Malbolgia runs the malbolge, which is basically, the malbolge is from the divine comedy, and it means the pits of hell. [00:45:55] Speaker B: Okay. [00:45:56] Speaker A: And Malbolsh is the leader of that. It's basically the spawning ground, I guess you could say, where he kind of is. He's in charge of getting Hell's army together, and that's what spawn originally was. [00:46:07] Speaker B: Clown. [00:46:08] Speaker A: What it's talking about here. When they're initially fighting back in issue four, clown was kind of like his. [00:46:13] Speaker B: Obi Wan Kenobi and, like, but in. [00:46:15] Speaker A: A bad way, where he was, like. [00:46:16] Speaker B: Trying to train him by basically just. [00:46:18] Speaker A: Fucking with him constantly. [00:46:20] Speaker B: And because he's also jealous. [00:46:22] Speaker A: He doesn't like humans. He doesn't think. He thinks he should be wearing the. [00:46:25] Speaker B: Symbiote that he created, but Malbolgia basically sees him as nothing. Yeah. [00:46:30] Speaker A: And so he gives it to spawn the most powerful symbiote. So the clown's very jealous of both the symbiote and of, yeah, he wants. [00:46:38] Speaker B: Malbolzia's throne because he wants to be there. [00:46:41] Speaker A: Is a Satan. Satan is a character too, I believe. [00:46:45] Speaker B: I don't know. [00:46:46] Speaker C: I haven't gotten there yet, but, yeah, he's in. [00:46:48] Speaker A: He's like, you're about to get to him. [00:46:50] Speaker C: I do know. I do know. God is an old lady, though. [00:46:53] Speaker A: God is an old lady. [00:46:54] Speaker D: Nice. [00:46:55] Speaker B: God is an old lady. [00:46:56] Speaker C: I do believe Al Simmons kills God too. So spoilers. [00:47:00] Speaker B: Oh, hell, yeah. [00:47:01] Speaker A: I can't wait to get to that. [00:47:03] Speaker C: I think that's the big. The big 200 reveal. [00:47:07] Speaker D: The big bad. [00:47:07] Speaker A: Like, okay, 100, he killed Al Bulge. 200. What are we gonna do is, like, have him kill God? [00:47:12] Speaker B: What do they do for the third one? [00:47:14] Speaker C: Well, the third one, they break the world, remember, in 300? [00:47:16] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, duh. Oh, yeah. [00:47:18] Speaker B: Okay. [00:47:18] Speaker A: I thought he, like, he kills. He kills. Richard Dawkins is to kill an atheist. [00:47:24] Speaker C: He goes up into the sky and just completely shatters that teacup that's flying around out there. [00:47:32] Speaker A: Oh, my God. What is the teacup in the sky? [00:47:35] Speaker C: Oh, that was Richard Dawkins basically, equating God to believing in God would be like believing that a teacup floating out in space has control over your entire life. [00:47:49] Speaker A: Oh, you think you're so fucking smart. Richard Dawkins. [00:47:52] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:47:53] Speaker A: British bastard. [00:47:55] Speaker C: So, so full of himself. I do like. I do like that. Brett Booth is giving us a small right foot. [00:48:00] Speaker B: Spawn. [00:48:01] Speaker C: Classic spawn. Very nice. [00:48:02] Speaker A: Classic swans. Because eventually he gets a big boot. He gets a big boot in a redesign. [00:48:08] Speaker C: And they'd never send him back to feet the same size. So I'm always very excited to see feet the same size. [00:48:14] Speaker B: Spawn. We get another potato heart. [00:48:18] Speaker A: Oh, yes. [00:48:19] Speaker C: I love a potato. I like that. Brett Booth did not try to make it actually a heart. He was just like, I'm gonna do the potato heart. [00:48:25] Speaker B: Yep. [00:48:26] Speaker A: It's just like a big old potato with, like, two antennas sticking on top. [00:48:30] Speaker B: Yeah. Oh, man. [00:48:31] Speaker C: But not enough. Not enough belly hair on melbolgia there, though. [00:48:35] Speaker B: But, I mean, his hair is. [00:48:36] Speaker A: David's a big. [00:48:37] Speaker B: He's got. [00:48:37] Speaker C: He's got good hair. [00:48:38] Speaker D: I was gonna say, that's Melboja. [00:48:40] Speaker A: That's my boss. [00:48:40] Speaker B: Yeah. The guy right there and the violators. [00:48:43] Speaker A: In front of him. [00:48:43] Speaker C: He used to have one of those, like, impossibly hairy bellies that they would. [00:48:47] Speaker B: Always give, like, well, like they would. [00:48:50] Speaker C: Give Wolverine or other sets, sort of lumberjacking people, where it's just, like, their arms are black. They've got so much hair. [00:48:58] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:48:58] Speaker C: That's how much hair mount Bolger used to have on his belly. But he's. He's shaved. I guess he's got a date later. [00:49:03] Speaker B: Yeah, he's shaved. [00:49:05] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:49:05] Speaker A: He had to shave his belly to the flames. That's just a weird image I didn't need. [00:49:11] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:49:11] Speaker D: How do you keep any hair in hell? You're, like, always around fire. Wouldn't you just be getting singed off constantly? I guess your hair's probably fireproof too, if you're a creature of hell. [00:49:19] Speaker A: If you're a creature of hell, hopefully you have fireproof hair, I would hope. Or else that would be a big problem. And it would smell terrible. [00:49:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:49:26] Speaker D: You should be going around naked and sweaty all the time. [00:49:29] Speaker A: There's a man who used to smoke cigarettes and has a beard. Burning hair smells awful. And for a long time. [00:49:38] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:49:38] Speaker D: It doesn't go away. [00:49:39] Speaker C: Like, three or four washes. [00:49:41] Speaker B: It's still there, and you can, like. [00:49:43] Speaker A: Yeah, no, it's so good. [00:49:44] Speaker C: It really sucks when you get. When you sing those mustache hairs that are, like, right underneath your nostrils, and. [00:49:49] Speaker A: Then there's no, that's what I'm talking about. [00:49:50] Speaker B: Oh, man. [00:49:50] Speaker A: Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. I'm sure looks like if you're a clown and you went through time like this, you probably sing some hairs. [00:49:58] Speaker B: Yeah, but see, this is. [00:50:01] Speaker A: I remember originally reading this. I felt like a smarty pants, so I was like, this is like. It's a little bit of a retcon from last issue. [00:50:07] Speaker D: I have a question on this page for sure, too. When he talks about, like, Kincaid, okay, stealing all the kid souls he's ever killed, I'm like, who is Kincaid? What's that about? [00:50:17] Speaker A: Like, okay, so Kincaid is kind of. [00:50:19] Speaker B: If the violator is split image on. [00:50:22] Speaker D: The bottom, like, almost looks like it's just a different spawn or a different clown. [00:50:27] Speaker A: So Todd McFarland likes really big bad guys? Yeah, like, either muscley or large or any. [00:50:36] Speaker B: So they. [00:50:37] Speaker A: It's just juxtapositioning them. So who Billy Kincaid is, he was a child killer. [00:50:43] Speaker C: He was the son of a senator. [00:50:45] Speaker B: Son of a. [00:50:46] Speaker A: Son of a son of a senator. [00:50:48] Speaker B: And he was Spawn's first kill. Like, he spawned. [00:50:54] Speaker A: Like, that was Spawn's first superhero thing. But in spawn fashion, he chains him up in the police men's office and stabs him with ice cream sticks because he's an ice cream man that abducts. He's kind of like a John Wayne Gacy character. Doesn't dress up as a clown. And so spawn, like, murders him, but he comes. He's like, his. If clown's the big bad guy. Or, like, he's like, if clown's his. [00:51:19] Speaker B: Joker, then. [00:51:23] Speaker A: I would consider Billy Kincaid, like, his rayshal ghoul. Like, he's like, the more. He's, like, the more evil, more threatening bad guy that they use more sparingly. [00:51:31] Speaker B: Yeah, like, he'll show up as a. [00:51:33] Speaker A: Demon occasionally, but he's in hell. He gets killed and goes to hell, and so he'll pop up occasionally. [00:51:39] Speaker C: Does that also mean that Billy Kincaid is Spawn's son's grandfather? [00:51:47] Speaker B: Wait, what? [00:51:48] Speaker C: Well, no, because Damian Wayne is Talia al Ghul and Bruce Wayne's son. And Talia al Ghul is Rachel Ghul's daughter. So that means Rachel ghoul is Bruce Wayne's son's grandfather. [00:52:00] Speaker B: Right? That's true. [00:52:03] Speaker A: It's his father in law. [00:52:05] Speaker B: It's his. [00:52:05] Speaker A: Well, I guess they're not married. [00:52:06] Speaker B: They get married. [00:52:08] Speaker C: I don't know if they get married. [00:52:10] Speaker B: I don't think so. [00:52:11] Speaker C: I'm reading Bruce is off Talia al Ghul now. And back on Selena Kyle. [00:52:17] Speaker B: So that's off and on. [00:52:20] Speaker A: Off and on. [00:52:20] Speaker B: What about Vicki Vale, man, Vicky Vale. [00:52:23] Speaker C: Hasn'T been around for a while. [00:52:26] Speaker B: Damn. I always liked Vicky. [00:52:28] Speaker A: I just read the first stray paperback of the court of owls. [00:52:31] Speaker C: Oh, nice. [00:52:32] Speaker B: Excellent. [00:52:33] Speaker A: It was really good. [00:52:33] Speaker B: It's good. Yeah. [00:52:34] Speaker C: I like the idea of, like, a secret society building empty floors into buildings that they could just hang out in. [00:52:41] Speaker A: Yeah. And, like, it was fun to get some more context for Batman v Spawn. [00:52:45] Speaker B: And I love the Talon. [00:52:47] Speaker C: And Greg Capullo's spawn is one of the best looking spawns out there. [00:52:51] Speaker B: It is so orange. [00:52:52] Speaker C: Batman. [00:52:53] Speaker A: Brick Batman. [00:52:54] Speaker C: Brett Capullah spot too. [00:52:55] Speaker B: But yeah, great. Capulet. [00:52:57] Speaker A: His Batman's great. Yeah, they look awesome. It's a lot of fun. I like that Batman's, like, kind of quippy in it. [00:53:04] Speaker B: Yeah, I like that. It just goes off the ground running and just like, yeah, I'm here, and. [00:53:11] Speaker A: The Bat family's here. [00:53:12] Speaker B: And it's okay. [00:53:13] Speaker A: We're doing it. [00:53:14] Speaker B: Yeah, it's very good. [00:53:15] Speaker A: But I'm on the second one now. I borrowed them from my friend Eleanor. [00:53:18] Speaker B: So reading those, but yeah. [00:53:21] Speaker A: So Kincaid is another swan villain who is a child killing ice cream man. This is why my parents loved it that I liked Swan as a kid. [00:53:32] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:53:32] Speaker A: I was just. [00:53:33] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:53:35] Speaker A: I remember Billy Kincaid because I remember probably, it was probably an amalgamation of the comics I read and the HBO show because he's a pretty big part of that. [00:53:43] Speaker B: And I remember, like, late at night. [00:53:44] Speaker A: Watching that on HBO because there was this show. It's actually really good. [00:53:49] Speaker C: It's good. [00:53:50] Speaker A: Yeah, you want to. It's actually a good intro, too. If you want, like, a bass, respond. It's only like two or three seasons. It's on HBO, Max. [00:53:57] Speaker D: It's really good. [00:53:58] Speaker A: Check it out. [00:53:59] Speaker C: It collapses a gigantic chunk of those first hundred issues into better paced entertainment. [00:54:09] Speaker A: Yeah, the movies actually does a decent job too. [00:54:12] Speaker D: Where does the, does the movie actually, is it like, all its own story? Does it actually cover it is a pretty strict adaptation. [00:54:19] Speaker C: Yeah, it is. [00:54:20] Speaker A: It's like pretty one to one. Like the clown's in it. Like he's training spawn. Like all the characters. All the characters are in it. [00:54:26] Speaker B: Like, yeah. [00:54:27] Speaker C: Cogs in it. [00:54:27] Speaker A: I like the movie. Some people don't like it. [00:54:30] Speaker C: Todd McFarlane's in it. [00:54:31] Speaker A: Todd McFarland's in it. Is Todd the bum? Yeah, it's. We'll watch it one day. It's a hoot of a movie. Michael Jack white's really good at it. [00:54:39] Speaker B: Though. [00:54:39] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, they're all good at it. [00:54:41] Speaker B: So it's a. I think it's a. [00:54:43] Speaker A: I'm gonna say it on my spawn podcast. [00:54:46] Speaker B: I think spawn. The movie is a good movie. Oh, hell, yeah. [00:54:52] Speaker A: I think a lot of people are coming around to it too. Now I see more positive things about it. [00:54:56] Speaker B: I mean, we don't even get. [00:54:59] Speaker D: It came out at a time when it was like. [00:55:01] Speaker B: I mean, what was, like, superhero movies. [00:55:04] Speaker D: At that time still popping? [00:55:05] Speaker A: None. [00:55:06] Speaker B: Like, maybe the Batman. [00:55:07] Speaker A: Well, Batman come out. But society decided that. Or not society. Hollywood thought that people liked Batman because there was a 1930s serial. So then they made the shadow and the phantom. It's like, no, they like that because. [00:55:21] Speaker C: It was a superhero. [00:55:22] Speaker A: Yeah, because it was a superhero. People don't like the shadow. [00:55:24] Speaker D: The shadow. I totally forgot about it. The phantom too. Oh, that's hilarious. Billy Zane shout out. [00:55:31] Speaker A: Then it took, like, ten years. [00:55:33] Speaker D: Yeah, that's new from Billy Zane. [00:55:35] Speaker C: That microscope with the razor blades in it that they have in the phantom that they use to blind. [00:55:39] Speaker D: Oh, my God. [00:55:40] Speaker C: To blind scientist. [00:55:42] Speaker D: It's like, oh, man, look over here. [00:55:45] Speaker C: I forgot about that. I have to regularly use microscopes at work, and I think about that fucking movie every time I have to approach a microscope. I'm like, oh, is this the one, like, putting my fingers all over the lenses, making sure a blade's not gonna come out? [00:56:01] Speaker B: I think about that movie because it. [00:56:04] Speaker A: Was down to Billy Zane and Bruce Campbell. [00:56:07] Speaker D: It would have been better with Bruce Campbell. [00:56:09] Speaker A: No, it would have been a thousand times better. Not that Billy Zane's bad. [00:56:12] Speaker D: Yeah, but Bruce