Episode 54

August 18, 2023


RE:Spawn Episode 54 - Spawn 310 and Spawn 342

RE:Spawn Episode 54 - Spawn 310 and Spawn 342
RE:Spawn Episode 54 - Spawn 310 and Spawn 342

Aug 18 2023 | 01:30:16


Show Notes

Welcome once again to the Malbolge! The RE:SPAWN boys are glad you're here!

As always, two issues from Spawn's Universe are discussed, and they just so happen to both be Main-Title Issues! First, the Toddfather and one-off artist Jim Muniz give us some fun, spooky, metal-as-hell issue 310, while Rory McConville and Carlo Barberi give us some rolicking palace intrigue in issue 342!

This week we're shouting out our good pal, Martin, whose putting up some beautiful work on the regular! (https://www.instagram.com/itsartbymartin/)

As always, Bryan does our music! He's a good guy! (https://www.instagram.com/bryan_voyles_27/)

Come say "Hi!" to us, see our faces, weekly pick ups, little fuzzy puppies'n'kitties, and join in the fun! (https://www.instagram.com/regardingspawnpod/)

May the Sorched be with you!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Do you even understand the importance of this place, its history? Let me educate you. Several miles from here is the site of what was once the largest necroplasm reservoir in hell. A reservoir that for centuries provided enough necroplasm to power every hell spawn in Hell's army. But that extraction process was also releasing necroparticles into the air that contaminated much of the third realm. And even though the reservoir is now dry, the air is still filled with its residue. A residue I've been absorbing since the moment I arrived. Good evening, and welcome to the Malbolge. This is regarding Spawn, the world's best spawn podcast. I am your co host, John Fisher. [00:01:14] Speaker B: And I'm your co host, David Williams. And Johnny, I watched a couple of new movies yesterday. [00:01:22] Speaker A: A couple. [00:01:23] Speaker B: Both. Both starring Chris Pratt prominently, including a raccoon and the song no sleep till Brooklyn from the Beastie Boys. [00:01:35] Speaker A: So I think movies both had them. [00:01:38] Speaker B: Yeah, both movies had Chris Pratt, Raccoon Element, and Beastie Boys song. [00:01:46] Speaker A: So was it Guardians Galaxy volume three? [00:01:51] Speaker B: Yes, indeed it was. [00:01:53] Speaker A: And Tomorrow War? [00:01:55] Speaker B: No, we're talking same blockbuster season as Guardians of the Galaxy three, what includes one of the hardest rock actors. [00:02:07] Speaker A: Super Mario Brothers movie. [00:02:09] Speaker B: Yes, indeed. [00:02:10] Speaker A: Both pretty good. [00:02:12] Speaker B: Both very good. Very good. I remember the outcry of Chris Pratt as Mario that I might have also been a part of. I was definitely part of it, but, I mean, yeah, I liked what they did with the accent and that they didn't have it. It was excellent. [00:02:30] Speaker A: Yeah, it was good. It was a really good movie. And Guardians Galaxy volume three was a little. How do I put this? James Gunn likes to go from that really, those really intense emotional moments to really funny moment. And I feel like there's a little bit of self indulgent on the emotion. It was a little. The prodding and the prickling and the scientific stuff on the animals was a little easy target for making you feel icky and bad and emotional and rocket cries. It just felt a little too. His worst impulse is, like, what he did with super, and, I don't know, it was a little self indulgent. That's just me. [00:03:15] Speaker B: I haven't seen super. [00:03:17] Speaker A: Do you understand what I mean, though? [00:03:19] Speaker B: Yeah, I do, but I'm a little biased because as soon as the movie was over, I sent a message to my friend group and was like, there were some strong wi three vibes from Guardians of the Galaxy three. Turns out that apparently he had been trying to make a film adaptation of Wi three for years, and it just never went anywhere. So he just, like, shoved it in there, and I was like, I'm pretty sure even a certain four words repeated phrase that was a very emotional moment came directly from we three. Wow. [00:04:01] Speaker A: What a rip off artist. What a piece of shit. [00:04:05] Speaker B: I had already had my heart torn out by that exact same sort of narrative sequence once before that I knew to gird myself for what was coming. [00:04:21] Speaker A: Okay. I don't know, but no, the sacronness of it was a little too much sometimes. [00:04:32] Speaker B: Yeah, it does. [00:04:33] Speaker A: It's okay. I love James gun. I love the. [00:04:37] Speaker B: I did. I didn't have as much trouble with it as you did. I enjoy the getting out of something emotional and having yourself, like, something to latch onto that's not overly emotional. [00:04:52] Speaker A: I like that. It's not that I thought it was too manipulative. The emotional stuff, I thought it was too saccharine is the only way I can think of. Let me think of a better word. That's just me. [00:05:05] Speaker B: That's true. But I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff, Johnny. [00:05:08] Speaker A: Yeah, it's okay. And sometimes I am too. Sometimes movies are like weird dreams that we watch, and sometimes you love them, and sometimes you just think they're okay, and that's okay. [00:05:20] Speaker B: Yeah, well, I mean, think about, Johnny. I think this should now shift into a let's talk about our dreams podcast, because everybody loves hearing about dreams. So I was walking down the street, but I. [00:05:33] Speaker A: Comic books are like weird dreams that you watch, too, except they're just drawn. So we do kind of talk about dreams in a way. We talk about Todd McFarlane's dreams. [00:05:46] Speaker B: Yes. As they say in the new season of that series, this fool, Tod McFarlane, is the visionary. [00:05:57] Speaker A: He's the dream operator. [00:05:59] Speaker B: We do. He's a dream operator. [00:06:04] Speaker A: There's an actual dream operator song by talking heads. [00:06:07] Speaker B: Oh, really? Now you want to sing a little quick snippet? [00:06:12] Speaker A: No. [00:06:14] Speaker B: I know for a fact you've listened to more talking heads than I have. [00:06:17] Speaker A: No, it's from the movie. It's featured in the movie true stories that David Byrne directed also. It's a very good movie. [00:06:26] Speaker B: Not that one takes place in a mall, right? [00:06:29] Speaker A: Yes. [00:06:29] Speaker B: Okay. [00:06:30] Speaker A: Spawn is a dream. It's a dream that we get to talk about together and that we all get to experience together. See, that's why it's good to talk about these kind of dreams, because everyone can experience them, because the experience of the dream is what matters. The telling of the dream is only kind of interesting to the person that experienced it. [00:06:50] Speaker B: Yeah, that's true. [00:06:51] Speaker A: Sometimes dreams are interesting. I don't know. Sometimes it's funny to talk about weird dreams. [00:06:55] Speaker B: I don't know. I worked with somebody who, if they ever dreamed about you, would come in and tell you about it the next day. And it was a little uncomfortable being like, I don't want to hear that. [00:07:09] Speaker A: Hard pass on that. [00:07:12] Speaker B: Yeah, I don't want to be hearing. [00:07:13] Speaker A: About being in someone's dream. Because then you're just going to wonder, like, did we fuck? [00:07:18] Speaker B: How much of what you're telling me is actually what happened? And you didn't realize until after you said the thing that, oh, I shouldn't say that at work. Well, Johnny, I had a dream that we started talking about some spawn on a podcast. [00:07:35] Speaker A: Well, dreams come true, David, because that's what we're about to do. [00:07:38] Speaker B: Oh, really? I also had a dream that you had an explanation for what we do in the podcast every episode, usually. [00:07:45] Speaker A: Well, welcome to regarding Spawn Respawn, where each week we talk to you about two. Talk you through two issues of Spawn's universe. An older, more classic issue, and then a more modern from the current four titles when we're recording this. But in the future, there's going to be, like, six titles going on. [00:08:06] Speaker B: We already did the math. So there's currently, like, technically in the classic side, there's something like 24 titles that have some classic components to them or are completely finished. And then there will be. What is it? [00:08:23] Speaker A: Five more things coming. [00:08:25] Speaker B: Eight. No, nine, because. Yeah, there were five announced. [00:08:29] Speaker A: Let's see. Misery, salmon, twitch, gunslinger, civil. W. No way home or no home here. [00:08:39] Speaker B: Oh, no. Spawn kills every spawn. [00:08:41] Speaker A: Spawn kills every spawn. [00:08:43] Speaker B: There will at some point be nine new titles. So, man, we're going to have to start a spin off show, Johnny. [00:08:54] Speaker A: I know. That'll be the Patreon is the spinoffs, the spawn offs. [00:09:00] Speaker B: Spawn offs. A one spawn. No, a spawn shot. I'm trying to think of, like, the one shot and shoehorning spawn into there, and it's not working very well. [00:09:16] Speaker A: I guess. Someone said that they asked Tom McFarlane on one of those Q A's, like, either discord or wherever he was doing it. I think the one you maybe went to for a little, he. Someone asked him if he was going to go to Spawn con, and he goes, like, I'm not going to go, but they should call it comic Spawn instead of Comic Con, which is way worse. [00:09:38] Speaker B: I don't know, dude. That's got some classic Todd father flavor to it. It's pretty good. [00:09:46] Speaker A: Oh, it does. It definitely's got some flavor. It's zesty comic spawn, but I don't know. But the con is the important part. [00:09:56] Speaker B: No, the spawn is the important part. [00:09:59] Speaker A: But it's the spawn con. But you get both information if you have Spawn con. If you have comic Spawn, you have to explain what it is. [00:10:07] Speaker B: Send us an email with your thoughts about whether Spawn is the more important part of the convention or the con is the more important part of the convention. Name. Send those responses to regarding [email protected]. [00:10:19] Speaker A: We'll ask the hunter. [00:10:23] Speaker B: Hopefully, eventually, enough people will respond that we can say either the tod father is right or Johnny is right. [00:10:29] Speaker A: I don't respond. [00:10:33] Speaker B: I've only named one thing, and it turns out to maybe not have been the best name. Respawn. [00:10:41] Speaker A: What's wrong with our name? [00:10:42] Speaker