Campbell's fucking Bruce Campbell, dude. [00:56:15] Speaker A: Perfect for that. And just, like, the humor would be there. [00:56:18] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. Also, it was hilarious. [00:56:20] Speaker A: The person who wrote that, he said he saw it, and he was like. [00:56:23] Speaker B: I wrote it as a comedy. [00:56:24] Speaker A: I don't know what the hell they shot. He's like, it was supposed to be kind of funny, but they took everything real seriously. But I remember Treet Williams was good. [00:56:31] Speaker B: In that as the bad guy. [00:56:33] Speaker D: It was the prequel to Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull right there. [00:56:38] Speaker A: Basically. It was. Yeah, yeah. [00:56:41] Speaker C: Speaking of problematic figures, the phantom is a literal white savior. That is the ghost who walks and scares away all of the enemies that come around the isolated pan african tribes of the area he lives in. [00:56:57] Speaker A: So is that really what it's about? [00:56:59] Speaker C: Yes, it's a trader who washed up on the shore somewhere near Africa after a shipwreck. And, like, you know, he was taken care of by the natives and then, like, he decided to fight all the other white men that showed up in the area. And so they sort of revere him kind of as a God, kind of as a protector. It's like. It's like. It's like he's black Panther, only white. [00:57:28] Speaker D: Only white. Only, like, also. [00:57:30] Speaker C: Only. [00:57:31] Speaker D: He's like Batman, basically. He doesn't have any abilities, right? [00:57:34] Speaker C: Yeah, he doesn't. He carries a gun. He carries a gun. Yeah, he has a gun, and he. [00:57:39] Speaker D: Knows martial arts, I guess. [00:57:41] Speaker C: A lot of money somehow. Yeah, it's real weird. I mean, I love the phantom, but it's. [00:57:48] Speaker A: I mean, that pulp stuff. [00:57:50] Speaker C: Yeah, it's gonna. [00:57:50] Speaker A: It's gonna be squiffy. I mean, it's. It's. It's pulp, you know? You know, does that mean I can't enjoy watching Gunga din or the temple of doom? I don't know, but maybe I'm a bad person. [00:58:01] Speaker C: But let me tell you, it's real fun to read stories about a man running around in a purple onesie with zebra print. Zebra print underwear on the outside. Just shooting people with a gun. [00:58:14] Speaker A: I just miss. That's why I like spawn. I like heroes. I want my heroes to have a goddamn gun. All these new heroes ain't got a gun. [00:58:24] Speaker B: Come on. [00:58:25] Speaker A: What if Captain America just carried around a pistol? [00:58:28] Speaker B: I mean, it's kind of out of. [00:58:30] Speaker D: Character that he doesn't, if we're being honest, like Captain America. His guns. [00:58:35] Speaker A: His arms should be gone. [00:58:36] Speaker D: He just has guns. It's just fused to his hand. [00:58:39] Speaker B: He's like, I can't get rid of. [00:58:40] Speaker A: It no matter what I try. [00:58:42] Speaker D: Every other line is from my cold, dead hand. So you're like, oh, God, captain. [00:58:46] Speaker B: Captain. [00:58:47] Speaker D: Chill it. [00:58:48] Speaker B: Chill it out. So we got Billy Kincaid. [00:58:54] Speaker A: Yeah, so that's Billy Kincaid. [00:58:56] Speaker B: He's just. So then that leads us to the. [00:58:59] Speaker A: Great revelation that these minions, as gunslinger. [00:59:02] Speaker D: Says, are the souls of dead children. [00:59:04] Speaker A: Your army's just a bunch of dead kids. Something like that. [00:59:08] Speaker C: Oh, so we've completely skipped over these, like, profile shots of clown during his entire, like, monologue here. And he just has. He's got, like, a frog throat. [00:59:20] Speaker A: Oh, his cheeks like Boston ass. [00:59:22] Speaker C: So disgusting. [00:59:23] Speaker B: Ass. [00:59:23] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, he totally does. [00:59:27] Speaker B: Episode one. Got it in there. [00:59:29] Speaker A: Got it in there. [00:59:31] Speaker C: He's big. He's big Bobad, huh? [00:59:36] Speaker A: This guy is bomb bad. [00:59:39] Speaker C: Hot take. [00:59:40] Speaker B: I love Joe Bicks. What said hot tank? [00:59:43] Speaker C: I love. I was. I was a child when those movies came out. [00:59:48] Speaker A: Yeah, dude, and I thought he was funny. [00:59:51] Speaker C: George R. Binks was, like, specifically aimed at me. And I was like, I fucking love this guy. I mean, I understand that he's problematic. [00:59:57] Speaker B: But I love the Phantom menace. [01:00:00] Speaker D: I'll say that for sure. I don't care. Like, there's a lot of things that I would like rewrite about the prequels, but the Phantom, Phantom menace is a great starting point for that trilogy. Like, it's a lot of cool. The only thing you need to change about it is like he needs to be older, basically. [01:00:14] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:00:14] Speaker A: Anakin was like, he needs to be. [01:00:16] Speaker D: Like 16 when it starts. [01:00:18] Speaker A: 16 would be. [01:00:18] Speaker B: And then it's like fine. [01:00:20] Speaker D: Everything else would have been great. [01:00:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:00:22] Speaker A: Truly. If he was like a cool badass. Oh my God. [01:00:26] Speaker D: Oh God. The weirdest part about it is like at the very end of that movie and they're like all celebrating and he gets like the little, like the zappy orb and then it's like showing everyone, Anakin looks at fucking Padme and Natalie Portman just like bites her lip at this like twelve year old kid or whatever at the end. And it's like, it's like what twelve. [01:00:49] Speaker A: Year old John Fisher really enjoyed. [01:00:53] Speaker B: Though? [01:00:54] Speaker A: If he was like a James, like, if he was just like a James Dean s 16 year old who worked on hot rods, the pad raised, they. [01:01:00] Speaker D: Were like both be around the same age supposed to be. [01:01:03] Speaker A: And you can set up a love triangle with. Obi wan likes hot. Exactly. [01:01:06] Speaker D: It's like he likes hot rod motorcycle, parallel type deal. Like he's James Dean. [01:01:10] Speaker C: Yeah, I guess at that point he would just like never wear a shirt either. So instead of having his nice little sand tank colony, Tatooine. [01:01:18] Speaker D: Sun's out, guns out. [01:01:21] Speaker A: It's like a sand colony tunic. Like his little. [01:01:24] Speaker C: That's what I'm trying. Yeah, cuz I mean, he. It's kind of camouflaged, bends in with the area, but it's also breezy. So it's like a sand colony tunic. What, what else would it be? [01:01:33] Speaker A: It's so funny that they get the curse on and they don't give him new clothes. [01:01:42] Speaker C: Especially on those lower levels of coruscant that are just like always damp. He would be so cold in that breezy ass material. [01:01:51] Speaker A: Yeah, the Jedi council chamber. No wonder he was like, man, these guys suck. [01:01:56] Speaker D: They were probably just like, ah, that's close enough to robes. [01:02:03] Speaker A: He's like, can I get a blanket? It's like jail. Can I get a blanket? They're like, no, meditate. Meditate on it. He's like, please, qui gon, you have that poncho and he's like, no, anakin. [01:02:14] Speaker B: No. [01:02:14] Speaker C: He had. He had to throw it away in dramatic fashion to reveal that he's a Jedi. So he doesn't have that poncho no more. [01:02:23] Speaker D: It's qui Gon jinn. Favorite Jedi for me. [01:02:26] Speaker B: I love qui gon. [01:02:27] Speaker C: Great Jedi. Great Jedi. [01:02:28] Speaker A: Well, he is, like, I think he's the best Jedi. He's, like, the last of the high Republic Jedi. [01:02:34] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:02:35] Speaker D: He's not bound by, like, certain, like, strictures of code. He's like, listen, I think I'm gonna do what I think is best here. [01:02:43] Speaker B: And, like, you know, so be it. Yeah, man. [01:02:47] Speaker A: Qui gon's cool. [01:02:48] Speaker C: They. They should do a buddy cop series that is young Qui Gon Jinn and, like, a crusty, crusty old about to retire Jedi. That would be a great series. [01:02:59] Speaker A: Or be Dooku. Dooku is his master. You know, Dooku in there. [01:03:02] Speaker C: Oh, man, that would be great. Oh, rip. Christopher Lee. [01:03:06] Speaker D: Christopher Lee. [01:03:07] Speaker A: Mister. [01:03:07] Speaker C: Yeah, Mister had metal albums as well. [01:03:12] Speaker B: He did. [01:03:12] Speaker A: Yeah, he did, like, spoken word metal albums. [01:03:14] Speaker C: Yeah, he did a concept out. One of them was a concept album about Charlemagne. [01:03:18] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:03:19] Speaker D: My favorite thing about Christopher Lee was he was actually, like, a crazy fucking badass from World War Two. [01:03:25] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:03:25] Speaker C: He was a nazi hunter. [01:03:27] Speaker D: Yeah, he was, like, who the Bond movies and stuff was kind of based on. And then, like, in Lord of the Rings, when they were, like, doing the scene where he gets killed or whatever, they get stabbed, and they're like, do this, and he's like, that's not what it sounds like when someone gets stabbed. It's like, what? [01:03:42] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:03:43] Speaker A: Oh, God. Like, okay, sorry. [01:03:44] Speaker D: All right, guys, listen to him, I guess. [01:03:48] Speaker A: Well, Javi would know what it sounds like. Cause he's stabbing people all over the place. Too many knives. [01:03:53] Speaker C: Too many knives. [01:03:54] Speaker A: So basically clown's like, look, I can send you back home if you help me. You got to go after Al Simmons. [01:04:00] Speaker B: So I can get him and then. [01:04:01] Speaker A: Get on the throne. You're going to help me. And Javi's just kind of, like, tired of him at this point. [01:04:07] Speaker B: Just like, all right. [01:04:10] Speaker C: I like that Javi has to pick up a stick to illustrate his point when he's literally just like, hey, could you send me back to two years before I came from, like, what is he drawing? Like, a line with a couple of X's on it? And it's like, can you take a. [01:04:24] Speaker D: Smiley face that says me above it and then, like, an arrow backwards? And then it says, two years ago me. [01:04:31] Speaker A: Like, he's just like. [01:04:35] Speaker B: The clowns are really into it. [01:04:36] Speaker A: The omens are super. [01:04:37] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, they're. They're. They're very interested. They're like, what is this? [01:04:41] Speaker B: This is beautiful. [01:04:43] Speaker A: Actually, in the dark Tower movie, that's how Roland explains the dark tower to Jake is he does it with sticks in the dirt. [01:04:48] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. With his is everyone's favorite movie. [01:04:51] Speaker D: It's more concise. [01:04:53] Speaker A: Yeah. So a gunslinger power that he has here that kind of rears its head is he can use some. Talk to the animals. [01:05:00] Speaker D: Army of wolves. [01:05:02] Speaker A: Animals love him. Wolves, horses. [01:05:04] Speaker D: This is specifically a gunslinger ability. [01:05:06] Speaker A: Yes. Only gunslinger has the love of animals. [01:05:10] Speaker D: He took the animal handling perk. [01:05:12] Speaker A: Yes, he did. The perk. Yeah. [01:05:14] Speaker C: Now that we've brought this up, I would like to point out that Javi fucking loves animals. Right. [01:05:19] Speaker B: There's that. [01:05:20] Speaker C: He gets pissed when that dude kills that horse, right? [01:05:23] Speaker A: Oh, he gets so bad when he kills that. [01:05:24] Speaker C: But yes, Javi is wearing spurs. And if Javi loved horses that much, he would not wear spurs, because they're literally just a cruel device to force your horse to go faster and don't really do anything besides hurt your horse. [01:05:38] Speaker A: But they sound cool. [01:05:39] Speaker C: They sound cool. [01:05:40] Speaker B: But, yeah. [01:05:41] Speaker C: If he loves animals as much as he loves animals, he wouldn't be wearing spurs when he rides a horse. [01:05:45] Speaker D: Maybe they're not as spurs as he got to. Does he have the spiky kind? [01:05:48] Speaker C: He's got the spiky kind because they're. Oh, yeah, cuz they're. Yeah, he's covered in spike, so of course he's gonna have this. [01:05:54] Speaker D: Yeah, it's gotta be the spiky kind. [01:05:56] Speaker A: I don't. [01:05:57] Speaker D: You know, maybe they're just round kicking people in the face with a spurred heel. [01:06:01] Speaker B: That'd be. [01:06:02] Speaker A: Well, man, spurs are fucked up. I didn't really ever think. [01:06:05] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, they're real messed up. And also, you're not supposed to walk around in them because it just ruins everything. Oh, man. [01:06:14] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:06:14] Speaker A: Just like, cut through the carpet. [01:06:16] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:06:16] Speaker A: Well, these wolves. These wolves are not hurting. Like, and they're ready to go. [01:06:20] Speaker C: Oh, my goodness. I like the just, like, omen face. Violator face. Omen face, wolf face. Omen face, hobby face. [01:06:31] Speaker B: Yeah, it's the. [01:06:32] Speaker A: It's the classic, like, good, the bad. [01:06:33] Speaker D: The ugly and the participants. [01:06:35] Speaker A: Yeah, it cuts each one. [01:06:37] Speaker B: Dun dun, dun, dun. [01:06:39] Speaker A: I just imagine the last one should be the wolf. And he goes, like. [01:06:44] Speaker B: At the bottom. [01:06:45] Speaker C: Of the page when that little guy just, like, can't handle it anymore. It looks like he is on fire. [01:06:50] Speaker B: Like he's like a little anime guy. [01:06:53] Speaker C: About to go into his. [01:06:54] Speaker A: I like how they're not fighting, but this one guy's like, I can't fucking take it. And he just goes and attacks him. I love the wolves biting the violator's horn. [01:07:03] Speaker B: Yeah, dude. [01:07:05] Speaker D: I feel like I said this to John earlier. I was like, I feel like League of Legends definitely ripped a character straight from the violator, for sure, because I can see that it looks like one. I feel like I. When I used to play that game, there was a character on there that looks exactly like the violator. I'm like, I'm sure it was around first. [01:07:20] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. Oh, no. [01:07:22] Speaker A: Yeah. 90, 93. [01:07:24] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. 93. League of Legends. You still play that? [01:07:30] Speaker D: No. [01:07:30] Speaker A: Yeah, dude. No, I was. That was, like, my hearthstone. I was so addicted to the hearthstone, I had to. I don't know if that's why it. [01:07:39] Speaker D: Was, like, back in college or it was, like, end of college. I was, like, playing it so much. I was like, why am I playing this? Yeah, I gotta know. [01:07:46] Speaker A: That's what, you know, there's only happened a couple times in video games for, like, this is a problem. Yeah, usually it's not. I try to, like, not make myself feel guilty for doing things I enjoy, so usually I'm okay, but, like, there's. [01:07:58] Speaker B: Some times when I'm just like, am. [01:08:00] Speaker A: I even enjoying this or am I addicted? [01:08:02] Speaker D: Just do it, man. [01:08:02] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:08:03] Speaker A: Especially those games where it's like a 20 minutes cycle, you can just. [01:08:05] Speaker D: Yeah, where's another one? Another one? [01:08:07] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, especially. Especially, like, that first year of college, it always hits really hard. I knew, like, four people who had to drop out because they just got addicted to some rpg or another. [01:08:21] Speaker A: Halo two came out my freshman year, baby. That was. That killed, like, three people's college careers that I did. [01:08:25] Speaker D: Yeah, dude. [01:08:27] Speaker C: Oh, man, it's so rough. The worst part was when, like, people were able to avoid it until, like, their junior year, and then that's when it hit them, and then it's like, oh. Oh, buddy. No, you got so far. [01:08:40] Speaker B: You got so. [01:08:41] Speaker D: You almost made it. [01:08:43] Speaker B: They're just fighting fights. [01:08:44] Speaker D: Pretty crazy. So everything from hell has blue or. [01:08:48] Speaker B: Green blood, rather, I guess, because it. [01:08:50] Speaker D: Seems like when spawn gets wounded, it's also green. [01:08:53] Speaker A: Yeah, green blood is basically the mo. [01:08:55] Speaker B: Yeah. It's the. [01:08:58] Speaker C: It's necroplasm. Because that's what gives them their animation. It's the. It's their power. So. [01:09:03] Speaker B: Okay, so instead of having blood, they got necroplasm. [01:09:07] Speaker A: And basically he's like, look, we can stay here all day. More wars are gonna come. [01:09:11] Speaker C: Let's leave. [01:09:12] Speaker B: I like how. [01:09:13] Speaker C: I like how tall and svelte clown looks in this. In this shot, though. [01:09:16] Speaker D: That's a thin 2000 pounds. [01:09:18] Speaker A: Yeah. He's still got holes in his shirt. [01:09:22] Speaker C: You can still see. [01:09:24] Speaker A: Hopefully you still see his belly. [01:09:26] Speaker B: So then actually, let's look at. [01:09:28] Speaker A: So Logan's reading the trade paperback, so it's a little different. That's kind of interesting, because let's see if you have the. [01:09:33] Speaker B: Oh, you do? Okay. Oh, yeah, the power meter. [01:09:35] Speaker A: Yeah, I wasn't sure if you had the power meter. So spawns have power meters. [01:09:40] Speaker D: That's what this is. Okay, see, I didn't understand what that was. [01:09:43] Speaker A: That's his power meter. Yeah. So that's been a caveat. [01:09:47] Speaker B: How do you say that? Get caveat. Caveat. [01:09:49] Speaker A: Caveat. [01:09:50] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:09:50] Speaker A: All right. There's so many words I don't say out loud. [01:09:52] Speaker C: Oh, no, it's fine. [01:09:53] Speaker A: It's kind of a thing in spawn. [01:09:54] Speaker B: As long as you don't. [01:09:56] Speaker C: If you say it in a terrible, terrible way, I'll correct you. Like, if you start saying baggle, I'll make fun of you. [01:10:03] Speaker A: But baggle. Baggle. [01:10:05] Speaker C: There are people who legitimately call bagels bagels. [01:10:08] Speaker B: Really? Really? Yes. [01:10:09] Speaker C: Where I work with one of them. [01:10:13] Speaker A: Wow. [01:10:14] Speaker C: We then got into a conversation where we could not say the b word because they've spent their entire life defending the pronunciation of Baghdol. [01:10:25] Speaker D: They're like, no, I'm right. The whole rest of the world is, like, wrong. [01:10:29] Speaker A: Like what? [01:10:30] Speaker B: That's funny. [01:10:30] Speaker C: I mean, it's fine. It's a Wisconsin thing. [01:10:32] Speaker B: So, you know, they say. [01:10:34] Speaker A: They say it sounded very midwestern. [01:10:36] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:10:36] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [01:10:37] Speaker C: Bag. They like a long. [01:10:39] Speaker B: You want a bag that's like the. [01:10:41] Speaker D: Miami, Oklahoma and Prague. Like, it's just like. Mine's called Miami. [01:10:48] Speaker C: Fun story about Miami, Oklahoma. There's an exit ramp from the highway to Miami that has the only speed limit sign I've ever seen that doesn't end in a zero or a five. And it's a speed limit 17. [01:11:04] Speaker B: What? [01:11:05] Speaker A: Seriously? [01:11:05] Speaker B: Yes. [01:11:06] Speaker C: There's a speed limit 17 sign outside of Miami, Oklahoma. [01:11:09] Speaker D: I've never seen that. That's crazy. [01:11:11] Speaker C: It's fucking wild. [01:11:14] Speaker B: That is wild. So you. [01:11:15] Speaker A: So that's what I was trying to say is you have the trade paperback. [01:11:17] Speaker B: So you don't get the spawning ground. [01:11:20] Speaker A: It's just like our letters segment. Usually it's just letters of people writing in. This is Todd McFarlane doing an interview. [01:11:27] Speaker B: Catching up with Todd. It says and he just talks about gunslinger pretty much. [01:11:33] Speaker A: And Brett Booth a lot was the artist. [01:11:35] Speaker C: Yeah, it's a lot of fun that, because they previously did an interview with Brett Booth, and Brett Booth was like, I told Todd that I wanted to draw dinosaurs. And here Todd's like, Brett said he wanted to throw dinosaurs. [01:11:50] Speaker A: I love how pragmatic he is in this. [01:11:52] Speaker B: Cause Todd McFarland's like, hey, look, what. [01:11:54] Speaker A: Do you want to draw? I can set a business meeting in a room full of dinosaurs. I don't care. And it's like, okay, he's funny. [01:12:02] Speaker C: I like the idea that he's got just one specific thing that he wants to get to, and he doesn't care how they get there, as long as they get there. And I guess that's how you have to take comics, because if you want it super planned out, it might not be as fun and enjoyable, but if. [01:12:20] Speaker B: You let it just go, as long. [01:12:24] Speaker C: As you end up in the right spot, it's fine. [01:12:25] Speaker B: Right? And that's, uh, Gunslinger spawn number five. [01:12:31] Speaker C: Numero five. [01:12:43] Speaker B: All right, now we are on to. [01:12:47] Speaker A: Our more contemporary issue in Spawn's universe. This is an interesting experiment for Logan, because at least with Gunslinger, you know, you're thrown in the middle a little bit, but you do get the one through six. [01:12:57] Speaker B: This is your, you do have no. [01:12:59] Speaker A: Idea what the scorch is. [01:13:03] Speaker C: Like Reddit. [01:13:03] Speaker D: Because he just gave me the one. [01:13:05] Speaker B: Issue, and I got over here, and. [01:13:07] Speaker D: I was like, so what's the deal with scorched? I was like, I don't, cuz, like. [01:13:11] Speaker B: On the COVID of the one, gunslinger. [01:13:14] Speaker D: Is on the COVID And so I assumed that that was why you had given it, because it was going to be related with Gunslinger in it. No, and then when I read it, Gunslinger wasn't even in it. I was like, so wait, what's going on with this? [01:13:23] Speaker A: Like, yeah, basically we cover, we threw a bunch of darts at a board to decide which issues we cover together. Yeah, it actually works out pretty well. Usually. [01:13:33] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a, it's fun. [01:13:35] Speaker C: It's fun. It keeps things exciting, but, yeah. So, like, not even starting it at a number one. So I personally think that this is a pretty decent issue to start the scorched on. You'll have to let me know if it worked out that way or not, Logan. [01:13:50] Speaker A: Yeah, it is a pretty decent starting. [01:13:52] Speaker C: Point because it's the beginning of an. [01:13:55] Speaker B: Arc, and there's the people we're introduced to. Unless they're basically new, unless you've been. [01:14:04] Speaker C: Following for a very very, very long time. [01:14:07] Speaker B: Sort of a decent enough background that. [01:14:10] Speaker C: It'S not too confusing. [01:14:11] Speaker D: Yeah, I mean, it didn't seem like I wasn't confused as to, you know. [01:14:14] Speaker B: Like, the, like, people, because, I mean. [01:14:17] Speaker D: It was, like, pretty well, just, like, picking up and, like, it. You know, it references that, like. Like, at least who people are and tells their names and things like that. But I was just. I was like. [01:14:28] Speaker B: When it was, I. [01:14:30] Speaker D: The scorch was more. I was like, wait, is there a character called Scorch? Like, what's the deal? And then you were like, oh, it's basically like the Avengers, but spawn. [01:14:38] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, it's totally the spawn version of X Men. Yeah, basically, it's like a Saturday morning cartoon book. It's great. [01:14:48] Speaker A: And we're doing scorch 13 new. Jumping off point here for scorched. They kind of, like, basically, they wrapped up their first big arc, and this is kind of the new one. [01:14:59] Speaker B: I have the a cover here, which is, like, Logan mentioned Redeemer, javier, like. [01:15:09] Speaker A: Fighting on a, like, pride rock type situation with, like, a bunch of demons. [01:15:13] Speaker D: Trying necro ghouls or something. [01:15:15] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:15:16] Speaker B: Trying to get them redeemers. [01:15:18] Speaker A: Got his sword out. They both got. [01:15:20] Speaker D: Just doing, like, a power blast. [01:15:21] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. Like, pretty cool angel energy because he's a. He was a. Used to be a heaven guy, but now he's kind of does his own thing. [01:15:31] Speaker B: Yeah. Good. [01:15:32] Speaker A: I like how they both have, like. [01:15:33] Speaker B: Really ridiculous hip hips. [01:15:35] Speaker A: Pouches. Ten pouches. [01:15:37] Speaker B: Yeah. Oh, yeah. [01:15:40] Speaker C: I don't know what's in them, but they all got them. [01:15:43] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [01:15:44] Speaker D: I mean, I guess in. In Gunslinger's case, you would imagine it was, like, bullets or shit, but, like, throwing eyes. Who has a sword and can shoot energy? What, like, items do you need? [01:15:53] Speaker A: Like. [01:15:54] Speaker B: Yeah, you just, like. [01:15:56] Speaker A: Neosporin brought a snack today. Yeah, he's a granola bar in there. [01:16:04] Speaker C: He's got to keep his blood sugar. [01:16:05] Speaker D: Up, you know, gets tiring, you know? [01:16:07] Speaker B: No, it's important. [01:16:08] Speaker A: What cover do you have, David? [01:16:10] Speaker C: I've got the agulo, the agilo. I don't think we've decided how to pronounce it, but I've got cover b, and it's just got hot. It looks like. [01:16:20] Speaker A: So that's a Spider man looking guy. That's hot. [01:16:22] Speaker C: Okay. It kind of looks like haunt is lost in a forest made of his own. Own suit. [01:16:30] Speaker A: Yeah, he's, like, lost in his own stuff. [01:16:31] Speaker B: Yeah, I like that. [01:16:32] Speaker C: He's glowing blue eyes. That's real nice. [01:16:34] Speaker A: He's getting high on his own supply. So haunt is not a spawn. [01:16:38] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:16:38] Speaker D: What's the deal with Haunt? [01:16:39] Speaker B: Haunt is a catholic priest, Daniel Kilgore, who died. Right. Oh, man. [01:16:47] Speaker C: I don't really know. All I know is that his symbiote is. Has been captured and reconfigured to be a virus by certain earth peoples. [01:16:57] Speaker B: So he's, like, dying. [01:17:00] Speaker C: So he's literally dying because his costume is poison. [01:17:04] Speaker A: But he was another character. They started on his own thing, and they brought into Spawn. Well, he was always spawn adjacent. He always took place in Spawn's universe. [01:17:12] Speaker B: But they brought him in. [01:17:14] Speaker A: He's been around for a bit. [01:17:16] Speaker B: Yeah. So we open up our co, and. [01:17:18] Speaker A: I forgot to mention, Kevin Keen did the COVID that I have. [01:17:21] Speaker B: Nice. [01:17:23] Speaker A: You pop that cover open. [01:17:26] Speaker B: Of course. [01:17:26] Speaker A: We got the great script plot by Sean Lewis, Tom McFarlane. [01:17:30] Speaker B: Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. [01:17:32] Speaker C: I like this. [01:17:33] Speaker A: Even we got two. [01:17:35] Speaker B: Two artists. [01:17:36] Speaker A: They actually remember to credit von Randall in this one. [01:17:38] Speaker C: Yeah, I like. I like seeing this Von Randall. It's good stuff. [01:17:41] Speaker B: It's good stuff. Yeah, it's fun that they did that. [01:17:45] Speaker A: I wonder why they did that. [01:17:46] Speaker B: I don't know. [01:17:47] Speaker A: Maybe Steven Segoyo is busy. [01:17:49] Speaker C: I mean, well, Steven Segovia is on a couple other books, so he's on what? Wildcats. He's on. I feel like he's on another book too. So maybe he just. [01:17:57] Speaker A: Yeah, and he's been doing a lot of covers. He did the Star wars covers recently, like, the last two. [01:18:02] Speaker B: So. [01:18:03] Speaker A: So he's been a busy man. [01:18:04] Speaker C: And, you know, him being able to have time to. Have to have time to do other things. [01:18:10] Speaker B: I'm pretty sure that since the von. [01:18:12] Speaker C: Randall only got a couple of, like, half issues, maybe they're like, hey, man, we'll