B: Well, just that we were both like, hey, this doesn't exist. As we go, oh, re spawn exists. [00:10:51] Speaker A: Respawn exists. [00:10:53] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, no, we could have done W-R-T spawn, but that would have been a little. [00:11:04] Speaker A: With regards to Spawn, from spawn. [00:11:10] Speaker B: With love, from Russia with Spawn would be good for a few of these issues we got going on here. Yeah. [00:11:19] Speaker A: Especially in the scorch. There's a lot of Russia stuff. [00:11:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:11:22] Speaker A: So our two issues today, our classic, is going to be spawn 310, and then our. All the way back from the far off land of September 2020. Guy can barely read that. I'm old as shit. [00:11:39] Speaker B: We'll need to get you a magnifying glass. [00:11:43] Speaker A: All the way back from September 2020. [00:11:44] Speaker B: A spawnifying glass is what we need to get you. That works. [00:11:49] Speaker A: Magnifying spawn. What can we put spawn into? That's the theme of this episode. What words? And then our more modern issue is Spawn 342, all the way back from June 2023. [00:12:04] Speaker B: And might I say, before we get into them, two exceptionally groovy issues, man, branch still got me saying episodes. Two amazingly groovy issues of Spawn. [00:12:18] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. They're a lot of fun. Wildly different. It's just crazy how 32 issues. The difference between the two crazy. [00:12:28] Speaker B: One of them is completely unhinged, and the other one is very Game of Thrones, almost, like, so tightly entwined into the issues on either side of it that it's just amazing. [00:12:43] Speaker A: Yeah, 310 is definitely unhinged. Well, David, since we're podcasters and it's been 17 minutes since we started recording, let's just dive right into it. [00:12:54] Speaker B: Okay? Yeah, let's do it. Let's do it. [00:12:56] Speaker A: Let's get it spawned. 310, like I said, all the way back to September 2020. Now, if I remember correctly, 309 was July. [00:13:06] Speaker B: I do believe that's what you said. Because. Yeah. It was like March, then July, right? [00:13:12] Speaker A: Yeah, it was March, then July, then September. So it's another month without Spawn. [00:13:16] Speaker B: Jeez, Johnny, I hate those, like, one weeks that we have no spawn now. I couldn't imagine going two whole months without Spawn. [00:13:26] Speaker A: Two whole months. [00:13:28] Speaker B: Man. Those people back in 2020, they had it bad. [00:13:33] Speaker A: It's like they're going to make a Ken Burns documentary, and they're like, there was no spawn for a whole month. For two whole months. [00:13:43] Speaker B: They'll cut to the clip of Michael Jordan crying. [00:13:49] Speaker A: Yeah, that's like the classic one. So we usually start out with the covers here. I've got two covers out of the many covers there are. [00:13:58] Speaker B: Oh, no, Johnny. [00:13:59] Speaker A: What? [00:14:00] Speaker B: So you know how I said that the COVID gallery in the back of this trade paperback that I'm reading, spawn Omega, has a process page from every issue? I lied. It has a process page from every issue except 310. So I don't even have any back matter in this trade paperback for this book. What? Oh, that makes me so sad. Was this a one off artist? [00:14:29] Speaker A: It had to have been Jim Muniz. I don't know. We'll find out next issue, I guess, because, yeah. [00:14:35] Speaker B: This trade paperback says artists are Carlo Barberry, Ken Lashley, and Jim Muniz. And Carlo Barberry does 311 on. And Ken Lashley did 308 and 309. [00:14:47] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. Jim Muniz. Just a one ear and done, man. So there are short shrift. He got five covers to this. [00:14:56] Speaker B: Five. Oh, boy. [00:14:58] Speaker A: Five covers. So there are three covers with a couple different variants because there's like a black and white of the ninja spawn one. And there's a second printing. This one got a second printing. It seems like these ones that came out every couple of months all got pretty much second printings. At least 308. Three nine did so far, 310 people. [00:15:19] Speaker B: Were starved for spawn. So they had to scoop it up when they got it. [00:15:22] Speaker A: Then they ate it. And then they realized they weren't supposed to eat it. Had to buy another issue, so they had to buy the second printing. [00:15:29] Speaker B: It's like if you're without water for a while and you come across some water, you can't drink all of it all at once, or else you're going to make yourself sick. You got to pace yourself, John. [00:15:40] Speaker A: True. So I have the COVID that's a bad cover. The Francesco Matina, which is gunslinger spawn like, coming through some curtains. [00:15:52] Speaker B: That is the COVID that is included at the beginning of the issue in this trade paperback, Johnny. [00:15:58] Speaker A: Nice. [00:15:58] Speaker B: So that's the one that I have. [00:16:00] Speaker A: He's got a little spindly, spiky gunslinger. [00:16:03] Speaker B: And might I say, johnny, excellent hat work. Excellent. The tallest hat, the amount of Brim is just. [00:16:15] Speaker A: That little bit, like a little green. [00:16:17] Speaker B: Uh, it's almost like an extension of his jacket cape, where it's just like, long and spindly brim. It's great. I'd wear that. [00:16:28] Speaker A: I also have a different cover. This is the CB cover, which is the Tod McFarlane ninja spawn cover, which is like ninja spawn. Kick in with some knives, draw my Tom McFarlane. Looking good. [00:16:42] Speaker B: And, like, a ribbon of spawn emblem. I'd buy that ribbon, man. I would totally go back to Joanne Fabrics with Wanda to grab some of that ribbon. If they had spawn fabrics, I would go back, man. I don't ever want to have to go back to Joanne Fabric in my life. Things that cannot be unsaid have been said in the aisles of Joanne fabric, and it is bad for my mental health. [00:17:10] Speaker A: Oh, no. We were looking for Barbie fabric because of our. We got a kitten, and we named it Barbie because if it was going to. I can't remember if I've explained this on the show or not. It's either going to be Barbie or Oppenheimer, depending on if it was a boy or a girl, because we couldn't tell because it was a stray, that. [00:17:28] Speaker B: We found the ultimate Barbenheimer. [00:17:30] Speaker A: The ultimate Barbenheimer. So she's Barbie. But we were trying to find some Barbie fabric to make her some Barbie stuff, but it's all sold out because of the movie. [00:17:38] Speaker B: Oh, man. So it's like the production reduced the world's available pink paint to nothing. Now the phenomenon of the film itself has reduced all Barbie merchandise to zero. [00:17:53] Speaker A: Yeah, Barbie's cool. Barbie's a cat. Barbie's a doll. Barbie's a phenomenon. [00:17:59] Speaker B: That's a great ass movie, too. It's real good. [00:18:02] Speaker A: It was a good movie a lot. [00:18:04] Speaker B: My kinergy coffee mug came in yesterday, and it's pretty choice. [00:18:10] Speaker A: You got to feel your. [00:18:12] Speaker B: I am. [00:18:13] Speaker A: How many coffee mugs you got? [00:18:16] Speaker B: Not very many, because I keep breaking them. [00:18:19] Speaker A: Oh, no. [00:18:20] Speaker B: So right now I've got, like, two. I've got two that I use, and then there are a whole bunch I'm not allowed to use because they're Wanda's. And if I break one of Wanda's coffee mugs during my coffee time, that'll. [00:18:35] Speaker A: Be my big trouble. [00:18:37] Speaker B: I'll totally own up to that one. I don't need to go there. [00:18:43] Speaker A: There's also a sea cover by Bjorn Barons, which is like a skeleton. Scary looking spawn. [00:18:52] Speaker B: Are you telling me that the Bjorn's baron cover is fucking awesome, Johnny? I don't believe it. [00:18:57] Speaker A: It is. It's like Terminator Spawn with this big ass gun. He's got a guy, like, chained. He's, like, throwing him in the background. [00:19:03] Speaker B: It literally does look like it's post 1997 apocalypse times. I can just imagine Spawn's about to step on that skull that's in front of him. [00:19:13] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Just about to crush it. But, yeah, great covers. There's also black and white ninja cover. [00:19:20] Speaker B: Albert is a spawn. [00:19:24] Speaker A: Albert Simmons, the man he is coming to get. [00:19:30] Speaker B: Johnny, the website I'm looking at says that the interior art for this comic book is Ken Lashley, but the COVID C itself literally says Jim Muniz. [00:19:43] Speaker A: It's Jim Munez, man. [00:19:46] Speaker B: The information on this one's, like, all over the place, just everywhere. [00:19:50] Speaker A: Yeah, it was hard because cover price is weird. I think it's just because it was probably pandemic times. Who knows? Who knows what's going on? We got the credits here. Script and plot are by Todd McFarlane. And we have already mentioned Jim Muniz is a one off artist on here doing the art. Tom Wodashkowski on lettering, Peter Steigerwald on colors. We already covered the covers. And guess. [00:20:18] Speaker B: Oh, did our boy have his promotion. [00:20:22] Speaker A: We've got Tod McFarland, creative director, and we've got Thomas Healy, editor. Not editor in chief yet. [00:20:29] Speaker B: Still. He's moving on up. [00:20:33] Speaker A: Moving on up to editor. [00:20:34] Speaker B: Good job, Thomas, man. Awesome. Congratulations. In the past, Mr. Thomas Healy, for making it from all the way from the mean Johnny. Johnny, let's be real. He made it all the way from the Malbols. [00:20:56] Speaker A: All the way from the Malbols to the mailroom. Because now he answers the Malbols. From the pinnacle. From the pit to the pinnacle. [00:21:06] Speaker B: Yeah, true. Very true. From the male boy to the wall. [00:21:18] Speaker A: So previously in Spawn, consequence of sin, part two, the mysterious and dangerous army of spawns continues to grow. First she spawned in Reaper, then medieval Spawn, now gunslinger. Spawn has made his presence known. But who is a hero and who is a. [00:21:41] Speaker B: That's Johnny. That's an excellent know who is hero. [00:21:47] Speaker A: And who is in. [00:21:50] Speaker B: If I were back in college times, shit, dude, you know how many essays I could have knocked out by being like, who is villain and who is hero? I could have taken on Godzilla, the franchise. I could have taken on spawn, man. Those in themselves would have taken up the Bible like a couple of years