catch you up page wise in these other books. [01:18:19] Speaker B: So. Yeah, that makes sense. [01:18:22] Speaker C: I'm sure part of it's scheduling, part of it's contractual. [01:18:27] Speaker A: Previously in the Scorch. With half of the scorched team captured by curse, medieval and soulcrusher come to an uneasy alliance and set out to free their friends and stop the curses plans. That's exactly what happened in the previous issue of Spawn has nothing to do with this issue. [01:18:45] Speaker B: None of that has any. [01:18:47] Speaker A: None of these characters are in this one. [01:18:49] Speaker C: Not at all. [01:18:50] Speaker A: So we open Jessica priest, like, I don't know. I call it, like, Spider man in. She's, like, sitting on a scaffolding somewhere, like, looking into the distance. [01:18:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:18:58] Speaker A: I feel like Spider man just contemplate, just contemplating a sunrise. I feel like Spider man does that a lot. [01:19:04] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:19:05] Speaker A: Sits on a building. [01:19:06] Speaker D: It's a very, like, lone superhero in a city move. [01:19:10] Speaker A: You gotta sit up there and just. [01:19:11] Speaker D: Like Batman does it. Everybody sits on the tie high building, like, thinking about shit. It's rough. [01:19:18] Speaker A: Can you imagine being Bruce Wayne and, like, I'm having an existential crisis. I need to get as high up as possible so I can stare into the city. [01:19:24] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:19:25] Speaker C: Moving to Chicago, I imagine there would be a lot more just seeing people sitting along the rooftops than there are. They have those doors, uh, locked down. It is so hard to get up onto a roof up here. [01:19:37] Speaker A: Yeah, I've been on my roof. [01:19:40] Speaker B: Yeah, I've been on just, like, you. [01:19:41] Speaker D: Know, regular ass, like, building roofs, but like, that. Like, an actual, like, high rise somewhere roof? [01:19:47] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:19:47] Speaker A: No, there's a couple rooftop patios, I think, downtown. [01:19:50] Speaker B: But what about your homeowner, David? [01:19:52] Speaker A: Can you get on your roof? [01:19:53] Speaker C: I could, but because the roof has to be at such an angle for. To be rated for the snow, I don't trust myself to not just fall. [01:20:03] Speaker B: Off of it, because it's really. It's really freaking steep. [01:20:05] Speaker C: It's real freaking steep. [01:20:06] Speaker A: Do you, like. You don't do a Clark Griswold on there. [01:20:09] Speaker C: Oh, no. Was that I just become an asshole and get people fired for no reason. [01:20:15] Speaker D: Because I don't like them. [01:20:17] Speaker A: Yeah, that's what Chevy Chase does. [01:20:20] Speaker C: I don't know, Margo, did you watch that this year? Yeah, of course I watched that this year. [01:20:25] Speaker A: I watched it too. [01:20:26] Speaker B: Yeah, I do. I am. [01:20:29] Speaker A: Me and Wanda are that couple. [01:20:30] Speaker C: The child is couple. [01:20:32] Speaker A: Oh, look, it's me. Only instead of, like, nice stereos from the eighties, I buy spawn comics. And this spawn comic we have, this is. [01:20:42] Speaker C: This is also our. [01:20:44] Speaker B: Our opening. [01:20:45] Speaker C: Our opening reading comes right from here. [01:20:47] Speaker B: It was our opening quote. [01:20:48] Speaker A: The war journal. I picked that because it's the solution. Bring it outside help. We're getting outside help with Logan. Our first spawn vert. A term that you coined. [01:20:58] Speaker B: Coin. [01:20:58] Speaker A: Yeah, because he was like, you know, if you turned on the spawn, I would be a spawn vert. [01:21:04] Speaker B: And I was like, yes, indeed. [01:21:05] Speaker D: I was like. I was like, you should call people who get on to spawn from your podcast spawn verts. [01:21:11] Speaker C: Yeah, they are. It's good that we. We describe it that way instead of letting it be spawn perverts. Although I guess it would work both ways. Cause I guess technically we're also spawn verts. [01:21:22] Speaker A: We are. [01:21:23] Speaker B: I do like Jessica Caprice. [01:21:25] Speaker A: So this is Jessica Priest. She spawned. Aka Jessica Priest. She a little background? [01:21:30] Speaker B: Her. [01:21:30] Speaker A: Logan. She's the one that killed spawn back in the eighties. [01:21:34] Speaker B: They were enemies. [01:21:35] Speaker D: Human form. [01:21:36] Speaker A: Yeah. As he was a human. They were both. She was working in the army. It's like a black ops. They were both, like, black ops people. And spawn was getting too close to, like, finding out some stuff about his. [01:21:47] Speaker B: Boss, and so they had him killed. [01:21:51] Speaker D: And she was the hit. [01:21:51] Speaker A: And she was the hit. She was the hit band. But originally it wasn't her. [01:21:54] Speaker D: No. [01:21:55] Speaker B: Actually got retconned. [01:21:56] Speaker A: It was a guy named Chapel from another comic book. But the problem was, in the movie, they didn't think. They thought it was too complicated to try to introduce another superhero to, like, have him killed. So they created the character of Jessica Priest, and then she kind of bled into the comics and became, I don't know, when they address, like, an actual retcon. I'm actually excited to guess to that. [01:22:18] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:22:19] Speaker A: Because I don't. There has to be a moment where. [01:22:21] Speaker B: They'Re like, she killed him, not Chapel. [01:22:24] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:22:26] Speaker A: Or maybe just after the movie, they just go, fuck it. She killed him, and they don't even address it. [01:22:30] Speaker B: Who knows? Well, someone knows. [01:22:32] Speaker A: We'll find out soon. [01:22:34] Speaker C: It will be Johnny. [01:22:35] Speaker B: Who knows? It will be. [01:22:37] Speaker A: So the outside help they bring in is freak. Who's this guy here? [01:22:41] Speaker D: Freak is a sewn together. [01:22:43] Speaker A: Yeah. He's a wild looking zombie man. [01:22:46] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:22:47] Speaker A: Wasn't always a zombie man. When he was introduced, he was just. [01:22:50] Speaker B: A man who lived in the sewer. [01:22:52] Speaker A: He was created by Alan Moore. Alan Moore would sweep into spawn occasionally and just, like, create a new character and leave. He did that with Vindicator. [01:23:02] Speaker B: He did that with freak. But he was a villain and now is an ally of spawn. [01:23:12] Speaker C: He's something. He's something. [01:23:15] Speaker B: He's something. He's the freak. [01:23:18] Speaker A: He's over here torturing a demon, trying to figure out where this island is that they were talking about. The war journal. Basically, there's an island where monsters are going and fighting. [01:23:27] Speaker B: They're like, what's going on? [01:23:28] Speaker A: We got to figure this out. [01:23:29] Speaker D: It's very yu yu Hakusho. [01:23:31] Speaker C: Like, they're auditioning american idol style to be part of this army. And only the most ruthless survive. [01:23:39] Speaker A: And this is new information to us. None of this is set up beforehand. So this is all new to this year. [01:23:44] Speaker B: So. [01:23:44] Speaker A: Redeemer. [01:23:45] Speaker B: I love that. I don't know if you noticed that detail. [01:23:47] Speaker A: Redeemer has the cross on the speech level because he's from heaven. So it's like, I wondered it was. [01:23:53] Speaker D: Only him, and I was like, eyes. An angel guy. [01:23:55] Speaker B: Sure. [01:23:55] Speaker A: Yeah. He's got a cross. He speaks an angelic voice. [01:23:59] Speaker B: Yeah, it's super awesome. That's Tom O for you. Although he's torturing the demon, and they. [01:24:10] Speaker A: Find out, basically, you need to arrive with the ship. So he's telling where this island is. [01:24:15] Speaker B: Freak's like, look, we gotta spawn to. [01:24:17] Speaker A: Know what he's doing. He's got a dead wife. People tell him he's a king. And these people are looking for a new leader. And we will come to find out who. But on this island, someone is gathering warriors. [01:24:30] Speaker B: Yeah. To American Idol audition. [01:24:32] Speaker A: Has there been a reality show where people fight to the death yet? Or fight at least. [01:24:37] Speaker C: I mean, there's gotta be a fight. [01:24:39] Speaker A: Not death, but, like, there's gonna be. [01:24:41] Speaker B: Have you. [01:24:42] Speaker D: Have you seen any of this? [01:24:44] Speaker B: A physical 100? That's on Netflix? [01:24:47] Speaker D: No, dude, it's fucking great. I started watching it. It's a korean show. [01:24:51] Speaker A: Okay. [01:24:51] Speaker D: But it's. I started watching it because the guy who's on the COVID of it is a mixed martial artist who's, like, one of the most famous people in Korea, apparently. I knew he was famous, but, like, kind of to, like, in, like, an elvish way. Like, he's known as, like, a singer. A martial art. He does, like, a bunch of shit. But this competition is, like, they took, like, their competition's, like, we're here to determine, like, the best physique possible to have or whatever. And it's, like, a hundred people that are, like, athletes, crossfitters, like, whatever the hell they are, and they come and they do, like, a series of. They call them quests, but they're, like, different physical challenges. But, like, the second one is, like, we have two arenas, and two of you are just gonna go in there and, like, you have to get this. Whoever ends up with this ball at the end of, like, three minutes wins. But every. Basically every single one of those contests just starts off as, like, a crazy grappling, wrestling, like, situation of, like, two people just going in there and fighting over some ball and getting it until one of them wins at the end. [01:25:52] Speaker A: That sounds awesome. [01:25:54] Speaker B: Netflix. [01:25:54] Speaker D: Yeah, it's on Netflix. Called physical 100. [01:25:56] Speaker A: I still have Netflix. I canceled it, but I brought it back so Wanda could watch glass onion. [01:26:03] Speaker B: What? [01:26:04] Speaker A: Time to cancel that bitch again. Watch me have a ghost. [01:26:07] Speaker B: Watch. [01:26:08] Speaker C: We have a ghost. [01:26:08] Speaker B: That's good. I gotta watch Wendell wild. [01:26:11] Speaker D: I know. [01:26:11] Speaker A: I got, like, ten things I gotta watch, and then I can delete it again. [01:26:15] Speaker B: Not delete it. Unsubscribe you know, I don't know. [01:26:19] Speaker A: I'm just trying to say, you know, I'm trying to cut back on the subscription services a little bit. [01:26:23] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:26:24] Speaker A: This is getting out of hand. It's all really. [01:26:28] Speaker D: I'm like. I've got, like, all that shit. Whatever. I'm gonna watch it enough that, like. [01:26:32] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, I just don't go to the bar. [01:26:34] Speaker B: Think about, like. [01:26:35] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm not. [01:26:37] Speaker D: Yeah, exactly. College anymore, so I'm not spending $40 on, like, any given day at the bar. [01:26:44] Speaker A: Yeah, like, you know, don't miss that. [01:26:47] Speaker B: Yeah. I went to a bar for the. [01:26:48] Speaker A: First time last weekend, and I regretted it. It was just, uh. I mean, it's way more expensive than. [01:26:56] Speaker D: $40 now, is the thing. Like, in Chicago. [01:27:00] Speaker A: Luckily, if you don't go to the bar very often and your co workers go to the bar a lot, when you go to the bar, they just buy all your drinks once every, like six months. [01:27:15] Speaker D: Speaking of, I guess I ought to. [01:27:16] Speaker A: Go out to the bar here if it's the first time they go crazy for you. [01:27:20] Speaker B: Yeah. So we. We end up. [01:27:22] Speaker C: We end up at this island that they're talking about, right? [01:27:25] Speaker B: Yes. [01:27:29] Speaker C: Yeah, I think so. [01:27:30] Speaker B: I don't know. [01:27:31] Speaker C: We're getting. [01:27:31] Speaker A: Fuck you. Fuck you island. [01:27:33] Speaker C: We're getting into. We're getting into that real squiffy. [01:27:35] Speaker B: Uh, uh. [01:27:37] Speaker C: Real squiffy territory. So, yeah, it's a little squiffy. [01:27:41] Speaker B: It's a little. [01:27:42] Speaker A: It's a little, um. Mandarin. Iron man. [01:27:46] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [01:27:49] Speaker A: It'S okay, so. [01:27:50] Speaker C: But not Trevor. Not Trevor Mandarin. The actual Mandarin? No, not the real Mandarin. [01:27:56] Speaker D: Yeah, has all the rings. Mandarin. [01:27:59] Speaker C: Right. [01:27:59] Speaker B: So, okay. [01:28:01] Speaker A: Do you remember in Shang Chi where they get the new actual Mandarin shows up? [01:28:06] Speaker B: Yeah. And he's like. [01:28:08] Speaker A: They named him after an orange. [01:28:11] Speaker B: I know that there's a Mandarin orange. [01:28:12] Speaker A: But Mandarin is also China. It's like the language. [01:28:15] Speaker D: It's the, like, largest spoken language in China. [01:28:19] Speaker A: So why did they put that joke in there? Doesn't make any sense. [01:28:22] Speaker D: I don't know. [01:28:22] Speaker C: Cuz it's. [01:28:23] Speaker A: They name it after orange. [01:28:25] Speaker D: You know, like, it's like, who knows? [01:28:26] Speaker A: I don't know. I just imagine that. [01:28:29] Speaker B: That. [01:28:29] Speaker A: That whoever. [01:28:30] Speaker B: That. [01:28:30] Speaker A: Like, probably Oscar winning or not probably like whatever awards in China, they have. [01:28:34] Speaker B: Like, famous actor that's in this Marvel. [01:28:36] Speaker A: Movie having to explain that he's the Mandarin. He was probably. [01:28:39] Speaker B: What the fuck am I reading? [01:28:42] Speaker A: It's like, you have to explain that you're not Ben Kingsley. Yeah, fuck you talking. [01:28:46] Speaker D: But he's right there. [01:28:47] Speaker A: 15 years ago, where your character was Ben Kingsley in Iron man three. [01:28:51] Speaker B: And he's like, whatever. [01:28:53] Speaker A: Okay. [01:28:53] Speaker B: Yeah, sure. [01:28:56] Speaker A: But, yeah, it is a little squiffy. [01:28:58] Speaker B: I don't know. I mean, as a, as a white dude, I don't. [01:29:04] Speaker C: It does. It does very quickly just sort of turn into just. He's an evil guy. His evil is divorced from combating it over here. [01:29:14] Speaker D: He's got, like, a tournament. [01:29:16] Speaker C: His evil is ultimately divorced from his sort of cultural background. So it gets. [01:29:21] Speaker B: It's. [01:29:21] Speaker C: It's a little less squiffy there, but, yeah, it's. We're dancing around it. We're dancing around it. [01:29:26] Speaker A: We're dancing just, like, freaks dancing through this crowd. [01:29:30] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:29:30] Speaker A: Navigating the sea of the dam. [01:29:32] Speaker C: They see a. They find a guy with a 137 brand on him, and they're just like, kill this man. [01:29:38] Speaker A: We don't like cults. [01:29:39] Speaker D: What does that mean? [01:29:40] Speaker A: That's a cult that's in king Spawn. [01:29:42] Speaker B: They are. [01:29:44] Speaker A: So there's a Bible verse, psalms 137, that is real. And it's really weird in most translations, it's basically like, God. [01:29:54] Speaker B: Like, if you bash the babes upon. [01:29:56] Speaker A: The rocks, you shall rejoice or something like that. [01:29:58] Speaker C: Yeah, something like that. [01:29:59] Speaker A: And it's like, kill kids. And it's like, what? So the psalms one through seven is. [01:30:04] Speaker B: This cult that is basically, they're killing. [01:30:06] Speaker A: Children to bring spawn out and to. [01:30:09] Speaker B: Get spawn to, like, take over the throne of hell. [01:30:13] Speaker D: Yeah. So psalms one three seven. Let's see here. [01:30:17] Speaker C: Oh, we've already looked it up, and there's. There's a couple of, there's a couple of translations of it, so. [01:30:22] Speaker D: By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept and remembered Zion. [01:30:26] Speaker B: Da da da da da. [01:30:28] Speaker A: There's only one certain interpretation where it talks about the kids getting bashed. It's basically this cult group that's trying to. [01:30:33] Speaker D: He who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks. Oh, daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction. Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us. He who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks. That's how it ends. [01:30:47] Speaker A: How do you interpret that one? [01:30:51] Speaker C: Nothing more metal than the old Bible. [01:30:53] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:30:54] Speaker C: For real, truly, the man, the mandarin, literally pulls the freak out of the crowd. [01:30:58] Speaker B: Right, right. [01:30:59] Speaker C: He sees them. He sees them from so far away. He's like, oh, I remember how that guy walks. [01:31:03] Speaker A: Which, yeah. He's like, oh, that's freak. Even though he's in a sea of, one would argue. I wouldn't call that arguably a sea of freaks. Like, he's just like, there he is. [01:31:16] Speaker C: I like how he doesn't have a desk. He just has them scatter the files on the floor and he looks down upon them. [01:31:22] Speaker D: Yeah, that's how he figures it. [01:31:25] Speaker B: He's just like, yeah, you know, throw these down. [01:31:28] Speaker A: And I also like that they just have, like, actual honest to God files. Like, it's not like, it's like, yeah. [01:31:34] Speaker D: They'Re just like, everywhere on the floor of this very temple looking place. He's just like, in a very referential looking temple, but just, like, covered the floor with, like, files of random people. [01:31:45] Speaker A: Like, what were they up to before, like, this scene started? They were just, like, throwing paper around, chilling. [01:31:51] Speaker C: They have to. Artfully. They have to do the artful. Just spread the paper, paper around so you can read all of them. [01:31:58] Speaker D: Make sure they land face up. Make sure they land face up. [01:32:00] Speaker A: Yeah, we gotta see this. Looks like a invoice for Jessica freeze and a map. [01:32:09] Speaker C: That's maybe that's the, maybe that's the receipt from her killing Al Simmons. [01:32:14] Speaker D: And this next page is like his creation story, his backstory, right? [01:32:18] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:32:18] Speaker A: So we don't, this happens somewhere in like, 200s issue. [01:32:21] Speaker B: We don't, I haven't read it. [01:32:22] Speaker C: I don't know. [01:32:23] Speaker B: So I know he's a character that. [01:32:25] Speaker A: Was a part, and this is like his comeback. I know he's a fan favorite, at least design wise, I think. [01:32:31] Speaker B: I don't really have much of an. [01:32:32] Speaker A: Opinion on him at this point. [01:32:33] Speaker C: Yeah, but so I don't know. [01:32:36] Speaker B: Apparently he was like a servant. [01:32:39] Speaker C: I'll kill for you forever if you turn me into a hellspawn. And so that's what he does, is. [01:32:44] Speaker D: He just like, wanted to live. [01:32:45] Speaker C: He's got another one. [01:32:46] Speaker A: And I guess this is him before he gets all skinny. [01:32:48] Speaker C: I guess. [01:32:49] Speaker B: I don't know if you know who. [01:32:51] Speaker A: This big burly demon is, send us. [01:32:52] Speaker B: An email regarding spawnpodmail.com, because it may be Mandarin, but it may not be. Yeah, I, so they're up watching from above. They're like, man, this guy's, look at this guy's office. [01:33:07] Speaker A: I like how the papers spread around. [01:33:10] Speaker C: You could just like, see him shuffling them together. [01:33:13] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:33:14] Speaker B: Stacking them back up. [01:33:15] Speaker C: And then, and then we get the, we get the cut to the von Randall art. [01:33:20] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:33:20] Speaker A: So this is where I like how they do white pages. And then it goes to black outline pages. [01:33:25] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:33:25] Speaker A: So switches artists here. [01:33:28] Speaker D: This is a crazy dope weapon he's got for sure. [01:33:30] Speaker A: This, like, oh, God. Yeah, it's so cool. [01:33:33] Speaker C: It's like a. It's like a sword version of the. Of the Darth Maul lightsaber. [01:33:39] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:33:39] Speaker A: I look at any kind of double bladed weapon. [01:33:41] Speaker B: Yeah, always cool. [01:33:43] Speaker A: Ray should have had a double bladed lightsaber. Goddamn it. [01:33:46] Speaker B: Yeah. And I like. [01:33:47] Speaker C: So, so the freak has been chosen to fight Mandarin in the pit. And only one of them will leave. Is the whole idea here. [01:33:56] Speaker B: And there they are. [01:33:57] Speaker A: And you get all the people watching. Kill him. [01:33:59] Speaker D: Kill him. [01:33:59] Speaker A: Make him bow, man. [01:34:00] Speaker C: It's revealed. It's very much like that Batman spawn fight in Arkham Asylum. [01:34:06] Speaker A: It is, except the inmates are demon people. But they're not even inmates. They're just the crowd. But they're in prison. [01:34:16] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:34:16] Speaker B: And then we get. Because it looks cool. [01:34:18] Speaker C: I like how the Mandarin has a nice old fashioned bank vault. Look at that. [01:34:24] Speaker A: Yeah, I know. He has a bank vault. I wonder if that's under the temple office. [01:34:28] Speaker D: Just, like, chilling. [01:34:29] Speaker C: Yeah, and it's just filled with loose files. They aren't even, like, in cabinets or banks. [01:34:34] Speaker A: No, it's filled. It's filled with pictures of action figures. That's definitely just someone like. That's. That looks like the Omega action figure right there. [01:34:44] Speaker C: And the monolith. [01:34:46] Speaker A: The monolith, right. [01:34:48] Speaker B: Oh, that's coming out. [01:34:49] Speaker A: Yeah, it's a little preview. [01:34:50] Speaker B: Oh, man. [01:34:51] Speaker A: So that's where all the toys come from. Mandarin spawn's making them in his secret office vault. [01:34:57] Speaker B: Oh, man, now we know. And then the, like, the lackeys come. [01:35:01] Speaker C: In, and they're like, what are you doing? Those are our stuffs. [01:35:05] Speaker A: That's our lord's chamber. He disrespected it. [01:35:07] Speaker B: Go back to the fight. Yeah, they're just going at it. [01:35:11] Speaker A: I like how freak kills the guy that talks with the crowd. He's like, blood. He's like, nah, I'm gonna kill you. [01:35:16] Speaker B: Bam. [01:35:16] Speaker A: He cuts his arm off. Yeah. [01:35:19] Speaker C: And then he just does his. Hey, hey, hey. I like pain. Cut me again. [01:35:25] Speaker B: Cut me again. [01:35:27] Speaker A: And then he looks like Sephiroth for a second. [01:35:29] Speaker D: Yeah, he totally does. In the bottom. [01:35:31] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:35:32] Speaker B: Sapphire wolf. [01:35:35] Speaker A: He's a one. What am I calling a one winged angel? Then we get a two winged angel, though, on the next page. [01:35:41] Speaker B: Nice little killing. [01:35:42] Speaker D: Killing the ladder, killing angels, killing a. [01:35:45] Speaker A: Bunch of racist caricatures. [01:35:48] Speaker D: Heads lopping, people getting shot in the head. [01:35:51] Speaker A: She spawns ribs. [01:35:53] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:35:53] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [01:35:55] Speaker C: Yeah, they're, like, sticking out. It's crazy. [01:35:57] Speaker B: They really are. [01:36:00] Speaker A: So, I mean, redeemers ribs are sticking. [01:36:02] Speaker B: Out pretty good too. Oh, man. [01:36:04] Speaker D: When I was reading that gunslinger spawn and he's, like, killing those angels in the beginning. He's, like, ripping their wings off, and he's like, this is the worst thing you can do. It made me, like, think of the. The God of war. Like, Valkyrie fights. That's how, like, every one of them ends is. He, like, boom. Knocks them down and just rips their wings off their back. I was like, that looks pro. That's probably after I read it. I was like, that's. I bet taking from. That's, like, influenced. [01:36:27] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, so that's been around a while. But basically, if you rip off one. [01:36:30] Speaker B: Angel wing, it's really bad. But if you rip off both, they. [01:36:34] Speaker D: Go crazy or die. [01:36:36] Speaker C: Right. If you're in the view askewaverse, it just turns them human and you can kill them. [01:36:40] Speaker B: That's right. I forgot. [01:36:42] Speaker A: Cause they have those little, like, they have, like, wing nubs in that movie. [01:36:44] Speaker C: Hey, big bird, let's play a game. It's called count the shells. [01:36:50] Speaker B: What? [01:36:50] Speaker C: No, that's a direct reference from dogma, dude. [01:36:54] Speaker B: Hey, man. [01:36:54] Speaker A: Hey, look, I've seen dogma. I ain't got dogma tattooed on my forehead. [01:37:00] Speaker C: You say you haven't seen it, like, 20 times because your sister loved it and therefore you loved it. And you're like, this is the best movie ever. [01:37:07] Speaker A: I did like it. [01:37:08] Speaker D: I actually don't know if I've seen Dogma even once through. [01:37:12] Speaker C: Oh, it's good, it's good. [01:37:14] Speaker D: It's the one with, like, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. [01:37:16] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [01:37:17] Speaker B: Kevin Smith. It's good. [01:37:19] Speaker A: Yeah, I was. I was adjacent. I don't know. I like. I mean, I grew up in the nineties. I was like, kind of like. [01:37:24] Speaker D: I remember it coming out. [01:37:26] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:37:26] Speaker D: Like, I don't remember. I'm sure, like, I saw parts of. [01:37:29] Speaker B: It just because I remember it's. [01:37:30] Speaker D: Seeing it on tv so much, but I don't, like, remember it was a. [01:37:34] Speaker A: Comedy central a lot. [01:37:36] Speaker B: I was just. I like Kevin Smith. [01:37:37] Speaker A: I was just a turd. [01:37:38] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:37:39] Speaker A: Because my brother is a little closer to Gen X, so he liked Kevin Smith, was kind of his generation. So I was just a turd. I don't like it. Yeah, my brother likes it. [01:37:48] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:37:49] Speaker A: I think it's stupid. [01:37:49] Speaker B: So I was like, Kevin Smith stupid. [01:37:52] Speaker A: But I was stupid. [01:37:54] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:37:54] Speaker C: Ladies and gentlemen, Johnny stupid. No, never. [01:38:03] Speaker B: I'm always rooting for Kevin Smith. [01:38:05] Speaker A: I mean, you know, he's a very toddfather esque figure. [01:38:08] Speaker B: He's got a. [01:38:11] Speaker C: His hit rate isn't always very good, but, I mean, he's passionate about what he does. And he literally gets page to fucking. [01:38:18] Speaker B: Do what he wants. [01:38:19] Speaker C: And he does. He doesn't do. He's not a nasty man about it. And that's something that we can applaud. [01:38:28] Speaker A: He does get a little horny on main about his wife. Sometimes I'm like, you can chill out. [01:38:31] Speaker C: Oh, you talked about that tweet that was. [01:38:34] Speaker A: Yeah. Where he's like. [01:38:35] Speaker C: So that was actually. Apparently, he and his wife had a bet about something that the winner got to post something on the other one's Twitter, and he lost. And so she literally wrote that for him. [01:38:49] Speaker A: That's hilarious. [01:38:51] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:38:51] Speaker A: Okay. [01:38:51] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:38:52] Speaker A: Because there's a famous Kevin Smith tweet. [01:38:53] Speaker B: Where he's like, my wife's pussy pwns. [01:38:55] Speaker A: Me every day or something like that. [01:38:59] Speaker B: That's hilarious. [01:38:59] Speaker A: Well, it's good to know. Yeah. She's in all his movies. They seem like, you know, they got a daughter named Harley Quinn. [01:39:05] Speaker B: That sounds fun. Yeah. Yeah. [01:39:08] Speaker D: I bet their life's fucking