worth of term papers. Bible dang. Excellent question. Yeah. [00:22:16] Speaker A: Because Godzilla, sometimes he's the hero, and sometimes he's the villain. [00:22:19] Speaker B: Sometimes he is not. It depends on how cool the other guy is. If it's Mothra, Godzilla is going to be the ding ding bad guy. If it's hetera, you bet your ass. Godzilla is fighting for the planet. [00:22:30] Speaker A: He was kind of the heel in Godzilla versus Kong, the new one. [00:22:34] Speaker B: All right. [00:22:36] Speaker A: Kong was kind of the main character. [00:22:37] Speaker B: Yeah, I've been told that those are heavily Kong centric. And I'm like, man, if I'm going to go see big Lizard man, we're going to root for big Lizard man. [00:22:47] Speaker A: You could root for him. [00:22:49] Speaker B: If I know it, they kind of. [00:22:50] Speaker A: Team up, but they team up at the end. You haven't seen Godzilla versus Kong? [00:22:53] Speaker B: No, I haven't even seen Kong Skull island yet. [00:22:56] Speaker A: You don't need to see that shit. It was fine. It's good. But Godzilla versus Kong rules. I love that movie. I love Adam Wingard. Great director. He made your next and the new. [00:23:12] Speaker B: I've just been. This. This Godzilla channel has just clued me into how dumb it's been for me to not keep up on Godzilla stuff. [00:23:22] Speaker A: I know. I wish I had, like, a big old box set of all the Godzilla. I guess I do. It's called the Godzilla Channel. [00:23:28] Speaker B: It's called Pluto tv. Nice. [00:23:30] Speaker A: Pluto tv, the Lord's greatest invention. It was invented by the by. I love Pluto tv. It's great. You know why, David? I don't have to decide. [00:23:43] Speaker B: Gives you. You can choose to either watch the thing that's happening now or the thing that just happened. And that's literally all the choice you have. But there's channels for everything. [00:23:55] Speaker A: It's great. There's two Star Trek channels. [00:23:59] Speaker B: Yeah, it's like going to the cheesecake factory. But instead of them giving you that book of a menu, they say only the highlighted things are what we're going to bring out to you. And it's like, oh, fucking awesome. I could do this because I would eat everything on the cheesecake factory's menu. I'm not ashamed to admit it. [00:24:19] Speaker A: I would try anything on it. [00:24:22] Speaker B: I went to a tiki bar with my mom and my sister while they were in town. And their drink menu is literally the size of a cheesecake factory menu. And I was like, how the hell am I supposed to be able to make a decision on this? [00:24:36] Speaker A: You just got to follow your tiki heart. [00:24:39] Speaker B: Tiki drinks are delicious, Joni. [00:24:42] Speaker A: Yes, they are. [00:24:42] Speaker B: I guess I'm finally hitting my old man groove because I like a tiki drink. Do I do a tiki drink? [00:24:48] Speaker A: You need to get a tiki mug. [00:24:50] Speaker B: I do need to get spawn. They make comic book inspired tiki mugs. I don't know if they made a spawn tiki mug yet. Dear Todd, father, please get on making a spawn tiki mug. There's a tiki bar in town called three dots in a dash that all of their tiki glasses are, like, horror inspired. So they're like zombies or misshapen dead children or some shit. It's awesome. [00:25:24] Speaker A: That's pretty cool. Yeah, I know. There's a big tiki cup culture now. Dave, we got 8 minutes before we are that Twitter joke. Start talking about this issue. [00:25:38] Speaker B: Let's go. Let's get into the 310. We've done all the things, if I might, Johnny, the image.com website says the storm begins, so let's get into this storm. [00:25:54] Speaker A: So we opened the Netherlands. Was there some kind of unknown virus going down? And these people are supposedly looking for your cure, a potential vaccine. At least that's what we're being told by this narrator here. [00:26:11] Speaker B: Yes. [00:26:14] Speaker A: This is new. There wasn't a virus in. [00:26:16] Speaker B: Oh, definitely not previous issues. [00:26:18] Speaker A: Okay, cool. No, so obviously very, I would say, well, coronavirus. [00:26:26] Speaker B: There was talk of a virus on the pundits page. [00:26:30] Speaker A: Pundits page. [00:26:31] Speaker B: But we didn't see anything about it in the actual meat of the story. [00:26:36] Speaker A: So you got all these doctors working on this cure, and this one doctor, Dr. Visters, is here, and she says, thanks to everybody. [00:26:48] Speaker B: This is amazing. [00:26:51] Speaker A: This is amazing. We did it. She's doing a Todd. Father, boss. She's a boss lady. [00:26:56] Speaker B: Yeah, she's a boss baby. She spends three extra hours making adjustments. [00:27:02] Speaker A: Has to be flawless. [00:27:06] Speaker B: Flawless. [00:27:06] Speaker A: So basically, they're all like, everyone's just patting themselves in the back. They did it. They created this thing. [00:27:11] Speaker B: Yeah. They unfold the mission accomplished banner on the air force carrier. [00:27:21] Speaker A: Yep. And they say, we did. [00:27:23] Speaker B: So, ladies and gentlemen, we got it. [00:27:26] Speaker A: What we do get, though, is the pundits. [00:27:27] Speaker B: Yes, we do. [00:27:28] Speaker A: And they're on the next page, and they're awesome. [00:27:30] Speaker B: Talking again about the virus. And, man. Yeah. They are all, like, somber, charged. So somber. The CRN lady is just, she's frightening. I don't know if I would want to get my news from any of these people. They're much too serious. Like, even our boy Brock, the shock just, he looks like an old man that I've seen at church a couple of times. I would never voluntarily tune in to see that guy. [00:28:03] Speaker A: No, they're all very somber. I mean, it is a somber time. [00:28:08] Speaker B: Yeah, they're talking about, they are current news people, so it's not like they've got a lot of joyful things to talk about. [00:28:20] Speaker A: Well, we come to find out, actually, from what he's saying here, brock the shock fennel is actually. [00:28:26] Speaker B: I mean, because. [00:28:27] Speaker A: He'S saying they're poisoning manmade. It's a man made virus. [00:28:32] Speaker B: Like, if your neighbors are acting normal, they've already been taken. They've been replaced by clones. Johnny, we need to sign up for this newsletter. [00:28:43] Speaker A: I know we need that newsletter. [00:28:44] Speaker B: Do you think it's an email newsletter, or is it, like, the old fashioned indie newspapers that people used to just churn out in their basement and put on everybody's front porch, oh, and just, like, copy them? [00:28:56] Speaker A: I don't know. I'm not saying the clone stuff is real. What I'm saying, I'm not saying, like, real is in real life, but we come to find out this Dr. Vissers is maybe not who she seems and maybe doing some bad things. [00:29:08] Speaker B: In a cruel, ironic twist, Brock the shock actually turns out to be. Yes, yes, right. [00:29:13] Speaker A: Exactly. And not in real life. I'm not saying, like, conspiracy theories about viruses IRL. Yeah, so I make that clear. [00:29:20] Speaker B: But, johnny, you see, as we learned, spoilers, for, like, two pages from now, Dr. Visser herself is a demon, and brock the shock mental himself is a demon. So he's literally doing some inside trading on the news there. [00:29:35] Speaker A: Yeah, he's doing some kind of, like, 3d chess we can't even figure out because he's, like, revealing. Yeah, I don't know. [00:29:41] Speaker B: He's doing 3d chess. I'm doing 40 checkers. I don't even know what that means. [00:29:47] Speaker A: And Dr. Vissers, even though she's a demon, she has a two hour commute home. You think you use some, like, demon powers to get home a little faster? [00:29:54] Speaker B: Yeah, that's a messed up. She needs to shadow blast herself home. [00:29:57] Speaker A: That's fucked up. That's 4 hours a day. [00:29:59] Speaker B: There used to be somebody at work who, their commute both ways was 4 hours. What? Yeah, they would work here in town, and then they'd drive 4 hours back home to Indiana. The rumor is that he hated his family and only retired when he was forced to, which is why he commuted 4 hours either way. And, man, that's some greatest generation bullshit we need to break ourselves out of. If you don't like your family so much, that you're going to travel 4 hours either way to go to work. Do you have other options available to you? [00:30:39] Speaker A: You don't have to talk to them. Don't you have to. [00:30:43] Speaker B: You don't have to be. Because that's a shitty move. That's a real shitty move. [00:30:47] Speaker A: Yeah. It just makes you feel like it's like some willie loman death of a salesman. [00:30:52] Speaker B: That's. That's no bueno. No bueno at. [00:30:55] Speaker A: Just. Maybe she hates her family. I don't know. 2 hours commute. [00:30:59] Speaker B: Johnny, these kids have massive feet. So I can get it. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near those goddamn flippers they got. Look at how big those feet are. [00:31:09] Speaker A: I know. They're half breed demon kids, David. They probably have demon feet. [00:31:14] Speaker B: Yeah, probably. Their legs are kind of violator leg shaped. [00:31:19] Speaker A: Yeah, they're little violators. Yeah, they're little vindicators. [00:31:24] Speaker B: So she's got a loving husband. She's got her kids. She doesn't give herself positive affirmations in the mirror. [00:31:35] Speaker A: No, she looks like a demon. [00:31:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:31:37] Speaker A: And says, you look like shit. And she can't quite turn her brain off, so she starts to read just like I do sometimes. [00:31:43] Speaker B: Yeah, true. [00:31:45] Speaker A: When I want to instantly fall asleep at any time of day, just sit down and read. And then because I'm old, I just fall asleep. [00:31:51] Speaker B: I'm like, I finally have 3 hours. I can put a good dent in this book. And I read for 5 minutes. Then I wake up 4 hours later, and I'm like, wait, what the. Slept. The reading time. [00:32:04] Speaker A: I slept on my issue with spawn, and I ruined it. [00:32:07] Speaker B: Hey, Johnny, you didn't ruin it. You made it more valuable. Because when we pop off as the premier podcasters of the Spawns universe, that's going to be a very key issue. It'll be worth hundreds of pennies. [00:32:22] Speaker A: Hundreds of pennies. Hundreds of John Fisher rolled over. [00:32:26] Speaker B: Hundreds of quarters. Hundreds of quarters. You'll be able to sign it. You'll be able to, like, johnny slept here and sign it, and