awesome. [01:39:09] Speaker A: You know how, like, talking about Kevin. [01:39:12] Speaker B: Smith's life, I just. [01:39:13] Speaker A: He got beat. There was a few years there. He was a very big punching bag. [01:39:17] Speaker B: Yeah. Post tusk. And. [01:39:19] Speaker C: Oh, man, I couldn't. [01:39:20] Speaker A: What was that? [01:39:20] Speaker C: I couldn't. I couldn't. I couldn't make it through Tusk. [01:39:23] Speaker B: I've just. [01:39:24] Speaker C: The Justin long of it all. I just couldn't. [01:39:27] Speaker A: You hate Justin Long? [01:39:29] Speaker C: I hate the character that they often hire Justin long for, and he just does it so well that it makes me squirm and I just can't physically watch it. [01:39:39] Speaker B: If they. [01:39:39] Speaker C: If they gave him a non Justin long esque character to play, it would be so much better. But he just does that. [01:39:46] Speaker A: Like him in a galaxy quest. [01:39:48] Speaker C: I haven't seen Galaxy Quest in a very long time. [01:39:50] Speaker D: But I remember, dude, I love galaxy quest. [01:39:52] Speaker B: That's great. [01:39:53] Speaker A: You haven't seen. I thought you'd have galaxy Quest memorized. [01:39:55] Speaker C: No, I just haven't seen it in a very long time. [01:39:58] Speaker B: I know. [01:39:58] Speaker C: I should probably get on that. I should get on that. Watch it again. [01:40:01] Speaker A: Oh, it's really good. Alan Rickman. [01:40:02] Speaker D: I love in that. [01:40:03] Speaker A: Better than. It's a better start. [01:40:05] Speaker D: Another rip, man. Alan Rickman. [01:40:07] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:40:07] Speaker A: Yeah. He is dead. [01:40:08] Speaker B: Yeah. By. By bathtar's hammer. [01:40:12] Speaker A: What does he say? [01:40:12] Speaker D: By grab Thar's hammer. Sons of war. Van. [01:40:18] Speaker B: An rip. [01:40:19] Speaker A: Tim Allen from society. Former actor Buzz Lightyear. Oh, no, they're just gonna replace Tim Allen. They'll just replace it with Chris Evans. [01:40:30] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:40:30] Speaker D: Chris Pratt. [01:40:32] Speaker A: It was Evans or Pratt who's was like. [01:40:35] Speaker B: I would say. [01:40:36] Speaker C: I would say Chris Pratt is a lateral move, but, I mean, Chris Pratt's fine. Chris Pratt is. [01:40:42] Speaker A: People would have been really mad if it was Chris Pratt. Yeah. If Chris Pratt was buzz Lightyear, people would have thrown a fit like they did with Mario. [01:40:48] Speaker C: We've talked about it before, and Chris Pratt just fell victim to the. He got real big, real quick and did the same thing over and over again. But that's really the problem, is he's kind of a one trick pony now. [01:41:00] Speaker B: Yeah. It's a little silly looks. I. [01:41:03] Speaker A: You know, I'm cynical about Marvel and all that and cynical about the new trailer for that. I teared up with the Guardians. I really. [01:41:13] Speaker D: And I kind of also been like, you have kind of, like, sworn off Marvel in the way that I'm like, yeah, whatever I saw in game, I don't really care. I'm not gonna follow it really closely, writing. But then I, like, I've always loved the. The Guardians of the Galaxy. The first one was one of my favorite Marvel movies. [01:41:27] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:41:27] Speaker D: And so when I was, like, saw that trailer was coming out, I was like, I'll watch it, and it looks fucking awesome. [01:41:32] Speaker A: Whatever. What is this? I don't know. [01:41:33] Speaker B: I. [01:41:34] Speaker A: Camera. What song? But, I mean, James Gunn's the master soundtrack guy with those. But whatever songs in that trailer, like, it's just like rockets crying. I was like, crying. [01:41:42] Speaker D: This one's gonna be heavy. [01:41:45] Speaker B: It's gonna be good. [01:41:46] Speaker A: Also, the newest trailer I saw on Ant man was really funny because I forget that Gamora's, like, alternate universe Gamora now. So he's in love with her, and she's like, I don't even know who you are. [01:41:54] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:41:55] Speaker A: This sounds like a fun concept. It'll be good. [01:41:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:41:57] Speaker A: Gives Zoe Saldani some fun stuff to do. [01:41:59] Speaker C: Speaking of fun stuff to do, Mandarin's just smashing freak into the wall, and freak is enjoying it. [01:42:06] Speaker B: He loves it. [01:42:07] Speaker D: So what's the power tier of Mandarin spawn here, is he? [01:42:12] Speaker A: So we don't know he's a spawn. [01:42:14] Speaker B: We know he's a spawn. [01:42:16] Speaker A: So he's. He's got necro powers. [01:42:20] Speaker B: Probably pretty high, but we don't really know. [01:42:23] Speaker C: I don't know. I guess it depends on how many people he's killed lately. [01:42:26] Speaker B: Free. [01:42:26] Speaker A: Kind of looks like a. [01:42:28] Speaker B: He's like a member of ghosts. [01:42:30] Speaker C: He's like a nameless ghoul that doesn't need a mask. [01:42:33] Speaker A: That's why they look like, underneath the mask. [01:42:35] Speaker B: I imagine Papa's days are numbered. Did you see that. Oh, yeah, yeah. [01:42:41] Speaker A: There's a ghost video. [01:42:43] Speaker C: That last concert of this tour. They're not gonna allow any. Any, like, mobile devices in, which means Papa's probably gonna die. [01:42:53] Speaker B: Oh, sweet. [01:42:54] Speaker A: Are you serious? [01:42:54] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [01:42:55] Speaker C: It's the. The one in Los Angeles in, like, September. [01:42:58] Speaker A: So every album, Papa dies, we're a papa four. Well, what Cardo Copia got two albums. [01:43:04] Speaker B: Copia Copia. But basically, when the ghost moves to. [01:43:08] Speaker A: A new phase of, like, a new sound to kill off the old one and the new one comes. And if you go, he was a. [01:43:13] Speaker C: Cardinal and then he became pop out, so. That's right. [01:43:16] Speaker A: He was the prequel was his audition, basically. [01:43:19] Speaker B: But if you go to the tour. [01:43:22] Speaker A: And you go to the vip, which. [01:43:24] Speaker C: I will never do because it's like, $400. [01:43:29] Speaker A: I think it's more than you get to tour. [01:43:31] Speaker B: They have, like, wax people in, like, coffins. [01:43:34] Speaker A: You get to see the former papas and, like, they have corpses of them. I've seen pictures, but, yeah, so, yeah, he's. [01:43:42] Speaker C: He's. [01:43:43] Speaker A: Papa's days are numbered, much like. [01:43:46] Speaker B: I don't know. [01:43:47] Speaker A: Much like Mandarin spawns days might be numbered if the scorch is coming for him. [01:43:50] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:43:51] Speaker B: Or. [01:43:51] Speaker C: Or Mandarin Spawn thinks that spawns days. [01:43:55] Speaker B: Are numbered because, you know, he says. [01:43:57] Speaker C: If they're smart, that'll scare them. [01:43:59] Speaker B: So. Yep. [01:44:02] Speaker D: He must think he's, like, strong enough anyway. And what's the deal with? So is he is some kind of creature, by the way, his feet look like his boots. He's got, like, a three toed foot situation here at the end. [01:44:13] Speaker A: Yeah, he must be that guy. [01:44:15] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:44:15] Speaker A: And then. So this is kind of a. It seemed like it was a one off, but not next issue, but the issue after that. Mandarin spawn does come back. So he's kind of being set up as kind of the big bad for this second phase of scorched here. [01:44:26] Speaker B: Yeah, that's scorched 13. [01:44:28] Speaker A: Kind of a brief one. [01:44:29] Speaker C: Yeah, it is. It's a svelte. [01:44:31] Speaker B: These. [01:44:31] Speaker C: These little in between arcs. In between arc issues Sean Lewis likes to give us. It's like three pages of actual. Just a quick little. [01:44:42] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [01:44:42] Speaker C: Hey, don't forget, this stuff's gonna happen. [01:44:44] Speaker A: Then we get the spawning grounds. [01:44:46] Speaker C: Yeah, that's mailbag. It's awesome. We got a guy, the guy who created ugly dolls, got into toys because of Todd McFarlane toys, and apparently, way back in 1995, found one of the rarest spawn action figures to ever exist. So that's exciting. Regularly, Al Simmons Spawn, only blue instead of red. [01:45:09] Speaker B: Al Simmons spawn. [01:45:11] Speaker C: Yeah, that's what they're saying. A blue regular spawn figure. [01:45:14] Speaker B: See, I'm getting confused. [01:45:15] Speaker A: And you'll figure out why in a second. [01:45:17] Speaker B: Because I got. [01:45:18] Speaker A: I got a blue figure. [01:45:19] Speaker C: Everybody. Everybody says, you mean medieval? And he says, no, regular spawn blue. [01:45:24] Speaker B: And then I want spawn blue. Nice. [01:45:27] Speaker C: Yeah. There's only 7000 of them that were produced. [01:45:30] Speaker B: I like the Thomas himself shows. What year? 95. 95. [01:45:37] Speaker C: I like that Thomas shows his little toy shelf that he has behind him for Zoom meetings. And I like that he has martial law there. That's pretty awesome. [01:45:46] Speaker A: Is that a character? [01:45:47] Speaker C: Yeah, it's so. It's imagine Judge Dredd, but with corporate sponsors, and that's Marshall Law. Okay. Martial law is pretty fucking great. [01:45:59] Speaker D: That's a great name for that character. [01:46:02] Speaker A: That's a badass name. And you get an ad for. Well, what are you. Yeah, you get an ad for the page punchers. Yeah, yeah. [01:46:09] Speaker C: Very nice. [01:46:10] Speaker A: Like, small scale action figure. I just pre ordered my spawn page punchers. [01:46:14] Speaker C: Oh, me too. [01:46:14] Speaker B: Me too. Very excited. Very excited. [01:46:16] Speaker C: I'm getting the one with small right foot spawn and the original anti spawn. [01:46:22] Speaker B: With the purple cape. [01:46:23] Speaker A: Yep. [01:46:25] Speaker B: Love that. [01:46:25] Speaker A: Purple anti spawn. [01:46:27] Speaker B: Yeah, that's scorched. Nice. [01:46:30] Speaker A: 13 for you. A fun little one. [01:46:33] Speaker C: I guess that means we got to rate these puppies. [01:46:34] Speaker B: Johnny, it's time to rate these puppies. [01:46:38] Speaker A: So, Logan, how we do it is we give it out a five. [01:46:41] Speaker B: And what we do is we. [01:46:42] Speaker A: Well, you'll see. We usually give it a five somethings. [01:46:46] Speaker B: David. [01:46:47] Speaker A: First up, we had gunslinger spawn number five. A big hoedown with clown. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What would you. What would you give gunslinger number five? [01:46:55] Speaker C: I'm gonna give gunslinger number five for resurgence of the potato hearts. Oh, I like that potato heart there. [01:47:03] Speaker A: I'm gonna give it. I'm gonna give it four. [01:47:05] Speaker B: I'm gonna give it. [01:47:06] Speaker A: I'm gonna take a stick into the dirt and say, I'm gonna give this four stars, and then I'm gonna draw four stars into the dirt and go, that's what I gave it. [01:47:15] Speaker B: And then put a smiley face. [01:47:16] Speaker C: You're gonna be like, you know how you have zero stars and you have five stars? [01:47:19] Speaker A: You have zero stars over here, and. [01:47:21] Speaker C: Then I wanna put it over here with four. [01:47:25] Speaker B: I want to be here. [01:47:26] Speaker D: Like, if you could imagine four would be about here. [01:47:28] Speaker A: Like, you could think about the concept. [01:47:31] Speaker D: Of numbers, but represented as stars. [01:47:35] Speaker B: And so this is your first, you. [01:47:37] Speaker A: Know, issue of spawn. What would you add the seven issues of spawning? Red? [01:47:41] Speaker B: What would. [01:47:41] Speaker A: Out of five, what would you rate? Spawn five. [01:47:44] Speaker B: I'm gonna give it four hidden hat knives. [01:47:48] Speaker A: That's a good one. [01:47:50] Speaker C: I'm pretty sure I've used that one before as well. [01:47:52] Speaker B: It's a. [01:47:53] Speaker C: It's a good. [01:47:53] Speaker D: So I want. [01:47:54] Speaker A: If. [01:47:55] Speaker D: I want. If the hat is part of his symbiote. [01:47:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:47:57] Speaker D: I want him to do some sort of attacking move where he just throws the hat up in the air and just knives start flying out of it. Shooting knives out of the hole in the hat. [01:48:13] Speaker C: Or he does like, what's his tits in mortal kombat and just throws his. [01:48:17] Speaker B: Hats and like the knives, like stick. [01:48:21] Speaker D: Out around the rim. [01:48:23] Speaker C: No, because Raiden's got the. [01:48:25] Speaker A: He's got the bamboo. [01:48:26] Speaker C: The bamboo head. The other guy is. [01:48:28] Speaker D: No, there's the one guy that has like the razor edge. [01:48:32] Speaker C: Yeah, I don't remember. [01:48:34] Speaker B: He was in. [01:48:35] Speaker C: He was in the new one move. [01:48:37] Speaker B: I know that was a new one. Yeah. [01:48:39] Speaker A: Oh, cuz you watched his death. [01:48:40] Speaker D: He's like Luke Kang's friend. [01:48:42] Speaker C: No, he was in the new movie. [01:48:44] Speaker B: Oh, I didn't watch the new. [01:48:45] Speaker C: Oh, the new movie was great. [01:48:47] Speaker D: It was good. I heard it a lot. [01:48:48] Speaker B: Yeah, I wanted to watch, I just didn't. [01:48:53] Speaker A: It was one of those pandemic movies, right? It was on HBO. [01:48:55] Speaker C: It's Kung Lao. [01:48:58] Speaker A: Yes, that is Kung Lao. He's friend of Luke Hang. Yeah, that's right. He showed up in two or three. [01:49:04] Speaker B: Just had to. [01:49:05] Speaker A: So funny. [01:49:05] Speaker C: Just like, just had to Google Mortal Kombat. Hat guy came up immediately. [01:49:11] Speaker A: I kind of miss that as, like not having the Internet as a kid and you hear all the legends about the characters. Like, oh, I heard about Blanca is like this guy from Brazil, you know? You don't know if it's true. [01:49:21] Speaker D: Yeah, I miss that for new previews. Like, I miss seeing a new movie preview for the first time in Athena theater and just be like, what the shit? Like, when the preview comes on and you're surprised by it, or you've just heard some. Someone tell you that they saw a preview for something and you're like, wait, what? And then you go see that movie and you get to see it. Like, everything's just. I get spoiled. Like YouTube or whatever. It's like, oh, I'll see it if it comes out. But there was. I just. I love that feeling of like, being surprised in the theater with like, what the fuck? I remember specifically when the Lord. First Lord of the Rings trailer I saw happen that way and I was like, wait, what? I was like, blew my fucking. [01:50:02] Speaker A: That's a great. That was a great trailer. [01:50:04] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, it was a good one. [01:50:05] Speaker B: I remember my one with that is. [01:50:08] Speaker A: I remember I had no, I wouldn't saw volcano. [01:50:11] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:50:12] Speaker A: When I was in fifth grade. Lost world trailer. [01:50:15] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [01:50:16] Speaker A: No clue. I mean, I knew it was coming out. [01:50:18] Speaker B: Yeah, obviously. [01:50:20] Speaker D: But I didn't know the trailer, and. [01:50:21] Speaker A: I didn't know the trailer was out. And, like, it started. I would lost my mind. [01:50:28] Speaker D: Wars. I remember the first phantom ministry that way also. [01:50:32] Speaker A: Yeah, that was a bigger deal. I watched that on a computer that I doubt. So my brother and I downloaded it. [01:50:37] Speaker D: It's like dial up your week, 30 minutes. [01:50:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:50:41] Speaker A: It took over 48 hours and the. You can. It was quick time. So you couldn't, like, make it full screen. It was about the size of a dollar bill. [01:50:48] Speaker B: It was about the size of a. [01:50:49] Speaker A: Dollar bill on the screen. And that was. [01:50:50] Speaker B: It took 48 hours to download. [01:50:53] Speaker A: That should have been kicked off. [01:50:54] Speaker B: Like, I watched that. I could. [01:50:56] Speaker A: I can recite the first Star wars episode one trailer for memory. I believe I can just do the whole trailer, man. [01:51:03] Speaker B: And. [01:51:03] Speaker A: Okay, let's start now. Every generation has a legend. Every legend has a be. Okay, I'll stop. [01:51:14] Speaker C: So now that you've got a taste for how we do it, Logan, you want to be the first one to rate scorch 13 for us? [01:51:21] Speaker B: That way, we don't, we don't infect. [01:51:23] Speaker C: You with our scores. [01:51:25] Speaker B: Okay, I'm gonna. [01:51:26] Speaker D: Okay, let me see. [01:51:28] Speaker B: Since it was. [01:51:30] Speaker D: I like the concept of. I'm always like. [01:51:33] Speaker B: I've been. [01:51:33] Speaker D: It was a huge, like, yu. Yu hakusho fan. I like, I'm an anime fan. So, like, the idea of, like, an island tournament, shadowy characters, like an evil force. Like, I love that kind of stuff. So for the first one of this that I'm gonna read, I'm gonna give it. Let's see. [01:51:49] Speaker B: I'm going to give it five arrows. [01:51:53] Speaker D: To the chest of this guy master for the first episode of Scorch. That I read. [01:52:02] Speaker A: Yes. [01:52:03] Speaker B: I love that. [01:52:04] Speaker A: I'm going to give it. [01:52:06] Speaker B: You know what? I don't think I've ever given this. [01:52:09] Speaker A: Score, but I'm just going to give it because I love her. I'm going to give it five. Jessica Priest, Spider man, and looking off in the distance, just thinking. [01:52:17] Speaker B: Cause she's a cool lady. Yeah. Who killed Spawn? [01:52:23] Speaker A: She's my favorite assassin. [01:52:26] Speaker C: Your favorite assassin? That sounds like an anime. Honestly. [01:52:30] Speaker A: It does sounds like an assassin. It'd be like an assassin that is dating at a high school at the same time. It's like. And what would you give Scorch 13? [01:52:40] Speaker C: I'm gonna be a bum. I'm gonna give it a lesson. [01:52:43] Speaker B: Less. [01:52:44] Speaker C: A lesser score than you guys have, just because it's. [01:52:47] Speaker B: It's an in between, and, you know. [01:52:48] Speaker C: You know how I feel about the in betweens. I don't like to give the in betweens. So I'm gonna give it four leaked action figure designs for the safe from Mandarin spawn's vault. So it's still. It's still excellent, but it goes too quick, and it's setting stuff up, and I want to get to the stuff that it's setting up up. [01:53:09] Speaker B: So it was very fast. [01:53:11] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [01:53:12] Speaker D: Really did feel like it was, like, pop up, that one. [01:53:14] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:53:14] Speaker A: Well, scorch is like the, like we always say, it's kind of like the animated series version where it's like, bombast fast action. Go, go, go. [01:53:23] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:53:24] Speaker A: And Gunslinger, his battles are always more like duels. [01:53:27] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:53:28] Speaker A: Gunslinger is a little more. [01:53:30] Speaker D: I love that kind of a thing a lot, for sure. That was really into the, like, the vibe of the Gunslinger song. [01:53:35] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:53:35] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. I guess just in general, like, that was. What did you think of the first six issues of Gunslinger? [01:53:40] Speaker D: Yeah, I was into it. I would like to read some more of the Gunslinger spawns, for sure. [01:53:44] Speaker C: Hell, yeah. [01:53:45] Speaker A: I'll probably give you Kingspawn at some point. It's really good too. [01:53:50] Speaker C: Gunslinger and Kingspaw are the ones we try to push people to first because they're, you know, less. Less overhead for buy in. They're both pretty new. [01:54:00] Speaker A: 13 issues. [01:54:01] Speaker C: And King Spawn's what got Johnny into Spawn. It's what turned him into the crazy man he is today. [01:54:08] Speaker A: So, yeah, I started buying that. There's a comic book series I started buying, and so I was going to the comic shop, and King Spawn came. [01:54:14] Speaker B: Out, and I just saw it. [01:54:16] Speaker A: I was like, I like Spawn. I used to love that movie. I used to like those comics a lot. I should get this. And then, like, a year later, a year change later, here we are. [01:54:25] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:54:26] Speaker A: No, Gunslinger's fun. I'm glad you. I was thrilled when you came up to me and were like, yo, I'm kind of curious about that and thrilled to be able to share. [01:54:36] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:54:36] Speaker A: Our friend Javi with people. [01:54:38] Speaker C: It's a fun thing, and, you know, it gives us a lot of joy, and we hope it brings you joy. [01:54:44] Speaker B: Too, because, yeah, it's cool. [01:54:46] Speaker A: And we get. And we get a guest that's not my doll. [01:54:48] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:54:49] Speaker A: That's our only guess so far was Cassius rest. In peace. Oh, man. He was our first guess. [01:54:54] Speaker C: He had some opinions about spawn, though. [01:54:56] Speaker B: Oh. [01:54:56] Speaker C: Especially actually, more so opinions about Clint Eastwood. Thank spawn, you. Oh, man. He did. [01:55:01] Speaker A: Anytime David talked, Cassius would get offended, because this is before I had the closet. We had, like, there was no way we could record without him in the room, because if David's here, he just would have been like, I need to talk to that guy. I want to see that guy. He pets me, gives me bacon. Oh, man. And then. So we had to have him in the room, and he occasionally would go. [01:55:24] Speaker C: Then there was that time where he tricked Johnny into leaving the room and locked him out. Like, he closed to the door on him. [01:55:33] Speaker A: He walked me out of the office. So I had him behind the gate in the living room, and I heard, like, a weird noise, like, he was being like. I was like, what are you doing? I went in there, and he was, like, around the corner. Open the gate. He just ran all the way back to here. And then the door closed behind him. So basically in the room going crazy. He, like, tricked me into getting out of the room so he could sabotage. He was pleased as punch. He was very pleased with himself. [01:56:04] Speaker B: Oh, man. What a good dog. [01:56:06] Speaker A: He would be a friend of Javi. [01:56:08] Speaker C: Best dude. Yeah, he would. [01:56:09] Speaker D: Oh, for sure. [01:56:09] Speaker C: He totally would have, like, been like, I'm gonna go see that guy. [01:56:13] Speaker B: He's talked to me. [01:56:15] Speaker A: Well, since we were talking about leaked action figure designs in Mandarin spawn. [01:56:21] Speaker B: It'S. [01:56:22] Speaker A: Time for a little Todd's toy talk. So in this historic Todd's toy talk, where there's two people in the room with me, usually, I open my toys alone, sad and alone. [01:56:42] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:56:42] Speaker A: But today I've got Mandarin spawn. [01:56:46] Speaker B: Oh, nice. [01:56:48] Speaker A: Now, there are many versions of Mandarin spawn. [01:56:50] Speaker B: This one is from 2021. [01:56:53] Speaker A: Is the copyright on it. So it's a McFarlane gold label collection. But what's different about it than the Mandarin spawn I already have or that I've seen, is that he's blue, David. He's blue. [01:57:03] Speaker C: He blew himself. [01:57:04] Speaker A: He's blue. [01:57:05] Speaker B: He's like, the blue. [01:57:06] Speaker A: That's why I'm so confused when you're talking about the blue spawn in that issue. So I was like, is he talking about my blue Mandarin spawn? [01:57:12] Speaker C: He knew about the blue Mandarin spawn. Back in 1995, my good friend Mallory. [01:57:18] Speaker A: Got this for me. Found it at an estate sale. [01:57:21] Speaker C: Oh, nice, nice. [01:57:22] Speaker A: And brought it. Brought it to me, basically texted me, was like, hey, do you want this? And I was like, yes. She goes through her estate sale with her partner, hosts the podcast blockbuster film school. Shout out to them. [01:57:35] Speaker C: Oh, hell yeah. [01:57:35] Speaker A: But he is a toy collector as well and goes to estate sales. And I was like, you know, if you ever see any spawns stuff, just get it. Unless it's, like, over $100. But if it's under $100, get it. [01:57:48] Speaker B: And I'll pay back. [01:57:50] Speaker A: But I got this blue gold label collection. [01:57:54] Speaker B: Mandarin spawn. Pretty cool. Got it for $25, it looks like. [01:58:02] Speaker A: But I'm gonna bust it open here because we like the little ASMR. Logan, all of our fans are these Asmr? [01:58:08] Speaker C: Yeah, you know, like, getting the tape tingles. So you're not gonna let Logan open it? As a benefit of being the first guest? [01:58:15] Speaker A: Do you want to open it? No, you can. All right. Logan's like, hell no. I've never touched another man's mandarin spawn. Okay, listen to that. Oh, we got one there. We got two. [01:58:27] Speaker B: Okay. Oh, yeah. [01:58:29] Speaker A: This is, like, a little smaller box than the more modern ones. They're in, like, the bigger boxes. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God, he's huge. This is big. This is bigger than the other one I have. You got the giant, like, claw thing? [01:58:42] Speaker C: Yeah, cuz I think. I think the gold label ones are, like, a slightly. Slightly plussed up. So they're there. [01:58:48] Speaker A: No, there. He's not quite six. He's. He's. He's above that one. Six scale? Yeah, that most things are because he's big. [01:58:55] Speaker B: But I didn't do much research. [01:58:57] Speaker A: I don't know if this is, like, a rare swan figure. [01:58:59] Speaker D: He's like, dual wielding. He doesn't have, like, at the double blade. One of them's like a pole arm, and the other's like a sword. [01:59:07] Speaker A: All right, here's the favorite part. [01:59:14] Speaker B: Don't do that. If you want to hear Logan work. [01:59:19] Speaker A: I get those weapons out. Oh, man. Yeah, he's awesome. [01:59:23] Speaker B: This is, like, way. [01:59:24] Speaker A: Oh, my God. It's like super, super, super duper articulated. Like, it's definitely, like a little cut above. [01:59:31] Speaker C: Oh, nice. Does it have a number of articulated points on it? [01:59:36] Speaker A: It does. It has, I believe, 22. [01:59:38] Speaker C: Oh, nice. [01:59:39] Speaker B: 22 moving parts. [01:59:41] Speaker A: So he's got this giant, like, sword. Sword that's like. Oh, it's super detailed. Wow. Yeah, it's like they're actually, like, have some weight to them. No, this is definitely a cut above that gold label. I know those dragons are gold label. Those look cool. [01:59:54] Speaker B: Oh, man. [01:59:54] Speaker C: Yeah, those dragons. [01:59:56] Speaker A: Dragons. [01:59:56] Speaker C: Yeah, they do. [01:59:57] Speaker D: And here's this, like, pole arm. [01:59:59] Speaker A: Pole arm. [02:00:00] Speaker B: Oh, nice. [02:00:00] Speaker D: Golden. [02:00:01] Speaker B: Sweet. [02:00:01] Speaker A: I wonder why he's blue. I don't know. [02:00:03] Speaker B: I don't know. I like him being blue, though. He looks cool. [02:00:07] Speaker A: Maybe he went to Pandora. [02:00:09] Speaker B: It's. Here's a good. [02:00:12] Speaker A: I'm surprised Logan agreed to do this podcast because I ruined avatar two for Logan by making him go see it in 40 x. Logan's like, I still liked the movie. Yeah. [02:00:21] Speaker D: But I do, man. I hate 40 x, man. [02:00:24] Speaker B: I'm not about it. [02:00:25] Speaker D: I, like, 3d would have been fine for me. I was like, not, yeah, I don't need that fourth dimension. And I was not ready for the. [02:00:34] Speaker B: Like, the level of force that the. [02:00:37] Speaker D: Seat kicking and everything did. I was like, dude, this is, like, constant. [02:00:41] Speaker B: I was like, I need, like, a. [02:00:43] Speaker C: I was kept having to, like, push. [02:00:45] Speaker D: Off the foot pad, just, like, keep myself back in the chair, like, scoot myself back. And then I was like. Then I was simultaneously grateful that we didn't. That we. When my parents were here, that they were snowed in. Cause, like, one of the things that I had planned before, I was like, my dad's, like, a