I'll auction it off as an artifact. So, Johnny, it's getting very quiet. I know you've lived in towns all your life, correct? Like you've always lived in town. [00:32:46] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, the most country place I've lived is stillwater. [00:32:50] Speaker B: And it says she doesn't notice that it goes quiet. I grew up in the middle of fucking nowhere. My mailbox was half a mile away from my house. And let's just say it's so quiet that you don't really notice. It getting any quieter? So I think that just means that this doctor has acclimated herself to country living pretty well. [00:33:17] Speaker A: I mean, she lives 2 hours outside the city, but there's a temperature drop in the room. And then it's spawn eyes. [00:33:24] Speaker B: Oh, man. And this is a good looking spawn. Look at him. He's all creepy. He's got his invisible orange. [00:33:32] Speaker A: Big old. Big old gauntlet on that hand. [00:33:34] Speaker B: What's keeping you awake tonight, Mila? Your conscience? [00:33:38] Speaker A: Your husband wakes up, and spawn just goes. [00:33:41] Speaker B: Cracks him in the jaw with his chain right there. At first, I thought the chain, like, went through his head. Until he says, now he'll Jim Muniz. That's some wicked chain art there, Johnny. I wouldn't want to get hit by those. [00:34:04] Speaker A: Nope. They look painful. Yeah, they do. And so Spawn's basically. She's like, so, you know? And he's like, yep, I know. You're a bunch of demons. [00:34:11] Speaker B: And he's like, your boss. She says, clown was never my boss. [00:34:17] Speaker A: And then this is where it starts to get a little wacky. He's just like, what are you going to do, shoot me? He's like, yes. [00:34:23] Speaker B: I modified this gun. [00:34:26] Speaker A: And he just shoots her in the head. [00:34:28] Speaker B: She actually asks twice in a row, so you're going to shoot me? So she gets shut to the brain, and splat comes out. Splat. Just kill the demon. [00:34:44] Speaker A: Then the husband wakes up and is like, fine. From getting smacked with the chain. [00:34:49] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:34:50] Speaker A: And just, like, immediately, I was confused about it. Really confused me. [00:34:53] Speaker B: Yeah, man, I wish I could bounce back that well from a nap. Jesus. [00:34:59] Speaker A: I fall asleep for 7 minutes, a chain smacking you. [00:35:02] Speaker B: And it takes me the whole rest of the day. To get my equilibrium back. Shut your mouth. [00:35:12] Speaker A: This part where said, listen, you got two half free kids in there. I'd rather not kill them. Yet. Damn. [00:35:18] Speaker B: Yet. That's the cold part. Yet. And then we learned that dude, man leads spawn to where the secret files are. And he was a good, trusting husband. Who never snuck around. To see what she was hiding in her secret files. And he's holding her as she dies. And she's slowly turning back into her fleabiac form. Oh, man. That's just like. Her hand is already all she's got. The little spikes coming out of her skin all over the place. [00:35:53] Speaker A: Does yours have a weird text underneath the hand that says sample text? No. [00:35:57] Speaker B: It does. [00:35:58] Speaker A: Mine does. [00:35:59] Speaker B: No. Huh? [00:36:01] Speaker A: Because I don't read the floppy. It says, sample text underneath her hand. [00:36:04] Speaker B: Nice. [00:36:06] Speaker A: Just a typo. Well, just something. [00:36:09] Speaker B: Yeah. Spawn he doesn't give a damn about any of it, Johnny. People are dying because of the actions of these monsters. [00:36:16] Speaker A: He goes back to his place. Got we a low power. We're starting to get all these little power meters, like, sprinkled in. [00:36:21] Speaker B: This is new, Johnny. Albert Simmons is a member of Club 33 now. [00:36:27] Speaker A: What do you mean? [00:36:28] Speaker B: Oh, club 33. The super elite club at Disneyland and Disney World. That it's like $25,000 entrance fee. And you literally have to be on a waiting list. For about ten years. Before you can become a member. It's just that the power meter says 33, so I was making a funny. [00:36:50] Speaker A: I've never heard of Club 33. [00:36:51] Speaker B: Never heard of. [00:36:52] Speaker A: I didn't know this. [00:36:53] Speaker B: Oh, man. Yeah, it's a secret Disney thing. It was started by Walt Disney himself. And it's like an exclusive dining club type thing for white people. [00:37:03] Speaker A: Like eugenics or something. [00:37:12] Speaker B: I've heard the speculation, but I do not know for sure. So I cannot. [00:37:16] Speaker A: I know. I'm just teasing. No, I didn't know about Club 33. [00:37:21] Speaker B: Yeah, Club 33. [00:37:21] Speaker A: Secret dining Disney club. [00:37:23] Speaker B: Yeah. And it's amazing. Basically, unless you're a celebrity, you're not really going to be able to get in there. But even celebrities have to go on the waiting list is how exclusive it is, Johnny. [00:37:36] Speaker A: Wow. [00:37:37] Speaker B: But we forgot to mention that spawn says that there is only one deadly sin and it is greed. All the rest of them just lead to greed. [00:37:48] Speaker A: Well, he's about to commit a little bit of a deadly sin with a little lust. [00:37:54] Speaker B: I made a note of. I think Zz top would refer to it as. [00:38:05] Speaker A: Can see. Oh, yeah. You see? Little cheek action from Jessica? No, but it says, like, he maybe looks a little longer. [00:38:13] Speaker B: He thinks it's longer than he should. Hello, Al. Jessica. Were you looking for something? No. You sure? They got a little flirting. And then Al just turns into a big old jerk. Get your hand off me. This isn't some damn vacation. Yeah, I love how flat his fingers are. That's a thing I really like in comics, is when people draw really flat fingers. I don't know why, but I enjoy it. And Jessica's like, really? We were just being a little flirty. And you're just going to be a jerk. Now we can't even have fun? Come on. Why can't we have fun? [00:39:01] Speaker A: Yeah, come on. I killed you. Let's have sex. [00:39:05] Speaker B: Then she. [00:39:06] Speaker A: It's a fun little scene. It's just fun. I mean, it adds a little bit of tension there. [00:39:10] Speaker B: And he leaves after basically giving her an order. To do stuff. And she flips him off. So it's, man, that is another flip off for you. It follows the gunslinger's hat rules where the finger is so put up in the air that it crosses out of the comic panel. We smash cuts to Mark's computer room. [00:39:37] Speaker A: Jessica's wearing clothes this time. [00:39:40] Speaker B: Over 6000 agents of heaven and hell all over the place. And they got to take care of all of them. Take them out. [00:39:53] Speaker A: In walks Mark. [00:39:55] Speaker B: He didn't even put a shirt on because he just stumbled out of bed like he was going to the bathroom and just saw a light on and figured he'd check it out. [00:40:03] Speaker A: He's like, go to bed, Mark. Listen to her. Just go to bed. [00:40:07] Speaker B: Like, what time is it? Whatever, dudes. Enjoy your party. [00:40:14] Speaker A: Mark goes back to bed. [00:40:17] Speaker B: Oh, man. [00:40:18] Speaker A: And then Spawn's like, all right, I'm going to show you something. [00:40:21] Speaker B: It's like something we should have done a lot sooner. And with the scene we just had, it makes all possibility of this being a sexy time thing that he should have done sooner. That just flies out the window. [00:40:39] Speaker A: That's what it seems like. But no, he's taking her somewhere. [00:40:41] Speaker B: He's taking her somewhere. And they shadow blast into a warehouse. The warehouse that Jessica got the necro bicycle out of. Necro motorcycle that just appeared in there with her after. [00:40:56] Speaker A: And then all natural, basically, he's like, okay, well, to kind of explain it, what he's going to do here. There's, like, native land got buried there. Then there's a sweatshop that worked their employees to death. A union strike. So basically, this whole warehouse is like, there's a curse, and there's, like, just death around it everywhere. And Spawn, like, forms into his awe natural owl look. [00:41:19] Speaker B: Yes, he does. It's super great. [00:41:20] Speaker A: He's just like, freaking. If I was Jessica, I'd be like, dude, you're freaking me the fuck out here. [00:41:25] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:41:27] Speaker A: And so he's just basically showing off his new powers that he just got after 300 after his reset, where he can now figure out he can raise the dead. [00:41:36] Speaker B: Yeah. For some reason, Craig T. Nelson just, like, comes in from the side and is like, not this again. Fuck. Goodbye. He's like, this was in my pool once. I'm good. I'm good. [00:41:50] Speaker A: Oh, right. With the real human skeletons supposedly. [00:41:54] Speaker B: Well, they were not supposedly at that time. You could very cheaply buy human skeletons from India, I do believe is where they got them. [00:42:03] Speaker A: No, I mean, most movie, that was the thing. It was like, saying like, oh, they're real skeletons. Most movies use real skeletons for, like, a long, long. [00:42:13] Speaker B: Can. God damn it, Johnny. If we could take a tangent into. David talks about serial killers, I promise I don't give a shit about serial killers. I just know some stuff. But that's one of the things that HH Holmes used to help fund his stuff is his victims that he would collect. He would dissolve the flesh off their bones and then sell their skeletons to medical schools as a Mr. Bones type object. So that way they could teach students about anatomy. [00:42:51] Speaker A: Well, that's creepy. [00:42:53] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:42:55] Speaker A: Spawn's racing some skeletons and they start climbing out, and Jessica's just like, ow. This is crazy. Stop this. [00:43:03] Speaker B: Yeah, it's. It's fucked. Do I do like that? He does it as all natural, Al. I want that to come back more often because he literally just shoots the barbed wire out of his skin. So they're surrounded by all these deadites. There's a guy wearing a pretty cool plaid shirt there. And then out of the shadows comes one that just walks towards them. [00:43:35] Speaker A: Johnny, who is it? It's Nix. [00:43:39] Speaker B: It's Nyx. She's got on some cool boots. She's got on her wallet chain. Did you ever do the wallet chain, Johnny? [00:43:51] Speaker A: Nope. [00:43:52] Speaker B: I did. I took two wallet chains and put them together so I could have a super long wallet. [00:43:57] Speaker A: Hell yeah. No one's taking your. [00:44:01] Speaker B: It's. Well, they know where your wallet is, is the. It's actually. It's actually potentially worse to have a chain on your wallet because it's not like. [00:44:11] Speaker A: Right. Because then you just grab the chain. [00:44:12] Speaker B: Yeah. Also that chain gets stuck on everything. I would imagine chain wallet's not a good way to go, guys. Just. Just in case, you know, if you didn't know. But this is a husk of Nick's because nothing's left in there. And it hisses at Jessica, which we know Nick's would never do. [00:44:36] Speaker A: And basically he's just doing this to show Jessica how fucked up shit's going to look. Can you deal with this? Because it's just going to get uglier. [00:44:43] Speaker B: Yeah, it's kind of a dick move. It's kind of a dick move. Oh, it is a dick move. But it's also kind of like the weirdest interview question you've ever been. Yeah. [00:44:56] Speaker A: It's like, I'm going to show you this shit and see how you react. Can you deal with this? [00:45:00] Speaker B: I work with somebody who does histology, which is taking tissue and putting it on a slide, and then you can look at it under a microscope. And he said, that there was this person that he was interviewing. And part of the interview, he was like, I need you to cut this slide. And the dude was like, okay, I just need 5 minutes to prepare myself. And the dude just bounced. Because he didn't know how to do any of the things that he would have been hired to. Valid. It's a valid interview question that Albert has here. If you can't deal with this, I need you to find somebody else to lead. The scorched is basically what he's saying. But we know Jessica. Jessica's. Jessica's fearless. Jessica is unbreakable. Not that she doesn't have a heart, but, man, she's probably the strongest spawn. Because she was emotionally the strongest human. Who has ever been turned into a spawn that we've seen. [00:46:00] Speaker A: Right. She's not a baby like al or a little stinker like, Jessica rules. And I love. How does it say this on yours? Next issue? Does it say that at the bottom? [00:46:15] Speaker B: Yes, it says overtkill cycle and more gunslinger spawn. [00:46:19] Speaker A: I love that you just feel, like, the top of the yelling at you. Like, look who's coming. Next issue. [00:46:26] Speaker B: It would be great if instead of that, he had just, like, put a little picture of his face at the bottom. And just, like, yelling it out. Yeah, just. What's the word? I'm looking for, like, a transcript of him saying. And now we're going to get gunslinger spawn in the next one is going to be pew. Pew to pew. It's going to be great. It's going to be awesome. It's going to be a real fun book, you guys. I think they should lead into that. That would be great. I would love to have little tiny Todd. Father says, coming up next. [00:46:55] Speaker A: That would be fun. [00:46:57] Speaker B: Yeah. But this final image is just al standing on top of a grotesque there with bents all around him. Pretty dope. Pretty dope. [00:47:11] Speaker A: Pretty dope. Yeah. And then my issue in the floppy. Just got a bunch of ads. For the different spawn tray paperbacks. And then some mortal kombat toys. Same ad we saw a couple of episodes ago. [00:47:26] Speaker B: The toys that say, get over here and buy me. Oh, man. Do you remember all the weird finishing moves. Like the babality, where you turn the. [00:47:39] Speaker A: Yeah, the babality. Animality. Friendship. Friendship what? Friendship. [00:47:48] Speaker B: Oh, man. Moral combat. [00:47:51] Speaker A: So that's Spawn 310. [00:47:53] Speaker B: Hell, yeah. [00:47:55] Speaker A: Great issue. Wacky. [00:47:57] Speaker B: Wacky. Metal as fuck. [00:48:00] Speaker A: Yeah, you said that. What do you mean by metal as fuck? Just because it's just, like, all over the place and violent. [00:48:05] Speaker B: Yeah, it's violent. It's got the spookiness. It's got the zombies. You could make a metal song about the hell spawn that kills the demons in the night and then raises zombies 30 minutes later. It's great. It's also the artwork. Jim Eunice. It's real gritty and kind of, like, sketchy. [00:48:36] Speaker A: I like the artwork a little dirty. [00:48:38] Speaker B: Around the edges, which is kind of what you think about when you think about metal as a genre. It's got that grind. [00:48:45] Speaker A: Well, just the metal, like, I don't know, the zombies coming out. That's like a night. It could be like a 90s music video. [00:48:50] Speaker B: Yeah, most definitely shall. Um. [00:49:13] Speaker A: So next up, we've got another issue of Spawn. Another issue of Spawn. Spawn. Main spawn. [00:49:21] Speaker B: Main spawn. Yes. Not just from Spawn's universe, but Spawn itself. [00:49:25] Speaker A: Another spawn. [00:49:27] Speaker B: Spawn. [00:49:27] Speaker A: This is 342. So a whole 32 issues later from the one we just covered. June 2023. [00:49:36] Speaker B: Almost three years. [00:49:38] Speaker A: Almost three years. So this issue has two covers like those modern ones do. You've got the Victor Bragdonovich and Jonathan Glapion. What do you have, David? [00:49:52] Speaker B: I have the Glapian. I hemmed and hod over which one I wanted more. And I love the skullness of the Glappian cover. And so that's what I went with. [00:50:07] Speaker A: It's like a view of spawn out of an alley from behind. But it looks like a skull. [00:50:11] Speaker B: But it looks like a skull. Yeah, it's real. [00:50:15] Speaker A: It's a cool idea. [00:50:15] Speaker B: I mean, the Bogdanovich one is also very good, which is why it took me a while to choose. But I decided I like very classical spawn. I liked the skull and the whippy chains and the water towers. I love an old school cityscape that has tons of water towers. It just makes me feel away. Johnny. [00:50:37] Speaker A: Yeah, no, it looks great. I got them both. I like them both. The one I have open and reading is the a cover I kept. The Jonathan Glappian in the minty plastic. Oh, minty fresh. [00:50:52] Speaker B: I open up my comic book, and there's a beard. Hair, right on the front page. [00:50:57] Speaker A: Right in there. We got some connection here. We ended with Nick's. We're about to begin with Nick's. But first we must do the credits. [00:51:04] Speaker B: Yes. [00:51:05] Speaker A: I just can't not mention you. Just open it. There's Nick's. I was like, oh, sweet. Nick's is in this one. [00:51:10] Speaker B: Yeah. We got Todd. Father's feeling sassy again. [00:51:14] Speaker A: World record breaking, record breaking comic up there at the top, man. [00:51:19] Speaker B: Rory Mcconville doing most of the writing work with additional script by the Todd father himself, carlo Barberi, which his first issue on spawn will be the next classic issue we cover. Johnny. Pretty cool. We're about to enter the barbarian era. Proper. [00:51:40] Speaker A: Barrier era. [00:51:42] Speaker B: Barbaria. [00:51:43] Speaker A: Barbaria. Barbaria. [00:51:46] Speaker B: J. David Romos doing or Ramos doing colors. Our good pal tom o doing the letters covered the covers. Tod McFarland's creative director. Our buddy Thomas Healy, editor in chief. [00:52:00] Speaker A: So previously in Spawn, haunt and spawn infiltrate the science labs of heaven in search of a cure for haunts sickness. Indeed, man. Concise to the point. That's a great recap. [00:52:13] Speaker B: Short and sweet, as they say. So not only do we have the connective tissue of Nyx at the end of the last issue. At the beginning of this issue, Johnny. But we also have an exact time of 3 hours tying it together. [00:52:30] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:52:30] Speaker B: I'm going to assume that the about 3 hours was some of the additional script from the Todd father. [00:52:36] Speaker A: Yeah, it's about the same commute as that one, doctor. [00:52:39] Speaker B: Well, no, because she spent 3 hours. [00:52:41] Speaker A: She spent 2 hours. [00:52:42] Speaker B: Her commute was 2 hours, but she spent 3 hours after her meeting with the other scientists to make sure that her presentation was. [00:52:50] Speaker A: Yes. Oh, yes. I forgot. So, yeah, that is from Todd father. He loves those 3 hours. He loves that specific time. [00:52:59] Speaker B: I love this sort of crisscross applesauce pose floating in the air. It makes me think of an old Sierra game I used to play where you were this old mystic man who had to go on a quest, and if you built up a certain amount of mana points, you would just float around like this, and you would go faster than if you were walking. What was it called? [00:53:28] Speaker A: That's cool. [00:53:29] Speaker B: I don't remember what it was called. Yeah, that's what it always makes me think of. He looked kind of like, jafar is an old man in Aladdin, only a slightly less creepy, weird. My sister would totally know the name of that. Hey, Becca, send an email regarding [email protected] and tell me what the hell that game was. [00:53:51] Speaker A: Nix is in some kind of trance, and doubting is like, should we check on her? Or like, what? [00:53:58] Speaker B: Yeah, and the navigator. No, she's good. [00:54:04] Speaker A: She wakes up and says, I'm fine, but the dead zones aren't. [00:54:09] Speaker B: She does that thing where she comes out of her trance and she realizes she's hovering, and immediately she's. She's not very high up off the ground. How did she get so much bodily rotation in that amount of time? [00:54:29] Speaker A: Maybe it was just like, boom. It would just like knock her Nick's. [00:54:33] Speaker B: Nix is concerned those dead zones aren't. [00:54:37] Speaker A: And she said they've been opened. [00:54:39] Speaker B: The rage waiting so long. And then we cut to a scene of that very rage. Johnny. [00:54:46] Speaker A: So in hell, near the tower of screams, all the factions are fighting. [00:54:51] Speaker B: We got sin punching some people in the face. [00:54:54] Speaker A: You got some cataclysm followers with their cataclysm masks on. [00:54:59] Speaker B: Yeah. They look so cool. [00:55:00] Speaker A: You got some demons. Yeah. [00:55:04] Speaker B: You got barbarous. Barbadous, like skulking. [00:55:11] Speaker A: And he gets. Speaking of Jafar. And then he gets stabbed. [00:55:14] Speaker B: Yeah. Skunk, chunk, where were you trying to escape? [00:55:21] Speaker A: Averon's here. Fucking. Which is cataclysm's son. [00:55:25] Speaker B: Yeah. He has stabbed Barbados and is now giving him the couple of sword slashes across the back. And then he gets necroplasm. [00:55:35] Speaker A: Sin comes in