big avatar. [02:01:03] Speaker A: Our fan. [02:01:03] Speaker D: He was like, yeah, we got to go see it. And I was like, yeah, dude, there's this 40 x that everybody keeps telling. [02:01:08] Speaker C: Dude, if I would have took my. [02:01:09] Speaker D: Parents to see 40 x, my dad would have, like, lost his mind and, like, got up halfway through it and left frog. He'd have been like, no, like my mom. It would have been, like, just, like, sick and just. It would have been a nightmare. [02:01:20] Speaker A: I was like, I saw that happen. [02:01:22] Speaker B: There was a date next to me. [02:01:24] Speaker A: When I saw Avatar, and they did not know that it was 40 x. And once those chairs start moving, listeners, if you've never done 40 x, it is, uh. [02:01:32] Speaker B: It is x. [02:01:32] Speaker A: It's extreme. It's not like it vibrates. Like, it's like being on. [02:01:38] Speaker C: It's sensory overload, man. I can't do it, okay? I can't even do it. I can't do. I can't do 3d because the glasses don't fit over my glasses very well. And so it always just gives me. Yeah, but the extra just, like, feeling. [02:01:50] Speaker B: It in your body, dude. [02:01:52] Speaker D: I see, like, I like to spray water on you. Like, yeah, the. The air spray on the back of my neck, too. I was like, what the fuck? I was like, hey, what? [02:02:03] Speaker B: Get away from me, you fucking Pandora alien. [02:02:05] Speaker A: I'll kill your ass. [02:02:06] Speaker D: I was like, no, I'm not about it. [02:02:08] Speaker B: Yeah, you had your three. [02:02:09] Speaker A: You bust out your three knives. Yeah, throw a knife at the screen. [02:02:13] Speaker C: Well, Johnny, you missed a. You missed a beautiful opportunity to say, you get away from her, you bitch. [02:02:19] Speaker B: And then we could talk about James. [02:02:20] Speaker C: Cameron again in aliens. [02:02:23] Speaker B: Love James Cameron. [02:02:24] Speaker A: I'm not, as a human being, I don't think, but he probably is a nightmare to work with because he's a perfectionist. [02:02:30] Speaker D: Like it. [02:02:30] Speaker A: Yeah, seems like he's probably. [02:02:31] Speaker B: But he makes. [02:02:32] Speaker A: He makes. [02:02:33] Speaker C: Makes a good movie. [02:02:34] Speaker B: He makes good. [02:02:35] Speaker A: He makes movies that are like scientific equations to entertain you. Yeah, they're like. [02:02:39] Speaker B: They're like impossible not to enjoy. [02:02:43] Speaker D: Draw. [02:02:44] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:02:44] Speaker A: They're like impossible not to thrill you. [02:02:46] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:02:46] Speaker A: It's quite an accomplishment. [02:02:48] Speaker C: Man knows what he's doing. [02:02:49] Speaker A: I may have told this story in the podcast before, but I love it. [02:02:52] Speaker B: It's just so funny to me. [02:02:53] Speaker A: It's like what his wife, not Kathryn Bigelow, but his second or third wife, was like, hey, I just want you. [02:03:00] Speaker B: To know, Jim, like, you're not really. [02:03:02] Speaker A: Being a very good father. Like, you're kind of distant. And he goes, he, like, looked at his wife and was like, there's like, only two people in the world that do what I do. I don't care if I'm a good father. It was like, oh, man. [02:03:13] Speaker B: Yeah, oh, man. [02:03:14] Speaker A: I mean, it's true. There's Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson himself. [02:03:17] Speaker B: Yeah. George Lucas. Yeah. [02:03:20] Speaker A: I mean, that's about it. [02:03:22] Speaker B: What? [02:03:22] Speaker A: Don't laugh at George Lucas. [02:03:23] Speaker C: What are you talking. I'm not. I'm laughing at the whole thing. I'm not laughing at George Lucas specifically. I'm laughing at it. [02:03:29] Speaker A: It's okay to laugh at George. It's so funny. [02:03:32] Speaker D: Cause, like, George is laughable in a lot of ways. [02:03:34] Speaker A: He is. He's a hilarious dude. Especially when he's eating spaghetti at that food court. [02:03:37] Speaker D: That's so funny. [02:03:39] Speaker B: Have you ever seen that, David? No, I haven't. [02:03:42] Speaker A: There's a picture of someone, they were like, hi, I'm in a mall. Yeah. Like, this person's like, I'm at the mall in Australia, and George Lucas eating at the food court. And it was just him eating spaghetti. [02:03:52] Speaker B: At the food court. [02:03:54] Speaker C: I'm looking at it right now, and he's got a Diet Coke in a newspaper. [02:03:59] Speaker D: He loves the food court spaghetti. [02:04:01] Speaker A: He loves a little spaghetti. He looks kind of melancholy. And you wonder if he's sitting there. [02:04:05] Speaker B: Thinking like, man, I wish those people. [02:04:07] Speaker A: Weren'T so mean to me. [02:04:08] Speaker C: Oh, man. I think he's just focusing on his spaghetti and he doesn't care what other people think. [02:04:13] Speaker B: It looks like some decent. [02:04:15] Speaker A: I've never had cafeteria, I've had cafeteria spaghetti has its place. [02:04:19] Speaker B: I don't think I have. [02:04:20] Speaker D: I remember growing up like school cafeteria. That was not a good time. [02:04:26] Speaker A: The best school thing is this. And this might be only in Oklahoma thing, boys, was the chili and cinnamon rolls. You remember that? [02:04:32] Speaker B: Did they do that? [02:04:35] Speaker A: So maybe it's just Tulsa. Yeah. These two chilies and cinnamon rolls, like once a month. [02:04:39] Speaker D: Like the skyline chili version of Tulsa. [02:04:44] Speaker C: Nebraska thing. Largely cinnamon rolls and chili. [02:04:47] Speaker A: Really? [02:04:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:04:48] Speaker C: Alton Brown just did a thing where he was like, I gotta try this because I'm here. And then he was like, it's not good, you guys. [02:04:53] Speaker D: So they like, they just put a cinnamon roll and put chili on? [02:04:57] Speaker A: No, they're separate. But the idea is that you like dip the cinnamon roll into the chili. [02:05:00] Speaker D: I mean, I would try it. [02:05:01] Speaker A: I love kids. [02:05:03] Speaker B: I'd try it. [02:05:04] Speaker D: We had always, our stuff was always like, we had like steak finger day, which was like a good one. [02:05:10] Speaker A: Chicken fried steak day was always my favorite. [02:05:12] Speaker D: And any of the days where they gave you like the. The chocolate pudding that was just a slop in the one like corner of the tray thing I love. Yeah, I end the chocolate cake that was like all. Basically a brownie and all sticky on the bottom. Loved it. [02:05:26] Speaker B: Yeah, those were good times. [02:05:27] Speaker A: Yeah, those are the good days. Well, yeah, well, I got Mandarin spawn open. It's a great figure. I'm excited to swam. It's really cool. I'm glad. Thank you, Mallory, for that. [02:05:39] Speaker B: Yeah. Nice. [02:05:40] Speaker C: Oh, we got a. We got a good way to thank them specifically Johnny, don't we? [02:05:44] Speaker B: Yes. [02:05:45] Speaker A: We're going to give a big shout out to fan of the pod and friend Malzey on Instagram. Mal ssy. Always posting really funny memes. Just an all around fun person. [02:05:57] Speaker C: Yeah, they're the ones that got us the Mandarin spawn. [02:05:59] Speaker B: So we're gonna get them some spawnverts on their page. [02:06:03] Speaker A: Some spawnverts. And she does listen to the podcast. [02:06:06] Speaker C: Oh, hell yeah. [02:06:07] Speaker A: Has mentioned the podcast before. Said sometimes puts it on and falls asleep to it. Not as a disc, not a dis. [02:06:17] Speaker C: Nice. [02:06:17] Speaker A: I fell asleep to all my favorite podcasts. [02:06:20] Speaker C: Nice. [02:06:20] Speaker D: This is a very articulated figure. As I'm watching you, like moving around. [02:06:24] Speaker A: Oh yeah. 22 points. I mean, look at his foot. [02:06:29] Speaker D: His foot comes, foot bends. That's crazy. At the ankle and the knee and the hip. [02:06:34] Speaker A: Like hop. He's attacking the mic now. [02:06:37] Speaker B: Oh, man. Yeah. [02:06:38] Speaker C: While you're over there, don't forget to show some love to Brian T. Brian Foyler. [02:06:43] Speaker B: He makes our music, he makes us sound good. [02:06:46] Speaker C: And he posts some fun stuff. [02:06:49] Speaker B: He posts some fun stuff. [02:06:50] Speaker C: He's been doing some exercise videos lately. [02:06:52] Speaker B: And I was so jealous. [02:06:55] Speaker A: The other day on a Sunday, he posted, like, a giant thing of weed and a copy of the Dead Space remake. And I was like, yeah, seems like a good Sunday. [02:07:03] Speaker D: Yeah, I've been thinking about getting that dead space remake. [02:07:05] Speaker A: Yeah, I want to get. I'm just gonna wait till it's either on game pass or cheaper, because I got Jedi come. [02:07:10] Speaker B: I got. [02:07:11] Speaker A: There's resident evil. Four remakes coming out. Gotta get that. That's gonna be dope. [02:07:15] Speaker D: I'm definitely getting the dirty, pre ordered Jedi for sure. I can't wait for that. [02:07:19] Speaker B: Yeah, it's good. It's. It's. [02:07:21] Speaker A: It's. I'm just waiting for the new spawn video game after the movie. [02:07:25] Speaker C: As soon as this. As soon as the new spawn video game comes out, Johnny will post a picture of a big bowl of weed and the new spawn video game over. [02:07:35] Speaker B: Regarding spawnpod on Instagram, where you can. [02:07:39] Speaker C: See stuff from us. And Johnny will probably even put pictures of that Mandarin spawn up there. [02:07:43] Speaker B: I will. [02:07:44] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Give us a follow. We're always posting goofy, fun toy pics is what got Logan into Spawn. [02:07:49] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [02:07:49] Speaker C: So we're proven. [02:07:52] Speaker A: We are proven. But, yeah, the Instagram also, if you. [02:07:56] Speaker B: Want to correct us or talk to. [02:07:59] Speaker A: Us or say you like us or say you hate us or tell us. [02:08:01] Speaker C: The history of Mandarin spawn, please. [02:08:04] Speaker A: Yeah, if you want to write out the history of Mandarin Spawn, email [email protected]. [02:08:09] Speaker B: Dot. [02:08:10] Speaker C: Yes, indeed. Yes, indeed. [02:08:12] Speaker B: So I'll make. [02:08:13] Speaker C: So, Johnny, for next. [02:08:14] Speaker A: What are we reading for next? [02:08:15] Speaker B: Oh, shit. [02:08:16] Speaker A: Here, let me do it again. [02:08:17] Speaker B: So what are we reading next week, David? [02:08:19] Speaker C: Well, for next week, Johnny, you know. [02:08:22] Speaker B: This road we've been on. [02:08:23] Speaker C: We've been on this road. We've been on this road. Where's this. This road to nowhere? [02:08:27] Speaker A: Is it a country road? [02:08:29] Speaker C: Yeah, it's taken us home. So we're gonna. [02:08:32] Speaker B: We're gonna. We're almost at the end of the. [02:08:34] Speaker A: Are you talking about Rainbow Road? [02:08:35] Speaker C: Yes, Rainbow Road. We're gonna. [02:08:36] Speaker B: It's. [02:08:37] Speaker C: We're gonna jump over a section of it to do the big. [02:08:41] Speaker B: The big shortcut and avoid falling off the edge like Chris Pratt's Mario said. [02:08:47] Speaker A: Wahoo. [02:08:47] Speaker C: Yeah, but no, that road, the 300. We're actually gonna read Spawn 300 next week. The road record breaking comic. [02:08:56] Speaker B: So we got spawn 300, and then. [02:08:58] Speaker C: We'Re gonna have King Spawn 18 as our. As our contemporary new book. [02:09:04] Speaker A: So that is Spawn 300 and King Spawn 18. [02:09:09] Speaker B: 1718. Which one? [02:09:12] Speaker A: Oh my God, we're getting so old. [02:09:13] Speaker C: Yeah, the numbers dudes, they don't make sense. [02:09:17] Speaker A: The numbers don't make sense. [02:09:19] Speaker C: No they don't. [02:09:20] Speaker A: And also please remember to rate reviews, subscribe does help get us more exposure. We really appreciate you guys and all your support but anything, any kind of thing that gets us in the algorithm in front of people's faces, we appreciate it. [02:09:35] Speaker B: Yep, yep, yep. Yeah. And Logan thank you so much for coming in. Yeah thank you very much. [02:09:41] Speaker D: Thanks for having me. This was fun. This was a lot of fun. [02:09:43] Speaker C: This is a good good time. I like. It's real fun. [02:09:47] Speaker A: Yeah it was fun having a third person. We did not as much. [02:09:51] Speaker B: Yeah David was a little nicer to me. [02:09:54] Speaker A: He's usually so mean. [02:09:56] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean I can't be mean to him in public because then people will know how mean I am to him and we can't be letting that get out. Johnny you better not be telling people. [02:10:05] Speaker B: I won't, I promise. [02:10:07] Speaker C: We agreed we have a contract where I'm allowed to berate him in private and in private only. [02:10:14] Speaker B: Man. [02:10:14] Speaker A: I'm waiting for your signature line David. [02:10:16] Speaker C: Oh, oh okay. Okay. Well thank you but yeah thanks for coming by Logan. Thanks for listening everybody. And Johnny I think that just leaves me. The only thing I have left to. [02:10:25] Speaker B: Say is may the scorched be with you. [02:10:28] Speaker A: And also with you David. [02:10:29] Speaker C: Hell yeah. [02:10:30] Speaker A: All right Logan. Hell yeah. There's the door. This is where you find out David actually doesn't let me leave the closet when I've been calling and talking to you setting this up. I've been in here in this place the whole time? Yeah, he doesn't like. [02:10:43] Speaker D: I wondered what all the like food wrappers. [02:10:46] Speaker C: Don't forget to lock it on your way out. You can maybe empty his bucket for you if he needs it. But do lock it out. [02:10:52] Speaker D: Yeah, that's what the smell was. [02:10:55] Speaker A: Bye Logan. We have to let some fresh air in here for a second David, give me a sec. I don't know why, I just like maybe we're talking about panic attacks. Oh yeah, just open the door for a second. You're fine. [02:11:46] Speaker C: Sorry, is it constructiony outside? Because you can probably just leave the door open if it's like. [02:11:51] Speaker D: Yeah, it's like quite a breeze actually.

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