and says, your father must taught very little of you to send you here to die today. [00:55:39] Speaker B: Yeah. You're the dead man. Sin and I like Tomo, gave us dead man in big red letters. And then we get the opening reading of Professor Sin professing his sin. Is that something? It looks like this, as sin is saying. Let me educate you. It looks like he's hitting Averon right in the nuts. [00:56:03] Speaker A: Yeah, pretty much. [00:56:06] Speaker B: Oh man. [00:56:06] Speaker A: Sorry. We started talking about sin and I started looking at something that's going to be relevant soon and I just am boggled. Just so boggled. [00:56:14] Speaker B: Are you saying it's a sin? [00:56:17] Speaker A: Anywhere I've ever been, anything I've ever done, it's a sin. There's a ghost cover of that. [00:56:23] Speaker B: Yes, there is. There is a ghost cover of that. [00:56:25] Speaker A: It's really good. [00:56:26] Speaker B: The pet shop boys. There's actually a couple of pet shop boys covers that ghost has done, I think. I do love that sin's face here. And he's got the necroplasm bubbling out of his eyes and with his little. [00:56:41] Speaker A: So full of it, with his little. [00:56:42] Speaker B: Smirk, he kind of looks like he's been filled with fizzy lifting drink and is just so happy. [00:56:52] Speaker A: He just loves it. He loves that. He's been drinking some surge, basically. Necroplasm is basically surge. [00:56:58] Speaker B: Oh man. [00:56:59] Speaker A: It's from the 90s. It's green. [00:57:01] Speaker B: Loved surge. [00:57:02] Speaker A: Pumped up. [00:57:02] Speaker B: It was so good. [00:57:04] Speaker A: It's extreme. [00:57:06] Speaker B: It was like Mountain Dew plus, you know, Johnny, when I was a freshman in high school and we used to have those halo land parties, I used to be able to drink like six or seven mountain dew code reds right in a row and then immediately fall asleep. And now if I take my old ass self to Taco Bell and just whiff the bouquet of a baja blast. I'm wired for like 3 hours. Don't even have to drink the thing. Just got to sniff it. [00:57:38] Speaker A: Just like weed. Sometimes you just get high from sniffing it. [00:57:41] Speaker B: Aging is wild, Johnny. It's wild. I won't poo poo it like a lot of people I know because it's a fun journey. But it's interesting to see how things change and how things change the same. And one thing that's changing is Averon is changing from a living obsidia being to a dead one. [00:58:05] Speaker A: Yeah, because Sin just like punches a hole in his chest. [00:58:08] Speaker B: And Johnny, if I can point something out really quick that I think was kind of clever on Carlo Barberi's part. So as in three spots over the past 4123. Yeah, four pages. Sin is seen walking, taking a step and it's like he's just started walking and he puts his left foot forward. And as we know from going to mass's children that the left hand of the father is where the evil. So Sin is literally leading with his evil foot every time he takes a step, as he takes a step to taunt Averon saying, your father must think very little of you to have sent you here to die today. As he steps over to pick up Averon's sword, as he starts stepping toward Barbados, he's all stepping with his left foot forward. Johnny evil. So that's just how evil he is. He can't step with his right foot first. [00:59:16] Speaker A: He just scoots with his left foot. He scoots. So Barbaros comes up and is like, yeah, good job, sin. You did. [00:59:26] Speaker B: Thanks. Thanks for saving me. And Sin's just like, it's very sad that Averod having killed you will bring all of the rest of the factions in line. And he's like, wait, what? What you talking about? Sin cuts his head right off. Sin says, you should not have tried to blackmail me, and shanks his head right off. [00:59:50] Speaker A: Then we cut back to heaven, the purifier citadel, where basically they're going to finally cure haunt here. [00:59:58] Speaker B: I love the dead body. Just like hanging off the spiral staircase. [01:00:02] Speaker A: Yeah. And so Corvox heals him with the antidote, but he's also like, by the way, it's not fatal. Also, you destabilize the dead zones. [01:00:19] Speaker B: Yeah, I do like that. Heaven's little injector guns are basically the same ones for mission impossible, too. [01:00:27] Speaker A: Yeah, just like a little. [01:00:30] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:00:35] Speaker A: I guess the whole reason that he was poisoned by he was, like, mildly poisoned. It was mildly poisoned. But the whole reason is haunt's symbiotes are like chaos or their suits are like chaos. And by getting him into the dead zone, they destabilized to. [01:00:54] Speaker B: It's like trying to play with a red or a green deck against black, and it's just not going to work because that black is tricksky. Now, you get good with a blue deck and you're unstoppable. But that's a high buy in, getting good at a blue deck, Johnny. [01:01:09] Speaker A: Got to have a lot of mana for those big blue guys. [01:01:11] Speaker B: Yeah. And then this dying angel just explains to them all about this stuff. And then we cut down back to hell, where sin is holding aloft Avaron's head. And it doesn't say it outright, but we can definitely tell that he is declaring himself, like, the de facto leader of hell and saying, basically, if I can do this to cataclysm's son, what do you think I can do to the rest of you all? Underneath cataclysm's protection? [01:01:53] Speaker A: But then, out of nowhere, because the dead zones are open. Fucking angels. All of the rapture's dudes show up. All of his elite angels. [01:02:04] Speaker B: Yeah. There's a big old battle between hell guys and heaven guys. And there's so much going on here. Oh, man. [01:02:14] Speaker A: Yeah, because the demons are fighting each other. Then the angels show up, and then they start fighting everybody. It's just like there's this one madness. [01:02:25] Speaker B: There's this one demon holding his guts in. He's like that dude in platoon just trying to shove him back in there. [01:02:32] Speaker A: Oh, demon. Poor demon man. And spawn's just like a gas. He's like, what? Yeah, he feels tricked. He doesn't like feeling tricked. We feel like space ghost here. [01:02:45] Speaker B: He immediately blames haunts. [01:02:49] Speaker A: I know. [01:02:49] Speaker B: Come on, Al, that's not. [01:02:53] Speaker A: You didn't know this. You're supposed to know everything, dude. [01:02:55] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:02:56] Speaker A: And so he just, like, rages and kills this guy from telling him what's going on. [01:02:59] Speaker B: Yeah, he just, like, squeezes him so hard with his chains that he implodes. [01:03:06] Speaker A: Swans pissed. [01:03:07] Speaker B: Yeah, it's. How did you do this? [01:03:11] Speaker A: He's like, he got me idea how many lives we lost because of this. And Hans, like, yo, dude, I just came here. He's, like, trying to get cured. [01:03:18] Speaker B: He's like, they told me that I was dying. You said you could help me. It's not my fault swans didn't think it through. [01:03:24] Speaker A: That haunt would destabilize the dead zones. Yeah, and it's still madness in heaven and hell. They're just fighting. [01:03:30] Speaker B: Yeah. And then Corvox is like, children, children, stop. That's enough. He's like, we got bigger things to worry about. To the teleporter, basically. Corvox steps in and does the get to the chopper. [01:03:48] Speaker A: They're coming. And in hell, they're already here. And they're just battling and cutting off people's heads. [01:03:55] Speaker B: Yeah, they're lopping heads left and right in this issue, Johnny. This is not a good issue. For next. [01:04:03] Speaker A: Multicolors of blood spill as each hour passes. That's hilarious. [01:04:07] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:04:08] Speaker A: Multicolors of blood with each fallen warrior. [01:04:11] Speaker B: Being tossed into an abyss for the damned. [01:04:13] Speaker A: But then the day came that someone attempted to turn the tide. And who is that? Who is sin? [01:04:21] Speaker B: It's sin. It's a sin. [01:04:23] Speaker A: Super blaster. Super blaster, man. [01:04:27] Speaker B: Yeah, he's raining the necro light down. [01:04:34] Speaker A: Yes. And he just, like, zaps them all. [01:04:36] Speaker B: Green light is falling down. Green light. [01:04:44] Speaker A: Green light. Just like in the great gadsby. [01:04:46] Speaker B: Cataclys is down there just kind of, like, odd with all the rest of the hell people. And then he's like, fuck, yeah, that's my boss. Let's go. [01:04:54] Speaker A: Yeah, let's go. [01:04:58] Speaker B: Oh, man. I have a feeling it's going to end very poorly for cataclys. Johnny. He's turning out to be quite the right hand man of sin, and I don't think that'll be appreciated by most anybody else in this entire universe. Yeah, he's definitely going to get some sort of comeuppance. [01:05:20] Speaker A: Let's go. He just goes, let's go. [01:05:22] Speaker B: Basically, then we turn the page, and we've got, like, sin flying through the air and cataclysm running behind him and all the rest of some demon guys back there, too. [01:05:33] Speaker A: He unites hell. He unites hell by coming in and all these. Everyone no longer mattered where you were. Now everyone's united behind sin and cataclys here. [01:05:44] Speaker B: They're having, like, a little post battle debrief talking about where everything stands now. [01:05:54] Speaker A: Basically. Then you get this cool, great end of the issue thing where it shows where everyone is all across different points because everything's converging. Yeah, this storyline has been really cool. [01:06:05] Speaker B: Yeah. I like how Corvox and haunt and Spawn have ended up in an alley again. [01:06:13] Speaker A: You got to Nix's children an alley. [01:06:16] Speaker B: Nix is testifying before the parliament again. [01:06:20] Speaker A: Cataclysm sitting there, not being able to sit on the throne, which we're about to find out next issue. [01:06:24] Speaker B: Yeah, he's probably getting news of his son's death at that very moment. We got those angels that have been descendants of warriors for generation upon generation, all excited to go down to hell. [01:06:38] Speaker A: And then sin says he'll take his rightful place on Hell's throne. [01:06:42] Speaker B: Yes, indeed. [01:06:45] Speaker A: Got a necropoint. 1865. [01:06:47] Speaker B: Yeah, not too bad, not too good. A lot better than 1865, Johnny. Pretty good year in gunslinger times, I assume, because that would have been reconstruction times. So the civil w is over. [01:07:02] Speaker A: Civil w is over. [01:07:05] Speaker B: Lincoln's still alive for part of then. The spawning grounds is another fan art edition. And it's a real good fan art edition, Johnny. That very first one with the Angela. [01:07:21] Speaker A: Yeah, that's awesome. [01:07:22] Speaker B: Is amazing. I wish it were full size, because it is very good. [01:07:26] Speaker A: Yeah, I'd like to see that bigger get spawned, Hellboy. [01:07:30] Speaker B: Yeah, that's a fun one too. That clown is creepy as shit. [01:07:37] Speaker A: One by Arietta is really colorful and cool. [01:07:39] Speaker B: Yeah, that one's awesome. The one in the middle is. Man, that's like if Spawn decided to be a bodybuilder or some shit. [01:07:52] Speaker A: They're all good. And then there's a scorch number one that kind of looks like that king Spawn. [01:07:56] Speaker B: Yeah, it's got one ray of sun coming through a very high window right onto his face. [01:08:04] Speaker A: No, they're all great. Yeah, really good fan art. And then we just get some ads. The classic ads that we always get. [01:08:12] Speaker B: The toy ad is the. It's got the. [01:08:17] Speaker A: Spawn on the throne. [01:08:18] Speaker B: Spawn on the McFarland toys has an Instagram, a Facebook, a Twitter TikTok, and a YouTube page. [01:08:27] Speaker A: No true social. What's the. [01:08:33] Speaker B: Even. Don't even go there, Johnny, please. [01:08:36] Speaker A: They probably have a threads now. [01:08:39] Speaker B: Probably. They're going to have to update that little birdie to a x too. [01:08:45] Speaker A: Oh, boy. [01:08:45] Speaker B: Jesus. [01:08:46] Speaker A: I got off. [01:08:47] Speaker B: My. [01:08:47] Speaker A: Twitter's still active, I think. I just haven't used it in forever. [01:08:50] Speaker B: Yeah, me haven't. I haven't been to it in, like, six months. And I have. For me, man, the amount of mental strain it has taken off me. Just not being on Twitter is amazing. [01:09:06] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [01:09:06] Speaker B: Just get rid of. In general, just get rid of it. [01:09:08] Speaker A: I like Instagram. Instagram is fun. Instagram is fun for the podcast. [01:09:11] Speaker B: Instagram is great. Well, Johnny, that's Spawn 342. Well, I got a couple of them right here, so why don't we rate these puppies? First up, we've got the littlest, littlest bitty puppy. She's sleeping behind me. I would rate her as pretty good. And then another one is sleeping right in my lap. And I would rate him. Well, his name is Kuzco, so obviously he's the king of the world. Johnny. [01:09:42] Speaker A: Oh, nice. Cute. No, David, we're not rating the puppies you have in your puppies of the issue. That's what you say. That's one of your many famous catchphrases, like, may the scorch be with you. And. Oh, man. [01:09:56] Speaker B: Johnny, remember that one time I got real aggressive and didn't say puppies? Oh, man. [01:10:03] Speaker A: Yeah, I do remember. [01:10:05] Speaker B: Well, Johnny. [01:10:06] Speaker A: Exciting. [01:10:06] Speaker B: Johnny, let's rate these puppies. [01:10:10] Speaker A: All right. So first up, we had spawn 310, a wild, crazy, phantasmical gory of an issue where you start with Al, with COVID truth, or this demon's creating Covid. Al goes and kills this demon. And then we go back to the base where you see Jessica's ass. [01:10:34] Speaker B: Two full cheeks, Johnny. Two full cheeks. [01:10:36] Speaker A: Two full cheeks. And then you go. And then you get back to Nix's warehouse, apartment. [01:10:44] Speaker B: Some. Some excellent implementation of Mark Rosen. [01:10:51] Speaker A: Yes. Mark just peppers in there. You get all natural owl naked spawn. You get demons and demon nicks or zombies and zombie nicks. And just. It's crazy. I'm going to give it four out of five cheeks. [01:11:10] Speaker B: Four out of five what? [01:11:12] Speaker A: Cheeks. Butt cheeks. [01:11:15] Speaker B: Oh, butt cheeks. Okay, nice. [01:11:17] Speaker A: Jessica's ass. [01:11:18] Speaker B: Nice. I wouldn't have expected any less from you, Johnny. Of course, I agree. Excellent issue. Not as good as the previous two issues. Far superior to 306 and 307. Boy. I'm going to give it 3.75. Do you want to save changes before closings? Because I feel that. I feel that a lot. [01:11:55] Speaker A: Because sometimes whenever she stays behind at the office and works on the vaccine, asks her if she wants to save. [01:12:01] Speaker B: She wants to save. Yes. I can't tell you how many times I've accidentally hit no before I thought about it and I've been like, always save. Always save. Control s. Control s. Just. Control s. All the time. Control S. Yeah, it's a good one. That was a good issue. It was a fun. [01:12:21] Speaker A: Yeah, it's fun. It's crazy. It's wacky. It's Todd father. It's wacky. I like the artists. I really like Jim Muniz. Like, good one off on that. I would love to see him do more, but it was cool to have that. And I'm excited to get into Carlo Barberry next time. [01:12:36] Speaker B: Yeah, it'll be real fun. [01:12:37] Speaker A: It'll be real fun. Speaking of Carlo Barberry, we also had issue 342, which was, I wouldn't really describe it as wacky. I describe it as well plotted and just kind of like building towards this epic battle. Very kind of reminds me of Game of Thrones in a good way. Early Game of Thrones back when people liked it. [01:12:58] Speaker B: Good Game of Thrones. Yes. [01:12:59] Speaker A: Good Game of Thrones. Like, just like politicking and we get some pretty big reveals and we get the dead zones open. We get that haunt isn't actually poisoned. We get that he was poisoned, but it's not deadly. It's just a trick to get him to go to heaven to get a cure to open the destabilized dead zones. So it makes haunt pretty important. Really good issue. I'm going to give it 4.5. Not a lot of little fun things. I'm going to give it 4.5. Demon guts. [01:13:26] Speaker B: Nice. Four and a half feet of demon guts. [01:13:30] Speaker A: Four and a half demon guts that I'm trying to keep within the demon because he got killed. [01:13:39] Speaker B: I'm also going to give it four and a half. So we got the same thing going. [01:13:43] Speaker A: Same score. [01:13:43] Speaker B: I'm going to give it four and a half. Little bitty tiny Stewart's in the background because on that last page when Jessica's in front of the parliament and the Stewart's just really tiny, like all the way in the back. [01:13:57] Speaker A: There he is. [01:13:59] Speaker B: Oh, man. [01:14:01] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:14:03] Speaker B: As far as all of the people on the parliament of the green, he's the one that I distrust the least. Also, he's got that super awesome, like three foot long mustache going on. [01:14:18] Speaker A: Yeah, that's pretty cool. [01:14:19] Speaker B: Yeah, sweet. These are some good books, Johnny. [01:14:23] Speaker A: Yeah, it's a good spawn. I had a great time reading them and good time talking about them. [01:14:27] Speaker B: Yeah, me too. [01:14:28] Speaker A: But since I've been a good little spawn, I think it's time for me to open a little treat for myself. So we got to talk about it before I get into it, but just long and short of it. It's time for Todd's toy talk. And today we have the controversial and confusing it sin. Those two words, star of 342. [01:15:04] Speaker B: Those two words have never before ever been used to describe anything from the McFarland toy company. No, never. [01:15:10] Speaker A: Controversial and confusing. No, I guess they have. So it's confusing because it's sin and he appears to be black, which I don't think that Kaguyosha is supposed to be. If he is, he's drawn very. So here's the layers to like. Whenever they showed this figure, Tod McFarland was like, it's a version of sin. [01:15:36] Speaker B: We haven't seen before and we still haven't. [01:15:40] Speaker A: So maybe we haven't seen this version of sin and that this is going to be another sin. I don't know. [01:15:46] Speaker B: Although in episode 342, we do get an update to Sin's outfit. So you think maybe that's what he's talking about? Maybe there's. Oh, no. I guess his outfit was the same through the whole thing. I'm just looking back through it. I thought there was more of a difference to his outfit, but no. Yeah, the Todd father definitely said it's sin looking different than he has been. So I guess we just haven't gotten there yet. It was announced so long ago. I don't know how far ahead they are in the story. [01:16:21] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't know. It's just confusing because I don't know. I've seen people on Instagram asking about it. I know someone said they asked McFarlane about it, but if anyone knows if they said anything about this, why a sin appears to be a black man and not, like, know, maybe it's just a production error. I don't. [01:16:45] Speaker B: Also, we also had the. Maybe it's the original sin. Original sin. That urizen has its armor and his layer. [01:16:59] Speaker A: Yeah, because Urzin has that sin armor he's been talking to. And so it could be the original sin or there's going to be another sin and we just haven't seen them yet, man. [01:17:08] Speaker B: Johnny, original sin is a great addition to original sin. [01:17:16] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, anyway, I've got the figure here. It's a good looking figure. Despite being a little confusing. I'm excited to get into it. [01:17:23] Speaker B: Oh, hello. [01:17:23] Speaker A: Bust it open here. [01:17:24] Speaker B: I'm excited to listen. [01:17:27] Speaker A: So let's get the pocket knife out, get to cut the tape and pop it open. Oh, yeah. Kind of shake them out here. [01:17:39] Speaker B: Nice. [01:17:40] Speaker A: Smell the plastic. Not that stinky. [01:17:42] Speaker B: Oh, interesting. [01:17:43] Speaker A: Not that stinky. [01:17:44] Speaker B: Interesting. Maybe they got, like, low voc plastics now. [01:17:48] Speaker A: I don't know. I'm going to cut off these little guys. Get the scissors out. Yeah. This is the last of that newest wave that I'm opening now. I already opened monolith and I already opened medieval, so this is kind of a bittersweet. I have no more new spawn toys to open now. [01:18:07] Speaker B: It's an excellent wave. An excellent wave. [01:18:10] Speaker A: Oh, excellent wave. Loved it. Let's see here. Cut this off. Cut this off. He looks pretty cool. [01:18:22] Speaker B: Yeah, he does look pretty cool. [01:18:27] Speaker A: Pop him out here. Yeah. Pull the cape through the plastic. Oh, wow. Yeah, he's cool. He comes with, like, electric shocks. That's the other thing. It's, like, blue. He has, like, blue power. It's not necroplasm. It's like, blue energy. So I'm wondering if maybe it's a different. [01:18:50] Speaker B: Who has blue energy? I don't know. We were just talking about blue decks, but I don't know of any blue decks that have shown up in the spawns universe. We do know that coliostrasen is kind of a little bit preachy about the superiority of necroplasm over things like obsidia and stuff. [01:19:17] Speaker A: Yeah. So you think it would be green? So maybe it totally is just like a totally different version of sin. Maybe so he comes with energy base. He can stand on some energy like glass. [01:19:34] Speaker B: Nice. [01:19:35] Speaker A: What is this one supposed to go on? I don't understand. [01:19:40] Speaker B: I don't know. [01:19:41] Speaker A: Is it supposed to go on his hands together somehow? Yeah, it goes on his hands. But there's another piece. I'm not sure where it's supposed to go. Is it like an energy sword? [01:19:51] Speaker B: Whoa. So it's like the sword from Halo. [01:19:55] Speaker A: Yeah, it's like he's making, like, a sword out of the energy. That's kind of cool. [01:19:59] Speaker B: Nice. [01:20:00] Speaker A: One of them just goes around his hand like, it's like it's glowing. [01:20:03] Speaker B: Is there any sort of concept or based upon art on the box that we can kind of glean some information about Johnny? [01:20:10] Speaker A: Let's just say it's a cover from Matina. Okay, I believe. Or Matt T. Whoever signs it like that, I think it's from an issue. [01:20:19] Speaker B: Yeah, that's. [01:20:22] Speaker A: It's just he looks white on the COVID. [01:20:27] Speaker B: I don't know. Maybe it's a reverse version of the first appearance of Jim Downing. [01:20:33] Speaker A: Could be. [01:20:33] Speaker B: Maybe sin looks down and goes, but I'm a white man. [01:20:38] Speaker A: Why did this happen? I don't know. We'll find out. But it's a pretty cool figure regardless. He's got the chains. Really good detail on the armor. [01:20:47] Speaker B: Nice. They've been knocking out the armor detail. [01:20:53] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. That's one of my main goals, though. I'm going to find out at Spawn Con. I'm going to ask around and find out why is the sin figure appears to be black. [01:21:02] Speaker B: Yeah, figure it out. Maybe we'll all learn naturally by the time it shows up, because I wonder if it might. A couple of spitballings. We've got the idea of the original sin that urizen is obsessed with there. Maybe the second that sin puts his little tushy down on the seat of hell. It changes him fundamentally. Maybe he gets infected by some obsidia from cataclysm. Like, maybe he bites him. So now there's sort of a war of obsidia versus necroplasm within sin himself. That's all I can think of off the top of my head. But those would all be pretty cool to see happen. Not going to lie. [01:21:50] Speaker A: Yeah. No, I'm definitely open to anything. Yeah, no, this is great. [01:21:56] Speaker B: Tod. Father, if you're listening, please email us and we'll spoil it for you. [01:21:59] Speaker A: Yeah, please email us regarding [email protected]. [01:22:03] Speaker B: Oh, man. [01:22:05] Speaker A: Sweet. So, yeah, it comes with a little spawn stand. Really good figure. [01:22:08] Speaker B: Hell, yeah. [01:22:08] Speaker A: Happy. I got it. So that's the final of that newest spawn wave. And now we're just waiting for the next wave. [01:22:15] Speaker B: Yeah, just waiting for it to hit us. The spawn wave. [01:22:18] Speaker A: While we're waiting, though. While we're waiting for that wave to splash right on us. [01:22:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:22:22] Speaker A: Why don't you like to check out stuff on Instagram? [01:22:24] Speaker B: Yeah. Why don't you wave at somebody we know? Be like, hi. Hey, hi. I know you wave. [01:22:30] Speaker A: And they like Spawn, too. So basically, we are highlighting someone. That was featured in the back of Spawn 342. Their art was. And it is Martin Arietta. And the handle is. It's art by Martin. So its art by Martin. It's art by Martin. And we'll put a link in our episode on our instagram. But he did that really cool, colorful green spawn picture. That's in the spawning grounds. And he's just really good. Got a lot of Batman, just different heroes. Seems like a really cool artist. Guardians of the Galaxy for. Yeah, really cool. Definitely worth a follow. So check him out. [01:23:16] Speaker B: Indeed. He's a cool guy. [01:23:19] Speaker A: And while you're checking them out, make sure to check us out. If you want to see pictures about the show. Some of David's puppies toys. It's regarding spawn pod on Instagram. Where we're posting all of our stuff. [01:23:30] Speaker B: We sure are. And then also over there on the instagram is Brian. He does all our music. And he posts just fun stuff every once in a while. A real cool guy. You should give him some love. It's Brian underscore voyals. Underscore 27. Which our podcast would be much less fun to listen to. Without Brian's intervention. We still haven't. Still haven't convinced him to read Spawn. But, man, he sure does some amazingly spawnesque music. [01:24:05] Speaker A: Some spawn spontastic tunes. [01:24:09] Speaker B: I'm looking at it's art by Martin here, and he's got, like, some yojimbo, whatever the samurai rabbit is. There's some. There's some beefcake link from Zelda. There's Spider Verse Band. I thought it was going to be the Hex girls. Do you know about the Hex girls, Johnny? [01:24:43] Speaker A: No. [01:24:45] Speaker B: They were an all girl punk band from a direct to dvd Scooby Doo movie. And they're one of the best imaginary bands in pop Culture ever. It's great. They're just called the Hex girls, and they sing a song about they're the hex girls, and they want to put a spell on you. It's good shit. [01:25:06] Speaker A: Okay. [01:25:06] Speaker B: It's good shit. Look up the. [01:25:08] Speaker A: Now I know about them. [01:25:09] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, do you want to know something else, Johnny? [01:25:15] Speaker A: What? [01:25:17] Speaker B: I would like to talk about some spawn next week. How about you? [01:25:20] Speaker A: Yeah, I would, too. What do you want to. [01:25:23] Speaker B: Also, we got cruising on, on our little list here of all the spawns we've been doing. So for next week, we're going to read another classic and another new one. [01:25:32] Speaker A: A bing bang, like you do. [01:25:34] Speaker B: Yeah, well, like you do, and like. [01:25:37] Speaker A: I like we do. [01:25:38] Speaker B: Like we all do. And so, yeah, next week, our classic is going to be Spawn 311, that first Carlo Barberry book. Real excited to get into that. Real excited. And then our new book will be Gunslinger Spawn 21. So we'll get to see where Dakota and Javi and Taylor rode those dinosaurs to. We'll get to. Yeah, it'll be a fun. Where did they go up? Yeah, everyone. [01:26:05] Speaker A: That one opens with a very fun two page spread. [01:26:09] Speaker B: Yeah, it's very obviously like a part one of two or part one of multi, because it starts at the end and then goes to the beginning. But at the end of the issue, we aren't where we were at the beginning of the issue. So we know there's more to. [01:26:25] Speaker A: Right. Yeah, more to come. [01:26:27] Speaker B: We'll get there when we get there, Johnny. I'm getting ahead of myself. Yeah, that's Spawn 311, whose energy color is amber, not green. And gunslinger spawn 21. [01:26:40] Speaker A: Yes. Also, make sure to rate, review, and subscribe. And if you have any questions, comments, concerns, hit us up at regarding [email protected]. [01:26:49] Speaker B: Yeah, do that. Do that. [01:26:51] Speaker A: Every question. I like to leave you with a week. No. Yes, strike that. Reverse it. Every week I like to leave you with a question. So my question is, do you know what the deal with this cogliostro sin? I guess this is not a Cogliostro figure. It's a sin figure. Do you know the deal with this sin figure? Have you heard any info? Because I know people have been asking about it. I've seen some rumbling. So just let us know if you know if this is a different version of sin or what's up with that? [01:27:17] Speaker B: Yeah, nice. [01:27:19] Speaker A: And then, yeah. Rate, review, subscribe. Baby. Always be rating. Always be reviewing. Always be subscribing. Rate, review, subscribe, reviewing. [01:27:37] Speaker B: Subscribing. I already answered your question earlier, Johnny, at least what I thought. [01:27:45] Speaker A: Exactly. [01:27:45] Speaker B: I totally thought you were going to ask, do I know the muffin man? [01:27:53] Speaker A: Do you? [01:27:56] Speaker B: No. Unfortunately, I wish I did. Man. I would probably weigh, like, 400 pounds. If I knew the muffin man, though. Because you know how many free muffins. You probably get from that man? [01:28:05] Speaker A: A lot. [01:28:06] Speaker B: Because he can only sell them with a certain window of time. Before, legally, he has to dispose of them. And I bet if he would just throw all of those uneaten muffins. Into his dumpster in the alley, he would be just, like, swarmed by squirrels and raccoons and cats and stuff. And that can't be good for a place that makes. [01:28:31] Speaker A: To be. You don't want to be swarmed with stuff like that. [01:28:33] Speaker B: No, definitely not. Cute as hell, but bad for business. [01:28:37] Speaker A: Well, David, thanks for talking spawn this week with me. [01:28:39] Speaker B: Thank you, Johnny, for being here. Thank you all for listening. And I think that just leaves me to say, johnny and assembled spawnvert, may. [01:28:52] Speaker A: This sin action figure. [01:28:53] Speaker B: And sin can't forget the sin. He's the new leader of hell, and so we got to stay in his good graces. So to all y'all, may the scorched be with you. [01:29:05] Speaker A: And also with you, David. [01:29:07] Speaker B: Hell, yeah. [01:29:09] Speaker A: Oh, okay. Well, this sin figure is walking into the toy portal. [01:29:13] Speaker B: Oh, no. [01:29:14] Speaker A: And declaring himself king of the toys. [01:29:17] Speaker B: Oh, no. Oh, Johnny. Johnny, you better get out of here. [01:29:21] Speaker A: Toy war has started. I'm getting out of here. I'm closing this closet door. Oh, boy. This sin guy, he can't just leave well enough alone. What's up with that? [01:29:34] Speaker B: It's a sin.

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